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Last update: 17. Dec 2024 at 18:04 UTC


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13. Nov 2022


PA5MS, John - JO21RQ
TS-2000 4x11el 400Watt
OH1OP 1435km
13/11/2022 17:36 SM5TSP JP90BD FT8 1223
13/11/2022 17:50 OH1OP KP10CR FT8 1435
13/11/2022 17:54 OH1ND KP00XL FT8 1408
13/11/2022 18:02 SM0MDG JO99AH FT8 1157
13/11/2022 18:13 SM0MLZ JO99FM FT8 1190
13/11/2022 18:15 SM0KAK JO89XK FT8 1162
13/11/2022 20:10 UA2FBW KO04HT FT8 1064
13/11/2022 20:18 SM5EPO JP80MC FT8 1178
13/11/2022 20:52 SM4HFI JP70EO CW 1132
13/11/2022 20:58 SM4LMV JO79OC CW 1027
13/11/2022 21:14 SM4HCM JP70RL FT8 1155
Tropo was playing around, had no oppertunity to work some DX earlier than Sunday. All looked pomissing on Hepburn. As usal 144.174 was overcrowded in both periods BIG signals so I decided to call CQ 177 to make a QSY from 174 which payed off immediate OH1OP and OH1ND knew the drill and QSYed to 177 so was able to work them both at ease.

SM4HFI called me in CW it took a while to answer as I needed to switch to CW so had a 800Hz shift but after finding Jan it was easy to work him with good signals. After out contact also SM4LMV called in CW and was eaven louder than Jan, Easy copy.

Later tried with Lase OH6KTL lasse got a copy on me but I was not able to hear Lasse.. This would have been a nice QRB !!

73! all and thanks for the fun John PA5MS

QSL via LoTW and Buro.. All QSO's are uploaded to LoTW Buro cards will be send out twice a year when I meet the QSL manager of our Buro.