Rig: 350 Watt, 11 el LFAODX: 2927Log: 20190914 13:59 EA8DEC IL18SK FT8 +03 +05 1503
20190914 14:05 EA8DEC IL18SK SSB 55 55 1503
20190914 18:30 G7RAU IN79JX JT65 -18 -10 2138
20190914 18:47 G4LOH IO70JC FT8 -02 +01 2145
20190914 18:54 F6DBI IN88IJ FT8 -16 -16 2193
20190914 18:56 F8DBF IN78RI FT8 -21 -20 2106
20190914 19:47 ON4KHG JO10XO FT8 -24 -16 2768
20190914 20:12 G4LOH IO70JC FT8 59 59 2145
20190914 20:39 F6KHM IN78RJ FT8 -20 -21 2107
20190914 20:46 GW0KZG IO71LW FT8 -16 -09 2257
20190914 22:12 G4RRA IO80BS FT8 -19 -23 2263
20190914 22:15 G4KWQ IO92AQ FT8 +03 +05 2480
20190914 22:17 G4RRA IO80BS FT8 -17 -15 2263
20190914 22:49 M0JDK IO93KH FT8 -24 -19 2563
20190914 22:57 G8VHI IO92FM FT8 -19 -21 2496
20190914 23:17 M0CGL JO03BF FT8 -11 -19 2632
20190914 23:19 G0GMB IO92NB FT8 -21 -19 2513
20190914 23:20 PA2M JO21IP FT8 -14 -07 2852
20190914 23:24 PA3FYC JO31AF FT8 -23 -21 2927
20190914 23:27 ON8KW JO20BW FT8 -14 -16 2790
20190914 23:28 G4FUF JO01GN FT8 -19 2579
20190914 23:49 PA3BIY JO22HB FT8 -24 -16 2861 |
Rig: ft857, 160 W and single 9 ele tonnaODX: F6DBI 840kmLog: 06:58 G0GGG IO81VE
07:10 G4RRA IO80BS
07:14 G8EEM IO93MX
07:19 M0CKM IO90QT
11:01 OM5CM JN87WVComment: nice tropo - but topped next day :-) |
Rig: 100 Watt es 9 el YagiODX: 1.196kmLog: 07:01 G7RAU IN79 144Mhz FT8
07:09 G0GGG IO81 144Mhz FT8
07:16 G0MBL JO01 144Mhz FT8
07:48 G3WTZ IO90 144Mhz CW 559 real
11:54 EI3KD IO51 144Mhz FT8
12:17 EI3KD IO51 144Mhz CW 559 real
12:27 F6DBI IN88 144Mhz FT8
12:29 F1ISM JN09 144Mhz FT8 (PA4EME:you wrote JO09, check ur log)
14:46 OE1ILW/3 IN77(?)144Mhz FT8Comment: hrd:
G4RRA 144Mhz FT8
G3MLO 144Mhz FT8
G8TTI 144Mhz FT8
M0CKM 144Mhz FT8
GW?SMW 144Mhz FT8
G8RWG 144Mhz FT8
M1DNJ 144Mhz FT8
M0AFJ 144Mhz FT8
F6KHM 144Mhz FT8
UFB Tropo Condx today
Nice QSO wid Mark EI3KD wid UFB CW Sigs
EI3KD = New DXCC + Tropo CW ODX 1.196 km on 2m
Mni TNX fer qso |
Rig: 2m: 750w/13ele; 70cm: 50w/11eleODX: F6DBI IN88IJ 1037km on 70cmLog: 2m:
19:00 G8RWG IO91
19:28 F4EMG JO00
20:46 SP1NEN JO73
21:02 G8TTI IO81
21:16 G0LTG IO81RF
21:27 G4MCU JO01HO
21:43 F6KSV IN78PJ
22:30 G3NJV IO70
22:34 G7RAU IN79
22:38 G4RRA IO80
23:02 F6KHM IN78
19:39 G8VHI IO92FM
19:46 F6DBI IN88IJ
22:06 G0JCC IO82MA
22:10 G8SEI IO92Comment: A very good tropo just on the weekend. Therefore high activity in FT8 and SSB. Especially loud were the signals from IN78 and IN88. |
Rig: IC-9700, ATLAS AR144, 5el. DK7ZBODX: 1041 kmLog: 22:08 F6KHM IN78 FT8
22:11 F8DBF IN78 FT8
22:38 G7RAU IN79 FT8
22:49 G3NJV IO70 FT8Comment: Observed in SWL mode EI3GD IO51, unfortunately condx had been down after I have arrived at home. |
Rig: TS2000 100w 9elements on 144 / FT847 50w 19 elements on 432ODX: DH3NAN 1157 kmLog: 08:07 EI3GO IO63GC 144.310 (560 km)
09:01 EI3KD IO51VW 144.282 (469 km 59+5)
09:04 EI3KD IO51VW 432.210 (469 km 59+15)
09:10 GB1AAT IO70JF 144.290 (208 km)
09:57 F4HOG/P JN09PH 144.276 (444 km)
10:02 F6DFI IN87WC 144.260 (235 km)
10:09 F6DFI IN87WC 432.210 (235 km)
19:03 DH3NAN JO50NC 144.272 (1157 km)
19:11 DL2GWZ/P JN49JR 144.292 (988 km)
19:29 DJ0WW JO40CF 144.293 (952 km)
19:52 G4WJS IO91NP 144.315 (449 km)
19:59 GD8EXI IO74PC 144.315 (634 km)
20:20 GD8EXI IO74PC 432.210 (634 km)
20:47 SP1NEN JO73FI 144.174 HRD in FT8 (1444 km)Comment: Very good tropo conditions increasing in the evening
All QSO in SSB
But SP1NEN heard -19dB in FT8, QRB = 1444 km
(On purpose I am not QRV for transmitting in FT8 because I don't like this mode ...)
Many other german and UK stations also heard on FT8.
Not enough stations in SSB, a pity with such conditions.
See you soon in SSB !
73 de Jef |
Rig: FT-100, 1x 7el, 500W, PreampODX: 1231kmLog: 07:57 UTC GW4HDF IO81jo 867km
07:59 UTC G8TTI IO81wk 822km
08:01 UTC G8RWG IO91wh 696km
08:05 UTC G0GGG IO81ve 815km
08:11 UTC G8JLY IO82wg 870km
08:15 UTC G7RAU IN79jx 975km
08:18 UTC 2E0RUS IO91tx 754km
09:08 UTC G0MBL JO01mm 646km
09:28 UTC G4RRA IO80bs 904km
17:36 UTC EI8KD IO51vw 1231km
17:45 UTC GW7SMV IO91ln 885km
18:02 UTC M1BXF JO02fe 725km
21:52 UTC G3YDY JO01fa 644km
21:55 UTC G4KWQ IO92aq 887km
22:18 UTC G4VSQ IO91ml 755km
22:28 UTC M0UKR JO02op 727kmComment: First part of a fine tropo opening since
years here in HB9 and congrats for
the lucky ones who had the right position
to use the CU-duct!
Regards, Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: 2 x 11el, Flexa 500WODX: EI3KD IO51vw 1232kmLog: 08.42 G4MJC JO00 FT8
08.49 GW4HDF IO81 FT8
08.52 G4KWQ IO92 FT8
09.06 G0MBL JO01 FT8
09.12 G0GGG IO81 FT8
09.14 G7RAU IN79 FT8
09.23 G4RRA IO80 FT8
09.40 G3YDY JO01 FT8
09.43 G8VHI IO92 FT8
09.48 M0NPT IO92 FT8
10.13 M0WGF JO01 FT8
18.18 EI3KD IO51 FT8
19.20 M1BXF JO02 FT8
19.51 2E0RUS IO91 FT8Comment: Super tropo opening since
years for HB9 stations.
Best 73 Martin |
Rig: 400w and 4x 8x8ODX: 897kmLog: 16:57 IK6DTB JN72 FT8 579km
19:30 ON4KHG JO10 FT8 897km
19:36 G4LOH IO70 FT8 1526 km hrdComment: nice tropo opening from my vhf-valley , but the next day was ufb :-) |
Rig: FT847+PA300W+LNA ATF34143to 10eY asl 200mODX: F8DBF IN78RI-1442kmLog: 07:32 G3WZT IO90UX 1098km CW
21:31 F8DBF IN78RI 1442 CW
21:31 F6DKW JN18CS 950 cwComment: For my altitude of 200m, ASL condx was weak.
Thank you to Matej OK1TEH for helping to find DX
Best regards Jan OK1SC |
Log: 07:16 OM2RC JN88OL
07:20 OE3FVU JN78VE
07:28 OE3NHW JN88CH
07:34 OE3EMC JN78JO
08:55 DL4DWA JO61QH
15:30 OE1ILW/3 JN77XX
15:48 OM5KM JN87WV
15:52 DG0GKA JO60KM
15:56 DM5TI JN68GI
18:00 OE1SOW JN88FF
18:01 OE3NHW JN88CH
18:42 OZ1HDF JO55UN
19:28 OE6MDF JN77XG
19:30 OE6IWG JN77PK
19:32 OK1VBN JN78FX
19:48 CU3EQ HM68KP 2767 km
20:32 S50C JN76JG
20:44 DL2MS JN58UB
20:57 HA2PP JN87WB
21:04 OE1SGU JN88EGComment: All FT8 QSO's, the propagation was not yet as good as Sunday 15th however. On the 13th already, I worked OM5CM in FT8 and CW. |
Rig: Home Made, 2 x 12 eleODX: CU3EQ at 2861 kmLog: 17:43 M0NPT IO92
19:39 DG6MDG JN47
19:47 DH0GSU JN48
20:48 S50C JN76JG
21:21 OE3EMC JN78
21:22 OE9MDI JN47
23:47 F6KHM IN78
23:53 CU3EQ HM68Comment: What a thriller.... A few days earlier I had asked Jose, CU3EQ, whether he would be QRV during the weekend as F5LEN's tropo page (TNX Pascal!) strongly indicated a chance of tropo between CU and F/PA/ON. On Saturday I monitored all day and evening and did not hear (nor see) a trace from him. At 23z I went to bed, to be woken by Jose on the phone 20 minutes later as he'd worked PA2M! I switched my transceiver on, but nil, Then after 30 min calling CQ CU (!), Jose popped out of the noise at -24...-21 dB and we made a QSO. 1 minute later he was gone again. On Sunday I copied him for a total of 5 minutes, the tropo seemed better across ON, southern PA and parts of DL. But after 40 years, FINALLY tropo to CU!!
One would nearly forget that there was also very good tropo into the South East as well, but my thoughts were mainly directed to the West :-) |
YO2NAA, Adrian Fabry - KN05NS Rig: FT991A 40W 11EL DK7ZB@7m AGLODX: G4LOH 2007 kmLog: I was only decoded, no QSO was made, operators missing:
23:04 G4LOH IO70JC FT8 2007 km -25 dB
23:45 G7RAU IN79JX FT8 2006 km -20 dB |