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27. Sept 2017


LA0BY, Stefan - JO59IX
IC-821H + PA 180W + 9-ele-yagi
UA1WCF KO55JR 1273 km
16:55 YL3GV KO37MJ 55 55 984 km
16:58 YL2FZ KO37QI 529 579 1004 km
17:14 UA1WCF KO55JR 519 539 1273 km
17:15 EW6DX KO45JL 529 529 1179 km
17:51 YL2OK KO37AS 57 59 913 km
17:57 OH7HXH KP53HG 569 579 1109 km
18:24 OH4MVH KP32PG 57 59 923 km
18:56 OH5ELO KP41CA 55 44 962 km
19:10 OF8UV KP34VJ 59 59 1009 km
19:13 OH6DX KP32EQ 52 55 886 km
19:14 OH3UW KP21FA 59 59 760 km
19:19 OH5EIL KP41BB 55 53 958 km
19:31 OH6RM KP32FP 55 58 889 km
19:35 R1DX KO49MP 519 519 1022 km
19:50 OH7RJ KP32UV 56 56 957 km
20:48 OH2FQV KP20MF 57 57 793 km
20:53 RK1AS KP40UE 559 579 1050 km
20:57 LY2WR KO24FO 579 599 1017 km
Nice to see the path opening to the East which happens not so often for me. Condx were much up and down but quite stable to OH in the last hours. Hrd several unusual beacons like OH2VHF, OH7VHF, OH9VHF.

I was QRV also on 432 MHz:
17:03 YL2FZ KO37QI 519 559 1004 km
18:02 YL2OK KO37AS 55 579 913 km
18:08 ES3RF KO29IF 559 589 791 km
18:26 OH4MVH KP32PG 53 52 923 km
19:57 OH7RJ KP32UV 519 519 957 km
20:11 OH5IY KP30HV 539 559 877 km
20:21 ES2MC KO29GG 559 559 780 km
RIG: IC-821H + PA 120 W + 17-ele.yagi
Hrd also beacons OH2UHF, OH9UHF and RM1A and UR5LX (!)

During the last hour the Aurora got quite strong and allowed to work into UA1, partly the same stations as on Tropo.

tnx for all contacts - 73, Stefan
SM2A, Stefan Hedenstrom - KP04NP
2017/09/27 21:00 LY3A KO25DB
2017/09/27 20:29 SM7NR JO76RC
2017/09/27 18:57 LY2HM KO15CX
2017/09/27 18:55 LY1CO KO15XG
2017/09/27 18:52 YL2LW KO26CW
2017/09/27 17:17 LY2R KO15VR
2017/09/27 15:19 SM1FMT JO96BW
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
IC7100, GS35B, LNA, 14el OWL, remoterig
OF8UV KP34VJ 1471km
21:32 OF8UV KP34VJ 1471km
19:27 OH7HXH KP53HG 1451km
21:12 OH7RJ KP32UV 1327km
20:41 OH6RM KP32FP 1270km
19:20 OH4MVH KP32PG 1258km
22:09 OH3TE KP31HL 1167km
21:24 RM1A KO59BU 1160km
19:05 R1DM KO49XQ 1141km
18:56 R1DX KO49MP 1099km
23:40 OF5ZA KP21SA 1093km 50W,4EL !
18:42 ES4EQ KO39CE 949km NEW LOC#
9:39 OH1ND KP00XL 949km
7:12 ES3RF KO29IF 900km (later also on AU)
21:13 ES2DF KO29GG 898km
6:37 ES6FX KO37OW 895km
7:10 ES3BM KO29JA 884km
21:02 YL2OK KO37AS 830km
OH9VHF KP36 1655km (559) first time
SK2VHF JP94 1327km (539) first time
OH2VHF KP20 (559)
again QRM from powerline 2x110kV didn't help.

No one active in north SM / OH - only beacons.
didn't hear ua1zfg/b nor la7vhf/b
We need some beacon in yl fro propagation testing:)