28. Sept 2016
Tropo from the Canarian Islands towards France and the United Kingdom. Earlier that evening (so on Sept. 27th, EA8 was worked by several stations in G and GW. |
Rig: 9ele Tonna and 160WattsODX: EA1FDILog: 09:27 EA1FDI IN53TF 1.542km new odx and #Comment: worked only this station in a small, but very excellent duct, which longed only for an hour. Wonder what would be possible, if this opening occurs on an Weekend.This is my best trop ever worked in 30 years VHF and a new # as well on 2m |
Rig: FT847 50 watts, no LNA. Antenna 9el yagi at 7m above the ground.ODX: EA8TX 2454 kmLog: 00:10 : EA8TX IL18QI (53 to 57) 2454 km 00:25 EA8TJ IL18RJ (58/59 !) 2446 km 00:40 ED8ZAA/B IL18UM (519 to 559) 2425 km Comment: And many UK stations + EI3KD, some of them worked on 2m and 70 cm.Incredible strong signals from Teneriffe via tropo. TNX and 73 to everybody de F6FGQ Jef NB: local QTR = UTC + 2 |
Rig: transverter 28/432 home made, 65W, ant.23 él DK7ZBODX: EA1FDI INTF 1235 kmsLog: 07:43 F4EJW IN78VJ 57 55 641kms 43208:31 EA1FDI IN53TF 58 52 1235kms new# 432 Comment: Very good propagation, 73 de Edgard |
Rig: ts-2000ODX: EA1YV 1673Log: 09.29 EA1FDI IN53 1554 km10.00 F4EJW IN78 1001 F6FGQ IN78 10.02 F9OE IN78 10.12 EA1YV IN52 1673 km 559 |