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16. Sept 2012


DG4HAD, Dirk - JO54KI
11 ele Flexa IC 271H(100W) ca.65m NN
08:32 ON4KHG 51 55 JO10XO
73 de Dirki
DG4HAD, Dirk - JO54KI
11 ele Flexa IC 271H(100W) ca.65m NN
08:22 ON4KHG JO10XO
vy 73 de Dirki
DH6DAO, Reinhard - JO41CN
150 Watts 9ele Yagi
06:35 F1BKM/p JN14SP 842km
07:00 M0VRL IO70PO hrd
tnx new # JN14
EA1HRR, Fidel - IN83JJ
ICOM 706 mkII-G 5elem yagi 40watts vhf - 0mts asl
0932 DF0MU JO32PC 1244 HELMUT 57
09.02 F1BKM/P JN14SP 557ANDRE
09.32 DF0MU JO32PC 1244 HELMUT
09.35 DL6YBF JO31OX 1230 HELMUT
10.02 F0EUA JN16QS 638 ALAN
10.08 F0FVK JN18IB 693 SYLVANO
11.54 G4CQR/P IO91XG 907 DAVE
14.25 F6DFI IN87WC 421 JACKI
73 tnx to all, morning good tropo duct again ...working uhf memorial f9nl.
and in 144 mhz, good qso´s 1000kms. 73 gl hasta la vista.
EA2TO/1, Javier - IN83FD
144MHz EA2TO/1 IN83fd

16/09/12 05:34 F8IQS IN99RI 727
16/09/12 05:41 PA4VHF JO32JE 1.265
16/09/12 05:42 DK3EE JO41GU Dupe
16/09/12 05:44 F4EGA JO10QK 965
16/09/12 05:48 DG0VOG JO60QU 1.536
16/09/12 05:48 OK1FD JO60CF Dupe
16/09/12 05:51 OK1TEH JO70FD 1.573
16/09/12 05:53 G4FUF JO01GN 984
16/09/12 05:55 F0FIG JO10JE 919
16/09/12 06:23 F6ELI IN94TS 311
16/09/12 06:26 M0BTZ IO90GX 885
16/09/12 06:27 F4FRQ JN37KQ 955
16/09/12 06:28 F4ASK/P IN96HI 395
16/09/12 07:14 OZ4VV JO46QU 1.775
16/09/12 07:16 F0GOW IN96TT 477
16/09/12 07:18 F/N2NEH IN97EE 474
16/09/12 07:20 F5DQK JN18GR 778
16/09/12 07:26 G3TA IO81XS 965
16/09/12 07:28 M1DNJ JO01FJ 965
16/09/12 07:28 F4HBY IN97AT Dupe
16/09/12 07:30 G3SMT IO82KV 1.084
16/09/12 07:31 F5FMW JN13DX 479
16/09/12 07:44 G4ALY IO70VL Dupe
16/09/12 08:02 F0FOE JO20JD 1.003
16/09/12 08:03 F4FCW JN38FO 982
16/09/12 08:08 I3MEK JN55SJ 1.224
16/09/12 08:19 F0CYF IN98DC 569
16/09/12 08:54 DK1MG JN39HK 1.046
16/09/12 09:00 PA2DW JO22GD 1.167
16/09/12 09:02 DL8AKI/PJO51CH 1.375
16/09/12 09:03 PA0BVM JO21RO 1.157
16/09/12 09:04 M1APC IO70VM 821
16/09/12 09:12 PA1IJF JO11TL 1.071
16/09/12 09:13 F5KFL JN06CQ 492
16/09/12 09:20 OK1DOL JN69OU 1.478
16/09/12 09:23 DK1FG JN59OP 1.338
16/09/12 09:32 PA3DOL JO22MT 1.248
16/09/12 09:33 F1GGS JN15OV 616
16/09/12 09:35 F0FYP JN37LO 957
16/09/12 09:42 DF0MU JO32PC 1.282
16/09/12 09:52 F0FVK JN18IB 731
16/09/12 09:57 PA2CHR JO32DB 1.233
16/09/12 10:08 F9IE IN86WW 436
16/09/12 10:11 F4BMT IN96JU 451
16/09/12 10:18 F1AKE IN97EE 474
16/09/12 10:20 DF0HF JO50SF 1.389
16/09/12 10:21 F5MNH/P IN97EF 478
16/09/12 10:23 F6DCD/P JN38RQ 1.048
16/09/12 10:59 DF5HC JN49HT 1.187
16/09/12 11:00 DL8II JN49GP 1.172
16/09/12 11:02 F0ERP JN28BG 823
16/09/12 11:09 DL1BFR JO32MO 1.311
16/09/12 11:11 M0VXX/P IO82RJ 1.031

432MHz EA2TO/1 IN83fd

16/09/12 06:12 OK1TEH JO70FD 1.573
16/09/12 06:15 F9DX/P JN14SP 591
16/09/12 06:16 F5GXX IN95LP 341
16/09/12 06:18 F4BWJ IN93MP 216
16/09/12 06:19 F6APE IN97QI 520
16/09/12 06:22 F1BOC/P IN96MV 463
16/09/12 06:36 F5HVI IN98NP 645
16/09/12 06:38 G4EZP JO01GN 984
16/09/12 06:40 F4ULC JN06FU 518
16/09/12 06:42 F4FEY IN97EF 478
16/09/12 06:44 F5PDM JN18KJ 766
16/09/12 06:46 G0JLO IO81WM 937
16/09/12 06:48 F1CBC JN09BO 771
16/09/12 06:50 F5AXP JN03RQ 408
16/09/12 06:51 M0BPQ IO91WP 979
16/09/12 06:52 ON4POO JO20DP 1.023
16/09/12 06:53 M0BTZ IO90GX 885
16/09/12 06:54 F1BJD/P IN98WE 620
16/09/12 06:56 F5JJE IN95JV 357
16/09/12 06:57 F5SUL IN87XH 478
16/09/12 06:58 F6IFX JN07CX 611
16/09/12 06:59 EA1HRR IN83JJ 39
16/09/12 07:03 F1AIW JN06ER 503
16/09/12 07:08 F8BBR JN06ET 511
16/09/12 07:32 F5FMW JN13DX 479
16/09/12 07:33 G8VHI IO92FM 1.052
16/09/12 07:34 G4FUF JO01GN 984
16/09/12 07:35 G3XDY JO02OB 1.052
16/09/12 07:46 G4ALY IO70VL 817
16/09/12 07:49 F5KEM/P JN04QW 440
16/09/12 07:55 F6FZS/P IN93OA 224
16/09/12 08:23 F8BRK IN99VF 723
16/09/12 08:26 F5FLN IN94SR 303
16/09/12 08:28 F5BCZ IN95QJ 341
16/09/12 08:31 F4CWN JN03KN 360
16/09/12 08:32 G7RAU IO90IR 860
16/09/12 08:34 G3LQR JO02QF 1.074
16/09/12 08:36 GW1MCD IO81LP 945
16/09/12 08:43 F6DZR IN96RT 471
16/09/12 09:45 DF0MU JO32PC 1.282
16/09/12 09:47 G6HIE IO90SU 888
16/09/12 09:49 LX2LA JN39CP 1.038
16/09/12 09:54 F1GGS JN15OV 616
16/09/12 10:00 PA2CHR JO32DB 1.233
16/09/12 10:01 DF2VJ JN39LI 1.060
16/09/12 10:02 F2FZ JN04HC 352
16/09/12 10:50 F6AJW/P IN93EK 158
Nice tropo opening from North EA to PA-OZ-SM and DL-OK too !!
In 144MHz heard nice signals from beacons in F-G-ON-PA-OZ-LA,
F6HTJ, Michel - JN12KQ
144: FT847 40W 11el
09:23 G4LOH IO70JC 1030km
M0BPQ, Steve - IO91WP
50: 400W 5el 144: 7el 400W 432: 18el 50W 1296 19el 50w
ea2to/1 979KM
all on 432MHz: rnrn
06:51 EA2TO/1 IN83FD
07:05 F6FZS/P IN93OA
08:23 F5ICN JN03BF
07:59 F3JR/P JN03CH
07:57 OZ6OL JO65DJ
08:17 F8BRK IN99VF
Nice to work three new sqaures on 432 whilst looking after the kids!
M0BTZ, Roscoe (Aka Bill) - IO90GX
50: IC551D 150W HB9CV 70:IC251E+TVTR 25W HB9CV 144: IC251/275 9ele 150W 432: IC451 100W 19ele 1296:IC251E+TVTR 100W 37ele QLY
144:EA2TO/1 IN83FD 885km, 432:
00:13 F1VJQ IN95OL 614km (144)
06:01 DK3EE JO41GU 700km (144)
06:26 EA2TO/1 IN83FD 885km (144)

All following contacts in French 432MHz Contest:
06;37 F8BRK IN99VF 214km (432)
06;40 F5ICN JN03BF 870km (432)
06;42 F4CWN JN03KN 843km (432)
06;51 F6DZR IN96RT 468km (432)
06;54 EA2TO/1 IN83FD 885km (432)
06;59 F6FZS/P IN93OA 886km (432)
07;10 F2JR/P JN03CB 889km (432)
07;14 F1BOC/P IN96MV 456km (432)
07;22 F1CBC JN09BO 190km (432)
07;29 F4VPC IN87VV 347km (432) Very hard work. Duct going over F4VPC.
07;44 F6APE IN97QI 408km (432) Very strong here
08;39 F5PFL/P JN03AB 888km (432) Very strong. 59+ - End of the duct?
08:57 F4BWJ IN93MP 816km (432)
09:37 F5BCZ IN95QJ 624km (432) Not complete - Very weak here. No rprt& serial rxd.
10:24 F1BOH/P JN03RN 853km (432)
10:37 F4CWN JN03KN 843km (144)

14:34 DG8YHH JO32PC 57 618km (144MHz)
Nice duct to southern France, perfectly timed with F contest! Very selective duct into JN03/IN93 from my QTH. Very hard work to contact stations at 400 - 600km range. This was a little fustrating as IN95 would have been new square for 432 from this QTH! F5PFL/P was very loud all morning and pinning my S-meter at times. Also heard F6AJW/P but he could not hear me.
Also tried beaming to hear OZ6OL but lots of broadband noise from local neighbour in this direction - nil heard.

HB9HB beacon (JN37) audible at around 15:00 - 16:00 at 529 (norm. nill)

Tnx all for QSO's!
Hope to be QRV 23cm later this year.

Bill, M0BTZ
M0BTZ, Roscoe (Aka Bill) - IO90GX
50: IC551 + TE Systems PA 150W 2ele (N&S) 70:IC251E+TVTR 25W HB9CV 144: IC251/275 9ele F9FT 150W 432: IC451 100W 19ele Homebrew DL6WU 1296:IC251E+TVTR 100W 37ele Homebrew QLY 2320: IC251E+TVTR 60W 4 x 44ele QLY Homebrew
144MHz Log

00:13 F1VJG IN95OL
06:01 DK3EE JO41GU
06:26 EA2TO/1 IN83FD
14:34 DG8YHH JO32PC

432MHz Log
(French Contest)

06:37 F8BRK IN99VF
06:40 F5ICN JN03BF
06:42 F4CWN JN03KN
06:51 F6DZR IN96RT
06:54 EA2TO/1 IN83FD
06:59 F6FZS/P IN93OA
07:10 F2JR/P JN03CB
07:14 F1BOC/P IN96MV
07:22 F1CBC JN09BO
07:29 F4VPC IN87VV Very hard work, barely audible. 519/519
07:44 F6APE IN97QI
08:39 F5PFL/P JN03AB Very very loud! 59++
08:57 F4BWJ IN93MP
09:37 F5BCZ IN95?? Didnt complete QSO.
10:37 F4CWN JN03KN
Caught a nice tropo duct to southern F on 432MHz, conveniently timed for the start of a French contest! Some very loud signals (59+) from the IN93/JN03 area. Stations out of the tropo duct (F4VPC) where very difficult to work. Very nice opening.
ON4KBE, Edgard - JO20BI
FT840 + transverter 28/432 and linear (2C39A) home made, 30 W, ant: 23 él.DK7ZB
F5PFL/P in JN03AB, 868 km
08:40 F1BOC/P 56 57 IN96MV 536km
08:57 F2JR/P 57 59 JN03CB 864km
09:07 F5PFL/P 54 55 JN03AB 868km
09:12 F6KBF 57 57 JN18BW 213km
09:22 F6DZR 53 54 IN96RT 522km
09:27 F8BRK 58 59 IN99VF 335km
09:37 F9DX/p 57 59 JN14SP 636km
09:50 F4CWN 51 51 JN03KN 794km
10:03 F6APE 56 54 IN97QI 482km
Very good propagation to day in UHF, New dép.(the 48 and the 32).
73 de Edgard.