08. Sept 2012
Tropo |
Rig: 600W; 4x5ele; 1050aslODX: GW6TEO IO71LP 1022Log: 06:44 G0BBB IO91PK 737 06:52 G7RAU IO90IR 742 07:08 M0BTZ IO90GX 763 07:28 GW8JLY IO81JM 898 07:39 G3WZT IO90UX 688 07:42 G3SMT IO82KV 960 07:44 G0XDI IO91RQ 741 09:16 GW7SMV IO81LN 889 09:21 M0RBI JO01KR 662 09:26 M0VRL IO70PO 969 09:32 GW6TEO IO71LP 1022 09:35 G0GQT JO01GJ 660 09:46 2E0ARB IO90GX 763 09:48 M3EXE JO02NE 680 10:03 G8JVM IO82SP 908 10:12 2O12L JO01AK 692 10:15 G4LOH IO70JC 993 10:22 G3UDA IO82OQ 929 10:25 2E0FGQ IO81RE 842 10:28 G4DHK IO81QL 859 10:29 G8UBJ IO91UJ 710 10:35 M5AEH JO02NC 674 10:42 G0NCE JO01GK 662 11:02 G4LOH IO70JC 993 11:11 G6HKS IO92OB 777 11:25 G4DCV IO91OF 732 11:31 G0LGS/P IO81WU 845 12:01 G4KUX IO94BP 1011 20:08 G4SWX JO02RF 666 20:21 G4DHF IO92UU 801 Comment: Great fun this morning. Very good activity and some nice signals. Some stations running 10 Watts only wkd.Traces of my signal have been hrd in EI(abt.1250km) but no QSO. Tnx all fr QSOs. 73! |
Rig: 150 Watts 9ele YagiLog: 15.34 GM4AFF IO86TS 897km |
Rig: 144: FT847 40W 11elLog: 15:25 IW8PQU JM88BQ 1200km15:55 IW0AIJ JN61KM 21:09 EB5BON/p JM08BR 20:17 EA5SR/p IM98KK |
Rig: TS-2000 > 350W > 9EL.ODX: DF5GZ/P - 1021kmLog: 09:30 DF5GZ/P JN47AX 1021km09:54 F1PKA JN29WB 825km Comment: Only qso's >800km listed.Only able to spend approx 30 mins on air today. Extended tropo starting to fall off but lovely to catch a few before disappearing altogether. Tnx & 73's. |
Rig: TS790-200W-2x17H F9FTODX: G7RAU-942 kmLog: 07:59 G7RAU IO90IR08:03 F6DKW JN18CS 08:06 F6GNJ JN08TV Comment: Also hrd but no QSO: G4LOH |
Rig: 50: IC551D 150W HB9CV 70:IC251E+TVTR 25W HB9CV 144: IC251/275 9ele 150W 432: IC451 100W 19ele 1296:IC251E+TVTR 100W 37ele QLYODX: DF5GZ/P JN47AX 763kmLog: 07.09 DF5GZ/P JN47AX 763km07.11 F1NPX/P JN29DH 450km 07.36 DL6YBF JO31OX 610km 08.24 F5BEG JN07EW 363km 08.29 F1CKB IN97SL 396km 08.46 F6DCD JN38RQ 688km 09.04 EI3KD IO51XV 467km 12.29 F0GWK IN88CM (144) 14.45 F6KBF JN18BW (432) 15.23 DK3EE JO41GU (144) 17.45 EI4DQ IO51WU (144) Comment: Also heard DL2ECL ~(JO31). Only my best QSO's listed.Unfortunately been stuck doing long hours at work over last few days and missed the best of the tropo! DF5GZ/P became stronger at around 1030-1100 utc up to a 57 report here but I found very few other DL stations active/QRV at this time. DL2ECL (JO31) was also heard. No stations found on 432MHz. |
Rig: 50: IC551 + TE Systems PA 150W 2ele (N&S) 70:IC251E+TVTR 25W HB9CV 144: IC251/275 9ele F9FT 150W 432: IC451 100W 19ele Homebrew DL6WU 1296:IC251E+TVTR 100W 37ele Homebrew QLY 2320: IC251E+TVTR 60W 4 x 44ele QLY HomebrewLog: 144MHz Log----------- 07:09 DF5GZ/P JN47AX 07:11 F1NPX/P JN29DH 07:36 DL6YBF JO31OX 08:24 F5BEG JN07EW 08:29 F1CKB IN97SL 08:46 F6DCD JN38RQ 09:04 EI3KD IO51XV heard DL2ECL (JO40) 12:29 F0GWK IN88CM 14:45 F6KBF JN18BW 15:23 DK3EE JO41GU 17:45 EI4DQ IO51WU |