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10. Aug 2011

Tropo over the Atlantic Ocean. Please note that stations from the Canarian Islands were reported to be heard in JO02. This might mean that stations on the Belgian and Dutch coast could have had a chance, however a small one, to hear/work EA8!!

G4DHF, David - IO92UU
144: TS850S, txvtr, 150W. Ant 17ele @ 10m
EA8TX 3037Km
22.00 EA8TX IL18QI 3037Km
23.35 CS3BTM/B IM12OR 2598Km hrd
The last time I worked EA8 on tropo was in 1998. It is unusual for the sea duct to extend so far inland (350Km) to my QTH. I heard stations in GW and the South & West of the UK having a great time throughout the evening working several EA8's, which were inaudible to me. At around 2145z I eventually began hearing very weak signals from Fernando who later peaked at 539 after our QSO. The CS3 beacon was patchy and in deep QSB but peaked 549 for some minutes. It was a first from this sea level QTH. Unfortunately it was very late and I could not hear or see any activity reported. 73, David
G4LOH, Tim - IO70JC
07:46 CT3HF IM12or
11:52 EB8BRZ IL27hx
13:27 D44TD 52 55 HK86no 4041km
13:40 D44TD 55 57
16:52 D44TD 52 55
16:56 D44TD 55 59
17:00 D44TD 59 59+20dB
17:40 D44TD 59 59
18:15 D44TD 55 59
18:16 CT3HF 59 59
18:22 CT2GUR 53 55 via CT3 reflection
18:33 CT1FFU 529 579 via CT3 reflection
20:08 D44TD 59 59
20:10 EA8BFK IL38bo
21:23 CU3EQ 529 559 via CT3 reflection 3300km
(CU3EQ qtf 130, G4LOH qtf 211)
Remarkable day on 2m, in the evening most EA8 stations were fully endstop strength. Great to work D44TD again and the CU3EQ qso via Maderia was amazing! (audios will be on my web site soon) Tim.
GW7SMV, Jamie - IO81LN
IC910H 144: 12eleM2 432: 19ele tonna 50: ICOM 746 6ele 1wl yagi
10/08/2011 17:53 EA8TX IL18QI SSB TR 2817
10/08/2011 18:36 EA8TX IL18QI CW TR 2817
10/08/2011 19:39 EA8BPX IL18SK SSB TR 2803
10/08/2011 19:40 EA8TJ IL18RI SSB TR 2814
10/08/2011 20:02 EA8CQW IL18RJ SSB TR 2810
10/08/2011 20:11 EA8CSG IL18PI SSB TR 2820
10/08/2011 20:44 EC1AJL IN73CI SSB TR 935
great opening , strongest ever i've heard EA8 on tropo at a true 59 on the meter .
shame no D44 though , was listening for ages but nil .
GW8JLY, Lyndon - IO81JM
144 Mhz: TS711e SSPA 350w out 9el and 50 Mhz: TS2000 100W 2el
EA8TJ AT 2804Km
From /P site in IO81jm (close to home QTH)

10:44 EA8TJ IL18RI SSB Complete 51/53 2804km
For 2 hours CS3BTM/B (IM12or) heard up to 569 peak 2360km
GW8JLY, Lyndon - IO81JM
144 Mhz: TS711e SSPA 350w out 9el and 50 Mhz: TS2000 100W 2el
EA8TX at 2807km
Now from my home QTH and all worked using SSB

19:04 EA8TX IL18QI 2807KM and ODX.
19:14 EA8BPX IL18SK
19:42 EA8BPX IL18SK (2ND qso - now 56 both ways)
19:46 EA8TJ IL18RI
20:10 EA1FDI IN53TF
My take off to the SW is very poor and to work EA8 from my home QTH is usually very difficult. Tonight conditions were quite exceptional and the EA8s were in here for many hours. Amazing, considering that I have to beam into rising ground directly behind my aerial.
73 Lyn GW8JLY
M0VRL, terry - IO70PO
ft847 4x13/ic275h 2x17 2mssb
d44td 4112 km
ea8tx il18qi 59++
ea8avi il28fc 59++
ea8tj il18ri 59++
ea8cqw il18rj 59++
ea8csg il18pi 59 ++
eb8brz il27 59
ct1ano in51re 58
d44td hk86no 51
tried for qiute a while with d44td 51 very busy

tnx 73 terry
ON5AEN, Hans - JO10VW
FT225RD (2m)_800W_16el DJ9BV_MGF1302_IC910 (70cm)
EA1FDI (2m & 70cm)
22:18 f6dro 59 59 jn03ts 813km
22:26 f4agc/p 59 57 in93oa 946km (1)
22:44 ea1fdi 59 57 in53tf 1257km
23:20 f1eit 59 59 jn03ti 859km

23:49 ea1fdi 53 51 in53ti 1257km (2)
(1) 20W_HB9CV_1150mASL.
(2) on my site: 75W_33m RG213_18EL dj9bv_no preamp