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06. Mar 2011

Tropo reported during the March Contest. In the evening of March 5th, an inversionlayer developped in the late evening but disappeared during the night. On Sunday morning, March 6th, the duct increased in strenght again.

DF5GZ/P, Michael - JN47AX
600W; 4x5ele DK7ZB
EI4EY IO52QP 1289
05.03.11 17:21 G0JJG JO02LE 689
05.03.11 21:17 G5B IO92WS 787
06.03.11 05:59 G7RAU IO90IR 742
06.03.11 06:02 G4FUR/P IO91XG 688
06.03.11 06:18 G6HIE IO90ST 691
06.03.11 06:20 G4DEZ JO03AE 809
06.03.11 06:33 M0PNN IO82TS 910
06.03.11 06:34 G8TIC IO82VF 870
06.03.11 06:35 G4FOH JO02BA 722
06.03.11 06:40 G4NPH JO02BI 745
06.03.11 06:45 GM3PMB IO75QJ 1198 #
06.03.11 06:46 G0XDI IO91RQ 741
06.03.11 06:47 M0ICK/P IO83RO 971
06.03.11 06:54 G4RRA IO80BS 916
06.03.11 07:13 2E0BMO IO83PO 980
06.03.11 07:21 G6HKS IO92OB 777
06.03.11 07:25 G0VHF/P JO01PU 648
06.03.11 07:26 G0TRB IO92EO 857
06.03.11 07:26 G4HGI IO83PL 972
06.03.11 07:27 G4VPD IO92BJ 859
06.03.11 07:31 G0WTD IO83QP 978
06.03.11 07:33 G4JED JO01CF 670
06.03.11 07:34 G0BBB IO91PK 737
06.03.11 07:40 G3BNE JO01BJ 685
06.03.11 07:43 G8ONK IO83MR 1001
06.03.11 07:45 MW0BBU IO71LR 1025
06.03.11 07:52 M0BPQ IO91WP 714
06.03.11 07:56 G8ZRE IO83NE 963
06.03.11 08:13 G3WZT IO90UX 688
06.03.11 08:16 G8DGR IO91JJ 766
06.03.11 08:23 G4VXE IO91GQ 796
06.03.11 08:26 G4HHJ IO91US 731
06.03.11 08:28 G3XBY/P IO70SW 961
06.03.11 08:29 G4G IO94JF 948
06.03.11 08:30 G8HGN JO01FO 677
06.03.11 08:32 GW8JLY IO81JM 898
06.03.11 08:36 GD8EXI IO74PC 1120 DXCC #
06.03.11 08:37 G4KUX IO94BP 1011
06.03.11 08:38 2E0NEY IO81VK 831
06.03.11 08:40 GW8ASD IO83LB 965
06.03.11 08:43 GM8OEG IO86NM 1204
06.03.11 08:45 G4PBP IO82WO 886
06.03.11 08:46 2E0VXX/P IO82UK 886
06.03.11 08:47 G6OES IO92FJ 840
06.03.11 08:48 GW6TEO IO71LP 1022
06.03.11 08:49 G2BOF IO91VI 702
06.03.11 08:50 G1KAW/P JO00EW 644
06.03.11 08:54 G0PQF JO01BU 712
06.03.11 08:56 G7HOA/P IO93AD 910
06.03.11 08:57 G8DTF IO83SM 961
06.03.11 09:00 M6DLT IO83SS 977
06.03.11 09:02 GI6ATZ IO74AJ 1206
06.03.11 09:04 M0DSR IO82XX 904
06.03.11 09:08 GW4HDF IO81JO 902
06.03.11 09:15 G8JVM IO82SP 908
06.03.11 09:18 G1OFW IO91QH 726
06.03.11 09:23 G8MCA JO01BK 687
06.03.11 09:26 G4CLA IO92JL 826
06.03.11 09:27 G3V IO91RU 750
06.03.11 09:30 GW3PWH IO71XO 955
06.03.11 09:32 G3THE/P IO91WN 709
06.03.11 09:33 M9T IO80AQ 919
06.03.11 09:34 GM4NFC IO75RI 1191
06.03.11 09:35 G4TIF IO92FH 835
06.03.11 09:40 M0AGF IO94AU 1031
06.03.11 09:45 M4W IO91DM 803
06.03.11 09:46 G3MEH IO91QS 750
06.03.11 09:47 M0SAT IO91TP 728
06.03.11 09:52 G8TTI IO81WM 829
06.03.11 09:55 M1EVH IO82XO 881
06.03.11 09:59 GW7AAV IO83LF 975
06.03.11 10:03 GM4JR IO85FB 1122
06.03.11 10:05 G1MZD IO92OB 777
06.03.11 10:06 M5ADF IO91TO 726
06.03.11 10:34 G3ZEZ JO01NT 654
06.03.11 10:38 M1BXF JO02BE 733
06.03.11 10:39 G8LZE IO91SO 731
06.03.11 10:45 G0AJJ JO02QT 716
06.03.11 10:46 G8APB IO83WD 919
06.03.11 10:48 MM0GPZ/P IO85AK 1169 #
06.03.11 10:50 G8DER IO92HF 821
06.03.11 10:57 G4APJ IO83UP 960
06.03.11 11:06 2E0HRD IO84UA 986 #
06.03.11 11:13 G4LBH IO91TV 743
06.03.11 11:15 G3TTC IO92FG 833
06.03.11 11:22 M0MCV JO01AL 694
06.03.11 11:25 G8XTJ IO91PQ 751
06.03.11 11:40 EI4EY IO52QP 1289 #
06.03.11 11:44 M6RTX IO91RU 750
06.03.11 11:47 G8BCL IO91MS 770
Best Tropo opening on 144MHz from my /p QTH ever. Tnx all fr QSO and points. Enlisted are my QSOs to UK and EI. Of course there have been a lot of QSOs to F, ON, PA in the range 400-600km during the opening too.

22 QSO 900-1000km; 13 QSO 1000km+. Quite exciting!

Hepburns forcast has been very precise this time. The Inversion just scratched my region - Black Forest, so i could participate in full length.
Signals have been 59++ from times (GI6ATZ 1206km). Almost no QSB. I am happy, that i have been able to log a couple of stations with less than 20 Watt also.

This time the Duct was with me.

73 de Michael DF5GZ
DH6DAO, Reinhart - JO41CN
150 Watts 9 ele Yagi
GI4SNA 1006 km
20:57 GI4SNA IO64XM 1.006km
13:29 OK2C JN99AJ 736km
07:47 G4DEZ JO03AE 583km
19:52 SP6GZZ JO80FX 578 km
16:33 G5B IO92WS 584km
Nice tropo duct while contest weekend .. just good condx were just over my head and not usable for me on 130m asl.
Only one lucky contact to GI was made.
DO3BST, Sven - JO51LX
Icom IC-910 / 2x9el Tonna / 75w
06:59 HB9GT JN47MH 537km
07:09 HA6W KN08FB 806km
07:44 OP7V JO10WU 507km
07:49 G4DEZ JO03AE 749km
08:24 ON4WY JO11LC 562km
08:42 S57O JN86DT 692km
08:49 OK2KCN JN89OI 529km
10:34 OM3W JN99CH 591km
11:06 HG1Z JN86KU 713km
UKW Contest
GW6TEO, Gordon - IO71LP
144Mhz - TS-2000>300W>9EL
06/03/2011 08:49 DF5GZ/P JN47AX 58 55 1021km
06/03/2011 09:59 PI4GN JO33II 55 59 816km
06/03/2011 11:21 EA2BFM/P IN83JH 59 59 936km
DF5GZ/P was +20db on times yet no other stations in that area heard??
MW0BBU, Steve - IO71LR
FT847 100w 9ele Tonna

07:38 ON4WY JO11LC 559km
07:44 DF5GZ/p JN47AX 1025km
07:45 DK5EZ JO31MG 837km
08:36 F8BRK IN99VF 441km
08:55 F1ISM JN09VK 545km


12;40 PA6NL JO21BX 630km
Tropo was good to here in the morning but dropped off slightly later,signals occasionally bursting through 59++ from EU.