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02. Mar 2011

A high pressure located over Belgium, France and Western Germany, is providing some tropo. However, it's not stable enough that a solid duct can be formed. Signals were in and out but some made it over 1000km.

G8GXP, David - IO93FQ
TS2000X + PAs for 6m 4m 2m 70cms and 23cms (see for details)
ON 2M DL9YEB @ 769.0 KMS: ON 23C

2m 400w to 12 ele M2 @ 12m agl 140m asl + mgf1302 lna
23cms 400w to 35 ele M2 @ 14m agl + g4ddk 0.3 17db gain lna

12:51 pa0ddb 57/58 jo32ke 144.300mhz 587.5 KMS
13:12 pe1biw 59/59 jo32bt 144.250mhz 518.5 "
16:13 pd4r 55/58 jo32bc " 542.8 "
16:17 dk9tf 57/59 jo31nf " 646.7 "
16:58 pd4jp 59/59 jo21gw " 452.3 "
17:06 dl9yeb 53/54 jo41oj " 769.0 "
17:08 pa3cuk 59/59 jo22fb " 441.0 "
17:52z gm4cxm 54/58 io75tw 1296.190mhz 308.9 "
18:27 f6ihc 59/59 jo10or 144.290mhz 461.0 "
19:45z dk7qx 52/53 jo42kh 1296.210mhz 712.5 "
19:53z pe1dab 59/59 jo23rd " 467.3 "
20:00z dk2mn 51/41 jo32mc " 601.2 "
20:15 dk2mn 57/51 jo32mc 144.250mhz 601.2 "
20:20z pa1mp 57/59 jo22lp " 448.0 "
20:22 dj2tx 59/59 jo33sa " 606.5 "
20:25 pa0ody 52/55 ?????? " ????? "
20:26 pa1q 52/55 jo21gm " 475.8 "
20:28 pe1ut 55/57 jo21tv " 520.8 "
20:30 pe4hdb 59/59 jo32hn " 558.4 "
20:32 pd1cmp 53/59 jo21nt " 494.1 "
20:35 pa0grb 59/59 jo23re " 466.5 "
20:42z pa0grb 54/55 jo32re 1296.210mhz 466.5 "
20:44 pi4hlm 59/59 jo22hj 144.250mhz 436.1 "
20:47 pc1c 57/59 jo21ln " 497.6 "
20:49 pd1x 59/59 jo21pv " 500.2 "
21:10z g8pnn 59/59 io95ef 1296.210mhz 171.3 "
21:15z g8eop 59/59 io93eq " 001.3 "
Nice fairly localised tropo opening in to NW Eu, some signals going over my head in the inversion.
GW8JLY, Lyndon - IO81JM
144 Mhz: TS2000 350w 9el and 50 Mhz: TS2000 100W 2el
DK1CO at 1156km
11:22 PE1BIW JO32BT 650Km
15:29 PA3GFY JO23SC 619Km
15:48 DK9OY JO52CK 923Km
15:53 PE1ODY JO23JB 551Km
15:54 PD4JP JO21GW 536Km
18:12 PA1VW JO22IN 555Km
18:28 DG3XA JO43WJ 909Km
19:29 DJ2TX JO33SA 747Km
20:14 DK1CO JO63SX 1156Km odx
Long periods with no activity but DX beacons always heard - some good distances worked though.
73 Lyn GW8JLY
PA4EME, Frank - JO20WX
144: 0.22 dB 2.5 kW 3.2 wl DJ9BV
19:51 M0CKP IO92OK
19:00 GB3ANG/B IO86MN
17:25 GM8OEG IO86NM
17:15 GM4JR IO85FB
17:10 GB3NGI/B IO65VB
A high pressure provided some tropo as a duct was building during the day. However, the duct was unstable so signals unstable also. Low activity.