13. Oct 2010
The Autum Tropo continues.... |
Rig: IC275H 2*9EL HMODX: OZ1BNN JO55PM 1341KMLog: 07.32 G4HVK IO7007.40 MW0BBU IO71LR 07.47 GW8ASD IO83LB 08.00 G0GMS IO82XT 08.02 GD3YUM/P IO74SF 08.50 G0PQF JO01BU 08.57 EI8IQ IO62SF 09.30 GI4SNA IO64XM 09.56 G2KF IO70PO 13.26 G4KIY IO92WN 13.37 G4KUX IO94BP 13.54 GW0VMW/P IO83AD 14.39 GM4PPT IO75SK 784KM 14.41 GD8EXI IO74PC 14.52 GW8OGI/P IO83EE 16.18 DJ6JJ JO32PC 938KM 16.30 G3KZR IO81SC 17.08 OZ1BNN JO55PM 1341KM 17.47 PA4VHF JO32JE Comment: GB3NGI was readeble all the day with s5-9+.Very pleased to contact some rare IO64,GM . Hard to join GM since there i think there's mask between me and Scotland. Surprised to be called by OZ at end , this qtf was deep qsb. I think the duct is going away for this time. Missed activity to UK but as in week and i think less interest for VHF or/and surely less hams there. Thanks all who replyed to my call. 73s, Oli |
Rig: ft897 50w 10ele YagiODX: DL8GP JN39LHLog: 144mhz11.24 GJ0JSY IN89WE 11.44 F6HMQ JN18GP 11.46 M0KZC IO90CW 11.50 F0FVK JN18IB 11.53 F1HDF JN18IL 11.55 DO1KRT/QRP JO30RR 12.04 EI3GYB IO53OT 12.08 GWOVMW IO83AD 12.12 F4EJW IN78VJ 12.25 DD0PX JO30WR 12.28 F4EMG JO00WU 12.30 DL8GP JN39LH 12.36 GI4OWA IO64IX 12.47 GW8OGI IO83EE Comment: Worked F4EJW FM 59++ AM 58 |