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27. Sept 2009

A very nice autumn tropo. The best path of propagation was over sea and the best reported DX sofar is between western France and Finland. The distance from KP00 to IN78 exeeds 2100 km which is exceptional for northern Europe!

DH6DAO, Reinhard - JO41CN
150 Watts 9ele Yagi
08:13 SP6GZZ JO80FX
08:16 OK1AGE JO70ED
12:40 SM1A JO97FX
18:06 OK1XFJ/p JN69GX
In the morning extremly good propagation along the seashores from NW-France along the channel and north sea up to the baltic sea to OH1.
But nothing in my area. In early afternoon suddenly SM1A with 51 SSB here - big surprise for new grid and highlight of the week, hihi.
DL8HCO, Sven - JO53FU
FT-2000 / Elecraft XV-144 / 150 Watt / 8-El.-DK7ZB
08:47 OH1ND KP00XL 1008km
09:54 SM1A JO97FK 639km
G4RRA, Paul - IO80BS
144: 4x10el 400W
27/09/2009 06:51 SM1A JO97FK 55 55 SSB TR 1623
27/09/2009 06:56 SM7NR JO76RC 58 58 SSB TR 1405
27/09/2009 07:51 SM7GVF JO77GA 599 599 CW TR 1386
27/09/2009 09:00 OZ5AGQ JO65CS 57 55 SSB TR 1201
27/09/2009 08:07 OZ1BNN JO55PN 58 58 SSB TR 1139
27/09/2009 07:05 DL6NAA JO50VF 559 559 SSB TR 1107
27/09/2009 08:58 OZ5KM JO45VX 53 55 SSB TR 1073
27/09/2009 07:36 OZ3MC JO46ML 539 599 CW TR 1059
27/09/2009 17:50 PA4VHF JO32JE 59 59 SSB TR 754
SM1A was an amazing signal peaking well over S9 at times.I listened for OH1ND but didnt hear anything from him,although at the time he was 57 with Dave G7RAU.Opening was marked by low activity from Scandinavia,although Kjell SM7GVF was like a beacon on 144.272.As in the previous day Kjell was pretty much the only SM constantly audible.
OH1ND, Juha - KP00XL
TS-2000 600W, 2*11el 3.5WL
F6KHM 2152km
07:21 F4EJW IN78VJ
07:24 G7RAU IO90IR
07:30 F6KHM IN78RJ
07:32 G0KPW JO02RF
07:36 PA2CHR JO32DB
07:57 PA2M JO21
08:24 PA4PS JO33GH
08:30 PA3GFY JO23SC
08:31 PE1BIW JO32BT
08:39 PA5DD JO22IC
08:40 DK4U JO42FD
08:43 PA4VHF JO32JE
F6KHM my all time tropo ODX. Very nice ducting. Wish I had been earlier on band but anyway happy!
Longest worked QRB shown in log.