24. June 2024
Sporadic E
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Rig: ICOM 821H / TONNA 17ELE ODX: 2150 km DK2YCT Log: 12:06 DF4OR JN49LD SSB 15:13 PA1BVM JO21RO SSB 15:15 M0FCD JO00DW SSB 15:16 2E0NEY IO81VK SSB 15:16 PA2NHR JO32DB SSB 15:17 F6DKW JN18CS SSB 15:18 G8RWG IO91WH SSB 15:19 F0FIG JO10JE SSB 15:20 PC0A JO32JE SSB 15:22 PA2CHR JO32DB SSB 15:23 GW7SMV SSB 15:23 PA1SAR JO21OX SSB 15:24 M0UKR JO02OR SSB 15:25 PA2M JO21IP SSB 15:30 G0KSC JO01GM SSB 15:30 G8HGN JO01FO SSB 15:33 2W0JMK IO71PV SSB 15:34 M0MCV JO01AL SSB 15:35 G4CDN JO02NS SSB 15:48 G0JDL JO02SI SSB 16:09 DL8DAU JO40ME SSB 16:10 DK4VW JO40IT SSB 16:10 DJ6CA JN39XU SSB 16:10 F6DCD JN38RQ SSB 16:10 F5TAB JN28WF SSB 16:15 DK6FX JO30WE SSB 16:16 F6HJC JN39CG SSB 16:19 DL8YE JO32TC SSB 16:20 DK2YCT JO32RT SSB 16:21 DG7AC JO42UI SSB 16:22 DK2CF JO41IR SSB 16:24 G4IJD IO83TU SSB 11:24 HB9HXX JN47JE FT8 11:32 DF1NP JN58OV FT8 11:35 DL1SMA JN48GL FT8 11:38 HB3YFC JN37UG FT8 11:40 DH1NSP JN59LU FT8 11:47 F1NZC JN15MR FT8 11:49 DM7RM JN49PM FT8 11:52 DF5HC JN49HT FT8 11:53 DK5IR JN45IC FT8 11:56 F5AOL JN38HD FT8 11:58 DF2VJ JN39LI FT8 12:00 DF4OR JN49CD FT8 13:45 PA3FXO JO22GD FT8 11:27 DK5EW JN48MB FT8 13:43 PE2BZ JO21CX FT8 14:40 G8FJG JO01CM FT8 14:46 ON4KHG JO10XO FT8 14:51 ON6NL JO21UE FT8 14:52 F1UMWJN19 FT8 14:54 PA2RO JO22OI FT8 14:56 PE2LZ JO22LC FT8 14:57 PD7RON JO22SI FT8 14:59 ON6ZK JO20KW FT8 15:05 OZ1LPR JN55TN FT8 15:07 PA1Q JO21GM FT8 Comment: Many thanks to all, please do more SSB is fast, 73s from CT1CAD-Jorge IM67GE |
Rig: IC-9700 Log: 14:22 DF9NP JN58 14:27 CT7BJG IM57 14:51 DG3RAP JN69 14:53 HB9DFG JN37 14:55 DL5FDP JN49 14:59 OK1DOL JN69 15:01 DL7UKM JN49 15:03 DM2GM JN49 15:04 DK7CM JO40 15:09 DL2AKT JO50 15:10 DL1SMA JN48 15:12 DF1NP JN58 15:13 F5DQK JN18 15:17 PA3PCV JO20 15:18 ON7BJ JO21 15:19 F6GCT JN18 15:23 F4JDM JN07 15:25 F6HMQ JN18 15:28 G8VHI IO92 15:33 F6GCP JN18 15:35 DL1KDA JO30 15:38 DD7DAC JO31 15:39 DJ0PY JO32 15:42 DJ0PY JO32 15:44 DK5WO JO30 15:46 DL5YEE JO42 15:47 F1NQP JN19 15:49 DF1JC JO31 15:50 DH6DAO JO41 15:51 DL9DBJ JO31 15:54 DJ7YP JO41 15:56 PB2RVS JO21 15:57 ON6LEO JO21 15:58 PA2CHR JO32 15:59 DJ0PY JO32 16:00 PA3EWP JO21 16:03 PA3BIY JO22 16:07 DH2DAM JO31 16:08 PA3BIY JO22 16:11 DK5EW JN48 16:12 PH2M JO22 16:17 DF3VG JN48 16:18 DL2CC JN48 16:20 OK7GU JN69 16:21 DC6RN JN59 Comment: All QSO FT8 mode. OZ/SM also decoded but no QSO. This was my 1st 2m SpE as CT1EAT since 16 Jun 2013! Currently operating remotely from IM59. Only 25W and a 9 elem yagi! Hopefully I will not need to wait 11 years for the next one, hi. 73 FCosta, CT1EAT/M0HOJ |
Rig: IC-9700 150w LFA 3WL ODX: OK2WO 2134Km Log: 12:56 DF3IS JN49 1586 14:04 OE3NFC JN88 2056 14:12 OE3DSB JN78 1966 14:15 OE2LCM JN67 1797 14:19 OE2LCM JN67 1797 14:22 OE1PMD JN88 2111 14:24 OE3NHW JN88 2111 14:25 OM3WC JN88 2111 14:32 OK2WO JN89 2134 14:33 OK1TRJ JN79 1994 14:48 I2AT JN45 1455 14:49 IZ2MHO JN45 1455 14:50 IK2BUF JN45 1474 14:52 IK2LHP JN45 1455 14:53 IZ5BRW JN53 1598 14:58 IK3TPP JN65 1765 15:02 I2FAK JN45 1455 15:03 IK2JUG JN45 1455 15:08 IW2CTQ JN45 1475 SSB 15:08 IW2NMM JN45 1464 SSB 15:09 F5PKR JN25 1137 SSB 15:14 I1DMP JN34 1284 15:17 IK4CBO JN54 1548 15:18 F1NZC JN15 999 15:20 IZ2MFD JN44 1442 15:23 HB9DFG JN37 1363 15:24 F6FPT JN04 820 15:26 HB3YFC JN37 1363 15:27 HB3YFC JN37 1363 15:37 DK0A JN48 1541 15:40 DF8IJ JN48 1541 15:41 DL8SCQ JN48 1541 15:42 DL1SBY JN49 1586 15:43 DL1SGH JN58 1680 15:45 DL8FL JN48 1619 15:46 DL1SMA JN48 1541 15:48 DL3NCR JN48 1590 15:50 DF3VG JN48 1571 15:51 DF1NP JN58 1710 15:53 DL7UKM JN49 1586 15:54 DO1CTL JO60 1892 15:55 DL2DN JN48 1541 15:56 DD0VF JO61 1957 16:01 IK2UCK JN45 1488 16:02 IK2DDR JN55 1575 16:04 IZ4FUA JN45 1455 16:05 DK7CM JO40 1659 16:07 IW4ARD JN64 1759 16:08 I5MZY JN64 1759 16:10 IW4BET JN54 1600 16:11 I2XAV JN62 1756 16:12 IK2UCK JN45 1488 16:13 DG0LAW JO61 1936 16:14 F6GRB JN25 1149 16:22 IV3GTH JN65 1804 16:23 DL3MBJ JN57 1651 16:25 DJ2QV JN58 1715 16:26 DL1KDA JO30 1485 16:27 DL1MBG JN68 1822 16:29 OK1DOL JN69 1855 16:30 DL0RUS JN58 1714 16:31 DF9NP JN58 1680 16:32 DC6RN JN59 1719 16:34 OE3FVU JN78 2018 16:38 HB9CYN JN36 1329.16 16:46 9A6KZH JN86 2083 Comment: It was a good ES. I made some calls on SSB, only got 3 QSOs. I'm a bad FT8 operator :) Thank you all |
Rig: TS-2000 & 2x10 El. DK7ZB 300W Log: 16:41 DK1SB JN48 16:39 DF3IS JN49 16:36 DL2FQ JN49 16:35 OK1DOL JN69 16:31 DJ6AG JO51 16:28 DK4IO DK4IO 16:25 DL1NUX JO50 16:23 DL3NCR JN48 16:21 OK7GU JN69 16:20 DJ7KL JN48 16:19 DL7ACN JN49 16:17 DL2DN JN48 16:12 DL1SMA JN48 16:11 DL2CC JN48 16:05 DL5GAC JN47 16:04 DL2CC JN48 16:03 DG3RAP JN69 16:01 DK2YCT JO32 16:00 PA3BIY JO22 15:58 PG2F JO21 15:57 PB2RVS JO21 15:55 PA3C JO33 15:54 PE1ITR JO21 15:48 F5DQK JN18 15:47 DM8MM JO31 15:44 DL6BF JO32 15:42 ON6NL JO21 15:41 DK5WO JO30 15:40 DL5YEE JO42 15:38 DG8YFM JO32 15:37 ON8SV JO20 15:31 ON7BJ JO21 15:29 F5DRD JO10 15:28 OP9T JO21 15:27 PA0ERC JO21 15:26 F1UMW JN19 15:25 ON6LEO JO21 15:24 F6GCP JN18 15:18 OT100GNT JO11 15:17 PA3EWPJO21 15:13 DF5HC JN49 15:12 PA3PCV JO20 15:09 DK4TG JO31 15:05 DJ7YP JO41 15:04 DC6KI JO30 14:59 DD7PC JN49 14:52 DL2IAO JN49 14:50 DF3WG JN49 14:38 DD0VF JO61 14:35 DG0JMB JO60 14:27 F6HRE IN93 14:25 OK1IN JO60 14:13 DL1SGH JN58 14:11 DF3VG JN48 14:07 DF1NP JN58 14:03 DL1GPS JN48 14:01 DK5EW JN48 13:59 DF8MV JN58 13:41 ON4MU JO20 13:35 G7RAU IN79 13:32 S55OO JN76 13:27 G4FVP IO94 13:25 G0SYP IO83 13:10 G4URT IO82 13:04 GW4HDF IO81 12:05 EA1AER IN72 11:56 I1DMP JN34 11:55 IK3BNO JN65 11:54 IK3TPP JN65 11:52 I2FAK JN45 11:51 IK2BUF JN45 11:50 IZ2MHO JN45 11:47 HB9FAR JN45 11:37 I1JTQ JN35 11:36 IW1CHX JN35 11:35 IW2EQR JN45 11:33 IK2LHP JN45 Comment: TNX fer nice long one, hp to cpi u on next, 73 es GL all |
Rig: K3+Transverter ODX: SM6VTZ 2746km Log: 11:26 DJ2QV JO31PF 11:32 CN8LI IM63 11:33 DF7RG JN68 11:34 HB9FLU JN47 11:41 DF7RG JN68 11:41 DL3MBJ JN57 11:42 HB3YFC JN37UG 11:44 DF9NP JN58IU 11:44 DK5EW JN48MB 11:46 DH4RJ JN58 11:47 DL1SMA JN48 11:50 HB9DWR JN37 11:54 HB9MOZ JN37 11:55 F8FHI JN26 11:55 DF8IJ JN48 11:57 F8FHI JN26 11:57 DM7RM JN49PM 12:01 F0FYP JN37 12:02 DF2AJ JN48 14:02 G6ZYF IO92 14:02 G0LBK JO03BD 14:08 G8OFA IO91 14:08 G0SYP IO83 14:09 M0DHO IO91 14:10 G0CUZ IO82WM 14:11 G8JLY IO82 14:12 DG9MAQ JN58 14:13 DD0VF JO61VB 14:17 G4KWQ IO92 14:18 G8TIC IO82 14:20 DH4SBM JN48 14:23 EA1ZT IN71OL 14:27 CT1EAT IM59 14:31 GW7SMV IO81LN 14:34 HB9DFG JN37 14:34 HB9DLI JN37 14:35 DC6RN JN59 14:49 DL6KAI JO30NT 14:49 DL1FAR JO40 14:50 DK9CK JO30 14:50 ON8SV JO20 14:51 PA3PCV JO20VV 14:52 F6HMQ JN18 14:52 F6GCP JN18 14:53 DK4TG JO31LB 14:53 PA0HWM JO20 14:54 DK5WO JO30 14:54 DL1KDA JO30FQ 14:55 DJ0PY JO32 14:55 ON6NL JO21UE 15:18 PA3BIY JO22EB 15:18 G8FJG JO01CM 15:19 G4GFI IO91 15:20 PA1AW JO21 15:21 PA3EWP JO21GU 15:21 G0KSC JO01GM 15:22 F1UMW JN19 15:22 PA1Q JO21GM 15:23 ON7BJ JO21CD 15:23 PC3M JO22QE 15:24 PA0JMV JO21PL 15:24 PA2RO JO22 15:25 ON4BR JO20 15:26 PH2M JO22 15:27 PA1OKZ JO22 15:28 ON4BR JO20 15:27 PA2CHR JO22XA 15:29 OT100GNT JO11UB 15:29 F6EGD IN88HR 15:30 ON4BR JO20 15:32 SM6VTZ JO58UJ 15:42 PB2RVS JO21 15:44 PA3FXB JO33 15:45 PD7RON JO22 15:45 PE1ITR JO21 15:45 PA3ANT JO33 15:46 PA7ML JO22 15:46 ON4MU JO20ET 15:47 PD7RF JO22MP 15:48 DG8YFM JO32 15:47 DL5EBS JO31 15:49 PA4R JO21 15:50 PD0KH JO33 15:51 OZ5QF JO44 15:53 OP9T JO21BE 15:52 ON6LEO JO21 15:53 ON8NT JO11 15:54 SM6JMZ JO66IR 15:55 PA3GUV JO22GD 15:57 OV3T JO46 15:58 G0JJL IO83PR 16:01 PA3AIW JO21 16:01 DK4IO JN49 16:02 DG0JMB JO60LV 16:03 DF3IS JN49 16:03 G4RRA IO80 16:04 G0FEH IO92 16:04 G4HGI IO83 16:05 G4VPD IO92BJ 16:06 DJ7KL JN48 16:07 DK5IR JN49 16:06 G0JDL JO02 16:08 G0LZX IO83MP 16:09 G4ZFJ JO01JN 16:12 G4CDN JO02 16:12 G8HGN JO01 16:13 G0HOF IO92 16:13 DL7UKM JN49 16:15 PA0ERC JO21 16:15 G4AJC IO91 16:16 DL2IAO JN49 16:16 G4DCV IO91 16:17 G4ZZL JO01 16:18 DL2FQ JN49 16:20 DL1RNW JO62 16:21 G4APJ IO83 16:22 DK8ZT JO40 16:21 G4ZST JO02 16:23 DK7CM JO40GE 16:23 DL3IAS JN49EJ 16:24 DJ6AG JO51 16:25 G3YDY JO01 16:25 DK3EE JO41GU 16:27 DH8WG JO51 16:28 DL6ON JO52 16:29 DF5HC JO53EP 16:30 DO1BRD JO30 16:30 DB5KN JO31NA 16:33 OK7GU JN69 16:35 DJ6GK JO40 |
Rig: IC-9700 50W 9ele ODX: 2828 km Log: 15:39 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 1880km 15:46 CT7BIZ IN6ØCR SSB 1622km 15:48 CT1DMK IN5ØRO SSB 1674km 15:58 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU FT8 2828km 15:59 CT1ANO IN51RE FT8 1625km 16:21 EA4JM IN8ØEJ FT8 1446km 16:28 EA4GDA IM68MV FT8 1742km 16:30 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 1951km Comment: Heard already signals from SV and YO before noon. Had to leave afterwards. When I returned the band was wide open. Highlight was the contact with Madeira. No signals heard from EA8. Tnx fr all qsos es 73, Mike |
Rig: 2x9, 500W ODX: 2310km Log: 14:14 CT7BJG IM57 14:37 CT7ABA IN60 14:40 CT1FJW IM58 C? 15:48 CT2HOV IN51 15:51 CT1ISH IM58 15:56 CT1HIX IN52 Comment: It seems that my area was close to the edge of the ES to CT. Signals where not strong -24 to +02. hrd some more CT and EA1. |
Rig: FT-857, Halo Loop 2m/70cm, 40W ODX: CT1ISH, 1856km Log: 14:52 CT1ISH IM58hr 0 -5 FT8 1856 14:58 CT7ABA IN60gd -12 +2 FT8 1629 15:01 CT1DIZ IM58kp -15 -11 FT8 1853 Comment: not believe to make any ES QSO with this small setup.... very happy about it. vy73 |
Rig: FT-857, Halo Loop 2m/70cm, 40W ODX: CT1ISH, 1856km Log: 15:48 CT1ANO IN51re -17 -5 FT8 1610 15:58 EA1YV IN52oc -24 -6 FT8 1560 Comment: and 2 more QSO's.... |
Rig: IC-9700 / 9ele LFA Log: 12:03 CT7BJG IM57PN -02 1906km Comment: First ES contact this season. Heard and has been heard on CT9, unfortunately no QSO |
Rig: TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd ODX: 2818 km CT9/OM3RG (IM12JU) Log: 11:37 CN8LI IM63NX -01 R+19 FT8 2183 km 12:26 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU -12 R-17 FT8 2818 km 14:47 CT1ISH IM58HR +13 R01 FT8 1865 km DF2ZC tx 30 W Comment: What a great Sporadic E day. When I noticed the band was open to SW I started monitoring for CT9/OM3RG. Indeed he popped up around 1224 UTC and the QSO was quickly completed. Now I have him on tropo and ES. I copied Stefan very often the next hours, sometimes even 60 minutes in a row at max signal levels of +10 dB. Amazing! Only two EA8 were decoded here, only for one or two sequences and nothing thenafter. I was mainly SWLing so not many QSOs were made here. Loads of CT1, CT2, EA7, EA4 and also EA1 were copied. |
Rig: TS 790 wis FT200 PA only HB9CV Log: hrd CT1DIZ IM56 -8 CT1ISH IM58 CT7ABA IN 60 and many Stn from CT No QSO my Ant HB9CV to bad?? Comment: To many big STN!! |
Rig: IC9700 / 600W / 8 El ODX: CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 2838 km Log: 11:51 CT1CAD IM67GE FT8 1903 11:55 CT1ERY IM67BA FT8 1940 14:45 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 1881 15:03 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU FT8 2838 15:06 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 1881 15:13 CT7ABA IN6ØGD FT8 1653 15:14 CT2FYF IM59KJ FT8 1812 15:19 CT7BIZ IM58KP SSB 1873 15:22 CT2ILN IM59KJ FT8 1812 15:25 CT1ANO IN51RE FT8 1639 15:29 CT1DMK IN5ØRO SSB 1683 15:41 CT2HOV IN51RB FT8 1649 15:52 EA1URO IN62BH FT8 1516 15:54 EA1IOK IN62FN FT8 1478 15:56 EC1AP IN73DN FT8 1292 15:59 EA1CCM IN52PG FT8 1573 16:01 EB1AO IN52PE FT8 1578 16:03 EA8AQV IL28FC FT8 3163 HRD ONLY 16:25 EA1JM IN7ØJV FT8 1462 16:30 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 1939 16:37 CT1DIZ IM58KP FT8 1873 16:40 EA4GDA IM68MV FT8 1727 Comment: New = CT9 and hrd = EA8 |
Rig: IC-9700 ODX: 2201km Log: 1830 CT1BXT FT8 IM59PF 2130km 1821 EA1EAS FT8 IN70FW 1804km 1819 CT1DIZ FT8 IM58KP 2201km 1818 EA1FCF FT8 IN82 1530km 1815 EA1FFW FT8 IN70FT 1814km 1803 CT7BJG FT8 IM57PN 2263km 1757 CT1HIX FT8 IN52RB 1910km 1751 CT1ISH FT8 IM58HR 2210km 1748 CT1ANO FT8 IN51RE 1972km 1747 CT2HOV FT8 IN51RB 1981km 1634 CT7ABA FT8 IN60GD 1982km Comment: only in FT8, in ssb no station hrd |
Rig: 130 W, 11 ele Flexa 10 m agl ODX: CT1CAD IM67GE 2152 km Log: 15:40 CT7BIZ IN60CR 15:54 CT1DMK IM69RO 16:20 CT1CAD IM67GE 16:27 EA1FAQ IN71PN Comment: All SSB |
Rig: 4+17 Elem. 120 Watt ODX: CN8LI 2314 km Log: 11.45 EB7FBJ IM77ta +02 19122km 12.06 CN8LI IM63nx +02 2314 km ODX 12.56 EA4GDA IM68mv +11 1833 km 13.42 CT1DIZ IM58kp +03 1959 km, 15.22 CT1ISH IM58hr -07 1963 km 15.38 CT7ABA IN60gd +13 1740 km 15.48 CT7BJG IM57pn +05 2040 km 16.16 EA7HLB IM76op +05 1965 km 16.19 EC7R IM67lg -02 1993 km 16.24 EA7WL IM76ju +02 1960 km Comment: Fine opening with lot of Stations heard in Tropo. 73 Herbert. |
Rig: IC-9700, 100W, M2 HO-Loop hor. omni ODX: 1989 Log: 14:12 CT7BJG IM57PN Comment: FT8 |
Rig: FT857 + 9ele Tonna ODX: 1.968km Log: 15:42 CT1ISH IM58HR 1.968km 15:49 CT1EAT IM59NP 1.862km new # Comment: While driving home from work to home i wondered about strange behaviour of my radio. At home hurrying into chack and seeing the end of the opening. Hrd. Marocco and Madeira - but no chance here Happy abt one new grid square |
Rig: FT897D ODX: 1800 Log: 11.33 CT1CAD FT8 IM67 11.44 CT7BJG FT8 IM57 11.44 EA4GDA FT8 IM68 11.52 CT1DIZ FT8 IM58 11.52 EA4EIU FT8 IM68 14.08 CT7ABA FT8 IN60 14.10 EA1ZT FT8 14.19 CT2ECS FT8 IM57 14.21 CT7BIZ FT8 IN60 14.45 CT1ISH FT8 IM58 14.47 CT1EAT FT8 IM59 14.52 CT2JNM FT8 IN50 15.02 CT2ILN FT8 IM59 15.02 CT9/OM3RG FT8 15.06 CT1ANO FT8 IN51 15.09 CT2FYF FT8 IM59 15.20 EA1YV FT8 IN52 15.32 CT1HIX FT8 15.39 EA1CCM FT8 IN52 15.39 EB1AO FT8 15.41 EA1FK FT8 IN52 15.45 EA1URO FT8 IN62 15.46 EA1IOK FT8 IN62 15.48 EA1RX FT8 15.48 EA1UR FT8 IN53 15.50 EB1DJ FT8 16.03 CS7/PD1ABC FT8 16.08 EA1EAS FT8 16.09 CT9/OM3RG FT8 16.10 CT1FJW FT8 16.21 EA1HRR FT8 IN83 Comment: Only wkd EA1YV, but good opening from 1130 to 1630 to CT3, CT and EA. On 4m I worked D4L ! |
Rig: IC275E+PA 300W+ 8 ele Yagi ODX: CT7BJG ~2050 km Log: 11:21 CT1CAD IM67 11:26 CT7BJG IM57 11:33 EA4GDA IM68 11:59 CT1DIZ IM58 14:43 CT7ABA IN60 15:38 EA1YV IN52 15:49 EA1UR IN53 16:04 CT2ILN IM59 16:15 EA1FBU IN52 16:24 CT1HIX IN52 Comment: nothing from CT9 or EA8 here in Munich. 73 Maik |
Rig: Kenwood TS-2000X ODX: CT9/OM3RG (IM12ju) 3057km Log: 14:47 EC7R IM67LG FT8 2107km 15:54 CT1ANO IN51RE FT8 1853km 16:08 EA4SG IN80CP FT8 1638km 16:14 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU FT8 3057km (new #) 16:25 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 2168km 16:32 CT7ABA IN60GD FT8 3057km 16:33 CT1BXT IM59PF FT8 2024km (new #) 17:12 EA2AGZ IN91DV FT8 1423km Comment: A great opening for me. Finally I worked CT9/OM3RG for the very first time (new DXCC and new # no. 556) and also CT1BXT ( (new # no. 557) NOT completed QSOs: 14:52 CT1ISH FT8 15:06 CT1ISH FT8 15:51 CT1ISH FT8 16:33 EA4GDA IM68 FT8 km 16:43 EA4T IN70 FT8 km 16:49 EA4T IN70 FT8 km I also heard several stations as there were: 13:13 CT2FYF IM59 FT8 14:19 EA4HJL IN80 FT8 14:48 CT2ECS FT8 15:05 CT1DIZ IM58kp FT8 km 16:03 CT1HIX IN52rb FT8 km 16.16 EA8AQV FT8 |
Rig: Elecraft XV144/K4 - 2x6elm - 750W ODX: CT9/OM3RG IM12ju - 2908km - FT8 Log: 11:29 CN8LI IM63NX 2273km - FT8 11:36 EA7BPO IM76SR 1900km - FT8 14:16 EA7P IM76IU 1924km - FT8 14:54 CT1ISH IM58HR 1958km - FT8 15:04 CT7ABA IN60GD 1672km - FT8 15:09 CT7BJG IM57PN 2024km - SSB - 59+ 15:24 CT7BIZ IN60CR 1701km - SSB - 59 15:51 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 2908km - FT8 15:54 CT1EAT IM59NP 1852km - FT8 15:58 CT2HOV IN51RB 1716km - FT8 16:05 CT1ANO IN51RE 1706km - FT8 16:37 EA4T IN70XK 1530km - FT8 Comment: A fantastic ES opening. Many would also have been possible in SSB. Thanks to everyone who logged me. 73 de Helmut DJ7YP |
Rig: IC746+PA GS35B ODX: 3335 Log: 14:10-16:00 utc EA4GDA FT8 IM68MV 2228 CT1ISH FT8 IM58HR 2378 CT7BIZ FT8 IN60CR 2124 EA1AER FT8 IN72FO 1844 CT9/OM3RG FT8 IM12JU 3335 Comment: Mein QTH lag am Rande der Öffnung, dadurch unstabile Verhätnisse. Habe weiter ca 6-7 CT-Stationen gesehen, aber wohl wegen ihres QRM´s nicht erreicht. |
Rig: FT991A (50W), 7El Yagi ODX: 15:55 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 2802 Km Log: 14:51 CT7BJG IM57PM 1917 km 15:55 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 2802 km 16:20 EA1FFW IN70FT 1462 km Comment: 11:45 CN8LI IM63NX 2169 km heard After several days of ES direction SV / SV9 (only heard) now again a tremendous opening dir SE. On my side PA failed due to 30C in shack so only 50W to CT9 ! What a nice contact with new odx on 2m !!! 55 es 73 to all hope to meet you soon |
Rig: 600/17 Log: 15:03 CT7BJG IM57 15:43 CT7BIZ IN60 15:53 CT1DMK IN50 15:56 CT1DHM IN61 16:09 EA7ITL IM66 Comment: Ge all! After back from QRL(a bit late) the opening was still runing. A lot of signals from CT/EA on FT8. Just a few minutes later the first signals around 144300. CT7BIZ for at least 40min with 59+. A few QSO´s were done (all SSB). 174 were heard : CT9/ , several EA and CT. Please try SSB.....that would be more effective!! 73´s from JO41DX......cu! Peter |
Rig: 400 Watts and 9 Element Log: 17:17 EA5TT IM99SL Comment: Unfortunately I got home late from work today and only managed one QSO in FT8 |
Log: 15:55 CT1HIX FT8 IN52 1566km 16:14 CT1ISH FT8 IM58 1857km 16:16 CT7ABA FT8 FT8 1629km Comment: First workable 2m E-s this year. Many CT/EA heard but 3 QSO's only. Apparantly JN48 was at the corner.... |
Rig: K3+Trvtr ODX: 2835km CT9/OM3RG Log: 15.29 144175 FT8 CT1ISH 15.30 144299 SSB CT7BIZ 1621km 15.40 144175 FT8 CT1ANO 1641km 15.44 144176 FT8 CT9/OM3RG 2853 km 15.46 144176 FT8 CT2HOV 1641 km 15.52 144294 SSB CT1DMK 1676 km 15.55 144176 FT8 EA1CCM 1570 km 15.56 144176 FT8 EA1RX 1570 km 15.57 144176 FT8 EA1URO 1443 km 15.58 144176 FT8 EC1AP 1247 km 16.00 144176 FT8 EA1FBU 1570 km 16.10 144176 FT8 EC7R 1851 km 16.13 144176 FT8 CT2ECS 1960 km 16.19 144176 FT8 CT7BJG 1960 km 16.22 144176 FT8 EA1JM 1483 km 16.36 144175 FT8 CT7ABA 1596 km 16.38 144175 FT8 EA4GDA 1763 km Saw EA8AQV -5 FT8 (3094 km) Comment: I catched not from the beginning but more than 1 h of strong Es to Iberean. Few new LOCs and ATNO on the band CT9. It would be too much to catch for the day also EA8. Hopefully we will soon enjoy new opennings. |
Rig: IC9700 200W 2x9el.DK7ZB ODX: CT1DMK IN50RO 1668km Log: 16:11 CT7BIZ IN60CR 1510km SSB 16:21 CT1DMK IN50RO 1668km SSB Comment: CT and EA1 could be heard in FT8 for a very long time. Again up and down with maximum medium signal strengths. Radio stations could be heard from CT and EA all afternoon For a long time, the SpardicE cloud was too far north for southern Germany, So it was only a small result for 2.5 hours of hunting. |
Rig: K3s + TR144H+40, 150 Watt, 7 element Flexa ODX: 2799 km CT9/OM3RG Log: 14:44 CT1ISH IM58HR 14:46 CT1DIZ IM58KP 15:04 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU 15:45 CT1ANO IN51RE 15:49 EA1URO IN62BH 15:56 EA1YV IN52OC 15:58 EA1FBU IN52QG 16:23 CT7BJG IM57PN Comment: Fantastic opening! With CT9 a new DXCC and ODX for me on 2m. All QSOs in FT8. According to PSK Reporter i was received by 28 different stations from EA and CT. |
Log: 16:04 CT7ABA IN60 FT8 16:24 CT7BIZ IN60 SSB 16:34 CT1ANO IN51 FT8 Comment: 73s Robert |
Rig: FT847, BEKO, 2 x 2.5wl yagi ODX: EA8AQV 3212km Log: 14:10 EC7R IM67LG 1923km FT8 14:11 EA4SG IN80CP 1454km FT8 15:50 CT7BIZ IN60CR 1674km SSB 15:52 EA1CEZ IN62PO 1467km SSB 16:04 CT1CAD IM67GE 1952km SSB 16:10 EA8AQV IL28ED 3212km FT8 Comment: Vy long opening, 1 new# 4. opening for me in 2024 |
Rig: IC9700, BEKO, 7el. Log: 11:48 CT1CAD IM67GE FT8 1918km 11:55 CT1ERY IM67BA FT8 1956km 11:57 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 NC Comment: Unfortunately CT7BJG vanished in the noise. Nice to catch another opening a day later. 73's, Ralf |
Rig: IC-9700 /75W ODX: EA4GDA - 2098km Log: 14:00 EA4GDA IM68MV Comment: Nice Opening to EA and CT TNX |
Rig: IC-910h + 9 elements yagi ODX: OZ6HQ 1928Kms Log: UTC Station Grid Mode Sent Received 12:57 PA3FXO JO22 FT8 +01 -08 14:06 DL7TY JO62 FT8 +18 -06 14:08 DL7ZN JO62 FT8 +22 +10 14:09 DD6MH JO62 FT8 -03 -09 14:10 DL7UDA JO62 FT8 +02 -09 14:11 DL8DAU JO40 FT8 -04 -19 14:13 DL2TXT JO62 FT8 +07 +17 14:16 F6HRE IN93 FT8 -07 -03 14:18 DJ9MG JO52 FT8 +04 -03 15:08 G8HGN JO01 FT8 +04 -02 15:09 G0ODR JO02 FT8 -06 -11 15:27 F8DBF IN78 FT8 +17 -05 15:28 F6KHM IN78 FT8 -12 -04 15:31 OZ6HQ JO45 FT8 -05 -12 15:43 G4CCZ IO91 FT8 +24 +01 15:46 G7CSI IO91 FT8 -21 -02 15:47 G4RUW IO91 FT8 -07 +08 15:48 G3ZSS IO90 FT8 -05 -17 15:50 F6EAS IN98 FT8 -06 -13 15:51 G0KSC JO01 FT8 +05 -10 15:53 G0HOF IO92 FT8 +07 -04 16:00 M0DHO IO91 FT8 -04 -23 16:07 DJ6AG JO51 FT8 +13 +10 16:10 DK3EE JO41 FT8 +00 -01 16:14 LX1BH JN29 FT8 -10 -11 16:09 DL2AKT JO50 FT8 -08 -23 16:17 DD7DAC JO31 FT8 -08 -07 16:31 PA3C JO33 FT8 -04 -18 16:32 PA3BGM JO33 FT8 +17 -01 Comment: Very unstable signals, short openings and variable conditions. Many QSOs couldnt be finished. Maybe we have to think on FT4 (faster QSOs) or SSB for these kind of conditions. Also heard CN, GM, GI, EI and ON. Tropo conditions were also good |
Rig: kenwood ts-2000 + 150 W + 13 ele +Pre Log: 15:07 2E0NEY IO81 SSB 15:09 G0LTG IO81 SSB 15:10 F4DPW JN09 SSB 15:11 G8RWG IO91 SSB 15:12 M0FCD JO00 SSB 15:13 G8TIC IO82 SSB 15:14 M0MCV JO01 SSB 15:15 GW7SMV IO81 SSB 15:15 G1FOF IO91 SSB 15:16 F4HOG JN09 SSB 15:18 G3PHO IO93 SSB 15:21 G8XVJ IO83 SSB 15:22 M0UKR JO02 SSB 15:23 G4KWQ IO92 SSB 15:24 G0LBK JO03 SSB 15:24 G4DCV IO91 SSB 15:25 G8HGN JO01 SSB 15:27 G4IOQ IO82 SSB 15:28 G4DEE IO91 SSB 15:30 G4RGK IO91 SSB 15:38 G4BXD IO82 SSB 15:39 G4CDN JO02 SSB 15:44 G1EZF IO93 SSB 15:46 G0JDL JO02 SSB 15:50 EA7KJJ IM66 SSB 16:08 DL9OBD JO42 SSB 16:09 DL1YAW JO41 SSB 16:10 DK4VW JO40 SSB 16:13 G4IJD IO93 SSB 16:14 DL8YE JO32 SSB 16:17 DL6ED JO31 SSB Comment: Hello to the DX 144 group Good sporadic in the south of Spain EA7, lasting approximately 1.5 hours, can perform 31 QSOs, all in SSB, the vast majority arriving at 5/9+ signals. I couldn't work any new DXCC and grind. Thanks to all the stations that worked some for me and to the ones I had worked on from previous years. Greetings Sergio ea7itl until the next opening ES |
Rig: YAESU FT-847 (50W) 1/4 wave Omni vertical ODX: DL0RUS 1712 Km Log: 16:28 DL0RUS JN58TD FT8 1712km 16:16 IX1VYM JN35 FT8 1314km 16:14 IU2SVO JN45 FT8 1464km 16:13 IK2DDR JN55GN FT8 1585km 16:12 I3RGH JN55 FT8 1620km 16:01 DL7ACN JN49 FT8 1575km 16:00 IZ4FUA JN45 FT8 1464km 15:57 DL1GPS JN48 FT8 1535km 15:56 DF8IJ JN48 FT8 1535km 15:54 F6DJL JN38 FT8 1400km 15:51 DF3VG JN48 FT8 1535km 15:50 DF1NP JN58OV FT8 1705km 15:49 DL8MBN JN58 FT8 1677km 15:47 DG2SAX JN48 FT8 1535km 15:40 HB9DFG JN37SM FT8 1401km 15:28 F1GTU JN05 FT8 857km 15:23 I2FAK JN45OB FT8 1478km 15:22 I1DMP JN34XU FT8 1377km 15:17 IZ5BRW JN53 FT8 1617km 15:11 HB9FAR JN46LA FT8 1472km 15:08 I2AT JN45 FT8 1465km 15:04 IK2BUF JN45OO FT8 1484km Comment: Without being able to complete different ODX QSOs per local station at 27km on the same IN52 grid... causing QRM calling me on the same slot, interfering with the RX period (I hope you realize next time how DX works in VHF and how bad it is to use a Robot software) 15:22 HA8CL KN06FF FT8 2355km 14:58 YU7ON KN04AX FT8 2331km 14:56 E73O JN95CA FT8 2184km 14:40 EA6VQ JM19MP FT8 1055km NOTE: After almost three years inactive, today I am really surprised at how good distances are achieved over Esporadic-E with a simple vertical antenna. |
Rig: IC-705 - 9 elements DK7ZB -80 W ODX: LA3EQ 1947 Km Log: EI3KD IO51 15:46 LA3EQ JO28 15:56 GM4NTX IO86 16:13 G0LBK JO03 16:17 G6HIE JO00 16:19 G0JJL IO83pr 16:29 G0SYP IO83 16:30 G4KWQ IO92 16:31 |
Rig: IC-705 - 9 elements DK7ZB -80 W ODX: ew3aa Log: YO7CW KN24ku 17:59 YO2LOZ KN05 17:59 SP7QJF KO10 18:04 SP5QAT KO02 18:05 SP9PBH JO90 18:06 SP9EMF JN99 18:05 9A3QB JN95 18:14 YU7ON KN04ax 18:15 YO2NAA KN05 18:17 YO5BAK KN07 18:18 YO5LD KN05 18:20 YO2BBT KN05 18:21 YU7KB KN04 18:25 YU7MS KN05fg 18:30 YT5DEY KN04 18:35 HA0HO KN07 18:50 HA7BLT KN07 18:00 SP7JS KO00 19:01 OE1ILW/P JN77 19:11 OE3EMC JN78 19:12 SP7EXY KO00 19:16 SP9MQU JO90 19:17 EW3AA KO12 19:20 OK1TRJ JN79 19:23 SP6CVB JO80 19:37 |
Rig: TS711E 20W GP 1/4 ODX: CT9/OM3RG 2023 Km Log: 13:01 CT9/OM3RG IM12ju 2023 Km Comment: Just one QSO ! Heard some Spanish stations only... 73's |
Rig: IC9700 +4x350 ant 4x11 LFA ODX: EA8CSB 2622km Log: 11:52 EA5GJ IM57 11:56 CT9/OM3RG IM12 13:24 EA8CSB IL18 13:55 EA8CSB IL18 15:03 EA7WL IM76 15:17 EA4GDA IM68 15:18 EA7BHO IM87 15:49 EA4T IN70 15:50 EA4SG IN80 16:17 CT1DIZ IM58 Comment: Very strong ES, copy many EA stations (excep IM79 square my last). Also heard CT , CT3, CN, 7X 73 de Pascal |
Rig: Icom 7400 + Beko 1k + 9el Vargarda ODX: CN8LI IM63NX 2035km Log: 13:29 CT1DIZ IM58KP 1574km 13:33 EA1UR IN53TF 1074km 14:55 EA7BHO IM87DD 1653km 14:59 EA7BPO IM76SR 1704km 15:03 EA7ERP IM87EE 1648km 15:33 EA7WL IM76JU 1697km 15:42 EA5BY IM98PG 1529km 15:48 EA7KBX IM87VK 1617km 15:55 EA5KN IM99RO 1383km 15:57 EA4HJL IN80DK 1288km 15:59 EB5BQC IM98OL 1506km 16:06 CN8LI IM63NX 2035km 16:12 EA3DBJ JN00IR 1272km 16:14 EA3AGB JN00GQ 1274km 16:20 7X2RF JM16MR 1747km 16:23 EA6VQ JM19MP 1431km 16:32 7X2HF JM16LP 1754km Comment: Fantastic opening that took a while to get going, very spotty at the start. 2 new 2m DXCCs worked: CN & 7X, great to finally get these in the log after 40 years on & off the 2m band. Thanks for all the QSOs. 73 de Darrell G0HVQ |
Rig: K3 Xverter 1KW 4 X 6WL homebrew @18m agl ODX: EA8AQV IL28ed 3031Km Log: 09:28 SV8PEX JM99vr 1976Km 09:30 IK7FPV JN80pm 1774 Km 09:56 SV2DFK KN10lm 2089Km 09:58 Z32KF KN01si 1940Km 10:06 SV2BFN KN10lo 2083Km pause for coffee! 11:46 EA7KBX IM87vk 1671Km 12:01 CT9/OM3RG IM12ju 2628Km 13:04 EA8CSB IL18tl 3027Km 13:39 EC7R IM76lg 1792Km 14:04 CT1DIZ IM58kp 1719Km 14:24 EA8AQV IL28ed 3031Km 15:13 CN8LI IM63nx 2138Km 15:16 EA7BHO IM87dd 1726Km 15:20 EA4JM IN80ej 1373Km 15:28 EA7WL IM76ju 1789Km 15:37 CT1ISH IM58hr 1720Km 15:48 CN8NY IM75bs 1921Km 15:58 EA1BHB IN82ei 1163Km was this ionoscatter? 16:06 EA5TT IM99sl 1426Km 16:08 EA5BY IM98pg 1562Km 16:09 EC5M IM98ro 1524Km 16:11 EA5KN IM99ro 1413Km 16:13 EB5R IM99sk 1431Km 16:15 EA5IK IM98pg 1562Km 16:18 EA5IVR IM97jx 1599Km 16:31 EA5AJX IM98ku 1502Km 16:32 EA5WA IM99sc 1468Km Comment: Another 'mad day at the office'! Some ionoscatter early on and mixed tropo/ionoscatter to EA1 during the main (long) event. |
Rig: IC_9700 100W 11 ele LFA ODX: EA8CSB 2927Km Log: 09:53 IT9HTV JM76MX R+21 +31 FT8 Italy 1989 13:26 EA8CSB IL18TL -22 R-04 FT8 Canary Islands 2927 13:28 CT2FYF IM59KJ -10 R-08 FT8 Portugal 1546 13:42 EA7P IM76IU -13 R+04 FT8 Spain 1701 14:40 CT1CAD IM67GE -19 R-07 FT8 Portugal 1719 14:52 CT2ECS IM57RD -06 R-14 FT8 Portugal 1756 15:07 EA4SG IN8Ø -02 R+04 FT8 Spain 1260+- 15:15 EC7R IM67LG +07 R-11 FT8 Spain 1699 15:26 EA7ITL IM66WK 56 59 SSB Spain 1764 15:30 CT1CAD IM67GE 59 59 SSB Portugal 1719 15:41 EC7AKY/QRP IM66TS -08 R-07 FT8 Spain 1735 15:58 EA7HLB IM76OP -10 R-13 FT8 Spain 1714 16:12 CT7BJG IM57PN R+16 -16 FT8 Portugal 1718 16:13 CT1FJW IM58KT R-15 -06 FT8 Portugal 1605 Comment: Another long opening with several phases that overlapped.. Very hit and miss with stations very strong then nothing after one or two overs. apart from those worked, I aslo decoded SV/Z3 & CN8. Trying to work new calls rather than as many as possible. A lot of my paths ended in the Med', so not optimum for me at times. It doesn't help if stations insist on calling in the opposite slot to everyone else. Check before calling CQ please. It's not too difficult to find out what slot you should be on by monitoring your screen, and if you see lots of locals calling CQ DX/ES, that's the slot you should be using. 73 Bob |
Rig: FT991A +GS35B PA+ 7 El Yagi ODX: CT7BJG - IM57NP - 1708 Km Log: 14:11 CT7BJG IM57NP FT8 New # Comment: Family commitments ensured that I had only a little time for today's opeing but I did complete 1 QSO with CT7BJG in IM57NP. Fortunately this was a new locator for me. 73 Lyn G8JLY |
Rig: IC910H 12ele M2 400w ODX: 9H1TX 2230kms Log: 24/06/2024 09:38 SV8PEX JM99 FT8 tnx qso fb 2164+- 24/06/2024 10:12 9H1TX JM75FU FT8 tnx fb qso 2230 24/06/2024 14:07 EA1UR IN53 FT8 tnx qso 997+- 24/06/2024 14:17 CT2ECS IM57 FT8 tnx fb qso 1628+- 24/06/2024 14:23 CT7BJG IM57 FT8 tnx fb qso 1628+- 24/06/2024 14:36 CN8LI IM63 FT8 tnx fb Said 2030+- 24/06/2024 14:46 EA7BHO IM87DD FT8 tnx qso 1603 24/06/2024 14:47 EA7ERP IM87 FT8 tnx qso 1561+- 24/06/2024 14:49 EA7BPO IM76SR FT8 tnx qso 1653 24/06/2024 14:51 EC7R IM67 FT8 tnx qso 1591+- 24/06/2024 14:58 EA7KBX IM87 FT8 tnx qso 1561+- 24/06/2024 15:00 EA2XR IN83 FT8 tnx qso 894+- 24/06/2024 15:04 EA7WL IM76 FT8 tnx qso 1679+- 24/06/2024 15:07 EA5EX IM98 FT8 tnx qso 1459+- 24/06/2024 15:15 EA7ITL IM66WK SSB tnx qso 1699 24/06/2024 15:19 EA7KBX IM87 SSB 1561+- 24/06/2024 15:23 CT1CAD IM67GE SSB 1635 24/06/2024 15:24 EA1UR IN53TF SSB 1009 24/06/2024 15:36 CN8NY IM75 FT8 1790+- 24/06/2024 15:40 EA7BPO IM76SR FT8 tnx 1653 24/06/2024 15:45 EB5BQC IM98 FT8 tnx qso 1459+- 24/06/2024 15:47 EA5AJX IM98 FT8 tnx qso 1459+- 24/06/2024 16:06 7X2HF JM16 FT8 tnx fb qso 1740+- 24/06/2024 16:17 EA6VQ JM19 FT8 tnx Gabriel 1419+- 24/06/2024 16:19 EA6SX JM19IK FT8 tnx fb qsp 1419 24/06/2024 16:21 EA3EDU JNØ1 FT8 tnx qso 1159+- 24/06/2024 16:22 EA3EA JNØ1 FT8 tnx qso 1159+- 24/06/2024 16:25 EA6ET JM19 FT8 tnx fb qso 1419+- Comment: Excellent openings . Been very lucky this year to have caught most of the openings . Small opening in the morning with SV8PEX calling cq with no takers so gave him a call :-) Path has been very frequent this year to SV and Italy. Band seemed quiet when 9H1TX popped up very loud . A few hours away from the radio then it opened southwards . Over 2 hours of es , it would drop out every now and again but an excellent opening . Great to work many new callsigns. Good to see SSB in use too . CN8LI was worked on a lull in the es , nothing on display so cq'd and he replied which was a nice surprise. |
Rig: K3_TR144H_PGA103/GSz31b_13 el YU1CF ODX: EA1UR IN53TF 1999 km Log: 14:27 EA1UR IN53TF -17 -03 1999 km Comment: It was possible to work north-south almost all day via Es, but only one QSO was possible from JN87 via FT8. 73! Jozef HA1VQ |
Rig: ICOM IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w, Pre-Amp ODX: 1730KM Log: 14:35 CT7BJG IM57PN 1730KM 14:54 CT1EAT IM59MM 1600KM 14:59 CT1DIZ sry NC lost in QSB 15:02 CT1ANO IN51RE 1461KM 15:04 CT7BIZ IN60CV 1439KM 15:14 EA1YV IN52OC 1424KM 15:23 CT1HIX IN52RB 1408KM 15:39 EB1AO IN52PE 1413KM 15:44 EA1CCM IN82PG 1408KM 15:49 EA1UR IN53TF 1334KM 16:05 CT1ISH IM58HR 1684KM 16:20 CT2ILN IM59JK 1622KM Comment: All QSOs in FT8. Again a nice opening for HB9ers. Very good again the "1st/2nd separation" where the crowd in southern part of DL, F or HB9 used mostly 2nd and all DX around like CT, EA, CT9 used 1st. Congrats to this fine ham spirit! Heared also about 5 times Stefan, CT9/OM3RG who I worked last year. But the cloud was very unstable this time. Anyway, hope to see him soon again on 2m! Regards de Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: 1 KW- 11 Y @ 15m Log: 16.13 CT7BIZ IN60cr SSB !!!! 16.20 EA1CEZ IN62po SSB !!! Comment: 73' Ben HB9SJV |
Rig: ELECRAFT K3S KUNHE TR144PRO LNA 2X7LFA 80W ODX: CT1DIZ IM58 1720 KM Log: 11:33 CT7ABA IN60 FT8 11:52 CT1DIZ IM58 FT8 14:42 EA1YV IN52 FT8 14:51 CT1HIX IN52 FT8 14:54 EA1FBU IN52 FT8 15:18 EB1AO IN52 FT8 16:00 EA1CCM IN52 FT8 16:19 EA1UR IN53 FT8 Comment: Tnx to all 73' |
Log: 15:49 CN8LI IM63NX 2169 15:53 EA9ABC IM75 1929 (new square) 16:05 EA7KOT IM76 1856 |
ODX: EA1NL 1827 Log: 14:50 EA1YV IN52 1827 16:18 EA1UR IN53TF 1750 16:20 EC1AP IN73 1483 16:22 CT1HIX IN52RB 1806 16:34 EA1NL IN52 1827 |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV ODX: EA1YV 1823 Km Log: 13:32 CT7ABA IN60GD -20 FT8 Hrd 13:39 EA1UR IN53TF -01 +12 FT8 1749 Km 13:50 CT7BIZ IN60CR -14 -10 FT8 1806 Km 13:50 CT1ANO IN51RE -12 -- FT8 NC 14:48 EA1YV IN52OC +12 -12 FT8 1823 Km 14:48 EA1IOK IN62FN -01 -- FT8 NC 14:48 EA1CCM IN52PG -04 FT8 Hrd 14:50 CT1HIX IN52RB -08 FT8 Hrd 14:55 EA1FBU IN52QG -02 FT8 Hrd 16:01 EB1AO IN52NJ +02 FT8 Hrd 16:02 CT1HIX IN52RB +00 -04 FT8 1805 Km 16:19 EA1YV IN52OC +04 -05 FT8 1823 Km 16:22 EC1AP IN73DN -06 -11 FT8 1532 Km 16:36 EA1NL IN52PJ -15 -09 FT8 1805 Km Comment: Long lasting opening, coming with several waves. Some stations had very strong and stable signals (EA1YV, EA1UR), but most others were in/out. 73 es DX, Massimo |
Rig: FT-897 - 8JXX2 - 45W ODX: EB1DJ Log: 14:53 UTC CT1HIX IN52RB 1618 KM 15:17 UTC EB1DJ IN52MO 1639 KM |
Rig: ic-9700 - 100 W - 8el yagi ODX: 4Z5CX KM71LM 1901 KM Log: 4X/OM2IB KM72JC 1854 FT8 -05 -09 15:32 4X1UN KM72 1847 FT8 -01 -01 15:34 4X5CD KM72 1847 FT8 +11 +08 15:36 4X/OM2IB KM72JC 1854 FT8 +07 -13 15:38 OD5KU KM73UW 1834 FT8 -16 -09 15:40 4Z5CP KM72 1847 FT8 -16 -14 15:41 4X1BG KM72 1847 FT8 -08 -15 15:43 4Z5CX KM71LM 1901 FT8 -12 -15 15:46 OD5VB KM73 1794 FT8 -09 -06 15:49 Comment: A very special and rare opening for my geographical position. In over thirty years of activity in 2m, this is the third recorded opening. Unfortunately no signal in SSB. 73 de Pietro |
Rig: ICOM IC-7400, 400w, 4* 8XV-HV ODX: EA1YV IN52OC 1982 km Log: 13:59 EA1YV IN52 14:00 EA1IOK IN62 14:29 EA1UR IN53 Comment: a opening with good signs - nothing hrd on SSB. it was a gd chance to catch CT3 and EA8, but the Cloud was a bit too north for me. 73 de Walter |
Rig: IC-9700, 4el. Yagi ODX: CT1ANO (2043 km) Log: 14:00 CT7BIZ IN60cr (2020 km) 14:05 CT1ANO IN51re (2043 km) 14:22 EA1AER IN72fo (1748 km) 14:32 CT1HIX IN52rb (1991 km) |
Rig: 80W, 10 él.DK7ZB ODX: EA7JXH in IM76PP 1680 kms Log: 15:25 C77BIZ 59 55 IN60CR 1414 kms new # 16:25 EA7JXH 59 59 IM76PP 1680 kms EA4GDA IM68MV no QSO. CT1DHM IN61CB no QSO. Comment: 73 de Edgard |
Rig: 1kW + 2x9el ODX: EA8AQV - IL28ED - 2991 km Log: 11:45 EA7ERP IM87EE FT8 11:47 EA7BPO IM76SR FT8 11:55 EA7P IM76IU FT8 11:57 EB7FBJ IM77TA FT8 12:56 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU FT8 14:40 EA8AQV IL28ED FT8 14:44 CT2ECS IM57RD FT8 14:46 CT1CAD IM67GE FT8 15:03 EC7R IM67LG FT8 15:07 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 15:20 CT7ABA IN60GD FT8 15:49 CS7/PD1ABC IM59WO FT8 16:20 EA7JXW IM76PP SSB 16:25 CT1ANO IN51RE FT8 Comment: Heard/seen many more CT/EA + CN8LI (I worked Saïd many times, I didn't call). Huge sig's in FT8 but nil in SSB. Shorteset QRB : EA1UR in IN53, 1242 km. 73 |
Rig: 1 kW 9el F9FT ODX: CT7BJG 1799 km Log: Log: 13:42 CT7ABA IN60GD FT8 15:15 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 15:22 CT1DIZ IM58KP FT8 15:45 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 15:56 CS7/PD1ABC IM59WO FT8 Comment: Interesting day with a building between my antenna and the dx so I contacted these CT stations while beaming SSE (50 degrees off) Couldn't work the many EA stations heard though. Noticed some flags on the Adriatic coast (from JN55 to JN80) but no contacts. The radiation pattern of such a short antenna obviously makes (very) short hops possible. |
Rig: IC-7610, TR144 PRO, 4x12 el, 1 kW ODX: 2447 km Log: 15:54 CT1DIZ IM58KP 2447 km Comment: Lots of EA and CT stations received, but only 1 QSO... CN8LI received twice. |
Rig: Icom 9100 ODX: 1916 Log: 15:12 CT1DIZ IM58 15:26 CT7ABA IN60 15:32 CT1ISH IM58 16:09 CT1ANO IN51 16:15 CT7BJG IM57 16:40 EA1UR IN53 |
Rig: Home made Log: 11:48 EA7ERP IM87 -14,+21 14:57 EC7R IM67 -01,-02 15:09 EA4GDA IM68MV +00,-13 15:17 CT2ECS IM57RD -05,-04 15:19 CT7BJG IM57PN +15,+11 15:20 CT2ECS IM57RD -03,+07 15:23 EC7R IM67 -01,+14 15:36 CT1ISH IM58 +19,-09 16:00 CT7ABA IN60GD +19,-08 16:08 CT1EAT IM59 -15,+01 16:12 EA7KBX IM87 -23,-08 Comment: Very long opening, but very unstable signals for the first few hours. I copied CT9/OM3RG on 5 different occasions, but never longer than 1 minute in a row. Similar for CN8LI and CN8NY. No EA8s signals were received in my QTH (nor was I flagged there!). 73s, Peter |
Rig: TS2000X + SSPA 350W ant 12 el DK7ZB Log: 15:45 CT7BJG IM57 15:49 CT1DIZ IM58 15:54 CT1ISH IM58 16:05 CT7ABA IN60 16:21 EA7HLB IM76 16:40 CT1HIX IN52 |
Rig: IC-7300 ; Javornik 144-14 transverter : 14 el LFA + 4*14 xpol ODX: 2756 km Log: 16:13 CT9/OM3RG IM12JU Comment: Long lasting opening with a lot of decodes from EA and CT. Sometimes EA8 popped out of the noise in combined tropo and ES. However I focussed totaly on Steve, CT9/OM3RG, who I haved missed sofar since he is active from Madeira. After some patience Steve was decoded but it took some time to QSO. I only happened after he annouced on KST-chat to QSY and after that QSY it was easy. DXCC #173, locator # 1095 |
Rig: TS-590SG + Kuhne + IF SDR + LDMOS, 4x6el, 6x4el, 2x3el. ODX: CT7BJG 2745 km Log: 15:26 CT7BJG IM57PN FT8 new # 16:12 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 new # Comment: Quite a good match to penetrate the massive wall of G and PA-stations! Saw plenty of EA's and CT's, anyway these two calls were the only ones I managed to catch! During the day G and PA worked both CN, CT9 and EA8 and I could easily follow their happiness due to the brillant tropo to the UK. I had hope for some CN, CT9 and EA8's up here, nothing seen or heard though! |
Rig: IC9700, 500W, 9el OWL Log: . Comment: just SWL nothing completed :( EA4GDA IM68 2374km CT7ABA IN60 2300km CT1ANO IN51 2290km EA1YV IN52 2242km |