23. June 2024
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC-9700 50W ODX: 1953 km Log: 17:47 SV1EEX KM17 FT8 Comment: mni more SV, SV9 and Z3 hrd in qsb, all FT8 73 es tnx, Mike |
Rig: 2x9, 500W ODX: 1950km SV9CJO Log: 10:22 SV9CJO KM25 15:29 IK8IOO JM88 15:41 IZ8YBS JM89 16:23 IK7RWE JN80 16:29 IK7JNM JN80 16:33 SV3SFK KM08 16:40 SV8CS KM07 16:45 SV1NZX KM17 16:47 Z33TI KN01 16:53 SV2FPI KN10 Comment: crazy day with much different propagation. Good iono in the morning and the afternoon. I was not in good position for the ES, but lucky anyway, tnx for the QSO's 19:21-19:27 I got ES-flags from KN87, KN88, KO80 and KO81, but local callers only on CQ DX. I hrd much more stns from 9H, IT9, Z3 and SV |
Rig: 400 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB ODX: SV9CJO 1854 km Log: 15:10 SV9CJO KM25FI 15:11 SV9AQI KM25PH 16:06 SV8CS KM07JS 16:11 SV3SFK KM08VH 16:29 SV2DSJ KN10LN 16:37 SV0SYH KN10LO all FT8 Comment: 73 tnx qso |
Rig: IC9700 / 600W / 8 El ODX: 1489 Log: 16:28 SV2FPI KN10KU FT8 1489 km 16:33 SV2JAO KN10DN FT8 1480 km HRD only in FT8: 16:22 SV1EEX KM17tW 16:24 SV1VC KM17xu 16:25 SV2HNH KN10lp 16:26 SV2DSJ KN10nl 16:30 Z32KF KN01si 16:32 Z33TI KN01si 16:45 LZ2NB KN23ud 16:45 LZ1CLK KN12or 16:47 LZ1ZL KN22jd 16:48 LZ3XV KN22tj 16:48 LZ73TRC KN22dq Comment: Quite difficult to make qso's in FT8, as the stations cam up and down. |
Rig: IC-9700 ODX: 1959km Log: 18.54 SV9CJO FT8 KM25FI 1959km 18.48 SV2HNE| FT8 KN10LL 1393km 18.47 SVOSYH FT8 KN10LO 1381km 18.40 SV1VC FT8 KM17XU 1690km 18.29 SV3SFK FT8 KM08VH| 1562km 18.16 IK7RWE FT8 JN80 1200km 18.12 SV8CS FT8 KMO7JS 1584km 17.29 IK8IOO FT8 JM88DF 1432km 17.03 9H1CG FT8 JM75 1721km 17.00 9H1GB FT8 JM75FU 1675km 12.32 SVIEEX FT8 KM17TW 1668km 12.30 SV1NZX FT8 KM17VV 1679km Comment: all in FT8 no stations here in ssb |
Rig: FT857 + 9ele Tonna ODX: 1927km Log: 16:19 SV3SFK KM08VH 1.927km 16:37 SV2JAO KN10ND 1.633km 16.40 Z32KF KN01SI 1.525km Comment: Hrd many more SVs, SV9, Z3 but no QSO for me |
Rig: Kennwood TS-2000X ODX: SV1VC in KM17xu (1870km) Log: 16:06 SV8CS KM07js FT8 1750km 16:12 IK7JNM JN80xo FT8 1363km 16:16 SV3SFK KM08vh FT8 1734km 16:19 SV8PEX JM99vr FT8 1516km 16:29 SV6SYQ KM08ix FT8 1625km 16:30 SV1VC KM17xu FT8 1870km 16:38 SV2JAO KN10dn FT8 1538km 16:45 SV1NZX KM17vv FT8 1859km 16:50 SV1EEX KM17 FT8 ????km 16:57 Z32KF KN01si FT8 1430km Heard also SV9 from KM25 and some other from SV, and Z3 Comment: Opening started long before. But the reflection point was unfavourable for me. In the end, however, it was worth the wait. Signal came in with +12dB at it's best. At 16:58z the game was abruptly over. |
Rig: 6x14el, GS35B Log: IW9CTJ 14:39 FT8 JM77MM 1648 IU8RYQ 15:29 FT8 JM78TF 1573 IK8CNT 15:32 FT8 JM78WI 1560 IK8IOO 15:42 FT8 JM88DF 1576 IZ8DVD 15:46 FT8 JM88DX 1493 IU8MHG 15:52 FT8 JM78TF 1541 IZ8YBS 15:59 FT8 JM89CH 1442 |
Rig: 600/17ele Log: 16:48 SV7GBR KN20IX SSB Comment: ....just back from a long cycling tour got some info from Dirk,DL1YDI,just a quick cool beer.......than heard Manos `CQ on 300, 59+ A few more "heard" on 174...... CU next, 73´s |
Rig: 400 Watts and 9 Element Log: 15:58 SV8CS KM07JS 16:32 SV9CJO KM25FI 16:35 SV1EEX KM17TW 16:50 SV2FPI KN10KX 16:52 SV2HNH KN10LP |
Rig: IC9700 50W 2x9el.DK7ZB ODX: SV1NZX KM17 1698 km Log: 15:58 SV1NZX KM17 1698 km 16:05 SV2JAO KN10 1398 m 16:25 9A4M JN85 994 km(Tropo) 16:27 SV7GBR KN20 1526 km 16:37 LZ1ZP Kn20 1451 km Comment: again up and down with weak signals and very short openings of a maximum of 10 minutes. Stations were often lost in noise and fortunately could be heard again a couple of times(short) |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 16:14 SV8CS KM07 16:16 IK7JNM JN80 Comment: Very unstable opening. Heard some more IT9, SV and SV9, but no new square. Maybe tomorrow will be better ... |
Rig: IC9100 11ele. Tonna Log: SV8PEX JM99 SSB SV1NCZ KM17 SSB 9A4M JN85 SSB (Tropo/backscatter) SV2JAO KN10 SSB SV7GBR KN20 SSB LZ1ZP KN22 hrd. Comment: no digital modes. Good Opening with strong QSB |
Log: 15:41 SV8PEX JM99 FT8 15:43 SV8PEX JM99 SSB 16:36 LZ1NB KN22 FT8 Comment: 73s Robert - DL5GAC |
Rig: FT847, BEKO, 2 x 2.5wl yagi ODX: SV9CJO 2065km Log: 15:56 SV8CS KM07 FT8 16:05 SV8PEX JM99 SSB 59+20 16:12 SV9CJO KM25 FT8 16:14 SV3SFK KM08 FT8 Comment: In the beginning I heard nil, because my reflection zone was between 2 ES clouds. Later signs were decodable with strong QSB. Tom, SV8PEX , was vy strong on 300 here, but no one else copied. 3. opening this year here. |
Rig: IC9700, BEKO, 7el. Log: 15:58 SV8CS KM07JS 1597km FT8 16:03 SV8PEX JM99VR 1366km SSB 16:20 SV1EEX KM17TW 1721km FT8 Comment: Again long opening with up and downs here. Heard many other stations of SV1, SV3, SV9 and LZ. Tks for qso's, 73, Ralf |
Rig: IC-9700 /75W ODX: SV1VC - 1659 km Log: 15:37 IK8IOO JM88DF 16:48 SV1VC KM17XU Comment: 3 hours opening to south/southeast heard many Stations from Italia and Greece TNX |
Rig: TS711E 20W GP 1/4 Log: Null Comment: Very nice opening even if not for me given my limited means! No stations contacted. Stations heard: 14:17 SV2HQL KM09uv 1733 Km 14:53 SV2TX KN10mn 1816 Km 14:55 SV2FPI KN10ku 1792 Km 15:04 Z32KF KN01si 1672 Km |
Rig: IC9700 100W Tonna 11 ele ODX: LZ1KU 1875 km Log: 16:16 LZ2ZY KN130T SSB 16:18 LZ1KU KN32AH SSB Comment: First Es opening for me this year ! Heard YO3GJ at 16:54 My best 73 to all partcipants Michel |
Rig: FT991A +GS35B PA+ 7 El Yagi ODX: SV8PEX - JM99VR - 2181Km Log: 17:04 SV8PEX JM99VR FT8 Comment: Just 1 QSO todat but copied.... SV9CJO - KM25FI - 2818 Km SV1EEX - KM17TW - 2554 Km SV8CS - KM07JS - 2402 Km 73 Lyn G8JLY |
Rig: K3_TR144H_PGA103/GSz31b_13 el YU1CF ODX: SV9CJO KM25FI 1490 km Log: 10:25 SV9CJO KM25FI -07 +05 1490 km Comment: Very short opening, only for one QSO. Thanks for FT8 ! Hrd SV1EEX also, but the time was not enough for QSO. I hope the next. 73! Jozef HA1VQ |
Rig: ICOM IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w, Pre-Amp ODX: 1714km Log: 14:44 SV8CS KM07JS 1529KM 15:31 SV1NZX KM17VV 1700KM 15:40 SV3SFK KM08VH 1544KM 15:43 SV1EEX KM17TW 1687KM 15:49 SY1VC KM17XU 1714KM 16:06 Z33PB KN01PA (NC, NO RR, lost in QSB) 16:09 Z33TI KN01SI 1303KM 16:10 SV2TX KN10MN 1458KM 16:12 SV2CXW KN10LP 1447KM 16:17 SV2FPI KN10KU 1427KM 16:25 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1477KM 16:28 LZ1NB KN22DB 1452KM 16:34 LZ73TRC KN22QO 1501KM 16:41 LZ1KU KN32AH 1565KM 16:45 LZ2HV KN23SF 1483KM 16:47 LZ1CWK KN32RM 1658KM 16:50 LZ3SU KN32DQ 1564KM Comment: Finally a bigger opening also for HB9. All contacts in FT8. Hope to catch once a 4X as well. 73 de Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: 1 KW- 11 Y @ 15m Log: 16.23 LZ1KU KN32ah SSB !!!! 16.35 LZ2ZY KN13ot SSB !!!! |
Rig: ELECRAFT K3S KUNHE TR144PRO LNA 2X7 LFA 80W ODX: 4X5CD KM72 2610KM Log: 10:33 TA2NC KM69 FT8 14:04 SV9CJO KM25 FT8 14:06 SV8CS KM07 FT8 15:02 SV1VC KM17 FT8 15:06 SV1EEX KM17 FT8 15:10 SV1BEE KM17 FT8 15:16 4X5CD KM72 FT8 15:36 SV1NZX KM17 FT8 16:17 LZ1KU KN22 FT8 16:24 LZ1CWK KN32 FT8 16:33 YO7LGI KN14 FT8 16:35 YO3GCL KN34 FT8 16:41 YO3CBS KN34 FT8 16:44 YO9CEB KN24 FT8 16:52 YO3KWJ KN34 FT8 Comment: Tnx to all 73' |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV ODX: CN8LI 2171 Km Log: 15:19 SV1VC KM17XU FT8 -15 Hrd 15:19 SV1NZX KM17VV FT8 -09 Hrd 16:45 YO3CBS KN34CK FT8 +02 Hrd 16:45 YO3FWL KN24XL FT8 -08 Hrd 16:45 YO3FAI KN34AL FT8 +00 Hrd 16:45 YO4FYQ KN44FD FT8 -11 Hrd 16:45 YO3CCB KN34CL FT8 -08 Hrd 16:45 YO3GCL KN34CK FT8 -12 Hrd 16:45 YO7LGI KN14XO FT8 +12 Hrd 16:46 YO7CW KN24KU FT8 -01 Hrd Comment: ES clouds were too close to IV3 area so just got two very brief openings, too short to complete any QSO in FT8. MUF was rather high around 16:45 UT, as stations with QRB down to 836 Km were heard. 73, Massimo |
Rig: FT-897 - 8JXX2 - 45W ODX: UR5FLN - 1584 KM Log: 16:42 UTC UR5FLN KN56 1583 KM 16:43 UTC ER1AN KN46 1503 KM 16:45 UTC YO6GLT KN36 1279 KM Comment: Few QSOs during this opening 73 Rick IZ5BRW |
Rig: ic-9700 - 100 W - 8el yagi ODX: SQ3AUA JO83id 1538 KM Log: DD0VF JO61VB 1321 FT8 -13 -03 15:41 DO5OT JO62WL 1474 FT8 -10 +03 15:46 DO6UL JO60 1273 FT8 +00 -08 15:47 DL1RNW JO62GH 1474 FT8 -17 +00 15:50 DK3WG JO72 1473 FT8 +00 -02 16:02 SP3NYF JO72 1473 FT8 -07 -21 16:03 SP6SYU JO71 1362 FT8 +17 -03 16:07 SQ3AUA JO83ID 1538 FT8 -08 -08 16:12 SP6VGJ JO70VX 1299 FT8 +05 -15 16:18 |
Rig: IC706 +100W PA + BF998 +9el yagi Log: 15:37 F6DYD 57 59 JN04KG 15:39 F6HTJ 59 59 JN12KQ 16:09 F1NZC 59 59 JN13MR Comment: Couple of other F stations were heard and HB9C |
Rig: Kenwood TS 700S, 750W, 21 Elm. Dual Band Yagi ODX: 1392 km Log: 14:42 9H1TX JM75FU 1392km SSB Comment: ...bis zur nächsten ES-Öffnung in der Hoffnung mit mehr SSB Stationen vy 73 Robert |
Log: 13:55 9H1TX JM75FU FT8 1362 13:59 9H1CG JM75 FT8 1394+- 14:38 9H1GB JM75 FT8 1394+- 14:40 9H1X JM75EV SSB 1358 14:48 9H1ET JM75GU SSB 1361 |
Rig: 1kW + 2x9el Log: 15:31 SV8CS KM07JS FT8 15:39 SV8PEX JM99VR FT8 15:47 SV3SFK KM08VH FT8 15:55 SV1NZX KM17VV SSB 16:14 SV2CXW KN10LP FT8 16:15 SV2FPI KN10KU FT8 16:16 SV2TX KN10MN FT8 16:17 Z33TI KN01SI FT8 16:20 SV2JAO KN10DN SSB 16:21 Z32KF KN01SI SSB 16:35 SV7GBR KN20IX SSB Comment: It was not a very stable opening. So, happy with the 4 SSB QSO's. Also hrd/seen or NC QSO : many other SV2/SV0, SV9CJO and several LZ's 73 |
Rig: IC-7610, TR144 PRO, 4x12 el, 1 kW ODX: 1802 km Log: 14:46 IS0OZK JM49MG 1802 km ------------------------------ 16:29 IK7RWE JN80XP 1685 km 16:32 IK7JNM JN80XO 1689 km Comment: Too far away from the reflection layer. Received several SV stations. |
Rig: TS2000X + SSPA 350W ant 12 el DK7ZB Log: 16:57 SV0SYH KN10 |
Rig: TS-590SG + Kuhne + IF SDR + LDMOS, 4x6el, 6x4el, 2x3el. ODX: EB1B 2015 km Log: 19:32 EB1B IN73LM FT8 Comment: Followed the MUF and .174 the whole day without any luck. After late dinner I returned to shack and noticed that the MUF was high. Saw SV and EA, managed to catch EB1B just before the band closed. Despite fine tropo to IN88 (same direction) I guess this was pure Es?! |
Rig: IC9700, 500W, 9el OWL Log: 14:24 9H1CG JM75FW 14:24 9H1GB JM75FU 14:44 IT9FRD JM77NM complete? 14:45 IT9RYJ JM77NP 15:03 IH9YMC JM56XT new loc#556 15:07 IU8MHG JM78TF 15:28 9H1GB JM75FU 15:36 IW9GRL JM77LO 15:38 IW9CTJ JM77MM 15:40 IT9HTV JM76MX 15:49 IU8RYQ JM78TF 16:17 IZ8DVD JM88DX 16:18 IZ8YBS JM89CH 16:24 IK8IOO JM88DF 16:24 IK8CNT JM78TC 16:53 SV6SYQ KM08IX 16:54 SV8PEX JM99VP Comment: I was on business trip to Prague, CZ - but I was able to use ft8/cw in the car. Long opening to IT9/9H nothing on 144.3 on SSB on waterfall again ! I heard: 9H1FL IT9ZEO IT9SMU IT9BDM IT9GUL SV8CS IW7DVM IK7JNM IK7RWE I8IGS 7X2RF I was heard by: 9H5SN IT9XDJ IW9CTR SV3EXP I8IGS IZ8NVV 7X2RF And stop compleining about ft8 ! ssb is better for ES B U T - I wasn't able to work any of it on ssb because of unable to use audio... and S/N ratio is not comperable... FT4 or Q65 is also better - maybe we should migrate to Q65 all ! but anyway It is better than nothing! Also G4LOH iono Q65B QSO at 8:55 shame that not so many potential stations between 1200-1600km for me is active and ready for tests. I8KPV IONO test failed, nothing decode. Congrats to G,PA,DL and OH stations ! |
Rig: IC9100 250W 6 EL. Cross HM ODX: 9H1TX 1822 Km Log: 15:05 9H1CG JM75 FT8 1812 Km 15:09 9H1TX JM75 FT8 1822 Km 15:39 IH9YMC JM56 FT8 1773 Km 15:58 IT9FTP JM68 FT8 1570 Km 16:09 IC8FAX JN70 FT8 1311Km 16:28 IT9HTV JM76 FT8 1754 Km 16:30 I8KPV JN70 FT8 1299 Km |
Rig: FT857D-45W / 3 Element yagi ODX: G3WZ #IO90 Log: 10:26 DL5NTA JO60 10:27 OK1XHI JO70 10:29 OE3FVU JN78 10:30 DG0JMB KM17 11:17 9H1GB JM75 11:20 EA6SX JM19 11:22 EA5TT IM99 11:27 7X2HF KM17 11:30 EB5EA IM99 11:32 7X2RF JM16 11:27 7X2HF KM17 11:38 EA3DBJ KM17 12:09 IS0YFG JM49 12:20 F5DYD KM17 12:24 F5TMJ JN03 12:25 EA3EDU JN01 13:55 F6EBF JN24 13:57 IK1NEG KM17 13:59 F1NZC JN15 14:02 IW1QOC KM17 14:06 IK1SPR JN34 14:09 IK1OXF JN44 14:10 IZ5EME KM17 14:41 F1EFW JN26 14:43 I1JTQ JN35 14:47 IK2JUG JN45 14:48 I2XAV KM17 14:51 F8FHI KM17 14:53 I1DMP JN34 14:59 IU2LSZ JN45 15:02 IU2SVO JN45 15:05 IW2EQR JN45 15:06 IK2LHP JN45 15:06 IK2MMB JN35 15:15 IW1FGY IO90 15:18 G3WZT JN37 15:21 HB9MFM JN37 15:23 HB9DKM JN18 15:29 F6HMQ JN37 15:31 HB9MOZ JN37 15:34 HB3YFC JN36 15:36 HB9CYN JN37 15:42 HB9DFG KM17 15:45 F5AOL JN48 15:52 DL1ARS JN48 15:52 DK5EW JN29 15:56 LX1BH JN48 15:57 DF8IJ JO30 15:59 DF7KF JN48 16:06 DL1GPS JO20 16:07 OQ4U JO02 16:09 G4SWX JO21 16:10 PA2M JO49 16:11 DH9SB JO21 16:12 PA3EWP JO21 16:13 PA3DUU JO21 16:15 PE1OBL JO22 16:16 PA3BIY KM17 16:17 DB5KN JO22 16:19 PA7ML JN49 16:20 DM7RM JO21 16:21 DL6ZG JO21 16:22 DL6KAI JO30 16:23 PA3AIW JO31 16:24 DJ0PY JO32 16:25 DJ9JY KM17 16:27 DK1VC JO33 16:28 DF7JC JO52 16:29 PD8MD JO52 16:34 DL1YDI JO61 16:31 PA0V JO42 16:37 DJ9MG JO51 16:38 DJ6OL JO61 16:39 DG0LFG JO51 16:44 DL5OAS JO62 16:46 DJ6AG KM17 16:48 DM3F KM17 16:52 DM2ECM KM17 Comment: All qsos are in FT8. Worked two DX stations from Algeria (7X2HF and 7X2RF) for the 1st time in AF. Many stations lost due to qsb. |
Rig: FT-897/50w/9el Log: 16.53 DL2RWM JO40ic 16.47 DL3DXX JO61ve 16.46 DJ9MG JO52 16.45 DD0VF JO60 16.44 DJ6AG JO51eq 16.43 DK3EE JO41 16.35 DL9OBD JO42qn 16.01 F5JNX JN37pv 15.59 DL4MP JN48nx 15.59 DL2GPS JN48cd 15.58 F6DCD JN38rq 15.57 F4BIT JN38kn 15.55 ON4KHG JO10xo 15.54 F1HLH JN38in 15.49 IK2DDR JN55 15.48 HB9MFM JN37te 15.41 IK2MMB JN45pq 15.40 IK2BUF JN45 15.40 HB9CYN JN36rw 15.37 IK2LHP JN45 15.31 F6HMQ JN18gp 15.30 HB9DFG JN37 15.28 HB9MOZJN37 15.24 F6DBI IN88 15.22 HB3YFC JN37 15.20 HB9DKM JN37 15.19 F4JDM JN07 15.03 IK2JUG JN61sr 15.02 I2FAK JN45ob 15.01 I2XAV JN62 15.00 F1EFW JN26 14.35 I1JTQ JN35 14.34 I1DMP JN34 14.14 IK1NEG JN43 14.12 IZ5EME JN52 14.11 F1NZC JN15mr 14.10 F6EBF JN24 12.30 F1RJ/P JN18 11.33 7X2RF JM16 11.29 EB5EA IM99 11.27 7X2HF JM16 11.25 EA6SX JM19ik 11.12 EA5TT IM99 10.32 DG0JMB JO60 10.28 OE3FVU JN78 10.30 OK1YK JN79 Comment: Most were FT8 1/3 were USB, some were too weak to work, i must have heard all of JN37/JN36 in HB9, half of N Germany and, towards the evening, some SP that were not complete. Sometimes over 20 stations per period from DL/F/HB9, also heard G, EI. New DXCC 7X and a first for SV on 2m as well as some new # :) Opening lasted for over 8 hours, many thanks to SV1EEX my buddy in ES season :) 73 Alex |
Rig: IC-746, + 9el YU7EF ODX: F6DKW Log: 15:50 I1JTQ JN35UB 1450KM SSB 15:53 F1GGS JN15OV 1812KM SSB 15:55 F1NZC JN15MR 1822KM SSB 16:13 F6HMQ JN18GP 1935KM SSB 16:14 F6DKW JN18CS 1962KM SSB 16:15 F5DQK JN18GR 1937KM SSB 16:15 F6GCP JN18LT 1911KM SSB 16:23 F1CNE/P JN28KU 1782KM SSB 16:24 F6ACU JN38FC 1642KM SSB 16:25 HB9HLM JN36KW 1568KM SSB 16:26 F4BIT JN38KN 1634KM SSB 16:26 DL2GPS JN48CD 1525KM SSB 16:31 DL4MP JN48MX 1514KM SSB 16:31 F6DCD JN38RQ 1601KM SSB 16:34 DH2PA JN49AE 1589KM SSB 16:34 DF4OR JN49CD 1576KM SSB 16:35 ON4KHG JO10XO 1921KM SSB 16:36 DL2CC JN48WM 1436KM SSB 16:48 DL1YAW JO41DX 1745KM SSB 16:49 DL8YE JO32TC 1790KM SSB 16:51 PA1BVM JO21RO 1882KM SSB Comment: MUF was high enough early afternoon, but I was too close to reflection point. Later Es cloud moved west and I made these 21 QSOs all in SSB. CW signals not heard. Majority of stations on FT8 QRG, I do not use it Only one or may be two stations heard into QSB and were not workable, sri. 73 |