03. June 2024
Sporadic E
Rig: IC-9700, 100W, M2 HO-Loop hor. omni 4 dBd ODX: 1825 Log: 12:17 SV9CJO KM25FI Comment: FT8 |
Rig: IC275E - 400W - 8 ele Yagi ODX: ~ 1770 Log: 12:11 SV9CJO KM25 12:31 SV1BHF KM18 Comment: Short opening with lots of QSB. Hrd also SV6SYQ, but nobody else. All on FT8 |
Rig: IC-9700, 100W, 9el.Flexa-Yagi ODX: 1663 Log: 15:46 7X2RF JM16WR Comment: only station I worked in FT8. My first 7X station ever in 144MHz after 42 years been qrv on VHF. |
Rig: FT991A+Dressler-200 (250W), 7El Yagi ODX: 2186Km Log: 12:22 SV9CJO KM25FI decoded only, no QSO. Comment: what an opening for 10min! but no QSO in this period. |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 13:29 EI8KN IO62 FT8 Comment: Tnx nice ES QSO. |
Rig: IC-9700 100W 11 ele LFA ODX: UW1WU 1670Km Log: 17;04 UW1WU +01 KN29AT Decoded only, no QSO. Comment: Only 3 decodes of the UW1, another local also called him several times. 73 Bob |
Rig: IC-746, Beko HLV-1000 500w 9el Log: 13;29 I3MEK JN55 FT8 hrd -08 Comment: Brief Es opening - called but no QSO resulted |
Rig: IC-705 + ME300 PA + 12el YU1CF ODX: OD5KU KM73uw 2178km Log: 10:46 OD5KU KM73uw 2178km FT8 10:48 OD5VB KM73ux 2175 FT8 15:47 EA4JM IN80ej 1808 FT8 15:52 EA4T IN70xk 1836 FT8 Comment: The 2x OD5 station was a pleasant surprise :) |
Rig: FT-100D 4el I0JXX - about 25W to antenna ODX: RD7LI 1985 km Log: 09:27 RD7LI LN17BQ 09:29 RM6L LN17BP Comment: caught the opening at the last minute, as I have to dismount / remount the antenna to turn it. Checked SSB no signal |
Rig: Flex6600 + TRXV ODX: EA5GJ 1291 Km Log: 15:37 EA5RM IM98RF FT8 S -03 R-05 1238 Km 15:38 EA5GJ IM97JW FT8 S+03 R+07 1291Km Comment: My First ES this season. Was Short because the Top ES Cloud was behind the mouantains and nopt reachable from my qth. Anyway nice to have concluded some contact! 73's de Nick |
Rig: TS-711E - LNA - 16JXX2 - 500W ODX: EA2BV Log: 15:46 EA2BV IN92EB Comment: Very quickly ! |
Rig: SDR FDM-DUO + LT2S , LNA PGA-103+, 500W, 16JXX antenna ODX: EA4I IM68 1870 Log: 15:41 EA4I IM68 15:47 EA4HW IN70 15:50 EA1JM IN70LM Comment: Hi, 2nd opening to SE Europe and Spain . Between 11.00-12.20 UTC I heard also mni time TA2NC, SV1EEX, SV9CJO, SV1NZX but arrive to late to the radio hi. All qso/hrd in FT8. Best regards, Gigi IV3GTH |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 15:49 EA4I IM68MU +10 -07 FT8 1844 Km Comment: Relatively short opening, with usual mess on both periods at .174. Nobody heard on SSB. 73, Massimo |
Log: 17:06 UR3EE KN88DC FT8 (SSB workable) |
Log: 15.57 TA2NC KM69HU |
Rig: FT-897/50w/9el Log: 07.56 HA0HO KN07 --- 12.17 DL3YDY JN47 12.18 IU3LYJ JN65 12.19 F5NWY JN38 12.31 DK5YA JN49 Comment: This was the best opening i have seen since i started working on 2m. Since 0700, MUF was high and remained high throughout the day, until late into the evening. 4 hotspots seen, 3 simultaneously at one point. Also heard a bunch of stations but didn't complete. 73 Alex |