22. July 2022
Sporadic E
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Rig: TS2000 100W 10 el. DL6WU Log: 09:09 CT1HIX FT8 +08 IN52RB 09:11 EA1YV FT8 -01 IN52OF 09:20 EA1SA FT8 +02 IN83FJ |
Rig: TS-2000 & 2x10 El. DK7ZB 300W ODX: IK6DTB JN72 1896 Km. Log: 11:31 EA8JK IL18 11:46 F1TRF JN39 11:47 DM2GM JN49 11:48 DK5IR JN49 11:49 DF4IAE JN49 11:51 DG9TM JN49 11:54 DF1VW JN39 11:55 DM1AC JO30 11:56 DG1KDD JO31 11:57 DK4TG JO31 11:58 DL8RB JN39 11:59 DL2AKT JO50 12:00 DH1TZ JO40 12:01 PD1B JO32 12:02 PA2CHR JO32 12:05 DJ5AR JN49 12:07 DK2CF JO41 12:08 DF9QT JO30 12:10 DH1MJ JO31 12:13 DL9DBF JO40 12:14 DJ5BV JO30 12:15 DO1BRD JO30 12:16 DG2DAA JO41 12:17 DF9YF JO42 12:20 IK6DTB JN72 12:21 IK0ZYH JN62 12:39 G4CBZ IO90 12:40 G0JJG JO02 12:41 M0UKR JO02 12:42 G0WZM IO91 12:43 G4CZP IO90 12:45 G4DCV IO91 12:55 PA2M JO21 12:56 PA1Q JO21 12:57 G0JDL JO02 12:59 PA9R JO22 13:00 M0CFV IO91 13:01 PA0CAB JO22 13:02 PA3GAN JO21 13:03 G4CCZ IO91 13:04 G4URT IO82 Comment: TNX everyone for the nice contact on this E-Sporadic 73 es hp to cpi at the next. |
Rig: 500 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB ODX: 3338 Log: 09:23 EA8DBM IL18OH 3305 km 09:25 EA5AQB IM97 09:51 EA8JK IL18CP 3338 km 11:58 EA1NL IN52PJ 12:04 CT1ANO IN51RE 73, Willi Comment: 2 new calls from EA8, tnx |
Rig: 500 W - 8 ele Yagi ODX: 3284 Log: 09:17 EA8DBM IL18 -10 -11 FT8 11:47 CT1ANO IN51 -01 -05 FT8 Comment: Nice early opening to EA8. Heard also EA8JK, but worked him already last year. Other stations heard this morning: LZ1AG, EA4I, EC5W, CT7ABA 73 Maik |
Rig: FT991A ; FT897D 2 x9ele H G35B Amplifier 1kw ODX: 3400 Log: 12:24 EA8DBM IL18OH 3400 kilometers Comment: heard several stations from CT , EA8 and EA but only worked EA8DBM....but that was a nice surprise....new personal ODX record 3400 kilometers |
Rig: IC7400 + Beko PA 400W + 9 ele ODX: EA7GNO IM86SU 1682km Log: 11:41 EC5M IM98RO 1493km 11:42 EC5WR IM99SQ 1374km 11:46 EA5U IM98SR 1480km 11:47 EC5V IM98OL 1506km 11:49 EA5TT IM99SL 1397km 12:08 EA7GNO IM86SU 1682km 12:51 EA7ACI IM77BJ 1646km 13:01 EA4I IM68MU 1503km Comment: All FT8, nothing heard on SSB. First 2m Es here for 6 weeks, good to see the band finally open. in a poor Es season. Disappointed to miss CN8LI who was up to +13dB at times, would have been a new 2m DXCC. But 2 new grids, IM77 and IM86. 73 Darrell G0HVQ |
Rig: IC-9700 90W 11 ele LFA ODX: EA7GNO 1656 Km Log: 11:41 EA7GNO IM86SU -02 R+08 FT8 ES Spain 1656 Comment: I had to go out, but chose the wrong moment, so missed the main event. 73 Bob |
Rig: IC-9700, 1x 7el, 500w ODX: 3030km Log: 09:50 EA8DBM IL18oh 2998km 09:56 EA8JK IL18cp 3030km 11:49 CT1ANO IN51re 1461km 11:50 CT2IWW IN51wf 1429km 11:58 EA1CIU IN52qk 1393km 12:00 EA1IOK IN62fn 1309km 12:01 EA1NL IN52qk 1393km Comment: When I saw in LiveMuf that EA8 is working towards S5, HA, F and OE I hurried home from work and took some time off. Just in time I could manage to work 2x EA8! So many thanks to EA8DBM and EA8JK for listening to me as well! It is always a pleasure and still quite rare to reach around 3000km from HB9 via ES/TR! Reagards, Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: IC9700 - 4x14 ele - 400 Watt and IC275H - 100W - 9 ele ODX: 09:27 EA8DBM IL18 FT8 3562 km Log: 09:19 EA4I IM68 FT8 2100km 09:27 EA8DBM FT8 3562 km Comment: First time I could work EA8 via ES (to EA) / Tropo (EA to EA8) Worked EA8DBM several times via EME |
Rig: Home made Log: 09:51 EC5M IM98 FT8 10:56 EA9E IM75 FT8 11:46 EA7ACI IM77 FT8 11:55 EA4EIU IM68 FT8 12:05 EA4LU IM68TV, SSB 12:38 EA8JK IL18 FT8 12:41 EA8BPX, IL18 SSB 12:43 CT7AGE IN50SP SSB 12:44 CT1FPQ IN50QP SSB 12:57 CT2HRB IM68JT SSB Comment: Very interesting to see the Es cloud which developed initially over southern France, and subsequently very slowly moved to the west. The MUF of the cloud was nearly continuously over 144 MHz from 09 z till 13 z. In the early afternoon it had moved so far to the west that it finally coupled with the tropo duct between EA8 and the Iberian peninsula and enabled a long period of very strong signals from EA8. Only IL18 was heard, no activity from IL38 and 28? On FT8 EA8DBM peaked > 40 dB over the noise, but he seemed to work initials only. A nice surprise to work EA8BPX who was a solid 55 on phone! The past decades the Es season would often start in mid May and June was often good with few openings left in July. This year is more like I used to remember it from the eighties and nineties of last century: Poor Es in May, but good in June and July (on average). 73s and cu in next opening! Peter |
Rig: TS-590sg+transv.Javornik,800W 4x13el YU7EF ODX: EA8JK IL18CP 3566km Log: 22/07/2022 08:56 EA4I IM68MU FT8 2078 22/07/2022 09:00 EA8JK IL18CP FT8 3566 22/07/2022 09:10 EA8DBM IL18OH FT8 3522 22/07/2022 09:26 CT7ASX IN60FD SSB 2048 |