07. June 2022
Sporadic E
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Rig: IC9700 ODX: HA0HO Log: 00:00 YO3FWL KN24 00.00 YO3FWL KN24 00.00 YO4HQF KN44 00.00 ER1AN KN46KX 00.00 LZ1KU KN32 00.00 YU7ON KN04 00.00 YO5OHB KN17 00.00 HA0HO KN07 00.00 YO5QDI KN17 Comment: Nice morning opening 73, Jan |
Rig: 500 W 2 x 10 el DK7ZB ODX: 2297 Log: 08:45 TA2NC KM69HU 1966 km FT8 09:35 TA1D KM56IU 2067 km FT8 09:53 SV2FPI KN10KU 1279 km FT8 10:39 RJ7M KN97KE 2054 km SSB 10:58 RZ6DD LN04MX 2291 km FT8 11:00 R6AM LN04NX 2297 km FT8 11:08 R7LB LN17CU 2276 km FT8 read, not wkd: UA6LJV KN97, UA6HJT, R7IV LN26DH, R6AX, RX6DX, UC6A because FT8 too slow for Es 73 de DF1NP |
Rig: K3, TRV, 2x8El., 400W ODX: YO4FYQ 1762km Log: 07:09 YO4FYQ KN44 07:11 YO4GJH KN35 Comment: HRD LZ1KU, YO7FWS, YO5AVN, SV2FPI, Z32KF, RZ6DD (2590km) and UA6LJV All FT8, only very spotty conditions in JO30, not long enough for FT8 QSOs. Thanks to all and looking forward to more stable ES propagation. |
Rig: 500 W - 8 ele Yagi Log: 10:31 RJ7M KN97 +03/+13 10:31 RK6MC KN97 -06 / +00 10:33 UA6LJV KN97 +10 / -09 Comment: this was probably the most efficient use of FT8 on 2m Es I ever experienced. 3 completed QSO in 2 minutes. Of course SSB would be even faster..... The opening lasted until about 10:40, so no more than 10 minutes in total. Earlier in the morning some spotty signals from TA2NC , TA1D , SV2FPI, Z32KF, ER1AN, R6AS etc. but never enough for a complete contact. 73 Maik |
Rig: IC9700, 7 EL. 500W ODX: RW9ST LO91HF 2116km Log: 16:56 RA9FMT LO87CX 17:01 RZ9AF MO05MA 17:04 R9BT MO05PE 17:08 RA8AF MO05QE 17:09 RA9AJ MO05 17:16 RW9ST LO91HF 17:18 RK9CC MO06 17:22 R5AQ MO05OF 17:23 UA9CCL LO96KD 17:28 R9AE MO05SD Comment: All FT8 except R9AE in CW |
Rig: ic9700 4X11 el LFA ODX: SV6KRV Log: 07:03 SV8PEX JM00 -11 07:05 IW7DLE JN80 -09 07:18 9A5ST JN83 -11 nc 07:28 SV6KRV KM09 +06 08:20 IK7UXW JN80 -14 nc Comment: Good opening . All qso FT8 mode Also heard SV2HNH, SV2FPI, IZ7NLJ, I6WJB, YO5AVN, HA3MGA 73de Pascal |
Rig: K3_TR144H_MGF1801_500W to 9 el. FLEXA Yagi ODX: UA4AQL LO20QB 2128 km Log: 10:41 R7LB LN17CU +04 +01 FT8 144.174 1921 km 11:09 UA4AQL LO20QB +07 -11 FT8 144.174 2128 km Comment: It was very short periods, only for FT8 enough. Without FT8, we wouldn't even know it was Es. Thanks for K1JT ! Jozef |
Rig: IC-9700 + PA 180W ODX: UA4CIK LO31AJ 2375 km Log: 18:48 UA4CIK LO31AJ -05 -10 complete 18:49 RX4CQ LO20 +32 +10 NC 18:53 RU4AN LO20 -04 -11 NC Comment: This was first opening of the season for mr. It lasted at least from 18:28-18:55 at my location, but I probably discovered it too late. Unfortunately the activity was only in FT8, and I had some keying challenges (Windows driver update destroyed configuration). FT8 is not very efficient from hilltopp location when there is a contest with lots of local activity. I spent some time on 144,300 MHz but NIL. What a shame there was not use of SSB, it would have been more efficient than FT8. The two incomplete contacts were due to keying trouble on my side, sorry. Hope to do better next time. pse add additional info: Hrd in FT8: RA4A LO20, RK2P KO93, R2GKH KO92, UA3QIN KO91, UA3QHF KO91, RX4CQ LO30, UA4AQL LO20, RU4AN LO20 |
Rig: 150W Log: 11:03 RJ7M KN97 11:05 UA6LJV KN97 11:15 R6BY KN84 Comment: All qso FT8. not wkd: UA6IE LN26, R7LB LN17, UC6A |
Rig: FT-991A 50W, 11el. yagi OK5IM ODX: RA4NCX Log: 19:01 RA4NCX LO49JM 2330km FT8 |
Log: 10:56 SV2/OK1CDJ KN10LO FT8 |
Rig: IC-910 - 75w - 7el ODX: 07:09 YO4FYQ KN44FD Log: 07:09 YO4FYQ KN44FD FT8 Comment: Only one qso, several others heard. Hope to see you in the next ES. 73 - Rudi |
Rig: IC-275+12elRA6FOO+PA+LNA ODX: SM9RIU JP93MF 1759km Log: 18.23 OH0AZX KP00IF FT8 1496km 18.27 OH6KTL KP02OJ FT8 1615km 18.30 SM9RIU JP93MF 59-59 SSB!!!!!! 1759km 18.33 OH3DP KP10TT FT8 1404km 18.39 SM0WW JO99KO FT8 1552km 19.28 SM0EZZ JO89XG FT8 1584km Comment: Petr, 73! |
Rig: FT-847 + GI7B, Ant 16 el Yagi ODX: 2304 km 7S2A KP05US Log: 07:01 SV9/DK5EW FT8 KM15WL 1799 km 10:31 DJ2QV FT8 JN58UA 2026 km 10:33 OE5JFL FT8 JN68RL 1892 km 10:35 DL2CC FT8 JN48WM 2154 km 10:40 DF1NP FT8 JN58OV 2052 km 10:41 DF1NP SSB JN58OV 2052 km 11:02 OK1ADT FT8 JO80AC1700 km 11:04 OK5TK FT8 JO70MB 1771 km 18:32 SM2BYC FT8 KP25AX 2267 km 18:35 OH8DX SSB KP32EQ 1890 km 18:46 OH0AZX FT8 KP00IF 1865 km 18:46 SM0WW FT8 JO99KO 1898 km 18:48 SM3GDT FT8 JP71WW 2186 km 18:55 OH8JUB FT8 KP24LL 2097 km 19:08 7S2A FT8 KP05US 2304 km 19:10 OH6KTL FT8 KP02OJ 2019 km 19:13 OH1TP FT8 KP01SU 1966 km 19:18 OH4LA FT8 KP20LG 1713 km 19:28 OH1TM FT8 KP01VJ 1919 km 19:29 RA1WU FT8 KO47ET 1374 km 19:31 OH3DP FT8 KP10TT 1802 km 19:38 OI3V FT8 KP21FV 1870 km Comment: What is needed for happiness? Good ES at the right time! Today there were new countries (SV9) and new squares. Thanks for all... |
Rig: ic7000 + 300W amp. ODX: UA6HJT LN14lc 1902 km Log: 07.06 UA6HJT LN14lc 07.06 RZ6DD LN04mx |
Rig: IC-7100 7el Yagi ODX: UA3PRS KO84 Log: 18:39 UA3PRS KO84WB 1498km FT8 Comment: It was short opening here. Heard also R4WR LO66 2370km He spoted me also but to short for complete QSO. Earlier this day were two more short openiengs, at around 9:13 heard TA2NC and at around 11:03 received UC6A, R6BY 73 Andy |
Rig: IC-706MKII 20W 5 el. yagi Log: 06:49 DL5OCD JO42XG Comment: To much QSB to make more QSOs. Hrd other DL's. 73 Ondra |
Rig: IC-706MKII 5 el. yagi ODX: F6DBI IN88IJ 2241km Log: 07:08 F4BKV IN95PP 1993km 07:28 F6DQX JN25LS 1564km 07:30 F6BEG JN25JS 1577km 07:43 F6DBI IN88IJ 2241km 10:55 ON4KHG JO10XO 1841km Comment: ALL QSO FT8. 73 Ondra SV2/OK1CDJ |
Rig: IC-9700/2 x 8el./100W ODX: DH8BQA 2108km Log: 06:53 R7LP KN69UE 1830km 07:01 R7JM KN97KE 1799km 07:06 US4IEK KN87UX 1796km 08:59 EW1H KO33RU 2061km 09:18 SP2JYR JO92GP 1953km 09:32 DH8BQA JO73CE 2108km 09:36 DH2UAK JO71FU 1967km 09:48 DD6ZV JO62SN 2065km Comment: very spoty opening, signals for 1-2 min in than out. Hrd mni others more from OK/SP/DL but not enough for QSO. Congratulations for all worked me with this rare square, |
Rig: 500W/16EL Log: 06:06 4X/OM2IB KM72jc ft8 11:29 RQ3P KO84uf ft8 Comment: 73 de Zoran |