26. June 2022
Sporadic E
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Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 18:39 GM0EWX IO67 Comment: Heard GM0HBK also with excellent signal. No BC station seen via ES between 87,5 and 91,0 MHz. Very strange ... |
Rig: IC-9700 + PA 300 W Log: 12;20 I3JUK hrd 12:23 IK4GNG hrd 12:23 IZ0MON hrd 12:25 IZ5YFU hrd Comment: Short ES opening to Italy (12:20-12:30), but I was only monitoring. My PC logged a numberof stations on 144,174 MHz in FT8 - while I was mowing the lawn ;-) |
Rig: TS 2000 + PA 250 W ODX: R7IV LN26 Log: 09:10 R7HL LN04 09:12 R6AM LN04 09:13 RZ6DD LN04 09:54 R7IV LN26 Comment: Only FT8 . No activity on SSB. TKS for QSO! 73, Angel. |
Rig: TS2000 250W 10el. yagi Log: 0638 UA2FBW KO04 FT8 0738 F4EZJ JN05 FT8 0952 R7IV LN26 FT8 Comment: 3 QSO's in 3 different directions. Heard many UA6 between 09:07 and 09;17 all on FT8 - no activity on SSB, pitty. |
Rig: ic7100 ODX: GM0EWX loc. IO67 1709km Log: 18:36 GM0HBK IO77 FT8 18:40 GM0EWX IO67 FT8 18:54 GM7PKT IO76 FT8 Comment: 4X 10EL. & IC7100 |
Rig: FT-991A + 300W ODX: GM0EWX IO67UL 1768 km Log: 18:34 GM0EWX IO67UL FT8 18:37 GM0HBK IO77BC FT8 Comment: Short opening to GM only. |
Rig: IC-275+PA+LNA+12elRA6FOO Log: 06:40 IW1BCV JN44FS FT8 2388km 09:14 SV9CJO KM25FI FT8 2156km Hrd EK1RR LN20. Comment: Petr, 73! |
Rig: TS-590SG+Kuhne, 6x4el, 4x6el, 2x3el 200W ODX: IZ5YFU 1617 km Log: 12:27 IZ5YFU JN53LU 1617 km FT8 new # 12:28 IK4CBO JN54DS 1518 km FT8 Comment: Just in and out, nice with a new square though. |