23. May 2021
Sporadic E
09:55 Sporadic E with a reflectionpoint around NW Poland KO03 reported. QSO's from Moscow Oblast UA3 to ON/PA/DL 10.35 Sporadic E PA to YO; patchy |
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Rig: FT-847 50 W 15 Ele. F9FT ODX: 1650 KM Log: 08:07 RK2P KO93AD Comment: Tnx Nicola for FT8 QSO. 73 Peter. |
Rig: TS2000 + 2 x BLF188XR BEKO + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd ODX: R3SV (LO04AD) 2227 km Log: 08:03 RK2P KO93AD +10 R+08 FT8 ES 2103 08:04 R3SV LO04AD R+06 -01 FT8 ES 2227 08:09 RQ3P KO84UF +10 R+28 FT8 ES 2075 08:54 UA3PRS KO84WC +00 R+01 FT8 ES 2086 Comment: Not a single signal in SSB or CW, what a shame. PSK reporter showed I was also being copied by UA4UK (LO14MA), 2423 km. No QSO however. Luckily we worked back in 2005 via ES, in CW. Some more stations from KO64 and KO85 were copied, but nothing else. Good to see some discipline on .174: Central Europe was generally tx 2nd, Eastern Europe 1st. |
Rig: 500 W - 8 ele Yagi Log: 08:15 RU3BQ KO67 08:19 UA3MBJ KO87 Comment: Both QSOs on FT8. I missed the beginning of this short opening, as I was on 6m looking for Japan (without success today). When I looked at 2m, I noticed that the TRX was parked on 144.360 for MSK144 and not on the 144.174 for FT8. Would have noticed earlier otherwise. Looked also on 144.300 but nothing heard. For todays weak and QSB signals the FT8 mode is superior. But when the band really opens, let's go to SSB or CW. 73 Maik |
Rig: IC 7100, PA 180W 4elm Balkon ODX: 1980 KM Log: 08:10 RK2P KO93AD FT8 |
Rig: 17ele Log: -nil- Comment: Sorry to say.....SSB and CW are dead..... copied ( decoded ) 15 different UA-callsigns...mostly more than +8dB on 174........144300?? : ZERO....just a pitch of RO3X If that is the way.......73´s to my 144MHz activity........cu......Peter |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 08:11 RD3FD KO95 Comment: TNX FT8-QSO 73! Peter |
Rig: LT2S - 11elem DK7ZB - 300W Log: 08:06 UA3MBJ KO87QV FT8 |
Rig: IC7300 2m Transverter -PA-8el Yagi ODX: RD3B 2005 km Log: 08:55 RD3B KO85 FT8 08:18 RA3LBK KO64 FT8 |
ODX: R3MW 2301 km Log: 08:15 R3MW LO07DL FT8 Comment: NC: UA3MBJ (rxed +21 from him, but no R), RC3D HRD: UA3MRS, RU3BQ 73 de Robert - DL5GAC |
Rig: 80W, 7ele ODX: R3SV Log: 08:13 R3SV LO04AD |
Rig: IC-9700, BEKO, 7el. Flexa ODX: R2DMD 2049 km Log: Wkd: 08:02 UA3AVY KO95BI FT8 2041 km 08:05 RK3BM KO85RP FT8 2004 km 08:05 UB3AUS KO85SO 2008 km 08:06 RZ3BQ KO85SS 2011 km 08:11 R2DMD KO95BV 2049 km 08:15 RD3B KO85SS 2011 km 08:19 R5AO KO86VA 2030 km Hrd: RD3FD KO95, UA3AZ KO85, RC3D KO75 und RK3MXT KO85. Was heard by ER1AN KN46 later. Comment: First ES with me this year. Good signals , unfortunately no station in SSB. All contacts in FT8. 73's, Ralf |
Rig: SDR+Khune+LNA 250w ant 2x 11 LFA ODX: RK2P 2759 km rx Log: 08:06 RK2P KO93ad FT8 hrd -09 2759km 08:44 R2PA KO84tf FT8 hrd -14 2724km 08:44 RW3VM KO85uv FT8 hrd -12 2727km Comment: No qso, only rx. qrm big local stations ATV sound on 144170.0 all time and no qsy. 73 de Pascal |
Rig: K3_TR144H_MGF1801_100W to 9 el. FLEXA Yagi Log: 08:19 UA1AJY KO49VV 1637 km FT8 Comment: Hrd: RX1AS; RA1AEP Short opening.. |
Rig: IC-706 + PA 300 W ODX: none Log: 08:00 UW8SM KN28IV hrd FT8 -5 08:18 UW8SM KN28IV hrd FT8 -10 08:18 UR8GZ KN66RT hrd FT8 -13 08:59 YO8RHM KN37GR hrd FT8 -10 08:59 YO4FYQ KN44FD hrd FT8 -7 08:59 YO8SAO KN36KN hrd FT8 -13 08:59 UW8SM KN28IV hrd FT8 -12 Comment: No stations worked, I was only in listening mode. Openings were very short, only a minute or two at a time. |
Rig: FT847+750W output + 10el dk7zb 3wl, lna pga103+ g4ddk ODX: UA3IDQ 1395km Log: 23.05.21 08;10 144174 UA3MRS -4 HRD KO97VQ 1850 23.05.21 08;14 144174 RU3BQ -1 HRD KO67NE 1455 23.05.21 08:14 144303 UA3IDQ 59 59 KO66JF 1395km Comment: Short but nice Es into UA. Just for a note during every Es opening into UA I'm logged at ON4KST chat and IRC. VHFDX .RU so we can make SSB or CW or FM sked anytime.! At the mean time I try call CQ around 144.303 MHz. 73, DSW Matej, OK1TEH |
Rig: K3, TR144 PRO, 12 el, 1 kW ODX: 1737 km Log: 08:14 US4IEK KN78UX 1737 km 08:23 US8AR KO60RR 1499 km |
Rig: Icom-7100 50W. ODX: R3KBF-KO91PO-2228 Km. Log: 08:15 R3KBF KO91po 5.9 FT8 Comment: Thanks for this early sporadic ES qso 73 es Geert. |
Rig: 12el/200W Log: 08:12 r3kbf ko91 08:21 rk2p ko93 |
Rig: ic 910 ANT= 4 elm Indoor Antenna ODX: RK2P ko93ad Log: 23/05/2021 08:26 RK2P KO93AD 2 m. FT8 ES 2169 |
Rig: IC-275+PA+LNA+12elRA6FOO Log: 08.03 DL4DBM JO31 FT8 08.06 PA2CHR JO22 FT8 08.08 DH8BQA JO73 FT8 08.10 DL1TRK FT8 08.11 PA4VHF JO32 FT8 08.12 PA3BIY JO22 FT8 08.15 PA3EAP JO32 FT8 08.17 PA3DOL JO22 FT8 08.22 DG9BHU JO33 FT8 08.23 PA2IP JO23 FT8 08.42 PA3C JO33FD 59-59 SSB 08.43 PA0A JO33DE 59-59 SSB HRD in FT8 - DF1JC, DD7DAC, DL1RNW, SQ1FYB, PA3BGM, PD5FK, DG0KW, PD0WIM, PA6F. Comment: First in 2021 ES. 73! |
Log: 08:20 T7/I4GHG JN63FW SSB 08:49 IW3GJF JN55WB FT8 08:50 IV3VZO JN55 FT8 |
Rig: Kenwood TR-9130, 11 el. Log: HRD: FT8 - OZ7IV +23 dB!!! SSB - DJ8MS 59 Comment: 144.300 - almost nobody :( FT8 - demonic mode :) |