28. May 2020
Sporadic E
Rig: ic746 Log: 14:42 391 CT1GVN IM67 FT8 15 2 16:04 328 EA7HCL IM76 FT8 -15 -19 16:07 328 EA7HLB IM76 FT8 -12 -13 16:10 1580 F1DUZ IN97 FT8 -14 1 16:11 F4DXX FT8 -11 -8 16:12 1740 F4DNS JN08 FT8 -13 -9 16:16 1109 EA1U IN83 FT8 -18 -18 16:18 1809 F6HMQ JN18 FT8 -5 -8 16:19 1580 F6APE IN97 FT8 -3 -12 16:21 1685 F6EAS IN98 FT8 -3 0 16:23 1477 F6DUA IN96 FT8 9 3 16:24 F4KKV FT8 -9 -5 16:25 1444 F4EZJ JN05 FT8 -6 0 16:35 2003 ON4KHG JO10 FT8 -3 0 16:40 328 EA7HCL IM76 FT8 -17 -16 16:43 1273 F6CIS IN94 FT8 -8 -1 16:45 F4DJK FT8 -12 -16 16:49 1809 F4BDG JN18 FT8 -13 -15 16:50 1905 F6DHA JN19 FT8 -13 -12 17:34 2168 PA3AIW JO21 FT8 -13 -14 17:38 F8BRL JN19 SSB 59 59 17:47 2264 PA3BIY JO22 FT8 5 -10 17:47 2168 PA2M JO21 FT8 -3 -12 17:52 2073 ON4GG JO20 FT8 -10 -16 17:54 524 EA7BHO IM87 FT8 -21 -15 17:56 2168 PA0VHA JO21 FT8 -4 -3 18:03 2264 PA2DW JO22 FT8 0 -10 18:03 2102 ON4CLQ JO11 FT8 0 -7 18:09 PA3DOL FT8 59 59 18:09 2362 PE1OPK JO23 FT8 0 -4 18:15 982 EA8CZZ IL28 FT8 -14 -8 |
Rig: Icom IC-9700, 6ele LFA Yagi, kW Log: 16:33 F6BNX JN33 -20 +02 FT8 17:22 HB9DFG JN37 -11 -16 FT8 17:33 DF8IJ JN48 -14 -02 FT8 17:35 DH4SBM JN48 -07 -10 FT8 17:36 DF2AJ JN48 -14 -03 FT8 17:37 DH4SBM JN48 -07 -10 FT8 17:38 DF2AJ JN48 -11 -05 FT8 17:38 DH4SBM JN48 -07 -20 FT8 17:52 DF5HC JO53EP -03 -21 FT8 Comment: Murphy was here!! My rotor broke and i kept Az 210○dgr, El 15 dgr, pointing to Cannary Isl. !! All contacts were made by Ionoscatter + tropo + Es….. Terrible luck… well, thats part of the game, isnt it? All the best, CU next Es… i hope! Hi Hi Miguel CT1BYM |
Rig: ICOM 821H 17ELE 150W ODX: DK3EE 2056KM Log: 16:30 F1OMQ JN25IO 16:32 HB9STX JN36LN 16:33 I1RJP JN45BO 18:09 DK3EE JO41GU 18:10 DL1KFS JO30FQ 18:11 DK3T JO41GU 18:11 DM1AC JO30IV 18:11 DK0VHF JO41GU 18:11 PA4VHF JO30 18:13 DL1YAW JO41DX FT8 16:36 DL9DBF JO40 17:40 DF9QT JO30 17:42 F6DHA JN19 17:45 DK3EE 17:48 DK9TF 17:53 DL5EBS JO30 17:54 PA3FYC 17:57 PA5Y 17:59 PA2CHR 18:01 DM1AC 18:03 DC6KI Comment: Whay many stations transmiting in ft8 with no grid locator 73s to all from CT1CAD |
Rig: Icom IC- 746 3WL LFA 160W ODX: IM3MEK JN55SJ 1652Km Log: 17.34 F1NSR JN33JK 17.53 IW2NNZ JN45SN 18.47 F1RDL JN25KU 18.47 F1PYN JN25JT 18.49 IM3MEK JN55SJ 18.50 HB9SJV JN36FL 18.51 HB9DPO JN47KG 18.52 DL5GAC JN47UT Comment: Short Es |
Rig: ICOM 9700 ECOFLEX 15 2M12 Log: 16:30 EA3FA JN01um 16:31 IK0ZYH JN62bj 16:32 EA3SI JN11dn 16:37 IK5OEA JN53pg 16:43 F6BNX JN33or 16:45 EA4LU IM68tv 16:50 EA4C IM68mu 16:55 IV3GTH JN65ru 17:22 IZ2MHO JN45nk 17:24 IK2LDA JN45jq 17:24 I2FAK JN45ob 17:24 I1RJP JN45bo 17:25 IZ2MHO JN45nk 17:25 IK2MMB JN45pq 17:29 DL5GAC JN47ut 17:32 HB9DFG JN37sm 17:32 F6BEG JN25js 17:33 HB9CYN JN36rw 17:32 HB9FLV JN36fm 17:35 DL5MAM JN58ub 17:38 DJ2QV JN58ua 17:38 HB9DKM JN37sl 17:41 DL1SBY JN49xe 17:41 F5JNX JN37pv 17:46 DH4SBM JN48qv 17:53 DF2AJ JN48mw 17:54 DC2TH JN47rr 17:54 DF8IJ JN48is 17:54 DL8SCQ JN48rv 18:01 DJ8RZ JN58rq 18:01 DK5EW JN48mb 18:06 DL8DAU JO40me 18:07 DH1NSP JN59jx 18:07 DK0A JN48co 18:15 DL1GME JN49ej 18:15 DL3IAS JN49ej 18:15 DO9wa JN49dd 18:16 DL9NBD JO50le 18:19 DK5OX JN59mo Comment: The ODX was with DL9NBD -> 2043 Kms Thanks to everybody for these nice ES Propagation was very unstable but we all did what could be achieved All contacts were done in FT8 Maybe one or other contact could be done in SSB voice mode Hopefully next time soon 73 |
Rig: TS-2000 & 2x10 El. DK7ZB 300W Log: 17:35 I2FAK JN45 17:39 DL5GAC JN47 17:40 HB9DFG JN37 17:42 HB9FAR JN46 17:43 DJ2QV JO31 17:50 DC2TH JN47 18:19 DF2AJ JN48 18:46 I3MEK JN55 18:52 DL6IAK JN49 18:53 DL1GME JN49 19:01 DF5HC JO53 Comment: Only I3MEK in SSB the rest was in FT8 mni tnx fer nice E-Sporadic contacts, hope to see you all in the next one, best 73 de Frederico CT7ABA ex. DM3FG. |
Rig: CF300-3CX800A7-4x13el Log: 17:46 CT1DIZ IM58KP SSB Vy 73, Juergen |
Rig: IC-9700 / 7ele. YU1CF ODX: CT1ADT 1950km Log: 17:32 CT1ADT IM57 1950km FT8 17:38 CT1BYM IM68 1775km FT8 17:53 CT1ISH IM58 1870km FT8 18:19 CT7ABA IN60 1593km FT8 Comment: Nice opening but unfortunately no sigs on SSB here and no CT3 ;) 73 Andy |
Rig: IC706 / 700 W ODX: CT1ISH 1881 km Log: 17:52 CT1BYM IM68BN FT8 1807 17:57 CT1ISH IM58HR FT8 1881 Comment: HRD EA4EIU IM68TV FT8 CT1HMN IM58NN FT8 CT1END IM58IS FT8 CT7ABA IN60GD FT8 was HRD by EA8CSB (IL18TL) 3179 km ( PSK Reporter ) |
Rig: 600W - 8 ele Yagi ODX: 1980 km Log: 17:38 CT1ISH IM58 -13 -18 FT8 17:43 CT7ABA IN60 -14 -16 FT8 18:53 EA1YV IN52 +15 +03 FT8 Comment: weak signals, apart from EA1YV. And again no EA8 and no CT3 in my location... |
Rig: 200w - 6el DK7ZB Log: 28.05.2020 18.55 144174 FT8 EA1YV -10 -05 IN52OC |
Rig: IC-9700/11el/QRO ODX: CT3HF Log: 17:17 CT3HF IM12OP 2756km 17:33 CT1HMN IM58NN 1785km 17:37 CT1DIZ IM58KP 1795km 18:00 CT1ISH IM58HR 1805km Comment: I was watching for CT3HF not seen even if Robert/DL5GAC who's only 40km away from me worked him. Suddenly he came up and stayed for at least 30min. We made QSO on 2m for a personal new terrestrial ODX and on 4m for a new DXCC. I have seen mni others in FT8 but did not call because worked the most so often and gave the chance to others who didn't worked them before. I was also on SSB but it was a horrible crowed with low QSO rates also nothing new. This season is starting so what of great what can we expect ? |
Rig: 500w/17ele. Log: 18:15 CT1CAD IM67GE SSB 2057km Comment: Good evening fellows...... Something is going wrong..... I use FT8 as a " Propagation-Indicator"......not so bad..... Suddenly the band is wide open.....I see station changing +15dB reports.... WHY DO YOU WASTE SO MUCH TIME??? During a 15sec period a "normal" QSO is more than possible.........So EA8/CT (very good copy) are not in the log............EGAL First QSO this season..........Best 73´s Peter |
Rig: Elecraft K3s, TR144H+40, 30 Watt, 7 ele DK7ZB ODX: CT1ISH 1840 km Log: 18:15 CT1ISH IM58HR Comment: After no QSO at all in 2019 the first one this year. And my first complete FT8 ES QSO on 2m. Received also some other CTs on 2m in FT8, but all with mostly weak signals. Hope to worke stations more this season. Maby even in SSB?! |
ODX: IM12op 2787 km Log: 17:13 CT3HF IM12 FT8 17:29 CT1ISH IM58 FT8 17:32 CT1DIZ IM58 SSB 17:38 CT7ABA IN60 FT8 18:52 CT1HIX IN52 SSB Comment: First 2m-ES-opening this season for me. Nice to work CT3 for the first time on 2m after over 35 years of VHF-DXing! GREAT! :-) 73 de Robert |
Rig: FT847/QRO/2 x 9 DK7ZB ODX: EA8TX IL18QI 3248km Log: 17:39 EA8TX IL18QI 3248km SSB 18:07 CT1ISH IM58HR 1928km FT8 18:15 CT1DIZ IM58RP 1920km SSB Comment: 2nd opening this year for me! EA8TX was 52 only (new ODX for ES, improvement against the old one of 3km!), A lot of QSB on all signals. HRD in FT8 as well: CT1CAD, CT2FYQ, CT1END; CT1EOD, CT7AGI |
Rig: 2 x TS2000 / 4 x 28XP / QRO / TX Cir / RX +-45 ODX: 3141 Log: 18.02 CT1CAD IM67GE +00/+03 FT8 1889km 18:11 CT1CAD IM67GE 59/59 SSB 1889km 18:57 EA8ACW IL28GC -17/+03 FT8 3141km Comment: Typical FT8 chaos on 144.174. Everybody is calling in all periods. So DX is very rare to decode... |
Rig: TS990S, Tvt TR144H, 700wSSPA, 2x10el M2, LNA ODX: D4VHF HK76MU 4052KMS Log: 13:38 D4VHF HK76MU 13:54 EA8JK IL18CP 14:05 CT3HF IM12OP 16:11 CN8LI IM63NX 13:38 D4VHF HK76MU 13:54 EA8JK IL18CP 14:05 CT3HF IM12OP 16:11 CN8LI IM63NX Comment: NICE OPENING AGAIN TODAY TOWARD AFRICAN COAST. TNX ALL FOR QSO; |
Rig: 7300/XVRT/3X8 ODX: D4VHF 3948 km Log: 13:07 D4VHF HK76MU 3948 13:19 EA8A IL18OF 2432 13:31 EA8TX IL18QI 2412 tnx for SSB !! 16:25 CN8LI IM63NX 1412 HRD EA7CI / EA7KI but with QSB FT8 it's too long Comment: Yesterday i know D4 should be possible , today i'am sure !!!! very happy to work D4 it's a nice consolation gift for the 25th Es openning i missed see you next one on SSB SSB SSB SSB guys pse , it's better and faster with deep QSB! regards Stef F4EZJ |
Rig: FT847 120 w ele yagi Log: 16;33 EA8TX IL18QI Hrd CQ SSB 58 2594 km 16:50 EB7CRU IM67NF SSB 1256 km Comment: EA8TX : Hrd three times CQ but no QSO...What a shame ! 73 to all participants from Michel F5XU |
Rig: 250 W ODX: CT3HF 2359 km Log: 16:54 CT3HF IM12OP ODX 2359 km 17:20 CT2KNA IM58IR 17:32 CT1ISH IM58HR 18:47 EB1AO IN52PE 18:49 EA1YV IN52OC 18:52 EA1FBU IN52IF |
Rig: sdr+ tr144pro+ 250 w, Ant 4 x LFA 13 Log: FT8 144.174 Mhz 14.38 D4VHF HK76MU hrd 14.40 EA8A IL18OF hrd 14.45 CT3HF IM12OP hrd 14.50 EA8ACW IL28GC hrd 14.53 CT3HF IM12OP hrd 14.54 D4VHF HK76MU hrd 15.18 D4VHF HK76MU hrd 15.19 CT3HF IM12OP hrd 16.52 EA8ACW IL28GC hrd 16.21 CN8LI IM63NX qso Good ES opening also today. Just 1 qso with CN8LI. PSE CU stations, beam to IN98 Comment: 144,174 all time local qrm with ssb sound ATV on 144,171 ( intentional qrm to ft8 trafic ) ! F9ZG 73 's and DX Pascal |
Rig: Flex 6600/TR144PRO/HLV-1000 Log: 17:42 EA5IEA IM97 18:05 EA5IDZ IM97 18:07 EB5EEO IM98 Comment: all FT8 |
Rig: Icom IC-9700 + GS35b + 6 el yagi ODX: EA5IEA - IM97JV - 1599Km Log: 18.07 EA5IEA +2 -10 IM97JV FT8 Comment: EB5EEO (IM98) and EA5IDZ (IM97) seen but not worked |
Rig: ic910h ODX: 1526kms Log: 17:45 EA5IEA IM97JV 18:06 EB5EEO IM98 Comment: on the edge here again in IO81 sq still waiting for a good opening . 73 |
Rig: FT-100, 500W, 1x 7el ODX: 1707 Log: 17;27 UTC CT1BYM FT8 IM68bm 1696km, NC, sry no RR rcvd 17:31 UTC CT1HMN FT8 IM58nn 1659km 17:32 UTC CT1ISH FT8 IM58hr 1680km 17:36 UTC CT1ADT FT8 IM57nw 1707km 17:40 UTC CT7ABA FT8 IN60gd 1452km 17:42 UTC CT1DIZ SSB IM58kp 1669km 18:53 UTC CT1CAK FT8 IN50qu 1483km |
Rig: IC706 100W GP ODX: CT1DIZ IM58ip 1755km Log: 17:48 CT1DIZ IM58IP SSB 1755km 18:51 CT1HIX IN58RP SSB 1490km Comment: Nice to work in SSB TNX 73 de Rolando |
Rig: Icom IC 821 - 2 x 10 yagi DL6WU Log: 17:27 EA8TX IL18OI HRD Comment: I listened to Ferdinando EA8TX in JN52vc many time in no brief period in late afternoon. Unfortunatelly I was unable to do QSO with my low power. I hope next time. 73 |
Rig: Icom 9700-SP2000-12JXX-500 W. ODX: EA8AO 3191 Km Log: 17:00 EA8AO IL18KC FT8 17:08 EA8TX IL18QI SSB Comment: Nice opening to EA8, Fernando EA8TX was 59+++ real and strong in SSB. Heard for long time. 73 Roberto. |
Rig: 500W, BF981, 14 ele BV Log: 18:25 EB1DJ IN52MO -05 -09 FT8 1816 Km 18:47 EA1YV IN52OC -18 -04 FT8 1782 Km Comment: Just some patchy and brief openings in this area. Heard also: 18:34 CT1CAK IN50 -14 18:44 EB1AO IN52 +0 18:45 EA1FBU IN52 +01 73 es DX, Massimo |
Rig: ft-991 + 500w + 5 elements H.M. on Balcony ODX: 1486 km Log: 18:44 EB1DJ IN52MO SSB 1486km Comment: esporadic open session very good but in jn45 signal very weak listening EA8TX for 6 seconds ando no qso possible... See you next esporadic day 73 All iw2ctq Maury |
Rig: 2X17 500W Log: 16:43 CT3HF IM12OP FT8 Comment: New dxcc! |
Log: 16:35 CN8LI -03 +00 IM63 FT8 18:53 EA8ACW -09 +00 IL28 FT8 Comment: Also 4xEA7 heard/seen FT8 but no QSO or NC. I was hardly looking for CT3 and D4 but the Es geometry was not (yet) in favour of JO10 so far. |
Rig: IC-910hx_GS35b_16el DJ9BV Log: 17:18 EA7KI R+10 +03 JM76RR FT8 1831km 17:47 EB7HEM R-03 -04 JM77RL FT8 1758km |
Rig: Home made, 400W, 2 x 12 ele ODX: CN8LI: 2213 km Log: 17:15 EA7KI IM76RR +04 -07 FT8 17:33 EA7HLB IM76 +02 -09 FT8 17:43 EA7BPO IM76 +02 -06 FT8 17:48 CN8LI IM63NX +05 -10 Comment: Day nr 10 with openings on 2 m in Europe, and it is just May! Most openings have not been in my area, but I have been flabbergasted by the amount. So, when is next? BTW, I checked SSB a few times, and even called CQ, but no one there this time. 73s, Peter |
Rig: 12el/400w Log: SSB 18:13 CT1CAD IM67 FT8 18:50 EA8ACW IL28 Comment: Again FT8 turned out to be a good indicator to detect ES, but also slow when it gets busy with loud signals and QSB. As everybody keeps calling, even in the same period, a few very loud signals will likely block the receiver/soundcard of the DX station. As a result the DX station has problems to read weaker signals. Saw this with CT1CAD who was s9 in FT8 for minutes but could only work 2 qso's with several repeatseqeunces in 5 minutes time. Later he went to SSB where whe worked within one minute with s5 signals.... EA8ACW came as a total surprise....thanks to FT8... |