04. June 2018
The Sporadic E from today came in two waves. The second opening was long lasting a provided good ES and FAI.
Rig: IC7400 + vla200 - 12el. ODX: GM4FVM 1763km Log: 18:27 PA3DOL JO22MT (?) 1189km 18:30 GM4FVM IO85WU 1763km Comment: in the middle of the walk with my dog I saw the red pole on my I-phone (tks EA6VQ ES-map) and hurried back to my home. On BAND no find any DX 1st 3-4min, but after one ask on 300, CALL me PA3DOL, After that I call CQ on 302, but NIL. In the meantime on 301 hrd CQ from GM0HBK (isle of Skye - io77bc 2032km) but after my call him, GM4FVM call me. We complete QSO but GM0 disappeared :( That's all what I hrd. Call CQ-s, and try find any DX on 2m next 1hour but no more lucky. 2nd side of ES fell into the North sea btwn GM-LA. 2 QSO only but enough for me because this is my 2 new DXCC on 2m #40.. :) |
Rig: XVRT,100W,ant.DL7KM ODX: EA1YV IN52OC 2053 km Log: 14:06 EA1YV IN52OC 2053 km 14:15 EA3GJO IN72AM 1817 km Comment: 73 de 9a9i-Vlado |
Rig: TS2000-X Yagi 6 ele. V, 80W, 0,9dB NF Log: 14:18 DL1YAW JO41DX 14:20 DL1KDA JO30EP 14:21 DF1CF JN57FP 14:23 DL6YBF JO31OX (check log: you wrote JN31OX) 14:24 PA4VHF JO32PA 14:27 PA5MS JO21RQ 14:57 G4SWX JO02RF Comment: Great Es opening with some FAI. Very fast QSB. 73 to all, cu next Es!!! |
Rig: TS-2000 ODX: PA3FXB 1801 KM Log: 14:24 DF8IK JO30JT 14:24 DL1KDA JO30ep 14:25 DF1JC JO31OG 14:26 DL6YBF JO31OX 14:29 DL5EBS JO31NH 14:30 PA5MS JO21RQ 14:32 DL1YAW JO41DX 14:33 PE1ITR JO21QK 14:34 PA4K JO22XF 14:34 PA5MS JO21RQ 14:34 PA3PCV JO20VV 14:35 PA3BIY JO02HB 14:35 PE1BIW JO32BT 14:36 DL6BF JO32qh 14:36 F5FL JN19BT 14:37 PA2DB JO22MD 14:37 PE1HWO JO21GW 14:38 PA3GFY JO23SC 14:38 PA0C JO22FD 14:38 PA0JMV JO21PM 14:40 PA3DOL JO22MT 14:47 PA3C JO33FD 14:48 PA3EAP JO32FO 14:50 PA0T JO33jc 14:52 M1DNJ JO01FJ 14:55 PA3FXB JO33KC 15:01 PA3BGM JO33CE 15:02 PA3BWE JO22GB 15:06 PA4VHF JO32je 15:06 G4MKF IO91HG 15:08 M1BXF JO01FE 15:09 G4KIY IO92WN 15:11 G4GFI IO91VH 15:14 2E0TKK JO02CQ 15:16 G4AEP IO91MB 15:17 G8OFA IO91DC 15:18 G4GFI IO91VH 15:19 G4MCU JO01HO 15:20 M0FCD JO00DW Comment: Another big opening 73 fer all 300W on 11El. Tona |
Rig: 160W / 1x7 ODX: 1538 Km Log: 14:37 EA1FBU IN52QG Comment: heard today only EA1FBU on 2m Es |
Rig: 750W 17Ele FTDX3000 + SSB Elec. tvtr ODX: 1849km Log: 14:25 EA1NL IN52PJ 1848km 14:28 EA1FBU IN52QC Comment: Again on the outer edge of the Es cloud. Signals weak and short. But anyway: First time I reached IN52 on 2m! |
Rig: 750W 17Ele FTDX3000 + SSB Elec. tvtr ODX: 1849km Log: 14:25 EA1NL IN52PJ 1848km 14:28 EA1FBU IN52QC 1849km 18:19 G4KUX IO94BO 1237km Comment: First phase: Again on the outer edge of the Es cloud. Signals weak and short. But anyway: First time I reached IN52 on 2m! The second phase was almost over my head so no real chance to win anything. But surprisingly I heard some G stations coming in an out. HJrd G8GXP, GI but hat no change to complete any QSOs beside with G4KUX. |
Rig: K3 - TR144H+40 - SSPA - 14 El. ODX: 1778 km Log: 15:07 EA1NL IN52PJ SSB 59/59 1774 15:08 EA1FBU IN52QG SSB 59/59 1778 |
Rig: IC-9100-100Watt-10el. ODX: 1720 Km Log: 14:27 EA1NL IN52PJ 59 59 1720km Comment: 73 |
Rig: 4x9XPOL - HiQSDR - TR144H - 700W ODX: CT1BYM 1748 km Log: 14:20 CT1BYM IM68BN 1748 km 14:24 CT7ABA IN60GD 1586 km Only RXed on V-POL here 15:06 CT1HIX IN52RB 1486 km 15:12 EB1DJ IN52MO 1469 km 15:18 EA1FBU IN52 1516 km Comment: All stations only audibel for short times, with many QSB. Signals mostly were 53-55. |
Rig: 500w/17ele. Log: 14:19 CT1BYM IM68BN 14:32 CT7ABA IN60GD 15:11 EB1DJ IN52MO 15:19 EA1FBU IN52QG Comment: Moin! All signals with deep QSB , from 9 to nil.... Also heard EA3GJO and later YO8....? in and out. Also good tropo with a 529 signal from OY6-Beacon ....cu next.....Pete |
Rig: TS2000 4x9el ODX: EA1YV 1488km Log: 14:07 EA1YV IN52OC 41 14:30 EA1FBU IN52QG 42 Comment: very short opening in JN48, ES clouds too near EA7ITL IM66WK heard |
Rig: 300 W 11 elem DK7ZB ODX: 1799 km Log: 14:27 EA1NL IN52PJ 1798 km 14:28 EA1FBU IN52QG 1799 km 18:16 GI6ATZ IO74AJ 1452 km 18:20 G4KUX IO94BP 1221 km |
Rig: IC7100 + PA 600W + 11el @17mAGL ODX: GI4OWA 2161km Log: 18:11 G8GXP IO93FQ 18:14 G4KUX IO94BP 18:15 M0HOM IO93QO 18:15 GI4OWA IO64 18:16 G4EEV IO94EB 18:16 M1GSM IO94 18:24 GM4FVM IO85WU Comment: 1st Es for me this year, GM and GI new DXCC entites for me on 2m, Heard also GI6ATZ and G1BBY, but didn't work them 73, GL, cu! |
Rig: IC756PROII JAVORNIK 8ELE LFA ODX: 1977 Log: 18:12 SP3UCA JO92CG 1509 18:13 LY2SA KO14UG 1931 18:14 SO3Z JO82LJ 1437 18:32 SM5KQS JO88IT 1851 18:33 SM0MLZ JO99FM 1977 18:47 SP8NR KO12ND 1821 Comment: HRD YL2AM ....... an other one for 2018 !!! waitting for next one ! 73 Steph |
Rig: 300 W to 2x12 el. M2 ODX: LA0BY 1619 km Log: 14:16 EA1FBU IN52PF 1148 km 18:29 LA0BY JO59FW 1619 km Comment: only 2 contacts in 2 different opening, nothing else heard |
Rig: FT897D 300W 16jxx2 ODX: 1463 km Log: 14:28 EA1VY IN52OC 1463km ; fade out rapidely 14:34 EA1NL IN52PJ 1439km 14:35 EA1FBU IN52QG 1441km 14:36 EB1DJ IN52MO 1443km Comment: vy short opening ; cloud too close to me |
Rig: IC9100 - 17 Elts ODX: EW6FS KO35LB 2271km Log: 18:12 SP8WJW KN09SR 1897km 18:24 SQ2LX JO94FL 1723km 18:33 EW6FS KO35LB 2271km # 18:38 SP2IQW JO94GM 1730km Comment: Finally first QSO with EW here :-) Best 73's F8DBF Seb |
Rig: TR571E + BNOS 50W ODX: UT5DL 1769km Log: 13:28 HB9Q JN47CG 902km 19:27 UT5DL KN18EP 1769km 19:27 OM0AS KN18AX 1736km Comment: Heard several YO's but not worked, |
Rig: IC756 + LT2S, 4x16ele I0JXX antenna ODX: YU1EV 2006km via FAI and UR5WCE Log: 13:30 I2SVA JN45nt 59f 59f FAI QTF 080 14:31 EA6SA JM19lo 59 59 Es 14:46 EA4TF IN89at 59 59 Es 14:50 EB5EA IM99tn 59 59 Es 14:53 EA2BV IN92eb 59 59 Es 936km! 18:39 UR5WCE KN29bt 59 59 Es 2085km 19:07 HA8IH KN06ln 55f 59f FAI QTF 075 1969km 19:12 OE3FVU JN78ve 57f 53f FAI QTF 075 1542km 19:18 YU1EV KN04cn 55f 55f FAI QTF 075 2006km ODX Comment: Remarkable opening with a super strength signal from EA2BV on Es on only a 936km path, and then some very strong FAI signals from eastern Eu stations. OE3FVU made several CQ calls before he heard me calling him, the FAI signal was very "auroral" on QTF 070. SSB signals were hard to read even though they were very strong! I tried direct path (090) but the signal vanished. Delighted to read here on MMM that this was Franz' first ever FAI contact :-) YU1EV was 55f for 30 minutes on QTF 075 degrees from here and a lifetime FAI ODX for me of 2006km, CW is the much preferred mode for FAI. |
Rig: IC275H ODX: EU3AI Log: 04/06/2018 14:21 EB5EA IM99TN 59 59 SSB ES 1275 04/06/2018 14:22 EA5EF IM99SM 59 57 SSB ES 1279 04/06/2018 14:54 EB5AL JNØØAA 59 59 SSB 1233 04/06/2018 14:59 EA7ITL IM66WK 59 59 SSB ES 1603 04/06/2018 15:06 EB7BKY IM77HI 59 - SSB Lost in qsb 1496 04/06/2018 15:18 EA4FIT IN8ØDI 599 599 CW 1158 04/06/2018 15:19 EA4LU IM68TV 59 59 SSB ES 1334 04/06/2018 18:29 SP8WJW KNØ9CE 59 59 SSB ES 1723 04/06/2018 18:35 SP3UCA JO92CG 59 59 SSB ES 1530 04/06/2018 18:36 SP8NR KO12NA 59 59 SSB ES 1867 04/06/2018 18:37 EU3AI KO22DE 59 59 SSB ES 1944 04/06/2018 18:37 SO3Z JO82LJ 59 59 SSB ES 1445 04/06/2018 18:38 SP2AJ JO92NM 59 59 SSB ES 1591 04/06/2018 18:58 UT5DL KN18EP 59 59 SSB ES 1892 Comment: Both openings quite fleeting here,the evening one was pretty frustrating,but for 4 mins stations were really loud.Nice to hear YU1EV on FAI at the end |
Rig: K3 transverter 8877 PA 4 X 16 at 20m agl ODX: YO3FOU KN34bk 2007Km Log: 14:57 CT1BYM IM68bn 1683Km 15:05 EB7BKY IM77hg 1748Km 15:11 EA3GJO IN72am 1215Km 17:14 YO8TNB KN37ew 1832Km 18:23 YO5OHY KN17sp 1654Km 18:24 YO6OBK KN26tr 1841Km 18:24 OM7IM JN99pr 1276Km 18:25 UT5DL KN18ep 1529Km 18:29 OM0AX KN18ax 1492Km 18:50 HA8AR KN06mq 1539Km 18:58 YO5CFI KN16wj 1742Km 19:00 HA0HO KN07su 1510Km 19:03 HA8IH KN06ln 1540Km 19:05 YO6DBA KN36ba 1913Km 19:07 YO3FOU KN34bk 2007Km 19:12 YO6DBA KN36ba 1913Km 19:26 YO9HP KN35ba 1971Km Comment: The afternoon event was in the wrong place for me and probably put my signal down in the North African sand... In the evening I was plauged by PD0 and DL callers on tropo who do not realise that I am deliberately ignoring their calls and that they are causing QRM to me trying to work e-s DX! |
Rig: Yaesu FT-847 11 ele LFA ODX: YO6DBA 1967Km Log: 18:56 YO6OBK KN26TR 59 59 SSB 1897Km 19:25 YO6DBA KN36BA 57 55 SSB 1967Km Comment: Very selective opening. the 2 YO6's were strong at times but the only ones heard all opening. But 2 new squares! 73 Bob |
Rig: TS-2000 > SSPA > 9el CQM. ODX: YO8TNB 2274km. Log: 18:27 UT5DL KN18EP (1969km) 18:28 OM0AS KN18AX (1934km) 18:29 YO8TNB KN37EW (2274km) 18:31 YO8TS?? Lost in QSB! 18:34 HA0HO KN07SU (1944km) 18:39 SQ6POM JO81BP (1455km) 18:59 UR5WCE KN29BT (2048km) 19:05 SP8WJW KN09SR (1874km) Comment: Deep QSB on most signals - strong to nil in a very short time & was very lucky to complete with the ones I did. However, one of the better openings for me, in quality, as 2 new DXCC's & 3 new squares bagged. 73's de Gordon. |
Rig: FT-991 +GS35B+LNA+ 9 EL YAGI ODX: EA7ITL - 1692 Km Log: 15:15 EA7ITL IM66WK 59/59 SSB 15:20 EA4CYQ IM78CX 57/57 SSB !!!! New locator !!!!!! Comment: Unfortunately I had to leave home just as the opening started.... but I did return just in time to make 2 x QSOs. One of these QSOs provided me with new locator, IM78. The new one certainly made up for all the QSOs I probably had missed while I was out. Lyn GW8JLY |
Rig: FT-991 +GS35B+LNA+ 9 EL YAGI ODX: YO6OBK - 2156 Km Log: 18:38 SP3YM JO91SS 59/59 SSB 18:38 SP7TEE JO91SS 59/59 SSB 18:54 YO6OBK KN26TR 59/59 SSB !!!! New Locator !!!! 18:56 YO6TK? lost in QSB 19:11 YO5OHY KN17SP 59/59 SSB !!!! New Locator !!!!! Comment: 2nd Phase.. For a long time I could see that others to the north, south, east and west of me were working DX but there was absolutely nothing here. I decided that maybe I should call CQ and was immeaditaly answered by SP3YM, quickly followed by SP7TEE. More silence here then before I heard YO6OBK. YO6OBK was worked for a new locator followed later on by YO5OHY for yet another one. I could hear YO6OBK for a long time at s9 plus when there were no others stations heard here at all. Another CQ was answered by YO6TK? but this one faded just after he called me. Some years I dont work any new locators in Es events at all...... but this year I have already managed to work 3 new ones. I am very happy. Lyn GW8JLY |
Rig: TS590_TR144H/500W to 12el DL6WU ODX: G4KUX 1513 km Log: 18:20 G4KUX IO94BP 1513 km 18:25 G4EEV IO94EB 1472 km Comment: My first Es opening in this year. Sri only 2 QSO. Hrd GI6ATZ with 55. 73! Jozef |
Rig: IC821H+GI7B 300W 13el. DJ9BV ODX: EI3GYB IO53OM 2074km Log: 18.09 G6HKS io92eb 1572 18:10 G6JJP io82sG 1632 18:11 GW4BZD io83 1698 18:11 GW8ASD io83lb 1688 18:12 G4KWQ io92aq 1608 18:13 G4DHF io92uu 1504 18:13 G0VOK io83rg 1661 18:14 G4KIY io92wn 1484 18:15 EI3GYB io53ot 2077 18:19 MW0RKD io83jg 1704 18:20 GW4BZD io73wg 1763 18:21 GW6NLP io83kb 1693 18:23 G3UDA io82oq 1663 18:23 G8JVM io82sp 1640 18:24 MW0JY io83la 1687 18:26 GI4OWA io83ix 1728 18:27 2I0HGI io64pp 1961 18:30 MI0IHH io74ep 1894 18:32 G7PXK io93dt 1624 18:33 G1EZF io93ft 1613 Comment: My firs Es on this year. About half hour opening and many stations with strong signals. All stations can to my cq. Really enjoyed the pileup . Tnx for all qsos, 73! Endre |
Rig: FT-897 + PWR 200W ANT: 10.el. DK7ZB ODX: GI4OWA IO64ix 2171km Log: 18:03 G6HKS IO92ob 1681km 18:04 M1DNJ JO01jf 1555km 18:05 G0GXT IO82rl 1807km 18:12 G0VOK IO83rg 1826km 18:13 GW4BZD IO72wf 1907km 18:14 GW8ASD IO83lb 1853km 18:15 MW0RKD IO83jg 1869km 18:17 G4DHF IO92uu 1669km 18:18 GI4OWA IO64ix 2171km 18:19 GW6NLP IO83kb 1858km 18:21 2W0JYN IO83la 1852km 18:22 GI4OWA IO64ix 2171km 18:24 G4KWQ IO92aq 1773km 18:24 G3UDA IO82oq 1828km 18:25 G8JVM IO82sp 1805km 18:26 G4KUX IO94bv 1838km 18:29 MI0MPX IO64vs 2099km 18:31 2I0HGI IO64pp 2127km 18:32 M0XLT IO83wx 1821km 18:33 GI0BDX IO74aq 2081km 18:45 G4HGI IO83pl 1842km 18:47 G0MJS IO93bq 1796km 18:55 G4SWX JO02rf 1536km 19:01 GI6ATZ IO74aj 2073km 19:07 M0HOM IO93qo 1714km 19:08 G1EZF IO93ft 1779km 19:08 G8GXP IO93fq 1775km Comment: 73! |
Rig: FT-817ND 5w High SWR, out of use 11 el.DL6WU. ODX: GI6ATZ 2050km Log: 18:44 GI6ATZ IO74AJ 2050km Comment: Despite the bad antenna, the Gordon OB had a huge amount of room for a long time. TNX '73:Gabi |
Rig: TS-790 / 500w / 2x16 el ODX: 14:10 EB1DJ IN52mo 1480 km Log: 13:27 G4IOQ IO82kt 1177km 13:28 GW6NLP IO83kb 1193 km 13:28 GI7UGV IO74do 1432 km 13:30 G3UDA IO82uq 1150 km 13:31 GI7ATZ IO74aj 1431 km 13:32 G4LOH IO70jc 1165 km (FAI) 14:07 EA1FBU IN52qq 1210 km 14:10 EA1NL IN52pj 1469 km 14:10 EB1DJ IN52mo 1480 km 14:11 EA1CCM IN52pq 144 km Comment: First wave starting at 13:27 and changing to FAI at 13:32 with G/GW/GI; FAi from G4LOH heard until about 13:45; second waves at 14:07 with EA1, E's only. Unfortunately I had to go QRT at 14:30 |
Rig: 17 el. 500 W. ODX: OZ1BUR 1335 KM. Log: 18:19 OZ1BUR 59 59 JO46HI 1335 Comment: Only 1 QSO, sporadic est- ovest ! 😤😩 73 good dx ! |
Rig: Icom IC 821 - 2 x 10 DL6WU Log: 13.25 G8TIC IO82VF Comment: Very short opening today. Heard: G3UDA and GoXUA also. |
Rig: IC275H Log: 13:18 GI1UGV 59-59 IO74DO 13:28 G0IUA 59-59 IO83TN 14:05 EB1DJ 59-59 IN52MO 14:07 EA1YV 57-57 IN52OC Comment: Strong storm at my qth but two good openig. 73 de Carlo IW1BCV |
Rig: IC-706 + PA, 300W ODX: F6BEG JN25JS 1619 km Log: 18:10 I4RHP JN54QL hrd CQ vy weak 18:28 F6BEG JN25JS 57 59 1619 km Comment: First ES for me this year, but a very short and spotty one. I was a little too far away from the reflection zone. |
Rig: IC275 + SSPA ODX: YO8TK @ 1991km Log: 18:36 UT5ST KN28IX 18:38 UT5DL KN18EP 19:00 SP5HD KO02NI 19:06 YO8TK KN27TM 19:22 YO5OHY KN17SP Comment: Very lucky to catch this opening. I missed the earlier one due to being at work and I thought I had missed it all! Very happy with above QSO's though I think stations in the midlands had better signals. I had to work hard to pull stations from the noise. Thanks for the QSO's! |
Rig: FT221R Log: 14.28 EA1NL IN52PJ 1817 Km Comment: heard also two CT but very short and also EA1NL popping up for a Minute or so and going down...but long enough for the Qso very short opening...especially for my Locator her in OE...and like always |
Rig: IC275H - 4x14 Log: 18:29 G8GXP IO93FQ Es 19:15 G4LOH IO70JC FAI heard: 16;26 G0HJS 18;28 and 18;36 GI6ATZ IO74 Comment: Most of the Reflection areas today where either to far away, too clos, or useless as there is no activity in the atlantic. But than finally, my very first Es QSO this year with tremendously strong signal from David G8GXP. Very short and flaky stuff. As the reflection area moved away, I had hoped that I still could use it and started calling. I was than called by G4LOH who copied my FAI signal with 57F. I gave him 53F. My very first FAI contact in 42 years of VHFDX. |
Rig: FT-991 50W + 8el. DK7ZB ODX: GI6ATZ Log: 19:00 GI6ATZ 59 59 IO74AJ Comment: TNX for NICE QSO via Es and 73! Petr OK2ZR |
Rig: FT847+400W+16el I0JXX Log: 18:23 GW8ASD IO83LB 18:24 G4EEV IO94EB 18:25 G3UDA NC lost in QSB 18:30 GI6ATZ IO74AJ 18:33 2I0HGI IO64PP new # Comment: I missed the beginning of the opening. Probably too close to the refl. point but still enough to catch some QSOs. GI6ATZ was the strongest. Cu in next one. 73 de Jaro |
Rig: transverter 28/144 MHz + PA 80w, ant: 10 él DK7ZB ODX: EA1FBU IN52QG Log: 144.315 15:13 EA1FBU IN52QG 59 59 Comment: 73 Edgard |
Rig: 2x9el + 1,2kW Log: 19:22 YO6OBK KN26TR Hrd 57 19:48 YU1EV KN04CN 52F/55F FAI QTF AZ 65 / El 14 Comment: My second FAI QSO ever, the second one too with Moma, YU1EV. Moma's QTF was 315, no elevation. I was quite close to the scatter-point, as Es was nil for me. 73's |
Rig: ic756pro3+ transverter HA1YA 2X12ELM 4WL +LNA 1KW Log: 18:13 IK0SMG JN61GP 18:15 IK0BZY JN61GW 19:22 IU7EDW JN81JD Heard IZ0RMR and I4RHP Tnx qsos 73s cu |
Rig: TS2000X, 350 W, 12 el DK7ZB Log: 14:55 CT7ABA IN60GD 15:14 EA1CCM IN52PG 15:15 EA1FBU IN52QG 15:23 EA1NL IN52PJ |
Rig: Javornik 144/14, 0.22 dB, 14 el LFA PLUS2 Log: 15:20 EA1NL IN52PJ |
Rig: 400W/12el Log: 14:25 CT1BYM IM68BN 15:06 CT7ABA IN60GD 15:08 CT1HIX IN52RB 15:10 EA1FBU IN52 15:12 EA1CCM IN52PO 15:14 EA1NL IN52PI 15:16 EB1DJ IN52MO 15:19 CT1HIX IN52RB |
Rig: TS-2000 4x11el MGF1801 + QRO ODX: CT1BYM 1793Km Log: 14:08 ED7YAD/B IM76QO 559 CW 1856 14:27 CT1BYM IM68BM 59 59 SSB 1793 14:31 CT7ABA IN6ØGD 59 59 SSB 1621 15:11 EA1FBU IN52QG 59 59 SSB 1491 15:14 EB1DJ IN52MO 59 59 SSB 1481 15:15 EA1NL IN52PJ 59 59 SSB 1485 15:16 EA1CCM IN52PG 59 59 SSB 1495 Comment: Was lucky today to have QRL@ home so ahd some time to QSY to the radio. Hrd an EA7 beacon for quite some time while there was no activity on the band. Called a few times but no replies till I start hearing CT1BYM, he was the first in the log, Nice first Es opening for me this year, hope some more will follow 73! John PA5MS |
Rig: FT450 + trv 400w 9el yagi ODX: CT7ABA IN60GD 1598 km Log: 14:34 CT7ABA IN60GD 1598 km qtf 223 15:10 EA1FBU IN52QG 1471 km qtf 231 15:14 EB1DJ IN52MO 1462 km qtf 233 15:17 EA1NL IN52PJ 1465 km qtf 232 Comment: Hrd CT7ABA for 30 minutes or longer making qso's and calling cq. Hrd EA1YV IN52OC. Nice spotty opening! |
Rig: IC-7000+PA 170W. Ant 3 el 3 mAGL ODX: 1851 Log: 18:32 F4EZJ JN05dk Comment: Strong sigs for 6 min. No other Heard via ES. |
Log: 18:14 I1DMP JN34XU 1429 km 18:15 I1JTQ JN35UB 1412 km Comment: Short opening and short distance, the Es cloud was a bit close. FM-BC crowded at times. |
Rig: ic7100, QRO, LNA, 14el OWL remote ODX: G4RRA 1450km Log: 18:37 G4RRA IO80BS 59/59 1450km 18:14 F4EZJ JN05DK 59/59 1441km Comment: First opening was too far dir EA/CT Second opening was too close to me. Any way nice to worked two QSOs. records http://so3z.com/records/es/2018/ |
Rig: TS-2000 ODX: M0BTZ 1560km Log: 19:00 M0BTZ IO90GX new # Comment: First ES this year for me and new # Regards Jarek |
Rig: IC-275a, 140 W, Ant. EF0210LT ODX: 1724 km Log: 18:24 F8DBF IN78RI Comment: 59/59 SSB, BEST 73 |
Rig: FT290 + PA 100W + ant 6 el. and LNA ODX: 1418 km Log: 19:07 2E0NEY IO81VK Comment: My first sporadic QSO in 2018. Very good signal station 2E0NEY. |
Rig: FT290 + PA 100W + ant 6 el. and LNA ODX: 1418 km Log: 19:07 2E0NEY IO81VK Comment: My first sporadic QSO in 2018. Very good signal station 2E0NEY. |
Rig: Icom 275h 100w 10el DK7ZB ODX: MW0RKD IO83JC 1977Km Log: 18:12 M0HOM IO93QO 1816 18:17 G8GXP IO93FQ 1877 18:21 G4KWQ IO92AQ 1888 18:23 G4SWX JO02RF 1652 18:25 G8TIC IO82VF 1899 1826 G0GXT IO82RL 1924 1827 GW8ASD IO83LB 1965 18:30 G4HGI IO83PL 1943 18:32 MW0RKD IO83JC 1977 18:48 G0GXT IO82RL 1924 19:10 2E0NEY IO81VK 1962 1910 GW8JLY IO81JM 1962 1913 G4MKF IO91HJ 1835 19:14 G3WZT IO90UX 1757 1922 M0BTZ IO90GX 1839 19:25 M0FCD JO00DW 1716 Comment: First Es on this year for me big signal many station tnx to all 73 gl DX |
Rig: IC-7000 ODX: GW6TEO IO71LP 2274 km Log: 17:01 PA3BIY JO22HB 1613 km 17:03 PA3GDY JO21RX 1556 km 17:10 G4SWX JO02RF 1830 km 18:26 G8TIC IO82VF 2079 km 18:29 GW6TEO IO71LP 2274 km Comment: Short ES opening to PA and G with signals IN and OUT. vy 73 until next ES, YO8TNB - CRISTIAN |
Rig: IC7000 - 10w 11el. Tonna ODX: GI6ATZ -IO74AJ -2211 Log: 18:12 -M0HOM -IO93QO - 1853 km 18:16 -G8GXP - IO93FQ - 1912 18:19 - G4KUX - IO94BP - 1975 18:22 - GI6ATZ - IO74AJ - 2211 18:28 - G4EEV - IO94EB - 1933 Tnx for qso , 73 |
Rig: TS 990 + Kuhne xvrt ODX: GI4OWA Log: 18.10 G8GXP 1 59 001 59 001 IO93FQ 1872 18.11 G4KUX 1 59 002 59 001 IO94BP 1936 18.12 G4KWQ 1 59 003 59 001 IO93AQ 1897 18.13 M1GSM 1 59 004 59 001 IO94DR 1930 18.13 GI4OWA 1 59 005 59 001 IO64IX 2271 18.14 G0MJS 1 59 006 59 001 IO93BR 1894 18.15 G0EOY 1 59 007 59 001 IO93FG 1854 18.17 G4EEV 1 59 008 59 001 IO94EB 1894 18.17 GM3OXK 1 59 009 59 001 IO85FC 2054 18.19 MI0IHH 1 59 010 59 001 IO74VB 2050 18.21 G1EZF 1 59 011 59 001 IO93FT 1878 18.24 GI6ATZ 1 59 012 59 001 IO74HJ 2134 18.25 G0SWB 1 59 013 59 001 IO94DW 1940 18.27 G1BBY 1 59 014 59 001 IO95CF 1960 |