21. May 2018
Sporadic E
Rig: IC706 700W / 8el ODX: 9H1ET 1624 km Log: 16:39 9H1ET JM75GU 1624 km |
Rig: IC706 700W / 8el ODX: 9H1ET 1624 km Log: 16:39 9H1ET JM75GU 1624 km |
Rig: IC275E 200 W 2x11 ele ODX: 9H1ET 1531 km Log: 16:34 9H1ET JM75gu 1531 km Comment: 1st opening in 2018, hrd only 9H1ET, quite stable for >30 mins |
Rig: K3 + Trvtr. 20 W, 13 ele ODX: 9H1ET, 1809km Log: 16:42 9H1ET JM75GU 1809 km Comment: Hrd John stable for abt. 20 min, not vy strong, but always S4 upto S9 during some min. No other stn. hrd. |
Rig: IC-275E, 300W, 11 Ele Flexa ODX: 1578 km Log: 16:50 9H1ET JM75GU Comment: First 144MHz-ES 2018, only 9H1ET was observed for abt 30 Min, unfortunately no other stations |
Rig: K3s / TR144H+40, 30 Watt, 7 Element DK7ZB ODX: 9H1ET 1586km Log: 16:36 9H1ET JN75GU |
Rig: 9ele DK7ZB, 100W ODX: SV9CVY 1961 Kms Log: 16:08 SV9CVY KM25KA 1961 kms 16:30 IK7UXY JN90DC 1178 kms 16:43 SV3ICK KM18AG 1557 kms Comment: First opening. Not really for me. GL, and best 73 all ! |
Rig: PROII+JAVORNIK+8 ELE LFA on the roof ODX: 2379 kms SV9CVY Log: SV9CVY KM25KA SV9ANK KM25NI Comment: very poor openning but Michael up to 59+20dB ! see you next time ! |
Rig: IC275E - Italab 500W ODX: SV9CVY 1776km Log: 15:56 SV9ANK KM25NI 15:58 SV9DJX KM25NH 16:20 SV9CVY KM25KA |
Rig: FT847 + 120W + 11el F9FT yagi Log: 15:54 SV6KRV KM09KO 15:59 SV2DCD KN00PL 16:05 I8YGZ JN70HR 16:17 SV6KRW KM09KP 16:18 SV6NNZ KM08KP 16:22 SV2JL/b KN10NO Comment: Reception of SV2JL beacon on 144.450 MHz High MUF with I8 |
Rig: FT-100, 500w, 1x 7el Flexa ODX: 1334km Log: 16:29 UTC IT9BDM SSB 59/59 JM77ne 1305km 16:31 UTC IT9FRD SSB 59/59 JM77nm 1272km 16:33 UTC IT9OPJ SSB 59/59 JM76nv 1334km 16:40 UTC IW9CTR SSB 59/59 JM77nm 1272km Comment: An early ES to HB9 this year which I did not really expected. But it was fun to catch these four very strong IT9s this evening. Many thanks for contact and have a good ES season! 73 de Chris, HB9DFG. |
Rig: IC-756proII and Down East Microwave Transverter 7el Beam ODX: 1238Km Log: 16:41 IT9GRR 59+ JM77ge 1238Km Comment: Back from dinner, very nice first ES this year. only heard other stations IT9 and SV... 73 de Roland HB9DPO |
Rig: icom IC275e ODX: EA2EGNM 1657 Km Log: 16.33 F2CT IN93GJ 1631 16.34 F4ELR JN04KC 1454 16.35 EA2EGM IN93CI 1657 16.37 EA2AWD IN93CI 1657 16.37 F8DRO JN03TJ 1383 16.50 F1EHT JN03SK 1390 Comment: I Come just at the ending of ES Big signals but strong qsb too See you on the next ES |
Rig: IC-7400 ODX: 1628 F2CT IN93GJ 1681 km Log: 16.28 F2CT IN93GJ 16.29 F6API JN03SO 16.30 F1HQM JN23 16.32 F6CIS IN94WL 16.38 F6DRO JN03TJ 16.50 F4ELR JN04KC Comment: solo pochi minuti di attività |
Rig: IC910H + 250W 8el Log: 16:59 EB5AL JN00AA |
Rig: 250W/10el. yagi Log: 16.17 EA3EVL JN00HR 16.19 EA5EF IM99SM Comment: EA3EVL was solid and steady copy during the whole opening, for about 33 min. He peaked up to 59+20dB, despite of his 5W/13el yagi !? Fantastic! The reason should be Es zone with very high MUF... |
Rig: ic746pro 250 w 17 el. Log: 16:35 EA6VQ JM19HN 1767KM Comment: GL, and best 73 all ! LZ2ZY -Rady |
Rig: TS-790 Ant.4x9H LFA ODX: 1837 Log: 15:47 IT9BDM JM77NE 16:30 9H1ET JM75GU 16:32 IW9BJU JM77GG 16:39 IT9GRR JM77GE Comment: I saw MUF growing and start the radio and heard directly an ES station. A nice first ES opening of 2018 for me. Thanks to the QSO's |
Rig: K3+TR144 Log: 16:52 9H1ET JM75gu |