29. June 2016
Spotty opening in the afternoon, more to come?
Rig: IC-910H/9 el. ODX: DL6YBF 1939 km Log: 17:02 DK9TF JO31NF 17:11 DF1JC JO31OG 17:12 DL5YEE JO42GF 17:13 DL6YBF JO31OX 17:14 DL9EAJ JO31DH 17:17 PA5Y JO21VO 17:22 F1YJ JN17ET 17:32 HB9DPO JN47HK 17:34 HB9YBQ JN47GL Comment: My first E-s opening this year. Many thanks to ALL. 73 de Victor |
Rig: Yaesu FT-897D - BEKO HLV-1000 - 11 Elements Tonna ODX: 1888 Log: 17:08 CT1WO IM58JS 1888 Km new # 17:15 EA5CV IM98TJ NC Comment: Again only 1 QSO but a new # A lot of local qrm (noise from industrial) as always here in the city of Wuppertal :-( Anyway, i am enjoy for each opening 73 Reiner |
Rig: IC706 700W / 8el ODX: EA1YV 1590 km Log: 17:16 EA1YV IN52OC 1590 km Comment: Small opening just for a minute... 73 Jens |
Rig: 11el lna 1k ODX: 2109km Log: 17:34 CT1HZE IM57nh |
Rig: IC275E 350 W 2x11 Ele ODX: EA4TF IM89at 1426 km Log: 18:33 EA4TF IM89at 1426 km Comment: I was quite close to the cloud. Strong signal but only short time. No other station heard. |
Rig: for ES/MS 144: 150W 9el MGF1302 // for EME I us 4 X 11H und V / GS35 ODX: EA4TF IM89 1870km Log: 18.40 EA4TF IM89AT 59 59 Comment: only one but NEW SQR#669 |
Rig: FT920+TRV+HLV160+14EL DK7ZB ODX: 2082km Log: 17:33 CT1HZE IM57NH 18:43 EA4TF IM89AT |
Rig: 144-K3+Transv. 13ele 600W - 432 FT726 20 ele 400W - 1296 43ele 100W - 2320 38ele 74W ODX: CT1HZE 1996km Log: 16:28 CS5BEI IM58KR 1880km 16:33 CT1HZE IM57NH 1996km 17:08 CT1WO IM58JS 1881km Comment: hrd also CT1BXT ?, nice short opening, but vy spotty hre in JO31 |
Rig: IC-275, 350W, 11 Ele-Flexa ODX: 1552km Log: 17:19 EA1YV IN52OC 1552km Comment: 1 min. opening in JN49EH, hrd broadcast from CT, CN and EA abt 1 hour, then MUF reached 144 MHz |
Rig: 2x9 M² - HiQSDR - TR144H - 700W ODX: CT1HZE 1913 km Log: 16:21 CT1HZE IM57NH 1913 km 16:28 CS5CEI IM58KR 1798 km 16:33 CT1BXT IM59PF 1732 km Comment: Very spotty and unstable. Later, when PA and JO31 wkd EA i did not hear anything. |
Rig: 144: 17el 200w Log: wkd: 16:21 CT1HZE IM57NH hrd: CS5CEI IM58 CT1WO IM58 Comment: .....Monitoring 300....suddenly Jo breaks thru.....to far away for the other ones.....cu |
Rig: K3 TR144H+40 30Watt 7 ele DK7ZB ODX: 1927 km Log: 16:28 CT1HZE IM57HN Comment: No other stations heard during the opening |
Rig: 50W 6ele Log: 18:34 EA4TF IM89AT Comment: short and not very strong - but we made it! |
Rig: 150w 13ele Log: 18:31 EA4TF IM89AT SSB 1852km 18:35 EB4TT IM79WS SSB 1865km Comment: Tnx! |
Rig: IC820H 17el Yagi ODX: 1782km G4CDN Log: 17:19 G4CDN JO02SS 1782km Comment: Hrd; DL, S5, F, I, OE |
Rig: Icom IC7400 + Beko HLV1000 ODX: EA7/DL8FCL 1748km Log: 16:33 EA7BYM IM66UM 1747km 16:39 EA7/DL8FCL IM76AL 1748km Comment: Short opening just got in from work and got lucky, may have opened more but I had to go straight out again. 73 Darrell. |
Rig: K3 + LDMOS 400W 4x8 I0JXX ODX: CN8LI Log: 14:00 CN8LI IM63NX SSB 2330K Comment: Only DX heard. 2nd phase didn't get this far. |
Rig: TS2000 8877 linear 4 X I0JXX 16 Yagi ODX: CN8LI IM63nx 2138Km Log: 13:39 CT1IUA IM67aa 1846Km 13:40 CS5BALG IM67ah 1814Km - beacon 599 for 15 mins 14:09 CT1HZE IM57nh 1846Km Very selective opening, I guess that most of my signal was coming down in the Atlantic 16:25 CT1HZE IM57nh 1846Km 16:33 EA7BYM IM66um 1851Km 16:34 EA7/DL6FCL IM76al 1847Km 16:35 EA1JM IN70jv 1359Km 16:59 CT1HZE IM57nh 1846Km 17:12 CN8LI IM63nx 2138Km 17:14 EB4TT IM79ws 1451Km 17:32 CT1EUB IM67aa 1846Km Comment: 2nd event of the day with almost exactly the same reflection point |
Rig: 144 Mhz - Yaesu FT-991 (or TS-2000e)- Linear Amp Discovery 2 (GS35b)- 400w at antenna - LNA (SP200) - 8 el G4CQM antenna ODX: 1971 km - CN8LI Log: 13:44 CN8LI IM63NX 55/55 SSB 14:02 CN8LI IM63NX 55/57 SSB 2nd QSO - no one else called him Comment: I heard CN8LI three times during a 15 minute period. I made my 1st QSO at 13:44 then called him again at 14:02 as no one else called and he seemed lonely. No one else heard or worked. 73 Lyn |
Rig: TS2000+2x16 ODX: CT1HZE 1686Km Log: 17:14 CT1HZE IM57nh 1686Km Comment: 1 min opening with Joe beside the main scatter point on Biscay Gulf. |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL Log: 17:34 EA1XT 59 59 IN53VK 1572 |
Rig: 144 : 600W 4 WL MGF1302 Log: 17:13 CT1HZE 59 59 IM57NH 17;21 CS5CEI IM58 Hrd No QSO Comment: Was QRV only from 17:00 to 17:20 due to QRL and family constraints. Pity to read in the reports "no takers", "alone", "lonely". or "no activity". The activity is decreasing from year to year, if not from month to month. Sure some openings (TR, Es) are not detected due to lack of activity. I'm starting to consider stopping ham radio ; this make no more sense, unfortunately... 73 |
Rig: TS430 transverters 50-70-144-432-1296 Mhz ODX: 2031 Log: 17:15 CT1HZE IM57NH Comment: 2x 7 element vertical stacked DK7ZB |
Rig: 144: 400W 2x12el Log: 16:31 CT1HZE IM57NH 16:36 CS5CEI IM58KR Comment: I heard 1 other station, but he was too weak to get the call sign. Joe was audible untill about 18:15 gmt, but no one else and no replies on CQ (FM part of the band was quiet as well). |
Rig: 144: TS-790 1x17el+LNA and 4x9el+LNA ODX: CT1HZE 1941 Km Log: 16:22 CT1HZE IM57NH = 1941 Km 16:36 CT1BXT IM55PF = 1757 Km Comment: HRD CS5CEI and CT1WO I could work them if neighbours hat a bit more time to wait before calling !!! |
Rig: 144: 0.22 dB QRO 14 el. LFA PLUS2 Log: 16:30 CS5CEI IM58KR Also heard CT1HZE, CN8LI and CT1WO |
Rig: 4 x 8 ele I0JXX Xpol ODX: CT1BXT 2156 km Log: 13:39 CS5CEI IM58KR 1841 km 16:29 CT1HZE IM57NH 1962 km 16:34 CT1BXT IM55PF 2156 km 17:17 CT1WO IM58JS 1842 km Comment: Listened on poth polarities simultaneously this time, it was interesting 2 new #, also heard CN8LI and EA5CV but both were weak. |
Rig: 9 el 400W ODX: CT1HZE IM57NH 1928 km Log: 16:44 CS5CEI IM58KR 1807 km 17:23 CT1HZE IM57NH 1928 km |