30. May 2016
Sporadic E
Rig: 150W,10el. yagi ODX: GW8ASD-1767km Log: 16.27 G4SWX 59 / 59 JO02RF 1451km 16.28 G0JJG 59 / 59 JO02LE 1447km 16.29 GW8ASD 59 / 59 IO83LB 1767KM Comment: Big pille up on 4m from west UK,at once G4SWX booming on 144300......short on 2m! |
Log: 10:56 UA6LNS LN07KM Comment: Info from forum.vhfdx.ru |
Rig: K3s + Anglian transverter + LDMOS PA - 400W to 8 ele G4CQM yagi ODX: LZ2ZY KN13ot 1886km Log: 16:24 LZ2ZY KN13ot 1886km 16:27 9A2SB JN95gm 1477km 16:29 YU1EV KN04cn 1646km Comment: Fairly brief but strong opening - YU1EV and 9A2SB endstop here. |
Rig: TR-751E (25W) ODX: YO2LSP 1828km Log: 16:24 YO2LSP KN05OS 1828km 16:28 HA1FV JN87JJ 1446km 16:28 HA1FQ JN87GI 1429km Comment: Heard others in YO2YA |
Rig: K3 transverter 8877 linear 4 X I0JXX 16 Yagi ODX: YU1EV KN04CN 1620Km Log: 16:26 9A2SB JN95GM 1451km 16:27 YU1EV KN04CN 1620Km 16:30 HA2MI JN86LH 1300Km 16:31 9A1Z JN86FJ 1263Km 16:32 9A5RJ JN86EL 1253Km Comment: A very brief opening with very short QRB. When I saw the MUF rise I elevated the antennas 5 Deg to match the position of the 'hot' spot |
Rig: FT-847 12el 600W Log: 16:27 G0LGS IO81WV 1405km 16:29 G8JAY IO81WV 1405km 16:30 G4TRA IO81WN 1442km |
Rig: K3_transv/500W to 12el DL6WU ODX: G0LGS 1430 km Log: 16:27 G0LGS IO81WV 1430 km 16:28 G4FUF JO01GN 1243 km |
Rig: IC746PRO + 500 W + 17 el Tonna ODX: GW8ASD IO83LB 2176 km Log: 16:21 G0CUZ IO82WM 16:21 G4KWQ IO92AQ 16:21 GW8ASD IO83LB 16:22 G4VPD IO92BJ 16:23 G4TIF IO92FH 16:25 G0JJG JO02LE 16:26 G6HKS IO92OB 16:27 G8TIC IO82VF 16:29 G4FUF JO01GN 16:35 G3SMT IO82KV Comment: TNX all good ES 73 Rady |
Log: 10:51 RZ3BA/1 KO56BC Comment: Info from forum.vhfdx.ru |
Log: 10:38 YL2FZ ko37qj 10:38 RZ3BA/1 KO56bc Comment: Info from forum.vhfdx.ru |
Rig: 144: 50W 12el Log: 10:55 UA4AQL LN29la 16:21 F6FET IN98ud #new Comment: Amazing is the fourth sporadic in my QTH in 2016. First opening 15 minutes and only 1 station, the second only 30 seconds. Peter |
Log: 09:40 SK4MPI JP70NJ Hrd at 09:40 to 10:00 SK4MPI/B on 144.412 sure via Es, but not anyone for QSO. Comment: Info from forum.vhfdx.ru |
Rig: TS-2000 Log: 16:17 GK4LOH IO70JC 2003Km |