29. June 2015
Sporadic E
Rig: IC7400 + vla200 - 12el. ODX: ea7gno/p = 1900km Log: 16:19 EA7WP IM97BD 16:22 EA7GNO/p IM86US Comment: ES only 3-4min open (hrd EA2..also). |
Rig: TS2000 4CX250B - Ant.16JXX2 SP2000 ODX: 9H1GB 2080 km Log: 17:40 9H1GB JM75FU 2080 km Comment: Muito obrigado Pinto |
Rig: TS 790E 144MHz:13el 500W 430MHz:16el 40W 1296MHz:26el 20W ODX: 2319 Log: 16:25 SV9CVY KM25KA 57 hrd with echo! Comment: By the time the PA wars not heating and he was go again! 73 Karl-Heinz DH1HC |
Rig: 144: IC275H BV2-4wl - 432: IC475H BVO-8.5wl ODX: 1903 Log: 16:48 YU1EV KN04 (heard) 17:21 9H1GB JM75FU Comment: Erratic Es opening with marked QSB, but at last one QSO after two years ! Also good tropo with south England on 144 and 432 MHz. Worked G7RAU/p, (IN79)with big signal in both bands, and heard G4LOH, EA3KD, and others, searching for the EA8 and D4 tropospheric ducting. |
Rig: ic7100 , 5elem yagi 40watts vhf 15w uhf ODX: SV9CVY;KM25KA;2578 Km Log: 15.54 SSB IW9CTJ JM77MM 1672 107 16.02 SSB IT9XDJ JM77NH 1690 107 16.16 SSB IT9GRR JM77GE 1652 109 16.20 SSB SV9CVY KM25KA 2578 102 16.39 SSB IZ8DWF JM87AW FRANCO 1729 104 17.31 SSB 9H1GB JM75FU MANS 1725 113 Comment: 73 to all,short time ES, open closed, next agn ES, gl &enjoy 144 |
Rig: Xveter XV144+IC7600+12 JXX+LNA+QRO Log: 16:25 IT9IPQ JM78SG 16:35 IW9CTJ JM77MM 16:36 IT9XDJ JM77NH 16:39 9H5YV JM75FV QRP 3w Comment: hrd also YU1EV |
Rig: ts-2000 + 8jxx2 ODX: 1596 Km Log: 16:33 EA1BFZ IN81SS 1596 Km 16:38 EA2BCJ IN91MP 1471 Km Comment: Extremely low signals in this ES opening. I was probably at the edge. 7e Pietro |
Rig: FT-897 // F9FT 9-el // 200w ODX: 2278km Log: 16:27 EA1BFZ IN81ss #/DXCC Comment: Just the one QSO, was right on edge, but new DXCC/square and very happy as previous 4 times i missed all ES openings 73 |