21. June 2015
The longest day of the year turned out to be a nice day for Sporadic E. Several reflectionpoints and even Sporadic into Finland. A scatterpoint over JO62/JO63 provided some FAI between G and YU/I8 and also FAI over northern Italy.
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Rig: IC7400 + vla200 - 12el. Log: 20:12 F4ARU jn03ql 20:14 F5ICN jn03bf Comment: hrd F6CIS, EA2AWP. I've never worked ES so late |
Rig: 2m - Yaesu FT-897D - BEKO HLV-1000 - 11 Elements Tonna ODX: 9H1TX - JM75fu - 1809 Km Log: 20:21 IT9CFP JM67th 1632Km new# 20:22 9H1TX JM75fu 1809Km new# and dxcc Comment: Nice opening to night. A miracle that i can work in this direction because the mountains close to my house |
Rig: IC706 / 500W / 8 Ele ODX: IW9BJU 1473 km Log: 20:24 IW9HII JM67FT 1369 km hrd 20:30 IW9BJU JM77GG 1473 km hrd Comment: no QSO - Scatterpoint was to short for me |
Rig: IC706 / 600W / 8 Ele ODX: IW9BJU 1473 km Log: 20:24 IW9HII JM67FT 1369 km hrd 20:30 IW9BJU JM77GG 1473 km hrd |
Rig: FT726 - 100watt 11ele F9FT Log: 20:23 IT9CFP JM67TH heard 20:23 IW9HII JM67FT 1741 km 18:50 LZ1ZX KN32IO ODX 1835Km 18:49 heard LZ2ZY KN13OT |
Rig: 2x9 M² - HiQSDR - TRV DB6NT - 3cx800 ODX: IW9BJU 1622 km Log: 20:15 IT9CFP JM67TH 1590 km 20:18 IW9BJU JM77GG 1622 km 20:20 I8/UT3UX JM88BR 1530 km Comment: Hrd also 9H1 and I8 stn and IT9CJC but QSO not complete. |
Rig: 144: 17el 75w Log: 20:22 IW9HII JM67FT QSO tnx # 20:35 IT9CFP JM67TH hrd Comment: First opening for me in 2015!Tnx !! |
Rig: TS2000/ 4x9el DK7ZB ODX: IT9CFP 1300 km Log: 20:16 IT9CFP JM67TD 1300 km Comment: very short short-skip opening. Two other stations from IT9 heard. |
Rig: TS2000-PA MC2K by LZ2US 750W-Ant. 4x10 YU7EF Hor. LNA0.6dB Log: 20:24 IW9HII JM67FT 1546 Km 20:25 IT9CFP JM67TH 1625 Km 20:27 IT9CJC JM76IW 1691 Km 20:29 IT9BJU JM77GG 1651 Km hrd Comment: MNI TKS to all 73 GL |
Rig: FT-857D 50W 2wl ODX: G4RRA io80bs 1902km Log: 19:21 G7RAU io90ir 19:23 PA3BIY JO22eb 19:24 G4DCV io91of 19:25 G4RRA io80bs 19:29 G4FUF jo01gn 19:30 G4AJC io91vj Comment: 2-nd ES 2015 |
Rig: IC7400 - 9el DK7ZB - 6m UP - 70m ASL ODX: SV6KRV 2241km Log: 19:56 SV6KRV KM09KO 19:57 SV6KRW KM09KP Comment: My first ES, only 2 station but calling both on 300 and simili call/loc that make a big confusion for lots. Anymay for my first before this 2 qso i never do more than 900km on 2m :-) |
Rig: Xveter XV144+IC7600+12 JXX+LNA+QRO ODX: EW1AA 2173 Km Log: 16:34 SV2JL KN10LI 59 SSB 18:19 SQ5TF KO03 59 SSB 18:20 EW1AA KO33RU 59 SSB 19:21 LZ2ZY KN13OT 55 SSB 20:22 LZ1NY KN12PQ 599 CW 20:29 LZ1ZP KN22ID 55 SSB 20:33 LZ1JH KN12PQ 55 SSB Comment: https://youtu.be/YO7Mmmbsxxw EW1AA vid |
Rig: IC-746+GS31+LNA+9 EL M2 ODX: EW1AA KO33RU 1919km Log: 20:25 IZ8YBS JM89CH 1868km 20:18 IK8XCD JN70VQ 1729km 19:26 SP4MPB KO03HT 1471km 19:24 EU4AG KO13VQ 1679km 19:22 EW1AA KO33RU 1919km Comment: Thanks to LiveMUF I saw MUF rising and came home early. Several others were heard but QRM around 300 was S9+. |
Rig: TS2000, 8877 linear, 4 X I0JXX16 Yagi ODX: I8/UT3UX JM88br 1881Km Log: 19:02 YO6FNA KN36ba 1913Km 19:39 SQ5TF KO02wt 1379Km 20:14 IC8AJU JN70cn 1621Km 20:15 IC8FBU JN70cn 1621Km 20:16 IK0BZY JN61gw 1417Km 20:17 IU8CER JN70cu 1593Km 20:18 IK8TRJ JN70at 1590Km 20:19 IC8FBU JN70cn 1621Km 20:22 I8/UT3UX JM88br 1881Km 20:24 I8YGZ JN70hr 1624Km 20:29 IZ8GWU JM88aq 1881km 20:34 IZ8YBS JM89vh 1830Km Comment: Three seperate openings. After the very short event to SP closed I was just getting into working FAI using a scattering point around JO62 when I was called by I8/UT3UX with a T9 note.....A further e-s event to I8 followed. When this was finished I worked YU1EV via FAI again at 21:10 |
Rig: 144: FT757 Mutek 12el 400W ODX: EW1AA KO33RU 1976km Log: 18:33 UR5WCE KN29BT 1804km 19:21 EU4AG KO13VQ 1735km 19:21 EW2BZ KO35OD 1961km 19:23 EW1AA KO33RU 1976km 19:25 EW2BZ KO35OD 1961km 19:29 SP4MPB KO03HT 1526km 20:14 IZ8YBS JM89CH 1865km 20:15 IZ7FLS JN81EB 1734km 20:16 IK7UXY JN90DC 1924km 20:17 IK8XLD JN70VO 1735km 20:26 IK7UXY JN90DC 1924km 20:33 IK7NXM JN81AF 1701km Comment: in 3 lots, hrd mni more, I need more metal :) |
Rig: 144: 50W 11 ele LFA - 432: 50W 24 ele LFA Log: 19.29 SP4MPB KO03HT 59 59 19.32 EW1AA KO33RU 59 59 20.16 IZ8YBS JM89CH 59 59 20.23 I8/UT3UX JM88BR 59 59 Comment: Not on band until 1925z. So missed some of the earlier stuff. Heard IK8XLD,IZ7FLS,IC8AJU,IZ8FPK &IW9CTJ. |
Rig: 144 Mhz - Yaesu FT-991 (or Icom IC-7100) Beko HLV1000 SSPA 400w at antenna - LNA (SP200) - 9el LY (5 degree elevation) ODX: IK8XLD JN70VO 1896Km Log: 20:19 IK8XLD JN70VO 57/59 SSB 20:35 IZ7FLS JN81EB 59/59 SSB Comment: Just on the edge here. 2nd time to work IZ7FLS in just a few days. |
Rig: IC-7000 PA200W DIAMOND X510N Vertical Log: 20:14 IW9BJU JM77GG 81 km 20:15 PD7YY JO21WW 1738 km 20:18 DL1KDA JO30FQ 1594 km 20:19 DL2GPS JN48CD 1284 km 20:19 PA0STE JO21QP 1722 km 20:21 PA5Y JO21VO 1706 km 20:21 PA4EME JO20WX 1640 km 20:22 PA3PGM JO33FD 1848 km 20:22 DL9OBD JO42QN 1730 km 20:23 DK5DQ JO31PH 1637 km 20:23 DF1JC; JO31OG 1634 km 20:25 PA3C JO33FD 1848 km 20:25 DL9DBJ JO31VH 1625 km 20:26 DL6YBF JO31OX 1708 km 20:27 PA3CEG JO33FB 1839 km 20:28 PA3DOL JO22MT 1850 km 20:28 PA3CMC JO21WI 1678 km 20:29 PA3FYC JO31AF 1661 km 20:30 DF8AE JO41GX 1681 km 20:31 PA2CHR JO22DB 1797 km 20:33 DL8DAU JO40ME 1479 km 20:33 DK2CK JO42CG 1718 km |
Rig: TS790E120W 12EL Log: 19:59 144310.2 SSB EA2AGZ IN91DV FAI massive 59F 20:12 144320.0 CW DL8DAU JO40ME 20:14 144320.0 CW PA5Y JO21VO 20:15 144320.0 CW PE1HWO JO21GV 20:17 144320.0 CW PA5KM JO11WM 20:19 144320.0 CW PA5MS JO21RQ 20:20 144320.0 CW PA2DW JO22GD 20:22 144320.0 CW PA4EME JO20WX 20:23 144320.0 CW PA3BIY JO22HB 20:25 144320.0 CW PA3EWP JO21GU 20:26 144320.0 SSB PD7YY JO31IX 20:26 144320.0 SSB DL1KDA JO30EP 20:27 144320.0 SSB DL9DBJ JO31VH 20:28 144320.0 SSB PA1BVM JO21RO 20:29 144320.0 SSB DL1KDA Not completed 20:31 144320.0 CW DL8YE JO32TC Comment: Nice ES started with a FAI QSO with EA2AGZ, impressive his signal. Never heard a FAI reflection so strong. Great fun working in CW and SSB many good EME friends. Very strong signals able to move the TS790 s--meter wel inside the red zone. Sorry Alex, we need to wait for the next opportunity. Thank you for all the QSO 's in this late evening ES party ! See you soon in next ES, ciao, Marcello, IT9CJC |
Rig: 144: 1KW 2x16el MGF2407 Log: 19:28 SM7FWZ JO77EQ 59 new# 19:29 SM7WSJ JO67WI 59 new# 19:32 SM7GVF JO77GA 59 Comment: First ES open for me from two year!! |
Rig: ts-2000 + SSB k2 + 1x 8jxx2 2L ODX: 2048 Km Log: 20:14 G7RAU IO90IR 1862 KM 20:15 G4YKQ IO91NQ 1904 KM 20:16 G6HKS IO92OB 1927 KM 20:16 G8HGN JO01FG 1804 KM 20:17 G4AEP IO91NJ 1884 KM 20:19 G0GXT IO82RL 2048 KM ODX 20:20 G7LRQ IO91TQ 1878 KM 20:21 G8DER IO92HF 1969 KM 20:23 G4URT JO00DV 1786 KM 20:24 G1IMS IO91WO 1859 KM 20:24 G3YDY JO01FQ 1835 KM 20:25 G4FUF JO01GN 1821 KM 20:25 G4DCV IO91OF 1868 KM 20:34 G4SWX JO02RF 1828 KM 20:36 ON5NY JO10MV 1645 KM Comment: Here you are my first "black" Es of my radio life. 73 Pietro (ex ik8etn) |
Rig: 144: 250W 10el YU7EF ODX: F6GLJ IN94QS 2056 kms Log: 20.29 F8GGD 57/55 IN95UQ 20.32 F6CIS 55/59 IN94WD 20.37 F6GLJ 59/59 IN94QS HRD: F?RDL & F6FP?... Comment: Very short openings, like MS...Just MUF or I was located on the edge. 73's and thanks for the fun. |
Rig: IC746PRO + 500W ant. Tona 17el. ODX: F6GLJ IN94QS 1894 KM. Log: 18:49 DK3BU JO33NO 18:49 DL1BEC JO33SC 19:21 F8GGD IN95UQ 20;14 F6GLJ IN94OS 20:16 F6CIS IN94WL 20:18 F5ICN JN03BF 20:32 F4ARU JN03QL Comment: Tnx all for qso Rady 73.... |
Rig: 6m: 100W 5el - 2m: IC-7600 + DB6NT-Transverter 400W 4x9el LFA SP-2000 or IC-821 130W 13-El. Yagi SP-2000 Log: 20:20 EA6SA JM19LO 1441km Comment: 1st Es-QSO 2015 Very intersting this year is that many Es-openings happended in the evening. Es on 6m deep into the nights... OIRT-band openings also in the evening, normally in the morning. Something strange is happening this year :-) |
Rig: IC-7400, 4x8-XP, 400W ODX: EA6SA 1324 km Log: 20:14 EA6SA JM19KO 1324 km Comment: hrd also EA3BTZ (JN11), but he was also on .300... 1st opening (1920gmt) to LA, SM i hrd nobody - all on TV? :-) |
Rig: Icom 275H ODX: I1DMP 2052km Log: 19.23 I1DMP JN34XU New # 19.24 I1JTQ JN35UB New # Comment: Very first Es qsos this year. Two new grids. Not a bad sunday evening at all :-) |
Rig: IC706 FT736 + 200W + 9elem. ODX: EA6SA Log: 20:18 EA6SA JM19LO JM19LO 1625km |
Rig: IC706 FT736 + 200W + 9elem. ODX: EA6SA Log: 20:18 EA6SA JM19LO JM19LO 1625km |
Rig: IC-746PRO 100W 17elY ODX: 1659 Log: 20:18 EA6SA JM19LO 1659Km Comment: My new country EA6 |
Rig: 144 : 600W 4 WL MGF1302 Log: 19:24 SP4MPB KO03HT 20:15 YU1EV KN04CN FAI 53F/52F QTF 80° 20:24 IC8AJU JN70CN 20:30 IZ8WGU JM88AQ Also heard EW1AA (KO33), EU4AG (KO13), EW6BA (KO55) in the first "leg" and I8/UT3UX (JM88), IT9GRR (JM77), IK0GHB (JN61) in the second one. Comment: Very happy with my 1st ever FAI QSO, QTF 80°, no elevation since the single 12el DK7ZB has no elevation capability. 73, Gaėtan |
Rig: 144: 400W 2x12el Log: 19:23 EU4AG KO13 20:21 IW9BJU JM77GG 20:23 IT9CJC JM76IW 20:30 I5TWK/8 JN70 Comment: Hrd: 9H1GB in CW (429), EW1AA (53 max) and IZ8GWU (S9, but lost in QSB). |
Rig: 144: 0.22 dB QRO 14 el. LFA PLUS2 Log: 18:26 YO6FNA KN36BA 20:18 IT9CFP JM67TH 20:20 I8/UT3UX JM88BR 20:21 IT9CJC JM76IW 20:23 IW9CTJ JM77MM 20:29 IW9BJU JM77GG (complete? Somebody jumped over you...) |
Rig: 144: 4x11el GS35b 400W MGF1801 ODX: EW1AA KO33ru 1494km Log: 19:19 EW1AA KO33RU 1494km 19:22 EW2BZ KO35OD 1486km 19:24 SP4MPB KO03HT 1046km 20:20 IT9CJC JM76IW 1632km 20:25 IW9BJU JM77GG 1756km 20:26 IT9GRR JM77GW 1687km Worked EW1AA with antennas still to YO/LZ so 35deg off (my beamwidth is only 18deg) YO6FNA several times very weak heared and called but no QSO Comment: Finaly some Es on 2m here in JO21 my first ES since 2 years... so was happy to work some stations. Band was full of local stations all nervous as there was something going on, Es was on the edge Just when I wanted to switch of I heared strong CW.. it was IT9CJT with a booming signal, later also heared in SSB Nice 2nd opening this eavening.. I had my fun tonight. |
Rig: Icom Yaesu ODX: S57O Log: 19:35 S54O JN75NT 1407kM |
Rig: 144: 4x8 el 1KW MGF1302 ODX: 1413 km IZ4BEH Log: 19:28 I3MEK JN55SJ 19:32 IZ4BEH JN54VK |
Rig: http://www.sp5xmu.pl ODX: G0GXT 1617km Log: 19:28 G0UWK IO83LF SSB 1611km 19:29 GW8ASD IO83LB SSB 1613km 19:32 G0GXT IO82LR SSB 1617km Comment: 5-8 minutes of selective opening. 70MHz was very active with strong signals. |
Rig: 200W 2x5el Yagi tr144+756 ODX: EA2AGZ IN91DV 2264 km Log: 20.07 144299.8 F4ARU 59 JN93QL 1976 20.23 144309.8 EA2AGZ 59 IN91DV 2264 Comment: MNI TKS 73 GL! |