09. June 2012
Finally Es is back. Strange 8 day total failure in the first days of June, that never happened before in the last 32 years.
Nice long lasting opening...a very fine one around noon. Another opening later in the afternoon from LZ/YU to UA6 and UN. |
Rig: FT-847 50W 15ELE TONNA ODX: 2132 KM Log: 12:07 SV1ELI KM17XX 12:11 SV1WA KM18VC 12:12 SV9ANK KM25NI 12:21 SV2DCD KN00PL 12:38 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:50 SV6KRV KM09KO 12:54 SV3BEF KM07RQ Comment: Opening about one hour. Thanks all. 73 de Peter. |
Rig: TS 2000 4x5 in H Dk7zb 750 Watts ODX: 12:17 TA3AX KN30IJ 1832 km Log: 11:57 LZ1AG KN22iD 1581 km 12:04 LZ1KG KN31CS 1706 km 12:05 LZ1KJ Kn31CS 1706 km 12:27 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1581 km |
Rig: FT-847 GS35b + LNA @ 10el 28R DK7ZB ODX: SV9ANK KM25NI 2092km Log: 09/06/2012 11:44 SV9ANK KM25NI SSB 2092 09/06/2012 11:46 SV1ELI KM17XX SSB 1782 09/06/2012 11:57 SV1JDZ KM27AE SSB 1867 09/06/2012 11:59 SV1WA KM18RA SSB 1762 09/06/2012 12:11 SV3PJL KM18JA SSB 1742 09/06/2012 12:12 SV1COA KM17UX SSB 1774 09/06/2012 12:17 SV2JAO KN10DN SSB 1463 09/06/2012 12:18 SV2DCD KN00PL SSB 1442 09/06/2012 12:21 SV3BSF KM08UF SSB 1691 09/06/2012 12:28 SV6KRW KM09KP SSB 1519 09/06/2012 12:29 SV3FUP/P KM08XB SSB 1715 09/06/2012 12:31 SV3ICK KM18AG SSB 1695 09/06/2012 12:36 SV3BEF KM07RQ SSB 1742 09/06/2012 12:44 SV6KRV KM09KO SSB 1524 09/06/2012 12:52 SV3FUP/P KM08XB FM 1715 Comment: hi all , hrd some more but difficult to work on a same frq. especially TA3AX / SV1... , hrd SV2ASP/A maybe 10sec but real or a fake ? so let´s see us in the next opening 73´s San |
Rig: 1x7 400W Log: 12:03 TA3AX KN30IJ 12:40 LZ1ZP KN22ID Comment: TA3AX hrd for vy long time, LZ1ZP i wrkd only with 50W, LZ1RK hrd, but i was too late |
Rig: IC 746, 3CX800A7, 4x13el, SP2000 Log: 12:05 LZ1KJ KN31CS 12:25 LZ1ZX KN32IO Comment: like often the E-Layer was nearly overhead vy 73! Jürgen |
Rig: TS2000 500 W 17el Log: 10:31 4X1GA KM72KD CW 10:34 5B4AIF KM64FT SSB 10:40 TA4ES KM56JU SSB 11:11 TA3AX KN30IJ SSB 12:36 LZ3PZ KN12SI FM 12:39 LZ1ZP KN22ID SSB 12:42 LZ1FG KN12MP SSB |
Rig: TS2000 4x 11el ODX: TB3BIV KM39OS 59 FM 1939KM Log: 11:55 TA3AX KN30IJ SSB 1862km 11:57 LZ1AG KN22ID SSB 1611km 12:00 LZ1KG KN31CS SSB 1735km 12:03 LZ1KJ KN31CS SSB 1735km 12:21 TB3BIV KM39OS FM 1939km 12:22 LZ1OI KN22ID FM 1611km 12:26 TA1ADA KN31SO FM 1836km 12:32 LZ1PPL KN22SB FM 1672km 12:44 LZ1ZP KN22ID SSB 1611km 13:15 LZ1ZX KN22WO SSB 1660km Comment: 73 Georg |
Rig: FT-857d, 7ele ODX: TA3AX, 1675km Log: 11:31 TA3AX KN30IJ 1675km 11:48 LZ1KG KN31CS 1548km 12:01 LZ1AG KN22ID 1423km 12:01 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1458km 12:27 LZ1OI KN22JD 1429km FM,not complete heard: LZ1ZP, TA1ADA(FM) Comment: First I heard a couple of stations around me making ES-QSO´s but no DX in my RX. Then TA and LZ appeared and were easy to work. Tried FM after a while but without luck, no complete qso. In summary, great day with two new DXCC on VHF and three new squares! |
Rig: 11el 600W ODX: 1576km Log: 12:10 TA3AX KN30ij SSB Heard: TA3TTT/m KM38nk SSB TA3AG KM38og FM TA3BL KM38og FM |
Rig: IC275E 350 W 2 x 11 Ele ODX: TA3AX 1706 km Log: 11:28 TA3AX KN30ij 1706km 11:47 LZ1KG KN31cs 1579km 12:00 LZ1AG KN22id 1455km 12:14 LZ1ZP KN22id 1455km 12:31 LZ1KJ KN22id 1579km Comment: 1st ES opening here this year. I started to listen around 11:00 h but only 11:27 h the first signal appeared. It lasted nearly 2 h, with very strong and stable signals over a long time - less and fading after 13:00 h. No other stations hrd. Tried to hear 4X1GA - hrd one strong MS ping (with ES support) of "NA" in CW on his TX freq and maybe a weak CW signal for 10 seconds but no more. |
Rig: 4x2WL 17dBd MGF1302 (on remote) ODX: 1889km Log: 12:02 TA3TTT/m KM38NJ hrd 144.305 1889km 12:16 SV2HTX KN10RJ hrd 144.350 1520km 12:34 SV2CXW KN10LP hrd 144.330 1472km 13:04 TA3AX KN30IJ hrd 144.295 1705km 13:10 SV2CXW KN21LP hrd 144.315 1472km 13:14 SV2JAO KN10DN hrd 144.305 1410km Comment: only SWL with REMOTE MONITORING, bad takeoff > 8 degrees mountains in dir SV,TA first time hrd TA from this QTH in over 20years...so very surprised. |
Rig: 2x7ele FT847 GS35b LNA ODX: TA3AX 1523 km Log: 11:23 TA3AX KN30IJ 1523 km 12:04 LZ1AG KN22ID 1271 km 12:16 LZ1KG KN31CS 1395 km 12:19 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1271 km 12:21 LZ1FG KN12MP 1128 km 12:24 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1395 km Comment: First nice and long lasting opening for me this year. TA3AX was 59 for more than 1.5h. Lets hope for some more in the evening... :) |
Rig: 11 ele Flexa IC 271H(100W) ca.65m NN ODX: SV9NAK 2383km Log: 12:11 SV9NAK 59 KM25NI 2383km 12:33 SV2DCD 59 KN00PL 1726km 12:39 SV3ICK 59 KM18AG 1978km 12:49 SV3BSF 59 KM08UF 1972km 12:55 SV6KRV 59 KM09KO 1803km Comment: Hello very nice Es.Second time this year.3 new squares! 73 de Dirki from baltic sea! |
Rig: IC 74000 ODX: 1913 Log: 12:55 SV1OAA KM17VV 13:02 SV2JAO KN10DN Comment: Very stable signals ! |
Rig: 144 4 x 9 El DK7ZB + BEKO HLV2000 + ICOM IC7400 4 x 9 El DK7ZB ODX: 5B4AIF Log: 11:00 SV8DTD KM39EA 11:05 5B4AIF KM64FT 11:18 TA3BL KM38NJ 11:20 TA3EU KM38NJ 11:36 TA3AG KM38OG 11:39 TA3HM KM38NK 12:02 SV5BYR/5 KM35VC 12:03 TA3TTT/M KM38NJ 12:20 SV2HTX KN10RJ 12:24 SV8JVM KN27NC 12:38 SV2CXW KN10LP Comment: What a day for me, to new DXCC :-) TNX to Norman 5B4AIF and to Mike. Copy also ZA/IW2JOP but heavy 5/9+ QRM from Transform station in this direction.. no chance ... also i heard some ES + MS Burst from 4X1GA ARCADY ... but no chance and to short + QRM ... |
Rig: 144: 13el 500W ODX: 2294Km Log: 12:20 SV2JAO KN10DN 1667Km 12:22 SV1ELI KM17XX 1987Km 12:27 SV1OAA KM17VV 1989Km 12:30 SV1WA KM18VC 1968Km 12:39 SV9ANK KM25NI 2294Km 12:40 SV9IOI KM25NI 2294Km 12:45 SV4CDB KM19FP 1763Km 12:47 SV2DCD KN00PL 1636Km hrd SV2JAO on 144.305 up to 13:10 with 5/9+rnrn Comment: 73 Karl-Heinz |
Rig: K3 10W and 2el Yagi ODX: TA3AX 1753km Log: 12:18 TA3AX KN30iJ 1753km 10W 2el 12:27 LZ1ZP KN22iD 1500km 10W 2el |
Rig: 150 Watts 9ele Yagi ODX: lz1iky 1.604km Log: 12:32 SV7GX KN20EW hrd only 12:41 LZ1IKY KN11OW new # CW 13:10 TA3AX KN30 hrd only Comment: Exciting long opening but unfortunately only few seconds band open here. Sometimes ES hop too short, sometimes too long :-)) TA3AX nice signal but no chance in pile with the big guns |
Rig: TS2000 + PA: 140 W ODX: 2047 km Log: 12:08 SV2HTX KN10RJ 59/- no qso 12:17 SV8JVM KM27NC 59/53 2047km 12:53 SV2JAO KN10DN 59/59 1590 km 13:01 SV1OAA KM17VV 59/59 1912 km Comment: The opening lasted more than 1 hour. Heavy pileup, but enough opportunity to get through. |
Rig: IC-201 (mod by df3jq) / 150W / 2M12 (9.5 m agl / 274 asl) ODX: SV5BYR/5 2050km Log: 12:07 TA3TTT/m KM38NK 1809km (new#) 12:27 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 2050km (new#, RX:CW/TX:SSB) 12:29 TA3EU KM38NJ 1812km 12:32 SV7GX KN20EW 1445km (new#) 12:36 LZ1FG KN12MP 1230km (new#) 13:00 TA3AX KN30IJ 1623km (new#) 13:15 SV2CXW KN10LP 1623km (only hrd) Comment: I have a lot of fun. Great ES signals 2day. Tnx all ES stn fer qso. CU in next opening. |
Rig: K3/ XV144/ 8Elm/ 750 Watt ODX: SV3HTX 1724km Log: 12:27 SV3HTX KN10RJ 1724km 12:36 SV2CXW KN10LP 1677km 13:07 SV4JAO KN10DN 1652km Comment: tnx vy 73 Helmut |
Rig: FT-736R - 11 Element-Flexa-Yagi - 750 Watts ODX: 5B4AIF in KM64FT: 2313km Log: 10:31 5B4AIF KM64FT SSB 59/59 10:41 TA4ES KM56JU FM 59/59 11:10 TA3AX KN30IJ SSB 59/59 11:46 SV7MTY KN21DJ FM 59/59 11:50 SV7MTK/m KN21 FM 59/59 12:25 LZ1OI KN22JD FM 59/59 12:45 LZ1ZP KN22ID SSB 59/59 Comment: Wow, what an opening: It started with seeing YM4KA in Antalya on my 2m APRS monitor! Quickly switching to 144300 and there was 5B4AIF! Yeah, new one! Than came TA4ES on 144300 in FM! I heard a lot of TA- and SV-repeaters in FM for more than two hours, but unfortunately there were not so many stations to work from here. Like DK5YA also waiting for 4X4 for 32 years now and missed it again! But ok, one new country and three new squares is a good result. TNX to all and 73 de Aurel, DJ8RZ (DX-Cluster: http://dj8rz.de) |
Rig: GI7B-PA 300W Output 9el-Yagi ODX: SV1OAA - KM17VV 1844 km Log: 12:18 SV1ELI KM17XX wkd with my HB9CV - TNX eQSL 12:30 SV1OAA KM17VV with HB9CV 12:43 SV1WA KM18VC with 9 el YAGI nw 12:47 SV4CDB KM19FP " TNX new LOC 13:18 SV2JAO KN10DN Comment: hrd still 2x SV9 ... but to weak for me TNX all QSOs, vy 73 de Rolf |
Rig: TS2000 TS790 144:144: 4x17el H 2x17el V LNA145MKII AMPLITEC PA ; 50: 5el ; 432: 50 W 2x 20el LNA ODX: SV9ANK 2256 Km in this es-openi Log: 11:47 SV9ANK KM25MI 11:48 SV1ELI KM17XX 12:05 SV3PJL KM18JA 12:15 SV1BTR KM18NO 12:17 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:20 SV2DCD KN00PD 12:23 SV6KRW KM09KW 12:24 SV6KRV KM09KO 12:28 SV3FUP/P KM08XB 12:33 SV3ICK KM18AG 12:35 SV3BEF KM07RQ 12:45 ZA/IW2JOP KM09AU 12:58 SV3FUP/P KM08XP 13:10 SV3JZS KM07RP Comment: Wkd in SSB, only 12:28 wkd SV3FUP/P also agn in FM horiz. on 145500 |
Rig: TS-2000X, HLV-750, 4x 8El. LFA ODX: TA3AX 1730 km Log: 11:37 TA3AX KN30IJ 1730 km 11:49 LZ1KG KN31CS 1600 km 12:02 LZ1AG KN22ID 1477 km 12:22 LZ1FG KN12MP 1335 km 12:24 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1477 km 12:41 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1600 km |
Rig: 144: GS35B 6x 14el (5wl) Log: SV1ELI 11:45 SSB KM17XX 1756km SV9ANK 11:46 SSB KM25NI 2066 SV1JDZ 11:55 SSB KM27AV 1768 SV1BTR 11:57 SSB KM17VU 1764 SV1WA 11:59 SSB KM18VC 1738 SV3PJL 12:05 SSB KM18JA 1717 SV2JAO 12:08 SSB KN10DN 1436 SV2DCD 12:09 SSB KN00PL 1415 SV4CDB 12:13 SSB KM19FP 1537 SV1COA 12:15 SSB KM17UX 1748 SV3BSF 12:20 SSB KM08UF 1664 SV6KRW 12:25 SSB KM09KP 1493 SV3FUP/p 12:26 SSB KM08XB 1689 SV3ICK 12:27 SSB KM18AG 1669 SV6KRV 12:29 SSB KM09KO 1497 SV3BEF 12:31 SSB KM07RQ 1716 SV3FUP/p 12:51 FM KM08XB 1689 Comment: 73, best DX Jurg |
Rig: 144: FT847, 2X11el ODX: TA3AX KN30IJ 1927km Log: 12.20 TA3AX KN30IJ 1927km Comment: Hrd LZ1FG, LZ2FO 73 Lothar |
Rig: 144: 750W 2x 2MXP20 (10 element XPOL) ODX: TA3AX 1814 km Log: 11:42 TA3AX KN30ij heard for more than 1 hour mostly 59+! 11:45 TA3AX KN30ij in CW, Ahmet made also a few CW QSOs 12:01 LZ1AG KN22id heard 59, wkd b4 12:13 LZ1ZP KN22id heard 59, wkd b4 12:41 LZ1RK KN22ef 12:49 LZ1FG KN12mp 13:15 LZ1KG KN31cs 13:18 LZ1KJ KN31cs |
Rig: 4x9, 2xGU74 ODX: 4X1GA 2905 km NC Log: 11:24 4X1GA KM72KD 2905 km Lost in QSB 11:43 TA3AX KN30IJ 1735 km booming 2 hours 12:01 TA3BL KN38OG 1327 km FM 12:09 TA3KKK/M KM38NK 1916 km 12:14 TA3BL KN38OG 1327 km FM, dupe 12:16 TA3EU KM38 1897 km FM 12:30 LZ3PZ KN12PQ 1353 km FM 12:33 SV7GX KN20EW 1552 km 12:34 LZ1FG KN12MP 1341 km 12:36 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1480 km 12:56 SV2ASP/A KN20CG 1597 km FM. Fake! Someone's trying to fool. 12:39 TA3EU KM38 1897 km FM 13:11 LZ1AG KN22ID 1480 km Comment: Pity that I've lost 4X1GA again in QSB. Lost my report in QRM and heavy QSB. Not for the first time. No luck with 4X since 32 years. Heard several more LZ and SV1, 2, 5, and 8. 145.500 and 145.525 was crowded with FM-stations from TA. |
Rig: IC-275H. 8 Element DK7ZB ODX: 1982 km Log: 11:43 lz1ag kn22id 11:48 ta2ey km59gs 11:50 lz1zp kn22id 11:56 lz1kg kn31cs 12:00 lz1kj kn31 12:02 ta1ef kn41lb 12:04 lz1zx kn32io 12:09 ta1et kn41ha fm 12:12 ta2lg kn50nt. fm 12:15 lz1iat kn32kn. fm 12:13 ta2sd kn40mx. fm 12:18 lz3we kn32er. fm 12:23 lz1ppl kn22sb. fm 12:28 ta1amo kn40kx fm 12:31 lz1zx again 59+60 full scale in fm hrd ta2ij, tb3biv, ta1ada Comment: nice opening with fixed signals up to end scale of my s- meter, many stations qrv on fm. tnx for qso's Andy |
Rig: FT726 11element Tonna 10Watt ODX: 1810km Log: SV2HTC 599 JO33SC - KN10LO SV2JAO 59 JO33SC - KN10DN |
Rig: 750 Watt 7ele Yagi Log: 12:43 LZ1IKY KN11OW |
Rig: 144: 300W 4x10 DK7ZB ODX: 2132 Log: 12:04 sv8jvm km27nc 12:07 sv1eli km17xx 12:10 sv1jdz km17av 12:11 sv1wa km18vc 12:14 sv2jao kn10dn 12:28 sv2dcd kn00pl 12:29 sv9ioi km25ni 12:35 sv1oaa km17vv 12:38 sv1kyq/p km18hm FM 12:38 sv3ieg/p km18hm FM 12:46 sv3bsf km08uf 12:49 sv4cdb km19fp 12:55 sv3fup/p km08xb FM 12:58 sv6krv km09ko Comment: 73s Ronny |
Rig: 25w 11ele. Log: 12:45 LZ1IKY 2xCW KN11OJ 15:15 SV2JAO 2xSSB KN10DN Comment: ......some people use their big power AND their ears..as always a little to late....cu next! 73´s |
Rig: TS200 GS31 ODX: TA2EY 2006 km Log: 11:49 TA2EY KM59GS 2006 km 11:54 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1579 km 11:57 LZ1KG KN31CS 1579 km 12:02 LZ1AG KN22IG 1445 km 12:11 TA2IJ KN40NX 1831 km in FM !! 12:19 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1452 km 12:25 LZ1ZX KN32IO 1566 km Comment: What a day. In the beginning of opening , looked enviously to East Europe (worked 4X !) 4X was not heard in sw-germany. lz later worked as a compensation. the longest opening for 4 years. |
Rig: IC-7700 + DB6NT TR-144 + 300 W BEKO-PA + 8 El DK7ZB ODX: 4X1GA Log: 10:56 4X1GA KM72kd 11:15 5B4AIF KM65ga 11:58 TA3HM KM38 12:11 TA3TTT/m KM38 |
Rig: Elecraft K3 + PA 100W, 7El DK7ZB ODX: 2016km (SV5BYR/5) Log: 11.09 SV5BYR/5 KM36vc 11.13 SV8DTD KM39ea 12.08 SV1ELI KM17xx 12.14 SV1WA KM18vc 12.18 SV2JAO KN10dn 12.19 SV1JDZ KM27av 12.31 SV9IOI KM25ni |
Rig: Elecraft K3 / TR144H 40 with 25 Watt and 10 ele DK7ZB ODX: TA3AX 1750 km Log: 12:17 TA3AX KN30IJ 1750 km New Square and Continent 12:23 LZ1FG KN12MP 1355 km 12:24 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1497 km 12:26 LZ1KG KN31CS 1621 km 12:50 LZ1AG KN22ID 1497 km Comment: My first ES opening this year, an hopefully not the last one. With TA3AX my third continent (Asia). Good signal and long opening, but i did not copy much stations from my QTH. |
Rig: 2m 150W@9ele Log: 11:34 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 2026 km |
Rig: 50MHz: 4ele 70MHz: 4ele 144MHz: 5el 50W 432MHz: 8ele 200W Log: 12:07 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC USB 55 12:22 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC CW 599 12:36 SV2HTX KN10RJ USB 59 Comment: mani Station copi, but not enough PWR and Antenna Gain |
Rig: 144: 500W 13ele F9FT Log: 13:21 SV2DCD KN00PL SSB 1350km |
Rig: TS2000 10el. DJ9BV 100 W Log: 11:46 TA3AX KN30IJ 1668 km 12:24 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1416 km 12:30 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1540 km 12:21 LZ1KG KN31CS 1540 km 12:56 LZ1AG KN22ID 1416 km Comment: Es was not too loud. Hrd one station from KM16BW but couldn´t get the call. |
Rig: FT-847- 50 MHz: 5el Yagi-144 MHz: 400W PA (HM) +4x9 LFA ODX: 2274 km (SV9ANK KM25NI ) Log: 11.48 SSB SV9ANK KM25NI 12.09 SSB SV3PJL KM18JA 12.19 SSB SV3BSF KM08UF 12.23 SSB SV3ICK KM18AG 12.25 SSB SV3FUP/P KM08XB 12.27 SSB SV3BEF KM17CH 12.28 SSB SV6KRW KM09KP 12.33 SSB SV2DCD KN00PL 12.36 SSB SV6KRV KM09KO 13.16 SSB SV3JZS KM07RP Comment: ufb opening over 1 hour, signals up to 60 dB over S9! |
Log: 11:52 LZ1KJ KN31 11:53 LZ1KG KN31 11:58 TA1ADA KN31 (FM) 12:02 TA1ET KN41 (FM) 12:08 LZ1AG KN22 12:17 LZ1OI KN22 (FM) 12:25 LZ1ZX KN32 12:28 LZ1ZP KN22 12:31 LZ1ZX KN32 (FM) Comment: Nice FM-chat in german with TA1ET (Ertugrul in Instanbul) on 145.500 & 145.475 MHz. He told me all FM-frequencies were busy there in Istanbul. hrd in FM: TB3BIV (QTH:Bursa-Inegol) and many other TA-stns, but they didn´t know what´s going on... ;-) 73 de Ronert - DL5GAC - |
Rig: 144: 2x 9el 750W (FT847 + HLV1000) ODX: TA3BL KM38 1953km FM Log: 11:42 TA3AX KN30 59 59 SSB 1752km 12:15 TA3BL KM38 57 59 FM 1953km 12:32 LZ3PZ KN12 59 59 FM 1410km 12:36 LZ1OA KN22 59 59 FM 1502km 12:38 LZ1FG KN12 59 59 SSB 1358km 12:40 TA3EU KM38 59 59 FM 1938km 13:03 LZ1AG KN23 59 59 SSB 1418km Comment: TA3AX was audible for 1,5h nearly. Getting frustrated when listening to South Germany stations working 5B4 and 4X4! My first opening this year! |
Rig: 144: TS2000 2x 12el M2 hor full Elv. 750W LNA-MK2 ODX: --- Log: 12:10 TA3AX KN30IJ 55 / hrd Comment: A long opening which JO31 did not take part of! Just as the band opened here (only TA3AX was to copy) I was in need to go qrt... anyway - next one will be better... |
ODX: TA3AX 1450 km Log: 12.01 144300 SSB TA3AX 59 59 KN30IS Es 12.05 144300 SSB LZ2AG 59 59 KN22ID Es 12.21 144300 SSB LZ1FG 59 59 KN12MP Es 12.33 144300 SSB LZ1KJ 59 59 KN31CS Es 12.35 144300 SSB LZ1KG 59 59 KN31CS Es Comment: Due to extremely strong sigs fr southeast, I had to fight against splattering, not from the local stations, but ..... Anyway, I was a great opening |
Rig: TS2000 + GS35 + PreAmp + 2 X 10 Ele. DJ9BV ODX: 11.33 TA3AX KN30IJ 1656KM and ne Log: 11:33 TA3AX KN30 SSB 59 12:22 LZ1OI KN22 FM 59 12:28 LZ1ZP KN22 SSB 59 12:32 LZ1KJ KN31 SSB 59 12:35 LZ1KG KN31 SSB 59 12:38 LZ1PPL KN22 FM 59 12:50 LZ1AG KN22 SSB 59 |
Rig: 700 W, 4x10ele ODX: SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 2029km Log: 11:45 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 13:08 SV2JAO KN10DN 13:17 SV2CXW KN10LP 13:21 LZ1IKY KN11OJ |
Rig: Ant: 9-el(2wl)., Pwr-50W ODX: 9H1GB jm75fu 2109km Log: 12:23 9H1CG jm75fw 12:27 9H1GB jm75fu 12:31 IK7UXU jn81he 12:35 9H1XT jm75gv Comment: First ES for me this year in the EU/EW, but only 12min last :( |
Rig: FT847 - 100w - 16 elts ODX: 2005 km Log: 13:14 LZ1ZX KN32IO 2005km Comment: not qrv yesterday ... only one to day but the best ! |
Rig: 144: 2x12 el. M2 - 300W ODX: YO3FOU KN34BK 1676 km Log: 12:30 YO3FOU KN34BK 1676 km 12:33 YO9GLY KN24RW 1613 km 12:36 YO9HP KN35BA 1663 km Comment: First ES opening for me in 2012, never saw this situation before. Only 3 QSO's, short opening, I was not in the axis of the duct but better than nothing. |
Rig: FT897D + 300 W + 16 el f9ft ODX: TA1EF 1888 km Log: 11:58 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1651 km 12:00 LZ1AG KN22ID 1525 km 12:01 LZ1KG KN31CS 1651 km 12:24 TA1EF KN41LA 1888 km 12:31 TA3AX KN30IJ 1775 km 13:14 LZ1ZX KN32IO 1636 km 13:25 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1651 km again ! Comment: Nice opening, solid signals but not many stations to listen here. Hrd TA2EY / KN59GS. |
Rig: TS2000 linear 2X17 Yagi ODX: None!!! Log: 12:40 - 13:05 TA3AX KN30IJ hrd peaking 52 No QSO....... :-( Comment: A very frustrating experience, Ahmet was audible for nearly 30mins but unworkable. I need a 4CM500,000 to compete in the pile ups!! |
Rig: K3 with MMC144/28 and 600 Watts to 12 el DL6WU ODX: 4X1GA KM72KD 2298 km Log: 10:33 5B4AIF KM64FT 1927 km 10:49 SV8DTD KM39EA 1224 km 10:56 4X1GA KM72KD 2298 km Comment: West Hungary was not the best place for Es today. But 3 QSO, 1 new square, never worse... Thanks for all partners and also to HA1FV for alarming ! 73 ! Joska |
Rig: ic271h +9el ODX: SV5BYR/5 Log: 10:05 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1377km Comment: 73, Tibi |
Rig: TS-790 200w, 9 element LFA Log: 13:06 LZ1KJ KN31CS 1516km Comment: very short opening, only 30s time for one qso |
Rig: 50: 3el vertical - 144: 500W 2x11el Flexa MGF1302 - 432: 9el X-Quad 100W CF300 ODX: TA2EY KM59HS 2034km Log: 11:39 TA2EY KM59hs 11:42 LZ1AG KN22id 11:49 LZ1ZP KN22id 11:57 LZ1ZX KN32io 12:05 LZ1KJ KN31cs 12:16 LZ1GH KN32om (CW) 12:20 LZ2CM KN13oj 12:27 LZ2KB KN33gf 12:40 LZ2Pi KN23xu 12:42 YO3FFF/P KN24nd Comment: It was a strong opening, after that long quiet time. |
Rig: IC 910H BEKO HVL300 Log: 11:52 LZ1ZX KN32IO 11:58 LZ2TC KN33FF 12:02 YO3FAI KN34AL 12:03 YO4FYQ KN44FD 12:10 LZ4BF KN23HJ 12:14 YO3FFF/p KN24ND 12:15 YO9GLY KN24RW 12:22 LZ2PI KN23XU 12:25 YO4FEO KN45JD 12:27 YO4GJH KN35XG 12:29 YO9CFV KN34FX Comment: first good ES from Italy this Year |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL Log: 10.38 TA1ET 59 KN41HA FM 10.54 TA2LG 59 KN50NT FM 11.47 LZ2TC 59 KN33FF 11.53 LZ4JD 59 KN33WF 11.58 LZ1ZX 59 KN32IO 12.01 YO4FYQ 59 KN44FD 12.04 LZ2PI 59 KN23XU 12.05 YO3FOU 59 KN34BK 12.07 YO9HP 59 KN35BA 12.13 YO3FFF/p 59 KN24ND 12.16 YO3FAI 59 KN34AL 12.19 LZ2ZY 59 KN13OT Comment: TNX ALL, 73 |
Rig: 144: TS711E Preamp NAG144xl Ant. only X-50 Diamond Log: 12:00 YO4FYQ 59 59 KN44FD 12:06 LZ2PI 59 59 KN23XU 12:09 YO9HP 59 59 KN35BA 12:27 UY5HF 59 59 KN66HP #217 Comment: Also HRD YO3FFF/p YO9ICT YO3FOU LZ5BD but not worked, TNX to all, 73' Bob. |
Rig: ICOM IC-910H - 2X8 QUAGI Log: 12:28 US5WU 59 59 KO20DI 12:30 EU4AG 59 59 KO13VQ Comment: Es cloud wasn't favourable to my area. Only 2 stations worked! |
Rig: ic-910h+gs31b+12jxx Log: 10:55 SSB 144 UC6A KN84PX 10:58 SSB 144 UU5AI KN65TD 11:48 SSB 144 ER1SA KN47KB 11:49 SSB 144 YO8BGE KN36HW 11:50 SSB 144 UZ2HZ KN69RA 11:50 SSB 144 UR5VFJ KN69OA 11:51 SSB 144 YO8RHI KN37SD 11:52 SSB 144 YO8SCT KN37TD 11:54 SSB 144 UY0UP KO50FJ 11:57 SSB 144 UY5QO KN77NT 12:01 SSB 144 YO8TNB KN37EW 12:04 SSB 144 ER1SS KN46JX 12:07 SSB 144 UW8SM KN28IV 12:09 SSB 144 YO5CFI KN16WJ 12:10 SSB 144 YO5BEU KN27GD 12:17 SSB 144 UT2UB KO50GL 12:20 SSB 144 YO5OYR KN16RR Comment: Nice Es,very happy to work many YO and ER station. 73 Roberto. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-736R + ATF-54143 + 150 Watt + 13el. F9FT Log: 10:37 OD5KU/B KM73 hrd 419 10:56 TB3BIV KN40SB # 11:26 TA2EY KM59GS # 11:46 LZ1KG KN31CS 11:48 LZ1ZP KN22ID 11:54 LZ1KJ KN31CS 12:01 LZ1ZX KN32IO 12:09 TA2IJ KN40NX 12:11 LZ1ZX KN32IO 12:15 TA2LG KN50NT # Hrd also: LZ1AG-TA1ET-TA2LM-TA1EF Comment: No way to hear 4X1GA here...vy long opening, around 2hrs ! Tnx to all for qso. |
Rig: FT100D 50W Ant HM collinear Log: 12:30 UY5HF KN66HP 1630km Comment: 1st ES opening here this year. weak signal and qsb |
Rig: FT-897 ODX: US8ZAL Log: 13:30 SSB US8ZAL 59 KN66AU Comment: I've lost part of the opening, that's why I only have 1 qso into the log :-/ Anyway I got a New Grid at least. 73s Rick IZ5BRW |
Rig: 144: 14el 100W ODX: UA6UED 1915 km Log: 11:39 IW3INQ JN65EU 55 59 1067 11:40 DK7DR JN47DP 59 59 1426 11:40 HB9DKM JN37SL 59 59 1474 11:41 I3EVK JN66CE 59 59 1092 11:42 OE7PGI JN66JU 55 59 1078 11:43 DR5T JN47DP 59 59 1426 11:55 DJ0QZ JN49LM 59 59 1465 11:57 DF1VW JN39HJ 59 59 1611 11:58 DK2DB JN48FW 59 59 1469 11:59 F6DCD JN38RQ 59 59 1525 12:00 DL5MCG JN58KH 59 59 1279 12:00 DF9IC JN48IW 59 59 1452 12:01 DF2AJ JN48NW 59 59 1425 12:01 DL2GPS JN48CD 59 59 1451 12:02 S50WA JN76BI 59 59 963 12:02 DF8IJ JN48IS 59 59 1444 12:03 DD3SF JN39LF 59 59 1582 12:03 S57VW JN76HD 59 59 918 12:04 DL8NP JN58SC 59 59 1224 12:04 DL1GBM JN48HE 59 59 1424 12:05 DG2KBC JN58MI 59 59 1270 12:06 S58P JN76ID 59 59 912 12:07 F1BBW JN38VT 59 59 1508 12:07 DL3MBJ JN57IN 59 59 1254 12:08 DJ9EV JN49SC 59 59 1406 12:08 DL5GAC JN47UT 59 59 1334 12:09 DK1VI JN49HH 59 59 1476 12:10 DJ3JJ JN48JS 59 59 1439 12:10 DL4MP JN48NX 59 59 1427 12:11 DL5MAE JN58VF 59 59 1215 12:12 DJ1GT JN58LH 59 59 1273 12:48 DL3IAS JN49EJ 59 59 1496 12:49 DL8SCQ JN48RV 59 59 1401 12:51 DL1GI JN48EH 59 59 1447 12:52 ON6NL JO21UE 59 59 1755 12:53 OR0A JO20KW 59 59 1795 12:53 DK9TF JO31NF 59 59 1671 12:54 ON6ZK JO20KW 59 59 1795 12:55 DK5WO JO30AS 59 59 1714 12:55 DF9HC JN49HT 59 59 1502 12:56 DL0FTZ JN49HU 55 55 1504 12:57 DL4KG JN48OU 59 59 1415 12:57 DL4SAN JN48BR 59 59 1482 12:58 ON1IM JO11UB 59 55 1875 12:59 ON4KHG JO10XO 55 57 1839 12:59 PA3PCV JO20VV 55 59 1735 13:02 DL8DAU JO40ME 55 59 1496 13:03 PA2M JO21IP 55 59 1840 13:04 DJ0YS JN48GD 59 59 1428 13:05 DL1GFH JN47TR 59 59 1336 13:08 DF0MU JO32PC 59 59 1713 13:10 DK5YA JN49NX 55 55 1479 13:12 F0FOE JO20JD 55 58 1765 13:14 DM1AC JO30IW 59 59 1681 13:15 DK2OM JO30SN 59 59 1609 13:15 DK3SR JN48OD 59 59 1383 14:36 UA6UED LN46BI 55 59 1915 Comment: Nice opening. Thanks all. |
Rig: TR751+BF960 17el. 0 5kw Log: 11:03 IK5OEA JN53PD 11:05 IK6HRA JN63QP 11:46 I1RJP JN45BO 11:47 IK1EGC JN35UF 11:47 IW2BNA JN45ON 11:47 IZ1XGD JN35GD 11:48 I1DMP JN34XU 11:48 IW1BCV JN44FS 11:48 I2FAK JN45OB 11:49 IV3DXW JN65QQ 11:50 IW3GXW JN65DE 11:50 I3MEK JN55SJ 11:50 9A3K JN65UF 11:51 I4RJP JN54?? 11:51 IZ2DJP JN55FO 11:51 I1JTQ JN35UB 11:52 IW2NNZ JN45SN 11:52 I1BEP JN34WT 11:53 IW3HUL JN65DE 11:53 I3LGP JN55VK 11:54 IZ3ETC JN55UQ 11:54 HB9EOU JN37KB 11:56 IK4HLQ JN54KP 11:57 HB9DKM JN37SL 11:59 I4RHP JN54QL 11:59 I2VRN JN55BB 12:00 I3EVK JN66CE 12:00 HB9HLM JN36KW 12:01 IW2CAM JN45RP 12:01 IV3KKW JN66IE 12:01 IK3HAR JN55RK 12:02 IV3GTH JN66IE 12:02 IW3INQ JN65EU 12:03 IW1BCV JN44FS 12:03 DK7DR JN47DP 12:03 HE5LC JN37JC 12:04 9A3DSL JN65TH 12:04 IK2DDR JN55GN 12:05 IZ1GRJ JN45HO 12:05 F0EWK JN26EQ 12:06 F1EZQ JN27LS 12:07 HB9WDE JN47AE 12:08 F6HVK JN27LH 12:08 IW2EVK JN45?? 12:09 S57A JN65TW 12:09 IK2OLD JN45KM 12:10 IK4IDP JN54RM 12:12 IV3KKW JN66IE FM 12:13 F0FYP JN37LO 12:14 IK3MLF JN55WJ 12:14 IW2NRI JN45NR 12:15 I2PY JN55NB 12:15 IZ1BPN JN34OT 12:16 IK2FWR JN55DJ 12:17 IZ2DMV JN45PQ 12:17 IW2EHJ JN45IV 12:20 IZ2NZQ JN45KO 12:21 HB9DFP JN37UM 12:22 HB9FAP/M JN46LA 12:23 DL1GFH JN47TR 12:25 DL2GPS JN48CD 12:25 DL5GAC JN47UT 12:26 DF1CF JN57FP 12:26 IV3DXW JN63QQ 12:26 DJ0YS JN48?? 12:27 HB9DPO JN47?? 12:29 DK7DR JN47DF FM 12:30 DL5GAC JN47UT FM 12:39 DL3MBJ JN57IN 12:41 F4EIK JN28NO 12:57 IW2FZR/2 JN46WE 13:14 F6DCD JN38RQ 13:14 F1DLZ JN19FH 13:15 DF1VW JN39HJ 13:16 F8ZW JN38SP 13:19 F8EBL JN26IQ 13:32 HB9DDS JN47DH 14:01 UN7AX LN53NP 14:36 UA6UED LN46BI Comment: NICE OPNING , TNX TO ALL FOR QSO,s 73! de LZ1ZX |
Rig: FT100D 50W 13-el Yagi Log: 13:28 HB9HLM JN26KWrn13:30 HB9DDS JN47DH Comment: To late sorry..73 |
Rig: IC746PRO 2x9el - 500w ODX: F0EWK JN26EQ 1506 km. Log: 12:18 HB9HLM JN36KW 12:19 F0EWK JN26EQ 12:20 I4RHP JN54QL 12:20 I1RJP JN45BO 12:21 IW2BNA JN45ON 12:22 IZ2DJP JN55FO 12:32 HB9DDS JN47DH 12:42 F6ACU JN38FC Comment: 73 RADY |
Rig: IC-7600 + DB6NT-Transverter 400W 4x13el ODX: 1636 km Log: 11:00 SV8DTD KM39EA 1296km, new square ! 11:17 TA3EU KM38NJ 1390km, new square ! FM 11:25 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1636km, new square ! 12:14 SV1WA KM18VC 1272km, new square ! 12:19 SV8JVM KM27NC 1423km, new square ! 12:24 SV1ELI KM17XX 1290km, new square ! 12:28 SV2DCD KN00PL 943km, new square ! Comment: First real opening here in OE1 this year, very successful... 7 QSOs, 7 new squares #294 - 300 ! Tnx to all ! |
Rig: FT221 / FT225RD 200 Wtts Long Yagi GAAS Preamp on 652 Meter Asl ODX: 1500 Log: 12.15 TA3AX KN30IJ Comment: no time during the main opening but finally worked the first TA since i am qrv 1978 great sig. on my new anjo long yagi !! |
Rig: 100w, 4x10el ODX: TA3EU 1390 km Log: 12:04 TA3HM KM38NK 1386 km 12:07 TA3EU KM38NJ 1390 km Comment: nice opening, but i was hunting only for 4X1GA (looking for this country since 34 years!), but hrd him only abt 2min. My QTH is 1000m lower then the mountain in direction 4X, so also this opening was not good for me to work a new DXCC. I hrd 5B4AIF with gd sign, but i have wkd 5B4 long time ago, so i dont called him ;-) |
Rig: FT-225RD 4 Element Katrein Yagi 15 Watt !!! ODX: TA2EY KM59GS 144300 1633km Log: 13:45 LZ1AG KN22ID 144303 SSB 1079km 13:50 TA2EY KM59GS 144300 SSB 1633km 14:02 LZ1KJ KN31CS 144294 SSB 1206km 14:23 LZ1ZP KN22ID 144303 SSB 1080km Comment: First opening in JN66JU ! 2 new DXCC and 3 new Grids ! Thx for QSOs, looking for the next ES Opening 73´s OE7PGI Philipp QSL 100% via buro ! |
Rig: PA 500W, ANT 17 el. M2 ODX: SV5BYR/5, loc.KM36VC, 1821Km Log: 10:07 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1821Km 11:05 SV8DTD KM39EA 1476Km 11:45 SV1ELI KM17XX 1489Km 11:49 SV9ANK KM25NI 1799Km 12:03 SV1WA KM18VC 1471Km 12:09 SV3PJL KM18JA 1449Km 12:11 SV1COA KM17UX 1481Km 12:13 SV4CDB KM19FP 1270Km 12:15 SV2DCD KN00PL 1149Km 12:18 SV2JAO KN10DN 1169Km 12:29 SV3ICK KM18AG 1402Km 12:35 SV3FUP/P KM08XB 1422Km 12:52 SV6KRW KM09KP 1227Km |
Rig: 144: FT847 1HP + 10el dk7zb ODX: ODX SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 1894km Log: 10:44 145.500 TA3EU 59FM 59 KM38NJ 1647km 10:46 145.500 TA4A 59FM 59 KM37WU 1733 10:50 144.300 SV8DTD 59 59 KM39EA 1553 10:53 145.500 TA3AG 59FM 59 KM38NJ 1647 10:57 145.500 TA3CI 59FM 59 KM39MJ 1551 11:06 144.303 SV5BYR/5 59 59 KM36VC 1894 #565 11:10 145.500 TA3BL 59FM 59 KM38NJ 1647 12:00 144.290 SV1ELI 52 55 KM18UA 1535 12:08 144.317 SV8JVM 59 59 KM27NC 1682 #566 12:12 144.350 SV2HTX 59 59 KN10RJ 1292 Stefanos 12:13 144.305 SV2JAO 59 59 KN10DN 1228 MUF 175MHz 12:17 144.285 SV1BTR 59 59 KM17VU 1555 12:36 144.313 SV9IOI 59+ 59 KM25NI 1857 12:37 144.313 SV9ANK 59 59 KM25NI 1857 12:38 144.290 SV1OAA 59 59 KM17VV 1551 Athens 12:41 144.320 SV1WA 59 56 KM18VC 1530 12:44 144.334 SV2DCD 59+ 59 KN00PL 1200 MUF 177MHz Comment: FB Es opening. Heard 4X1GA but signal was very weak. When SV stations were booming 59+ we also tried 20min test in JT65 + FSK441 however without success (mni tnx for test!). More info with mp3 files will be available at http://ok1teh.nagano.cz/es.htm#090612 73 de Matej, OK1TEH PS at DXcluster I saw spot that Jarda, OK1RD worked SV2ASP/A however this spot was fake (Jarda wasn't qrv today). SV2DCD confirmed that SV2ASP/A has 2m FM TRX however I think that SV2ASP/A wasn't QRV today.. |
Rig: 144: 20W 5el. DK7ZB 30m agl. ODX: SV5BYR/5 1894 km Log: 11:10 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC # 11:17 SV8DTD KM39EA # 12:13 SV8JVM KM27NC # 12:16 SV2JAO KN10DN # 12:18 SV1ELI KM17XX 12:22 SV1WA KM18VC 12:24 SV9ANK KM25NI 12:46 SV2DCD KN00PL # Comment: Very nice opening. Firstly, I hrd Mike SV5BYR/5 53-55 I called him cw and qso was completed then he was 59+ for 1 hour. In the second part of the opening there were many SV stations with nice signal. I hrd also SV1OAA and SV9IOI. I am glad for 5 new squares. http://www.prdec.cz/ |
Rig: 144: BMT226 70W 10el.7ZB ODX: SV8JVM 1537 km Log: 10:55 SV8DTD KM39EA 11:05 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 12:14 SV1WA KM18VC 12:16 SV1ELI KM17XX 12:18 SV1BTR KM17VU 12:21 SV3PJL KM18JA 12:24 SV2JAO KN1ODN 12:26 SV4CDB KM19FP 12:27 SV2DCD KN00PL 12:28 SV8JVM KM27RC 12:30 SV3ICK KM18AG 12:32 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:35 SV3FUP/p KM08XB Comment: Very nice ES.... |
Rig: FT-847 LIN 200W 10 el. YAGI ODX: SV3BEF 1370 km Log: 11:47 SV3PJL KM18JA 1357 km 11:58 SV3BSF KM08UF 1315 km 12:06 SV3BEF KM07RQ 1370 km 12:13 SV2DCD KN00PL 1063 km 12:16 SV6KRW KM09KP 1147 km 12:26 SV6KRV KM09KO 1152 km n Comment: QRM from the southeast in my QTH. I have not heard weak signals. TNX 73 |
Rig: Tx 20W, vertical UV200, 430m asl ODX: SV3BFS 1308 km Log: SV2JAO 12:16 59/59 SSB KN10dn 1087 km SV2DCD 12:22 59/59 SSB KN00pl 1061 km SV3BFS 12:36 55/58 SSB KM08uf 1308 km Comment: Very nice signals.. TU SV friends |
Rig: IC706 FT736+200W+9elem.Yagi ODX: SV3BEF Log: 11:53 SV3PJL KM18ja 1342km 12:00 SV3BSF KM08uf 1297 12:08 SV2DCD KN00pl 1046 12:11 SV3BEF KM07rj 1384 12:12 SV3EXU KM08vf 1298 12:16 SV6KRV KM09ko 1132 12:20 SV6KRW KM09kp 1129 Comment: Nice opening,tnx to all! Karel |
Rig: 100W 10el 2.2wl Yagi Log: 12:23 SV2JAO KN10DN 12:26 SV2DCD KN00PL 12:34 SV9IOI KM25NI 12:35 SV9ANK KM25NI 12:38 SV3ICK KM18AG 12:43 SV3BSF KM08UF Comment: I HRD SV6KRV from km09 but he copied only my prefix. |
Rig: TM-255 35W 7el. Yagi ODX: SV9ANK 1573km Log: 11:58 SV9ANK KM25NI 1573km 11:59 SV1ELI KM17XX 1263km 12:17 SV3BSF KM08UF 1175km 12:22 SV3BEF KM07RQ 1228km |
Rig: 100W, 9el.F9FT ODX: SV9ANK KM25NI 1539 km Log: 11:45 SV1ELI KM17XX 11:46 SV9ANK KM25NI 11:54 SV1JDZ KM27AV 11:57 SV1BTR KM17VU 11:59 SV3PJL KM18JA 12:06 SV2JAO KN10DN 12:10 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:15 SV6KRV KM09KO 12:17 SV3EXU KM08VF 12:22 SV6KRW KM09KP 12:28 SV3BEF KM07RQ Comment: Vy 73's from Palo. |
Rig: 144 : 300W 4 WL MGF1302 Log: 12:41 LZ1KG 59 59 KN31CS 12:43 LZ1ZP 59 59 KN22ID QSO also on June 8th (yesterday !) 12:44 LZ1KJ 57 59 KN31CS 12:56 TA3AX 55 57 KN30IJ #532 Terrestrial 12:59 LZ1AG 57 55 KN22ID Comment: Also one or 2 more LZ heard. TA3AX is a vy FB operator ! |
Rig: 144: IC756PRO 125W 12el +2LFA ODX: TA3AX 2006km Log: 12:16 TA3AX KN30ij 2006km 12:37 LZ1ZP KN22id 1752km 12:42 LZ1FG KN12mp 1612km 12:52 LZ1AG KN22id 1752km Comment: Heard: LZ1RK, LZ3RX TA3AX was loud from 12:00 till 13:20 |
Log: 12:26 TA3AX KN30IJ 57 12:28 LZ1ZP KN22ID 59 12:45 LZ1FG KN12MP 55 12:54 LZ1AG KN22ID 59 12:59 LZ1RK KN32EF 55 13:07 LZ3RX KN12TQ 55 Comment: Tnx for the first ES on 2 meter this year for me ! Great to hear TA3AX , was in here for more than 45 minutes with signals between 59+20 and 7 constant ! Hope to find some more ES QSO's the next days |
Rig: 144: 400W 2x12el Log: 12:48 TA3AX KN30IJ Comment: A very long opening, but it took 2 hours before it reached the western part of PA. KN30 was the first new # for this year for me (Tnx TA3AX!). Hrd: TA3EU, LZ1FG, LZ3RX and SV2JAO. Apart of TA3AX all signals were weak and with deep QSB. |
Rig: TS711E + GS35b + 12-LFA NF0.35dB ODX: 2132 km Log: 13:06 TA3AX KN30ij 2132 km Comment: Only wrkd and heard TA3AX. Nice signal up to 59 and in for abt. 1 hour. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-897 50W 9 element Flexa beam Log: 12:49 TA3AX KN30IJ 1992 12:59 LZ1AG KN22ID 1738 Comment: First ES for 2012 for me started with a new country (TA). Nice :-) |
Rig: 50: 100W 7elM2 - 144: TS850 LT2S 400W 17B2 Log: 12:36 sv7gx kn20ew 12:40 lz1iky kn11oj 12:55 ta3eu km38nj 13:09 ta3ax kn30ij 13:12 sv2cxw kn10lp 13:19 ta3ax kn30ij 13:23 sv2jao kn10dn Comment: very glad to work TA as a new country..very unstable opening, signals mostly there for a few minutes, and then back to zero |
Rig: IC 910 H 9 el yagi Log: 12.58 TA3AX KN30IJ 2142 kms Comment: Glad to work TA as new DXCC. Es signals in and out here but Ahmet was 59 here when I worked him at first call. Only used abt 40 watts into single 9 el yagi here.. |
Rig: 144: 4x11el GS35b 400W MGF1801 ODX: TA3AX 2054km Log: 12:22 TA3AX KN30ij 2054km SSB 12:31 LZ3PZ KN12si 1713km FM 12:41 LZ1FG KN12mp 1661km SSB Comment: Verry spotty opening, was cleaning up the shack and had 144.300 standby when 144.30 became crowded. After seeing a spot op TA3AX I was very keen to work him as I still needed TA for new DXCC, Ahmend gave me DXCC 100 for me. I was very pleased with that. Dailed the band all the time but only the stations I loged were heard. Around 1315 UTC I had to leave as I prommised my little daughter to go to the funfair with her. |
Rig: 400 W ODX: TA3EX 2135 km Log: 13:12 USB TA3EX KN30IJ 2135 km (check ur log, locator corrected from KM30 into KN30) Comment: TA3EX was the only one strong enough to work here. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-847 2x 9el m2 ODX: SV2CXW Log: 13:08 SV2JAO KN10DN 1856KM 12:57 SV2CXW KN10LP 1880KM |
Rig: 144: 2x10el 400W 3SK183 preamp ODX: TA3AX KN30IJ 2044km Log: 12:33 TA3AX KN30IJ 2044km 12:46 LZ1FG KN12MP 1650km Comment: I heard TA3AX signal slowly come in. After I wkd him his signs stayed strong for nearly one hour. I could not hear any other stations. Only LZ1FG sigs popped out for a short moment. |
Rig: 144: TS850 LT2S 3CX800 10el ODX: TA3AX Hrd only Log: Hello All. Nice long opening but just to far away for me. Hrd only TA3AX in KN30 with 5/2. Maybe better next time. '73, Eric, PE1RLF. |
Rig: FT225RD Log: 12:26 SV3BEF KM07rq 12:28 SM6KRV KM09KO Comment: Some more SV stations heard but 25W wasn't enough today. GL and 73! Jens |
Log: 11:50 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:02 SV2DCD KN00PL Comment: Heard also SV3BEF and SV6KRW. |
Rig: FT-847 50W Ant 7Elem GW4CQT Log: 11:17 SV5BYR/5 KM36VC 11:51 SV1ELI KM17XX 11:53 SV9ANK KM25NI 12:01 SV1WA KM18VC 12:14 SV1COA KM17UX 12:17 SV3PJL KM18JA 12:19 SV2DCD KN00PL 12:28 SV3ICK KM18AG 12:29 SV3FUP/P KM08XB 12:32 SV3BSF KM08UF 12:36 SV6KRV KM09KO 12:38 SV3BEF KM07RQ 12:48 SV6KRW KM09KP |
Rig: 144: 13el 300 ODX: SV5BYR 1828 km Log: 11:47 SV5BYR KM36vc 1828 km 11:44 SV1ELI KM17xx 1503 km 11:47 SV9ANK KM25ni 1814 km 11:58 SV3PJL KM18ja 1467 km 12:01 SV2AJO KN10dk 1185 km 12:11 SV3BFS KM08uf 1419 km 12:14 SV3BEF KM08vf 1421 km 12:15 SV2DCD KN00pl 1168 km 12:17 SV3BEF KM07rq 1472 km 12:23 SV8KRV KM09ko 1252 km 12:26 SV6KRW KM09kp 1248 km 12:34 SV3FUP/P KM08xb 1442 km 13:00 SV3JZS KM07rp 1476 km |
Rig: FT897 50W 12 el. Log: 12:05 ZA/IW2JOP KM09 #new DXCC 12:20 9H1CG JM75 # 12:23 9H1XT JM75 12:33 I8IGS JM78 # Comment: 12:42 I hrd IW9??? First Es in 2012.73! Peter |
Rig: 300 w 17 el cushcraft ODX: abt 1700 km Log: 10:49 SV9ANK KM25ni 11:07 SV1ELI KM17 11:26 SV9ADY KM es QSO FM 145,500 11:27 SV9IOI KM es QSO FM 145,500 11:35 SV3PJL KM18 11:50 SV3BSF KM08 11:59 SV3BEF KM07 12:06 SV6KRW KM09 12:07 SV2DCD JN00 12:12 SV6KRV KM09 Comment: good but short distance. |
Rig: VERTICAL ANT . 4W OUT Log: 10:55 OK1TEH JO70FD 11:00 HA1BC JN87PU 11:05 HA3SU 11:10 OK1YK JN79GX 11:20 OE3JPC JN87EW 11:32 DG8NCO JO50VH 11:52 OK1FD JO60CF 12:06 DF9RJ JN68GS 12:15 DK3EE JO41GU |
Rig: TS2000 100wtts 10 el. DK7ZB Log: 10:55 IC8FAX JN70CN 10:55 IK8YOQ JN70GR 10:55 IK8BIZ JN70GR 10:56 IK7XLW JN80PT 11:04 IS0AWZ JM49NG 11:42 I0NLK JN62HB 16:48 DL6MFK JN67JX |
Log: 11:50 IK8BIZ JN70GR 12:02 IC8FAX JN70CN 12:16 IW0EYT/I8 JN70CX Comment: Hrd and in/out: IK8NVV, IK5RWX, IS0SWW (odx) |
Rig: 144: TS450 Trvtr, MGF1302, GS35, ANT 5WL Log: 12:14 I2FAK JN45OB 12:14 I1BEP JN34VR 12:14 F4FPG JN25KS 12:15 F6FNG JN23RL 12:15 I4RHP JN54QL 12:16 IK4DRY JN64BL 12:16 IK4IDP JN54RM 12:16 IK4HLQ JN54KP 12:16 I4CIL JN64AH 12:17 IK4WMA JN54WG 12:17 I1RJP JN45BO 12:18 IW3GXW JN65DE 12:18 IK4GRD JN54QV 12:18 IK1YNZ/4 JN54ML 12:19 IZ1BPN JN34OT 12:19 IW1BCV JN44FS 12:20 I2PY JN55NB 12:20 I2VRN JN55BB 12:20 IK1EGC JN35UF 12:21 I1JTQ JN35UB 12:21 I3MEK JN55SJ 12:22 I1DMP JN34XU 12:22 I2MOV JN45HD 12:22 IZ2DMV JN45PQ 12:23 IW2NRI JN45NR (he use vertical antenna!) 12:23 F0EWK JN26EQ 12:23 F8FHI JN26EL 12:24 F4JVG JN16NL 12:24 F1NSR JN33JK 12:25 IW2BNA JN45ON 12:26 I1SBU JN44WD 12:29 F6IPR JN27LD 12:30 HB9FAP/M JN46LA 12:30 HB9HLM JN36KW 12:30 HB9EOU JN37KB 12:31 F6HVK JN27LH 12:34 IZ2NZQ JN45KO 12:34 F1DLT JN27XG 12:36 HB9WDF JN47AE 12:40 HE5LC JN37JC 12:41 F1USF JN23CN 12:42 HB9DKM JN37SL 12:42 HB9KAI JN47CG 12:43 F6APE IN97QI 12:54 F1EZQ JN27LS 14:19 UN7AX 59+20/59 LN53NP 15:30 UA6UED LN46BI Comment: Most signals were over S9 but at the end were down to the noise floor. Good opening. TNX all. |
Rig: 200W 2x5el Yagi tr144+756 ODX: UN7AX LN53NP 1993 Log: 11:44 IZ0RDM 59 59 JN61GO 11:44 IS0SWW 59 59 JN40GR 11:47 144304 IK5RWX 59 59 JN52US 11:48 144294 I0NLK 59 59 JN62HB 11:57 144290 I1DMP 59 59 JN35UB 11:59 144299 I5RUR 59 59 JN53PD 12:05 144295 I4RHP 59 59 JN54QL 12:05 144295 IK4IDP 59 59 JN54RM 12:06 144295 IZ5RVG 59 59 JN53VG 12:07 144295 IK5ZWE 59 59 JN53UF 12:07 144295 I1JTQ 59 59 JN35UB 12:08 144295 IK5OEA 59 59 JN53PG 12:09 144295 I4CIL 59 59 JN64AH 12:10 144295 F6FNG 59 59 JN22RL 12:17 144319 IW2NNZ 59 59 JN45SN 12:18 144309 IW2CAM 59 59 JN45RP 12:21 144308 I1RJP 59 59 JN45BO 12:22 144308 IZ4AIK 59 59 JN63HV 12:23 144308 I2FAK 59 59 JN45OB 12:23 144308 IZ1XGD 59 59 JN35SD 12:24 144308 F4FPG 59 59 JN25KS 12:24 144308 I2VRN 59 59 JN55BB 12:25 144308 I2JWU 59 59 JN45ND 12:26 144308 HB9FAP/M 59 59 JN46LA 12:27 144308 F1NSR 59 59 JN33JK 12:27 144308 IW2BNA 59 59 JN45ON 12:28 144308 IZ2NZQ 59 59 JN45KO 12:29 144308 IZ2DJP 59 59 JN55FO 12:29 144308 F6BEG 59 59 JN25JS 12:31 144308 IZ1GRJ 59 59 JN45HO 12:32 144308 F4JVG 59 59 JN16NL 12:33 144308 I1DMP 59 59 JN35UB 12:35 144287 IW1BCV 59 59 JN44FS 12:35 144250 F0EWK 59 59 JN26EQ 12:38 144308 F0CXO 59 59 JN26PP 12:46 144292 F8DO 59 59 JN26IF 12:50 144299 HB9HLM 59 59 JN36KW 12:53 144292 F6IPR 59 59 JN27LD 12:54 144327 HB9EOU 59 59 JN37KB 14:21 144300 UN7AX 59 59 LN53NP Comment: Vy nice ES opening, hope for more. Wish you all the best! 73 GL CUAGN |
Rig: 150W 2x9el TONNA Log: 12.10 IK8BIZ JN70gr 57 59 980 km Comment: Also heard IW0EYT. 73 to all, Mircea |
Rig: FT100-D ODX: 9H1XT 1501 Km Log: 10:57 SV3BSF 59 55 KM08UF 11:59 9H1XT 59 55 JM75GV 12:01 9H1CG 59 59 JM75FW Comment: i use only 1.5w because my final transistor in transceiver is destroyed,and 8el dk7zb |
Rig: IC-211E 10w ODX: IS0SWW JN40GR 1626km Log: 10:48 SV3BSF KM08UF 1145km 10:54 SV8CS KM07JS 1219km 11:56 IW9HII JM67FT 1595km 12:01 IK8BIZ JN70GR 1235km 12:17 IK8PGQ JN70CU 1246km 12:18 IW0EYT/I8 JN70CX 1237km 12:26 IS0SWW JN40GR 1626km 12:33 IZ0RDM JN61GO 1298km 12:34 IK0GHB JN61GO 1298km 12:39 I5RUR JN53PD 1289km 12:43 IW0BET JN61FT 1290km Comment: 73's from YO8TNB See you next time! |
Rig: FT-897D 13EL YAGY ODX: F4FPG 1616 Km Log: 12:35 I2FAK JN45OB 1284Km 12:38 I1RJP JN45BO 1365Km 12:39 F4FPG JN25KS 1616Km Comment: I got home at the end of opening and i heard many Italian stations. Very strong signls. |
Rig: FT-857D 7 el DK7ZB 50W ODX: 12:20 F6FNG JN23RL 1599KM Log: 11:56 IS0SWW JN40GR 11:58 I0NLK JN62HB 12:06 IK5RWX JN52US 12:15 I5RUR JN53PD 12:15 F1NSR JN33JK 12:16 IK5OEA JN56PG 12:17 I2FAK JN45OB 12:18 I1JTQ JN35UB 12:20 F6FNG JN23RL 12:22 I1DMP JN34XU Comment: My first opening of the season, very happy I managed new DXCC Sardinia ! |