27. July 2011
And again high MUF during the whole day. Late afternoon there were at least three different hot spots active at the same time, even that the openings have been short and spotty and activity was low. Nevertheless a nice day, imagine this on a saturday or sunday.
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Rig: 500W SSB/CW 350W digi, 2x9el Log: 14:27 YO4GJH KN35XG 1294km 59+ 14:56 ER5GB KN45CV 1216km 59+++ hrd UT5JCW Comment: Vy strong sigs from KN35 and 45, but just a few min. UT5JCW was audible abt 15min, but 57 max. |
Rig: TS 2000 4x5 in H Dk7zb 750 Watts Log: 14:56 US8ZAL KN66AU 1873km |
Rig: 144: TS2000 LT2S 2xGU74b 750W MGF1302 4x2M18XXX (21 dbd) ODX: UU5AI KN65TD 2030 km Log: 14:55 UU8JY KN65LT 59 59 1951 km 14:55 UU5AI KN65TD 59 59 2030 km 15:01 UR5FFC KN56GQ 57 57 1742 km Comment: hrd: UT5JCW (often only signal on band), US8ZAL |
Rig: 11el. 600W ODX: 2018km Log: 14:25 UT5JCW KN64SN 1766km 14:45 US8ZAL KN66AU 1561km 14:59 UC6A KN84PV 2018km 15:03 UR5FFC KN56GQ 1459km |
Rig: IC275E 350 W 2x11 Ele ODX: UC6A KN84pv 2217 km Log: 14:37 UR5FFC 59 59 KN56gq 14:40 US8ZAL 59 59 KN66au 14:57 UR3GS 59 59 KN66qr 15:02 UC6A 53 59 KN84pv weak, wkd before last week Comment: This years first ES opening here with solid signals over more than two minutes. No other station hrd. |
Rig: TS-2000X, HLV-750, 17 El. F9FT ODX: UC6A 2211 km Log: 14:56 US8ZAL KN66AU 1754 km 14:57 UR5FFC KN56GQ 1651 km new # 14:58 UC6A KN84PV 2211 km Comment: Short opening for me, missed beginning because of coffee break... |
Rig: 144: FT-897D[MOD] MGF1302 4x12el. + 4x5el. DK7ZB/ 750Watt ODX: UT2QA - 2086km Log: 14:39 US8ZAL KN66AU 1727km 14:55 UT2QA KN86KS 2086km # new square Comment: Both stations have been real S9 and stable signal - no other station heard. |
Rig: 144: 750W 2x 2MXP20 (10 element XPOL) ODX: UC6A KN84PV 2271 km Log: 14:55 UC6A KN84PV 2271km heard max 57 vy QSB NC 14:59 UT5JCW KN64SN 2020km 15:01 UU8JY KN65LJ 1939km 15:01 UR5FFC KN65GQ 1897km 15:03 UU5AI KN65TD 1998km Comment: Short opening, just 10 minutes here 73 Joe |
Rig: FT920+Transv.1,8db NF+PA750W+9over9el Yagis 2,2WL ODX: UC6A KN84PV 2322 Km Log: Hello to all, Wkd 14:54 US8ZAL KN56GQ 1868 Km " 14:56 UR5FFC KN56GQ 1763 Km " 15:00 UC6A KN84PV 2322 Km no other Stn! Comment: very short Opening, gd Signals hr in JN39NF! 55 es 73 to all ! Werner |
Rig: 2x17 Mē - FT1000MP - TR144H - 700W ODX: UT5JCW 2127 km Log: 15:54 UU8JY KN65LJ 2044 km NEW SQUARE ! 15:55 UU5AI KN65TD 2103 km 16:01 UR5FFC KN56GQ 1815 km 17:13 LZ1ZP KN22ID 1684 km |
Rig: 144: 100W 9el ODX: 1366km Log: 14:51 UT5JCW 59 59 KN64sw 1366km Comment: Only 1 QSO today. Serge was stable 59+++ for abt. 30 mins. Hrd some other stns like ER5GB but not enough punch to come through the QRM. |
Rig: 2m 150W@9ele - HF 500W@3ele (20/15/10) and FD4 - 70cm 100W@10ele Log: 14:57 ER5GB KN45CV 1263km 59+++ 15:01 UT5JCW KN64SN 1697km 59 Comment: Very short opening, only 10min. |
Rig: 144: 500W 13ele ODX: 1269km Log: 110727 14:31 YO4GJH KN35XG 59 59 1269km 110727 14:58 ER5GB KN45CV 59 59 1245km Comment: tnx to ALL, 73 cuagn |
Rig: 144: 4x11el F9FT 100W Log: 15:08 ER5GB KN45cv |
Rig: IC-7000 / 8x10el YU7EF ODX: ER5GB KN45CV 1245km Log: 15:01 ER5GB KN45CV 1245km 59/59 Comment: The only QSO was with ER5GB. I hrd. UT5JCW partly weak in CW managing a big pile up from west-DL, PA & ON. |
Rig: Yaesu ft847 250watt 11ele f9ft ODX: UT5JCW KN64SN 2101km today Log: 14:39 ER5GB Kn45CV 1668km 599 CW 14:55 UT5JCW KN64SN 2101km 14:58 ER5GB Kn45CV agn ssb 15:07 UT5JCW KN64SN 2101km agn in cw nc qsb Comment: Short opening, just 25 minutes here with mni qsb 73 Helmut |
Rig: FT897+4cx250+16el f9ft Log: 14:38 US8ZAL KN66AU 1846km 14:58 UR3GS KN66QR 1948km |
Rig: TS2000 + small amp Log: 15:47 LZ1ZP KN22ID 16:01 LZ1AG KN22ID 16:01 YU1IO KN04IQ Comment: When Germany opened to LZ earlier couldn't hear a thing but nice to have a 'private' es openning for 15 or so mins. |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL ODX: RW7A kn95na 2188 km. Log: 12.43 UU2JD 59 59 KN75AC 1789 km. 12.44 UU5AI 59 59 KN65TD 1756 12.45 RW7A 59 59 KN95NA 2188 Comment: Short opening, 73, Rod |
Rig: TS790 + 3CX800A7 ODX: RW4A 2051km Log: 12.51 RW7A KN95NA 12.53 UT5JCW KN64SN Comment: Short opening on my side. All day-long MUF over Black Sea, Balcanians, Europe and finally Germany, but openings were too spotty and directive. maybe also too few people from possibly open directions. Thanks to all! |
Rig: ICOM 7400 Log: 08:28 RX6BN KN93UO 12:40 RW7A KN95NA 12:45 UT5JCW KN64SN 12:50 RN6DJ KN96 14:23 UY5ON KN89CW Comment: Poor Es conditions from my side. I heard US5LKW (at 1240) and UR0HQ (at 1425)without bringing those to a conclusion!! Why to congest 144300 needlessly over Es opening? |
Rig: 144: IC-7400 - 500w - 18el - 425m a.s.l. ODX: RX6BN 2288Km Log: 09:00 RX6BN KN93UO 2288 Comment: Just one QSO opening, after a long monitoring the band and the VHF-Chat. |
Rig: 144: 4x20el ic275h 50w out Log: 14:23 UA3WM 59 59 KO72QI 2098km 14:48 RA3EL 59 59 KO82AX 2165km Comment: Poor condition and few stn. Best '73 Marco. |
Rig: TR751a + BF960 , 2xGU70b , 17el>F9FT Log: 14:45 oz6ol jo65dg 14:49 f1usf jn23cn FAI |
Rig: 144: FT857 50W ant: 7 el.Quad, indoor ODX: UT5JCW - 1669 km Log: 14:25 UT5JCW 59 59 KN64SN - 1669 km 14:46 UT5JCW 599 599 CW mode 14:53 UU8JY 59 59 KN65LJ - 1587 KM 14:54 UR5FFC 59 59 KN56GQ - 1396 KM 14:58 UU5AI 59 59 KN65TD - 1646 KM Comment: tnx all for QSO, nice but short |
Rig: 144: FT847 950W 10el Log: 27.07.11 14:57 144.290 UT5JCW 59 59 KN64SN 1565km |
Rig: 144: FT897 50W dipole at 35m AGL ODX: UT5JCW Log: 14:57 UT5JCW KN64SN 59 599 1565km Comment: He was 59 for approximately 5 minutes. I told him on KST to give me a space, beacuse he had big pile up from DL station. Jan OK1ZHS http://www.prdec.cz/ |
Rig: Elecraft K3 + XV144 Transverter + TE Systems 400w + 9el. ODX: 16.10 - LZ1ZP - KN22ID - 1705 Km Log: 16.10 - LZ1ZP - KN22ID - 1705 Km Comment: Agn only 1 station heard, weak ES in JO20 ;(( |
Rig: TS850S high IP transverter LNA 0.22dB 250W PA 12M2 at 9m agl Log: 17:08 LZ1KG KN31CS 17:09 LZ1QI KN12PR hrd in QSO with PA1BVM 17:10 LZ1ZP KN22ID Comment: Short-lived Es opening with a maximum of QSO's. Collosal signals on the back of the beam from G. |
Rig: TS-780 11 EL. 3 WL. 100 W. ODX: IZ4AIK- 2141 KM Log: 12:50 IK7UXU JN81HE 12:54 IZ4AIK JN63HV Comment: 73! |
Rig: Yeasu 857, 100W, 9 el yagi Log: 16:17 TK5JJ JN42QF Comment: Short opening only station on band TK5JJ |
Rig: TS2000 100wtts 10 el. DK7ZB ODX: 2322 DK8VS Log: 14:59 DJ9EV JN49SC 15:00 DK2DB JN48FW 15:00 DK1VI JN49HH 15:00 DF5NK JN59PM 15:01 DL5FDP JN49LP 15:01 DK8VS JN39NF 15:02 DL4MP JN48NX 15:03 DF9IC JN48IW Comment: 73! |
Rig: TS-2000X 17b2 M2-9WL Log: Today was a huge openning to me. There is about 50 QSO so the list of the stations so long to post here. Here was many DL , PA and OK. Even 2 QSO with S57 via FAI. Most of signals were very strong. I can say that to me today was the best Es in this year. Thanks to all for the contact. 73! |
Rig: Ft-736rdx Log: QSO on 2 m.on 27/07/2011 27/07/2011 14:21 IN3ZTI/3 144,300 SSB 59 59 B ES JN55OQ 27/07/2011 14:23 IK7UXU 144,300 SSB 59 59 B ES JN81HE 27/07/2011 14:24 I2PY 144,300 SSB 59 59 B ES JN55NB 27/07/2011 14:27 I1DMP 144,300 SSB 59 59 B ES JN34XP 27/07/2011 14:38 IW1BCV 144,300 SSB 59 59 B ES JN45IA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of QSO listed: 5 |
Rig: 144: 350Watt 4x 9el MGF1302 Log: 16.42 F6IFX 59 59 JN07cx 1575 km 16.43 F6KHM 59 59 JN78rj 1927 km mni TNX 73 frm Pista |