13. July 2011
Good but spotty opening with several (at least three) hot spots in the very late afternoon.
Rig: IC-7400 AMPLITEC UG 2 100/1000 1KW ANT 13EL Log: 16:53 YO4FYQ KN44FD Comment: HRD 16:49 LY2FN only 30sec on 144.300 |
Rig: IC7400 4cx250 10ele dk7zb ODX: YO3ICW 2029 km Log: 16:53 YO3ICW KN34BJ Comment: a very short openning, but better than nothing! |
Rig: 144: 2x12 el. M2 - 300W ODX: SP2IQW 1376 km Log: 16:40 SP2IQW JO94GM 1376 km Comment: just a QSO, nothing else heard |
Rig: FT897+4cx250+16el f9ft Log: 17:08 UA3WM KO72QI 2005km Comment: very short openning |
Rig: 144: FT847 40W 11el ODX: YL3AG 2040 km Log: 16:43 YL3AG KO06WK Comment: very short opening but new locator and country . |
Rig: IC-910HX ODX: HA8CE 1730 km Log: 16:34 HA8CE KN06EN 1730 km 16:52 OM2RC JN88OL 1424 km |
Rig: IC821 35W 2 x 9ELE ODX: 1733km Log: 16:51 HA8CE 59 59 KN06EN 1733km Comment: Only one complete contact, hrd LZ2ZY, HA5CRX, HA8FK and YO2? deep QSB 59+ to zero in seconds |
Rig: Icom 910X ODX: LZ2ZY (KN13) 2129 km Log: 16:27 LZ2ZY KN13 2129 km 16:34 YU7PAA KN04 1972 km 16:51 YT3I KN05 1893 km 17:03 YU7GM KN05 1893 km Comment: Two distinct 5 to 7 minute periods here in IO83, with around 20 minutes in between. Several strong and long backscatter signals from east coast UK stations heard also. There were many more YU/YT's who called me but I was unable to get replies as they were very short (a few seconds)almost like MS burst type signals. No opportunity to swap even basic report. Also several strong stations calling form the same area, meant only the strongest one was actually heard. |
Rig: 144: FT847 400W Preamp 2X12 ele M2 Log: 16:30 HA8CE KN06EN 16:33 YT3I KN05HP 16:34 YU7GM KN05EI 16:34 YT7WE KN05EJ 16:37 LZ2ZY KN13OT 16:47 YO2NAA KN05PS 16:48 YU7TT KN05FW 16:50 HA5LV JN97ML 16:51 HA8CL KN06FF 16:52 HA8TKS JN98 16:53 OM2RC JN88OC Comment: I seemed to be optimally positioned, good strong signals. Cloud not too stable and it didn't last long enough! |
Rig: 144: 4x10el 400W ODX: YO5AVN 2343kms Log: 13/07/2011 16:52 YO5AVN KN34CK 599 599 CW ES 2343 Comment: Very very patchy here,heard HA0MK and worked YO5AVN,otherwise nothing |
Rig: TS2000 Log: 16:50 YT3I KO05HP 59 59 16:54 HA5LV JN97ML 59 59 Comment: Was sorting out a failed TX relay - so not really sure if I was radiating properly - heard a few more but TX was out! |
Rig: 144: FT757 Mutek 12el 400W Log: 16:32 HA0MK KN08TA Comment: Only HA0MK in the log, hrd another HA and a UR stn in KN87. Looks like path was well open for a while, I had eastern EU and UR broadcast on the ~30 minute trip home. |
Rig: TS2000X + PAs for 6m 4m 2m 70cms and 23cms (see QRZ.com for details) ODX: YU5RY @ 1942 kms Log: 16:25 YU5RY 144.300 kn04qm 1942kms 16:26 YU7TRI 144.300 kn04kv 1885kms 16:37 YT3I 144.290 kn05hp 1818kms 16:56 HA8CE 144.295 kn06en 1428kms Comment: Very patchy here, but gratful for some DX, heard others but deep qsb took them out. Thanks to all worked |
Rig: 144: 50W 2x15el - 432: 50W 2x21el Log: 16:50 HA8CE KN06EN 59 Heard Comment: One or two heard in a 60 secs period around 1650z, nothing else at all during the 60mins of ES! 73 Bob |
Rig: IC910H 144: 12eleM2 432: 19ele tonna 50: ICOM 746 6ele 1wl yagi ODX: 1678kms Log: 16:51 HA6NQ JN98VA 1678 16:53 OM2RC JN88OL 1481 Comment: very short opening , switched radio on and just worked the 2 stations. |
Rig: 144 Mhz: TS711e SSPA 350w out 9el and 50 Mhz: TS2000 100W 2el ODX: HA0MK at 1815 km Log: 16:35 HA6NQ JN98WA SSB Not Complete - lost in QSB 16:48 HA8CE KN06EN SSB Complete 59/59 16:51 HA0MK KN08TA SSB Complete 59/59 16:53 HA6NQ JN98WA SSB Complete 59/59 Comment: At last an opening that landed in IO81# - short but with strong signals. Just the three worked - no others heard. I was particularly pleased to work Pista, HA8CE again. We have made many QSOs together stretching over 30 years or so - most on Es but once during a super tropo opening from my old /P location, IO81LS in the Welsh Mountains. 73 Lyndon GW8JLY |
Rig: 144: FT-897 + 300W + 3wl DJ9BV Log: 16:52 G4KWQ 59 59 IO92AQ 16:54 G4SWX 59 59 JO02RF G0UAZ heard |
Rig: 2m: 17 ele H+V LNA transverters SDR 600W Log: 16:39 SM7GVF JO77GA 1283km Comment: HRD 16:35 SF7WT calling CQ |
Rig: TS790E+Pre Amp BF988+7el yagi Log: 16:36 OZ7P JO45SQ 1226km Comment: Many Thanks! 73 de Marco |
Rig: FT-897+17L+500W ODX: OZ7P Log: OZ7P JO45SQ 59/59 1344.6 KM Comment: I5 Was not at the top of ES today but I worked a real good New One and New Grid Too!! 73s Rick IZ5BRW |
Rig: ic746pro 2x9el 500w Log: 16:29 G0UAZ IO83PQ 16:34 G4APJ IO83UP 16:37 G4KWQ IO92AQ 16:48 G0CUZ IO82WM 16:49 G8ASD IO82 16:50 F8ATS JN18DP 16:50 F6HMQ JN18GP 16:58 F5GHP IN96LE Comment: 73!Rady LZ2ZY |
Rig: IC271H 100W , 9 el.Yagi Log: 16:52 G0LGS JO81WV 16:52 GW7SMV IO81LN 16:53 G6HKS IO92OB 16:53 G4KWQ IO92AQ Comment: very short opening (abt.2min) to G... Thanks a lot for QSOs ! |
Rig: 144: IC756PRO 125W 12el +2LFA Log: 16:40 IW0AIJ JN61 (heard) 17:08 UZ2HZ KN69 CW (heard) Comment: Almost an opening. Heard many bursts but only 2 stations CQing which did no hear me. |
Rig: 144: 400W 2x10el Log: 16:30 YU2V KN04? Comment: I heard and worked YU2V. After he disappeared SW6KRV came out of the noise, but too short to make a QSO. The total opening on my side was 2 minutes. |
Rig: 144: 8x8 el 1KW MGF1302 ODX: F6BNX 1566 Log: 2011/07/13 16:30 I1DMP JN34XU SSB 1427 2011/07/13 16:34 IW1BCV JN44FS SSB 1426 2011/07/13 16:36 F6BNX JN33OR SSB 1564 2011/07/13 16:37 IK1EGC JN35UF SSB 1393 2011/07/13 16:39 HB9CAT JN46LA SSB 1281 2011/07/13 16:40 IW2DAL JN45NN SSB 1327 2011/07/13 16:40 IK2APW JN45NH SSB 1354 |
Rig: 144: 350Watt 4x 9el MGF1302 Log: 16:34 G4KWQ 59 59 IO92aq 1813 km 16:36 G8GXP 59 59 IO93fq 1821 km 16:50 G4SWX 59 59 JO02wf 1581 km 16:51 GW6NLP 59 59 IO83kb 1900 km 16:52 G0UAZ 59 59 IO83pq 1894 km mni TNX 73 frm Pista |
Rig: TR 751E, 100 w, 11 el. YU7EF ODX: G4KWQ 1809 km Log: 16:37 G4KWQ IO92AQ 1809 km |
Rig: icom IC-821h 200w 4x9el ELLY by YU1QT ODX: 2E0LGZ Log: 16:28 G8GXP IO93FQ 1885km 16:34 2E0LGZ IO83LJ 1966km Comment: TNX FOR QSO 73's Dule |