05. June 2010
Sporadic E. First signals reported 07:58 between Siccily and Bulgaria. In the late afternoon there was an opening between UA6 and DL/OK/OE
4L1FP | 9A2SB | 9A4VM | DD0VF | DG2KBC | DH8BQA | DJ6OL | DK3SML | DK5KMA | DK5RQ | HA1VQ | HA5CRX | HA5LV | HA6NQ | I2FAK | I4RHP | I4RHP | IT9CJC | IT9VDQ/9 | IT9VDQ/IT9 | IV3DXW | IV3KKW | IV3NDC | IW2HAJ | IZ7QVD | LZ1ZX/P | LZ2ZY | LZ3GM | OE3FLU | OE6IWG | OM3TZZ | OM3WC | RK3AF | RN6DJ | RZ6BU | S56P | S58P | S59DR | S59GS | UA4AQL | YT3I | YU2DX |
Rig: 144: 100 W and 2x9el 432:50 W and 2x18el ODX: 1568km Log: 17:55 RW3XR KO73fu 1568km 17:59 RA3EL KO82ax 1430km Comment: Very short opening. |
Rig: FT897D,GI7B+10el.yagi ODX: 4x1if Log: 08:45 4X1IF 599 599 KM72LL 17:05 UA6MA 599 599 KN97 17:06 UA6LNS 59 59 LN07KM |
Rig: XVERT,100W,DL7KM ODX: 1821 KM Log: 05/06/2010 08:36 5B4AIF KM64HV 59/59 1821 Comment: 73 de 9A4VM-Vlado |
Rig: 144:550W-CW 350W-digi 2x9el MGF1303 (JO61WA: 100W 5el BF998) Log: 17:31 UU2JJ KN75AA 57 1652km Comment: Been just 2min in the shack and hrd his CQ. It was even long enough open to complete the QSO. |
Rig: 2x7ele FT847 GS35b LNA Log: 07:56 SV1OAA KM17VV 08:07 SV1OE KM17VX Comment: Just coming back from the roof for antenna maintenance when switching on and couldn't believe to hear SV1 :) Let's hope for more in the afternoon. |
Rig: TS-711, PA (450W) + 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi Log: 17:07 YM7VHF/B KN91RB 519 HRD 2.318 km Comment: Nothing more than the beacon reception. :-(( Gave TA7X an alert on 6m that I hear the beacon on 2m but instead of QSY to 2m he simply thanked for the info and continued to call CQ on 6m ... oh well. Anyway, nice to see an opening again at least as my holidays are over now ... so only small chances to catch another opening this season. 73, Olli |
Rig: FT-736R + HLV 600, 11 Ele. Flexa ODX: 1861 Log: 11:40 UX0FF KN45KJ 11:41 YO6OBK KN26 11:46 YO8MI KN36KN 11:49 YO8DDP KN36UF 11:52 YO8WW KN36FM 15:39 RD3FD KO98CO 15:40 UA3PTW KO93BS 15:41 UA3PC KO85TF |
Rig: IC-910H 100 W 2,5 x wl Flexa Yagi ODX: SV1OAA KM17VV 1699km Log: 08:06 SV1OAA KM17VV 59 59 1699km Comment: I was surprised that the opening came in so early. I wkd some minutes before E4X on 6m (finally), but only few stations were qrv and could be heard, signals on 6m weren't so strong. Also the activity on 2m was low, so I catched SV1OAA with a single call. It remained the only station for this day, during the morning the ES-cloud moved south....For me it was the 2nd opening here in JN49. |
ODX: - Log: 08:12 SV9CVY KM25ka QSO nc Comment: Heard SV9CVY for about a minute, but unfortunately I lost him during QSO. NC :( Maybe tomorrow... |
Rig: FT-847 600W 11el ODX: RX6AH 2076km Log: wkd: 17:00 RZ6BU KN84PV 17:01 RX6AH KN95MA 17:06 UA6DX KN85KK hrd: RN6BL KN94GQ Comment: missed the morning opening, was on the way for a trip with the family, hrd a lot of SV/TA FM broadcast in the car. The evening opening to the Black Sea was difficult in the heavy QRM of the HA/OK VHF Contest around .300 73, Rudi dk5rq@darc.de |
Rig: K3 with MMT144/28 12 el DL6WU for 2m 200 watts ODX: RV6YY LN04AO 1841 km Log: 16:57 RZ6BU 59 59 KN84PV 1617 km 16:58 UA6BBX 599 599 KN94MM 1761 km 17:09 RV6YY 59 59 LN04AO 1841 km Comment: Short opening and big QRM from contest. |
Rig: 144: IC-7000 GS31 SP2000 3wl DJ9BV-BVO2 Log: 17:03 RV6YY LN04AO 17:08 RZ6BU KN84PV Comment: Short opening during the HA-VHF contest |
Rig: 144: FT-897 + 300W + 3wl DJ9BV Log: 08:22 5B4AIF KM64HV 08:23 4Z5LY KM72MS |
Rig: 144: 1kW:4x12el H DJ9BV:CAV144EME preamp. Log: 08.37 5B4AIF KM64HV 08.46 4X1IF KM72LL Comment: hrd 4Z5LV very weak |
Rig: 144: 2x19el LLY 4cx1000a ODX: 5b4aif Log: 08:08 5B4AIF 2294 km 08:09 SV1OE 1454 km 08:10 SV1OAA 1460 km Hrd 4X1IF , 4Z5LV |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL Log: 07:57 SV1OE 59 59 KM17VX 1265 km. 07:58 5B4AIF 59 59 KM64HV 2101 km. Comment: 5B4AIF was 59+ for about 15 min.; heard 4X but too weak. 73 |
Rig: 144: TS711+PA500W 17EL Log: 13:24 RV6YY 55 59 LN04AO 2266 km. Comment: 2° opening, very short |
Rig: TR751E 7EL DK7ZB 20W Log: Start date UTC TX kHz Mode Call RST S RST R QTH Notes -------------------- -------- ---- ------ ----- ----- ------ ----- 05-Jun-2010 07:58 144300.0 SSB LZ3GM 59 59 kn32rl 05-Jun-2010 08:01 144300.0 SSB RA6AS 59 59 kn93vn 05-Jun-2010 08:02 144300.0 SSB YO5CRI 59 59 kn16ts 05-Jun-2010 08:04 144300.0 SSB YO5TP 59 59 kn16ss 05-Jun-2010 08:05 144300.0 SSB UU9JG 59 59 kn64rq 05-Jun-2010 08:06 144300.0 SSB RX6BN 59 59 kn93uo 05-Jun-2010 08:20 144300.0 SSB UT5JAX 59 59 kn64sl 05-Jun-2010 08:37 144300.0 SSB RX6BN 59 59 kn93uo 05-Jun-2010 08:41 144300.0 SSB RN6BM 59 59 kn93vp Comment: Nice es opening, strong signals but not much activity, tnx for all QSO's, ciao 73 de IT9CJC Marcello |
Log: 13:11 UR5LX KO70WK |
Rig: 250*18el Log: 08:10 YO8RZE HRD 08:30 TA2IK KN81EG 09:10 RA6AS KN93VN 09:12 RN6BM KN93VP 09:13 RX6BN KN93UX Comment: HERE HOPE MORE IN THE AFTERNOON :-))) |
Rig: 100w 11EL ft ODX: KM64HV 2018Km Log: 08:31 5B4AIF KM64HV 2018Km Comment: Signal not strong, short opening for 5B in JN65QQ. |
Rig: Yaesu FT-736R + 150 Watt + 13el. F9FT Log: 08:02 SV1OE hrd 52 (few seconds) 08:04 5B4AIF KM64HV (new # and country) 08:09 SV9CJO KM25FI (new # and country) Second ESp opening : 13:22 RV6YY LN04AO (answered my CQ) |
Rig: 144: 500W BF981 2x15el 3.3wl Log: 07:59 SV1OE KM17VX 59 SSB Not Complete 08:09 SV9CJO KM25FI Hrd up to s9 10:30 5B4AIF KM64HV Hrd up to s1 13:22 RV6YY LN04AO Hrd 57 briefly Comment: Got poor results from this opening, due to fast fading and my bad takeoff to SE direction. Anyway, always exciting to be there..;-) 73 de Massimo |
Rig: 144: IC 275H + GS35B 2X13 EL Preamp Log: 07:55 SV1OE KM17VX 08:04 SV1OAA KM17VV |
Log: 09:11 TA2IK KN81EG 1665 KM Comment: Ionized layer? Thunderstorm on greece? stable signal as tropospheric propagation. |
Log: 12.30 UA4API LO20QC 12.31 RU4AN LO20QG 13.09 RN6BM KN95LC 16.57 RK3AF KO75WO 16.57 RX3AJ KO85DJ 16.58 RW3XR ko73fu |
Rig: ic746pro 2x9el Log: 08:10 SV9CVY 59 59 KM25GI Comment: 73! Rady |
Rig: 144: IC735 20W 3wl 10ele BVO2 MGF1302 ODX: 9H1GB 1338km Log: 07:58 IT9CJC JM76IW 59/59 1250km 07:58 9H1GB JM75FU 59/59 1338km 08:22 9H1CG JM75FW 59/59 1333km Comment: Not so short, but the activity was low in that direction! Thanks! |
Rig: TM-255E ODX: 1.644 km Log: 08:20 144,320 SV9CJO 59 KM25FI Comment: 9 ELE Yagi, 150 W PEP |
Rig: 100W 4x10el (HM) LNA-EN334S01 Log: 17:09 UA6DX KN85KK 59 59 1944km Comment: i wkd Igor between all the middle-EU-Contesters hi |
Rig: FT847+PA 400W+7el. QUAD Log: 08:43 5B4AIF KM64HV 08:46 4Z5LY KM72MS Second opening: 16:54 UA6BBX KN94NP 16:55 UA6DX KN85KK 16:59 RV6YY LN04AO 17:00 RX6AH KN95MA 17:08 RN6BM KN93VP Comment: First Es QSOs this year. |
Rig: TM255 7e. YAGI ODX: RN6BM 1785 km Log: 16:55 RV6YY LN04AO 1761 km 17:01 RX6AH KN95MA 1671 km 17:09 RN6BM KN93VP 1785 km Comment: 73 OM3WC |
Rig: 144: IC746 ANT - 3WL Log: 16.57 LZ1ZX/p KN32DQ 59/59 only 1 qso :) |
Rig: TS-780 11 EL. 3 WL. GU-74B ODX: 17:07 9A9SF JN65UF 2019 KM Log: 17:02 HA5CW JN97PN 17:04 HG1Z JN96KU + 10 DB 17:05 HA2SU JN97PB 17:07 9A9SF JN65UF Comment: VERY SHORT OPENING, HRD HA5KDQ 10 SEC., 73 TO ALL |
Rig: FT847 144: 50W 10el DK7ZB Preamp BF998 Log: 08:07 9H1GB JM75FU 08:22 9H1CG JM75FW 08:43 9H1FL JM75 13:00 IN3ZTI/3 JN55OL 13:02 I3LDP JN55LK 16:55 OM3CQF JN88RT 16:56 OM4AJK 16:57 OK1KHI JN69JJ 16:58 OK2BFN 16:58 HA1VQ JN87GJ 16:59 OK1AGE JO70ED 17:01 DK5RQ JN68BV 17:01 OK8WW JN79DV 17:02 DK2EA JO50UF 17:02 OK2VRO JN79XN 17:03 UT5DA KN18DN 17:03 OK1IPU JN69VN 17:04 OK1SC JO70OZ 17:04 UT5DV 17:05 OK1VFH JN69VN 17:10 HA5CRX JN97KP 17:14 OK2BSD JN79WF Comment: 73! |
Rig: FT-1000MP MARK-V + JAVORNIK, 2x9el. F9FT, 1000W ODX: 4Z5LV KM72OC 2340 km Log: 08:24 5B4AIF KM64HV 1949 km 08:39 4Z5LV KM72OC 2340 km Comment: Tnx Alex 4Z5LV and Norman 5B4AIF for new country on 144 MHz. 73' Bostjan - S56P |
Rig: IC-821 300w 11 el YU7EF Log: 08:45 5B4AIF Comment: TNX Roman 73's |
Rig: FT-897D ODX: 5B4AIF Log: 08:45 5B4AIF KM64HV 1983 km Comment: My 1st ES QSO this year. Hope to have some more. Great signal from Cyprus this morning. GL |
Rig: FT 225 RD + 100 W 16 el. 175 m.asl ODX: 4Z5LV - KM72OC Log: 08.08 5B4AIF - KM64HU 08.17 4Z5LV - KM72OC Comment: Many thanks ,GL in next ES, 73 Slavko |
Rig: 144: 4x13el DJ9BV Preamp 0.8db 1.2kW(EME) 700W(MS) Log: 16:59 YU2DX KN04 17:01 YU1EV KN04 17:02 YU2JA KN04 |
Rig: 144: 500Watt 4x 9el MGF1302 ODX: 4Z5LY Log: YT3I (KN05hp) wkd via Es on 144MHz 2010.jun.05 08.21 4Z5LY 59 59 KM72ms 1889 km HRD: 5B4AIF and 4X1IF ------ 17.08 RZ6MB 59 59 LN17cm 1662 km HRD: RZ6BU MNI TNX 73 frm Pista |
Rig: IC275H 15W 8el oblong YU1QT Log: 16:57 RK6LZZ 599/599 LN09GM 1597km 16:58 UA4AQL 599/599 LO20QB 1950km 17:01 UA4API 59/59 LO20QC 1950km HRD : UR6EC,UR3EE Comment: 73 YU2DX |