14. Aug 2008
An opening into Russia.
Log: 12:44 UT7IL KN87 12:45 UA6MA KN97 |
Rig: FT-847 600W 11el ODX: UA6MA 2054km Log: 12:05 RN3QKG KO91OM 12:10 RA3WDK KO81BR 12:47 UA6MA KN97VE Comment: An opening to Russia this time with much QSB. It's amazing, heard absolutely nil from UT7IL on .315, stations 50km away from me worked him easy. So incalculable is ES. 73, Rudi (dk5rq@darc.de) |
Rig: 144: 300W 4x10 DK7ZB Log: 12:06 UY5ON KN89CW 1665 km Comment: UY5ON hrd over 30 min with qsb, no other stn hrd. 73s Ron |
Rig: FT-847 2m: 12el 300w Log: 10:50 RU4AN LO20QH 2109km 10:51 RN3QN LO00BK 10:51 UR5LX KO70WK 10:56 RN3QKG KO91OM |
Rig: 144: IC7400 2x18 el Yagi 1KW ODX: 2123 km Log: 12:30 ut7il KN87VX Comment: Only station hrd during abt 15 minutes ES in JN47PH |
Rig: 144: 19el LLY 400w ODX: UY5ON Log: 14/08/08 12:28 UY5ON KN89CW 59 59 SSB Comment: I was to the western border of the skip UY5ON the only station arrived here |
Rig: 144: 100W BF981 2x15el 3.3wl ODX: RN3QKG 1988 Km Log: 10:59 RN3QKG KO91OM 59 59 SSB 1988 Km 12:23 UY5ON KN89CW 59 59 SSB 1754 Km Comment: First opening was quite brief (10.58-11.00 UT) while the second session has been a little bit longer (12.22-12.40 UT). No other stations heard. 73 es DX, Massimo |
Rig: 144: 1KW 2x16el MGF2407 - 432: 4x25el 500W - 1296: 4x23 400W - 2320: 53el loop 40W Log: 12.24 RA3OE KO91OH 12.27 RA3WDK KO81BR 12.30 UT1AO KO70KV 12.37 UY5ON KN89CW Comment: Short ES from east (the first of this year for me) |
Rig: IC-7400 , PA 500W, ant 17 el. M2 ODX: RN3QKG, loc. KO91OM, 1614km Log: 12:09 RN3QKG KO91OM 1614km Comment: HRD RA3WDK 73 GL |
Rig: FT847 + PA 600W 10el YAGI Log: 11:00 RN3QR LO00BK 12:17 UA4AQL JO20QB 12:20 RA3WDK KO81BR 12:25 RN3QGK KO91OM |
Rig: FT 847 + PA 500W, ant. 7 el QUAD GW4CQT ODX: LO20QB Log: 12:15 UA4AQL LO20QB 12:19 RA3WDK KO81BR |
Rig: FT 847 + PA 500W, ant. 7 el QUAD GW4CQT ODX: LO00BK Log: 11:02 RN3QR LO00BK 11:04 UY5ON KN89CW 12:15 UA4AQL LO20QB 12:19 EA3WDK KO81BR |
Rig: 144: FT847 950W+10el dk7zb ODX: RA3QM LO01LE 1868km Log: 14:08 12:05 144.300 RN3QKG 59+ 59 KO91OM 1743km 14:08 12:14 145.500 RA3OE 59 FM 59 KO91OH 1745 14:08 12:16 145.500 RA3ZW 59 FM 59 KO81TG 1635 14:08 12:18 145.500 RA3QM 59 FM 59 LO01LE 1868 14:08 12:20 144.300 RA3WDK 59+ 59 KO81BR 1528 14:08 12:25 144.300 RA3OE 59 59 KO91OH 1745 + HRD UT7IL Comment: Nice Es caused by Perseids but low activity. RN3QKG was booming 59+++ for more then 20min. MP3 files you can listen at: http://ok1teh.nagano.cz/es.htm#last140808 73 Matej, OK1TEH |
Rig: TS790A PA 200Watts Ant LY ODX: RN3QR 1535 km Log: 11:02 RN3QR LO00BK 1535 km Comment: Worked from JN99GU,JN99FN,JN99JQ JN99CL |
Rig: 144: 400W 13el Log: Time Callsign Grid 12:01 OK1BYR JN79it 12:10 DK5RQ JN68bv 12:16 DK0OG JN68gi 12:17 DF7RG JN68gi 12:18 DF8MV JN58ou 12:18 OK1MDK JN79nu 12:19 OK1IO/P JN89ej 12:19 OK1TEH JO70fd 12:20 SP6HED JO80li 12:27 IZ4BEH JN54wl 12:28 9A4QV JN75bb 12:28 S54O JN75nt 12:29 S51AT JN75gw 12:30 9A/S53W JN64 12:43 S54O JN75nt 12:44 DK3BU JO33no Comment: Mmni time hrd via FAI SSB SM7Fxx , but no complect call VY HOT in KO81 + 36 C degrees |
Log: 12:19 OK1IA/P JN89ej correct ( in LOG all right) Comment: 12:19 OK1IA/P JN89ej correct ( in LOG all right) |
Rig: TH328 KW 2x17el MGF1302 Log: 10:50 RN3QKG KO91OM 10:54 UR5LX KO70WK 12:29 RA3WDK KO81BR 12:30 UT1AO KO70KV HRD: RN3QR LO00 UA3RN LO03 |
Rig: 400 w 17 el cushcraft Log: uy5on 11:03 kn89cw 59/59 Comment: hrd ra3wdk.ua6ma,ra3oe and sm7?? and burst ms from russian stn. |
Rig: Ft-736 rdx 120 w ant 6 el yage Log: QSOs worked by UY5ON (KN89CW) on 2 m. Type of propagation: All Mode: Mixed From 14/08/2008 to 15/08/2008 Distance over: 0 Km. Page: 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATE TIME CALLSIGN LOCATOR TX RX MODE PRO.REMARKS QRB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11:00 SP6HED JO80IL 59 59 SSB ES 1385 11:03 OK1MDK JN79PX 59 59 SSB ES 1491 11:04 SP9AI JN99MT 59 59 SSB ES 1227 11:04 OK2POI JN99BL 57 53 SSB ES 1298 11:07 SP9XGS 57 59 SSB ES 1159+- 11:15 OE2ULK JN68LA 59 59 SSB ES 1703 12:05 DL1RNW JO62GH 59 59 SSB ES 1664 12:10 DL5WG JO52VK 59 59 SSB ES 1715 12:12 DL3BRZ JO72GH 57 59 SSB ES 1528 12:15 9A4EW JN95KG 57 57 SSB ES 1395 12:21 I3MEK JN55SG 59 59 SSB ES 1910 12:22 IN3ZTI/3 JN55OQ 57 59 SSB ES 1915 12:22 S52FO JN76BD 59 59 SSB ES 1688 12:22 IV3NDC JN65RV 59 59 SSB ES 1746 12:23 I2FAK JN45NC 59 59 SSB ES 2090 12:29 S51AT JN75GW 59 59 SSB ES 1667 12:29 IK2DDR JN55GN 59 59 SSB ES 1968 12:31 IZ4FUA JN45WB 59 59 SSB ES 2039 12:31 IW3GBO JN66OA 59 59 SSB ES 1758 12:37 IZ4BEH JN54WL 55 55 SSB ES 1925 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number of QSOs listed: 20 |
Log: 12:14 RA1ARM 55/55 KO49 12:20 UA1ASA/1 57-59/59 KO48GH Comment: Unexpected late little Es opening from kn34bk. Weak sigs in my loc while HA,OE and 9A were working RA's with 59++ as seen on the cluster. Poor activity I think, due to main interest in MS qso's. |