09. Aug 2008
Extremely high MUF over JO00/JO10. Sporadic E occured between EI/G to DL/F. Also EA to OZ was reported. Blue lines are spots taken from CLX. Red lines are spots send to MMMonVHF and the reports are below.
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Rig: 15el 700W ODX: 1267km Log: 19:39 EI2IP IO61cx 59+ hrd 19:41 GW7SMV IO81ln 59+ hrd 19:42 EI8IQ IO62sf 59/59 1267km 19:44 F8DBF IN78ri 59/59 1155km (possibly FAI) Comment: Had worked EA1FDI IN53tf at 19:21 (1655km, definitely TROPO) and was surprised when I heard EI2IP with a booming Es signal only 18 minutes later and at this time of the day on a 9th of August... TNX QSO Pat and Seb. |
Rig: 4el 144: 150W ODX: 1317 km Log: 19:44 EI4EY IO52QP 59 SSB 1317km Comment: Hrd also GW7 earlier on 300, another EI-station from IO62. |
Rig: TR-751 + PA, 450 W - 10 ele DK7ZB Yagi ODX: 1418 km Log: 19:42 F8DBF 144 SSB IN78RI 1418 km 19:44 G4LOH 144 SSB IO70JC 1378 km Comment: Nice short opening and finally IO70 worked. ;-)) Thanks Seb and Tim! So again holidays (this time for the Perseids meteor shower) already paid-off. ;-)) |
Rig: IC7400 ODX: 1247 km Log: 09/08/2008 19:44 EI2IP IO61CX 59 / 57 SSB ES 1247 09/08/2008 19:45 EI8IQ IO62SF 59 / 59 SSB ES 1169 09/08/2008 20:30 F8DBF IN78RI 55 / 55 SSB FAI 957 Comment: nice opening, 3 new squares |
Rig: 50: IC736 3el Yagi - 144: IC275E 11el DL6WU 8874 BF982 ODX: 1328 km Log: 19:43 EI4EY IO52QP 19:45 EI2IP IO61CX Comment: My first (and last ?) ES contacts this year :-) |
Rig: TS-2000 144: 2x 12el M2 full Elv 750W MOSFET LNA144MKII-SSB ODX: hrd 895km Log: 09/08/2008 19:43 F8DBF IN78RI 55 hrd SSB ES NOT COMPL. 895 Comment: QTF 290° back-/side-scatter or FAI! |
Rig: IC-7400 8874 M2 2M5WL Log: 19:46 F8DBF IN78RI 59/59 Comment: Wow! That was very surprising. I was talking with local hams when one mentioned a qso on .300 with F8DBF. I tuned in and wkd Sebastian with 100W. Thanks Seb! 73, Norbert |
Rig: FT-847; This time 50W; Cushcraft 13B2 ODX: EB8CDX; IL18NI; 2070 Km Log: 11:44 EA8BPX IL18SK 2037 11:46 EB8CDX IL18NI 2070 11:49 EA8TX IL18QI 2054 11:51 EB8AYA IL18RI 2049 12:52 EB8BRZ IL28HX 1923 Comment: It is nice to hear you old man. Best 73's from Zaragoza. |
Rig: ft-847, 50w , 10 element dk7zb, NO LNA ODX: 1675km Log: 09/08/2008 19:47 1,206.30 JN37sm HB9DFG 09/08/2008 19:46 1,326.33 JN58ak DL6SBM 09/08/2008 19:45 881.36 JO20ju ON7CL 09/08/2008 19:45 1,257.72 JN48qx DL3NCR 09/08/2008 19:44 1,272.02 JN48qp DO9BC 09/08/2008 19:44 1,351.70 JN58iv DC2MW 09/08/2008 19:43 1,248.58 JN47dp DK7DR 09/08/2008 19:43 1,674.59 JO81gh SP6FUN 09/08/2008 19:42 1,542.66 JN68la OE2UKL Comment: Lots calling but I couldn't go through the DX quick enough, great to work two new DXCC, SP and OE on 144Mhz. Was watching bands all day, as 70MHz was wide open to G and LX. My first Es for 2008. And even sweeter with only 50watts. Keep listening towards IO61. |
Rig: 144: 150W 9el - /p Log: 11:52 EA8BPX IL18SK 2317km hrd also EB8AYA, EA8TX, EB8CDX Comment: Finally, my first Es QSO from Southern France ... |
Rig: ICOM 910H Antenne 17 Eléments tonna Pwr:20watts ODX: 2471 Kms Log: 15:40 EA8BPX Loc: IL18SK 2456 kms Qrg:144325.0 ssb Rst:59 15:45 EA8TX Loc: IL18QI 2471 Kms Qrg:144260.0 ssb Rst:59 15:55 EB8AYA Loc: IL18RI 2468 Kms Qrg:144380.0 ssb Rst:59 Comment: Very fine Es and direction Canaria island. 73 Good Dx F0EJW/Eric |
Rig: TS 2000 + PA + 17 Elts ODX: 2450km Log: 17:33 EB8AYA IL18RI 2450km ES or tropo? 19:42 DH8BQA JO73CE 1418km 19:42 DK1CO JO63SX 1401km 19:44 PA4VHF JO32 889km 19:45 DF5NK JN59OP 1155km FAI 19:45 PA3EXV JO32KQ 938km 19:45 DG6JF/P JO33QN 1013km 19:46 DL8LAQ JO43XU 1179km 19:50 DK7DR JN47DP 956km FAI Comment: Work EB8AYA with very good signal on 144 but nothing on 432, so I suppose that's ES. After at 19:40, I found the OZ7IGY/B and go calling. All ES sign was very QSB and not so strong but shorted to 900km! Also some FAI to 70° at the same time. 73's to all |
Rig: 144: FT-100 500Watt 7el MGF1302 ODX: 1205km Log: 19:46 EI2IP 53 IO61cx 1205km Comment: Heard also EI8IQ and EI4EY in the crowd. Very late opening but (as usual this year) again quite short. Seems 2m-ES for hours isnt' possible anymore in HB9 :-( So let's enjoy the perseids instead :-) Good reflections! Chris, HB9DFG |
Rig: FT947, PA 700W, 10 el ODX: G4LOH Log: 19:36 G4LOH IO70JC 1552 km |
Rig: FT-847 / 8el / 400 W ODX: EI2IP - 883 Km Log: 19:45 EI2IP - IO61CX - New Sq (304) Comment: FT-847 - 8el I0XJJ - 350w |
Rig: 600w 9 elm. dk7zb Log: 19:45 UTC EA1FDI 59S 55R IN53TF 1906 KM Comment: Heard EA1FDI on 4.300 calling cq and QSY to 144.240 heard him loud and clear called him tx only 25w when amp warming up. tnx FB ES qso de OZ1BEF Dan |