
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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04 | 12

04. Aug 2024

A strong Aurora occured with the IMF pointing strongly to the south. However, there was no clear CME impact on the ACE satellites.

DF2ZC, Bernd - JO30RN
TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd
RO3X (KO73FU) 1863 km
16:08 RO3X KO73FU 55A 52A CW AUR 045 deg 1863 km
16:24 UT9UR KO4ØXD 57A 59A CW AUR 060 deg 1590 km
16:24 EW7T KO53DR 55A 55A CW AUR 060 deg 1589 km
Also copied via aurora many DL, G, OZ, SM, PA, some GM, SP, OK, YL and OE3JPC.

UT9UR was real 59A at times.

With EW7T after decades I finally completed with a station via all four major propagations...tropo, MS, ES and now aurora.
DF9CY, Christoph - JO54AL
300w - 9 ele
1433 SM7SPG JO66md
1443 OY9JD IP62oa
1527 MM0CEZ IO75
1535 G3WZT IO90ux
1558 DF7KF JO30fk
1601 G4ODA IO92ws
1609 M0HOM IO93qo
1611 G0SYP IO83tk
1613 OH4LA KP20lg
1615 UA1ASA KO48gh
1616 G4YTL IO92mb
1618 SM6DHD JO67bf
1621 GM3SEK IO75sr
1624 YL2FZ KO37qi
1626 GM4ILS io87ip
1631 SM0PYH JO99dk
Lot more heard; worked on 6m as well.
Have to fight against noise from photovoltaic systems.
73 de Christoph DF9CY
DJ6AG, Dieter - JO51EQ
Kenwood TS-2000X, 1x13ele YU7EF, BEKO HLV-1000
G8SEI IO92fo 819km
17:06z G8SEI IO92fo Q65C 819km
A nice experience to see that a digital signal via aurora could be decoded. The signal was about 50Hz wide and decoded well in every periode.
DL8KX, Tommy - JO53CL
9 ele + 200W
RO3X, 1590km
14:50 SM7SPG JO66MD 020
14:56 DL0HAL JO51XN 020
15:17 PA3CWN JO33AH 020
15:24 EW7T KO53DR 045
15:36 M0HOM IO93QO 045
15:44 RO3X KO73FU 045
15:46 G0LBK JO03BD 045
15:49 DL2BXC JO63SB 045
16:09 OK1TEH JO70FD 050
16:11 UT9UR KO40XD 050
16:19 SP6FXF JO70SV 050
16:25 SM6DHD SM6DHD 050
16:27 GM3SEK IO74SR 020
16:30 DL3DXX JO61VE 020
16:32 G4YTL IO92MB 010
16:36 G4RRA IO80BS 010
16:41 EI3KD IO51VW 340
16:49 OM4EX JN98HR 050
16:53 LY4AA KO14WW 050
17:01 OZ1HDF JO55UN 030
17:03 DL1KDA JO30EP 030
17:05 DL3IAS JN49EJ 030
17:06 PA7KY JO32LR 010
17:08 G4CDN JO02NS 010
17:13 F6DCD JN38RQ 010
17:15 HB9DFG JN37SM 010
17:19 F6DKW JN18CS 010
17:25 G4ODA IO92WS 010
17:38 G3WZT IO90UX 010
17:44 GM4YXI IO87WK 010
Unexpected but really good AU with a lot of activity.

Incomplete QSO with UA1ASA. Did not get his locator, argh....

Hrd but not worked:

Thanks everybody.
PA3BIY, Peter - JO22HB
Home made, 2 x 12 ele
16:06 EW7T KO53DR 70 1737 km
16:14 UT9UR KO40XD, 65 1778 km
16:49 SM6DHD JO67BF 40 751 km
16:55 EU1AEX KO33TT 60 1552 km
Strong signals, but no nightly return unfortunately.
SM7SPG, Per - JO66MD
IC-9700, 1kW + 12el YU1CF
R3CT KO86qf 1497km
OK1TEH JO70 1431 144 CW 55A 57A 58°
DF9CY JO54 1433 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
PC0A JO32 1435 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
DL6BF JO32 1436 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
UT9UR KO40 1437 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
OK1DTP JO60 1438 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
DL0HAL JO51 1440 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
DL6JZ JO61 1441 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
DG0VOG JO60 1443 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
OK1ZHS JO70 1446 144 CW 55A 57A 58°
OK1SC JO70 1447 144 CW 55A 57A 58°
DL8KX JO53 1449 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
OK2BEJ JN79 1450 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
LY2BKQ KO05 1452 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
PA3CWN JO33 1500 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
DJ8RZ JN59 1503 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
OK1HMP JO60 1515 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
DK5YA JN49 1517 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
G0LBK JO03 1518 144 CW 54A 55A 58°
OK2PVF JN99 1520 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
SQ6RQ JO80 1522 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
DL2HWA JO51 1524 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
OH4LA KP20 1525 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
OE3JPC JN87 1526 144 CW 55A 56A 58°
OM4EX JN98 1528 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
DL0BZ JO43 1529 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
UT4WT KO20 1531 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
OM3CLS JN99 1533 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
DL7URH JO61 1534 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
SP5AOZ KO02 1536 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
PA0RDY JO22 1539 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
PA4EME JO20 1540 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
DL3DXX JO61 1542 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
OK1KN JO70 1544 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
OM3WC JN88 1545 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
RA1WU KO47 1547 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
R3CT KO86 1548 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
HA1FV JN87 1605 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
OK1SC JO70 1607 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
DL5FDP JN49 1609 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
YL2KO KO37 1611 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
SP9RVF JO90 1613 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
UA3XFO KO84 1618 144 CW 54A 55A 58°
SP6FXF JO70 1621 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
SQ6RMA JO80 1622 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
DL6AST JO60 1623 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
OK1FIA JN79 1626 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
DL8DUA JO40 1627 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
DJ3AK JO52 1629 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
OM1BM JN88 1630 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
DL6BF JO32 1638 70 CW 55A 57A 58°
SP9HWY JO90 1648 70 CW 55A 57A 58°
PA0RDY JO22 1650 70 CW 59A 59A 58°
OK1TEH JO70 1656 70 CW 55A 55A 58°
PC0A JO32 1700 70 CW 59A 59A 58°
DM2BHG JO50 1703 70 CW 55A 57A 58°
DL4DX JO61 1710 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
RG2X KO85 1710 144 CW 59A 59A 58°
PA7KY JO32 1712 144 CW 59A 57A 58°
UA1AJY KO49 1714 144 CW 55A 57A 58°
HA1VQ JN87 1716 144 CW 54A 56A 58°
OK1DIX JO60 1718 144 CW 57A 59A 58°
RT1L KO49 1722 144 CW 55A 59A 58°
DL1KDA JO30 1725 144 CW 54A 55A 58°
DK2YCT JO32 1729 144 CW 55A 55A 58°
DF7KF JO30 1735 144 CW 57A 57A 58°
After 1500km behind the wheel driving home from summer-QTH this was what I needed, hihi
60 QSO´s on 144 and 6 QSO´s 70 in total.
73 CU next time!
UT9UR, Arkady - KO40XD
1986 km
15:10 EW7T KO53DR
15:33 SM5DFF JO88CN
15:40 DL6BF JO32QI
15:43 OZ1LPR JO44UW
15:48 PA3CWN JO33AH 325
15:51 OZ5QF JO44UX 325
15:54 DL4WK JO63SQ 325
16:08 EU1AEX KO33TT 325
16:11 DL8KX JO53CL 325
16:15 PA3BIY JO22HB 325
16:17 DL1YAW JO41DX 320
16:19 DH8BQA JO73CE 320
16:23 PA2CHR JO32DB 310
16:24 DF2ZC JO30RN 305
16:24 DF2ZC JO30RN 307
16:26 DJ0PY JO32MF 320
16:29 DK5YA JN49NX 310
16:36 G4SWX JO02RF 307
16:42 DL8DAU JO40 305
16:44 PA4EME JO20WX 305
16:55 PA0V JO33II 305
16:57 DL3DXX JO61VC 305
17:00 OK1DIX JO60JJ 305
17:02 OK1TEH JO70FD 305
17:05 YO5AVN KN17WW 305
17:07 OK2PVF JN99GU 305
17:21 DJ9MG JO52TC 305
17:24 PA0JMV JO21PM 305
17:29 DJ3HW JO42LH 305
17:33 DF7KF JO30FK 320
* Calling but have not answer: ON6NL ; UR3EE
**Potential QSOs lost due to pile-up - SP, OK, DL.