
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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10. May 2024

Since May 8 the Sun has been very active. S9676 is a huge sunspot which generated numerous M-flares and several X-flares. On May 8th 3 of those flares triggered CMEs of which the first one hit Earth very hard late on May 10 at 16:40 GMT. A second CME entered the game around 22 GMT. The IMF had a very strong south component for much of the evening. Radio contacts as far south as northern Italy and Romania have been reported, while visual reports came across much of Europe including northern Spain!

The K-index reached a very rare NINE over much of the evening and night!

2 more CME's to go, so stay tuned!

9A1CAL, RC Medjimurje - JN86DM
800 W into 4 x 11 el LFA
EI3KD IO51VJ 1867 km
21:35 OZ1FDH J065CS 55A 52A
21:38 DL4WK JO63SQ 57A 57A
21:40 DL0BFA JO62PL 55A 55A
21:46 PA0O JO33HG 55A 55A
21:50 G4DHF IO92UU 55A 55A
21:57 PC0A JO33JE 55A 55A
22:05 DJ4TC JO63PN 55A 55A
22:15 EW3AA KO12TC 57A 57A
22:15 DL8LAQ JO43AU 57A 57A
22:17 UA2FZ KO04FK 55A 57A
22:20 SP2CWN JO93AI 57A 59A
22:22 SP2BRI JO94MA 55A 59A
22:40 DL4AAL JO31TX 57A 55A
22:44 PC3M JO22QE 59A 59A
22:47 G7RAU IN79JX 59A 59A
22:50 DL1RNW JO62HG 57A 57A
22:58 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 57A 57A SSB
23:01 G8XVJ IO83QK 59A 59A SSB
23:04 G4LOH IO70JC 59A 59A SSB
23:14 G4WZT IO90UX 55A 54A
23:19 G4RRA IO80BS 57A 59A
23:22 G4PIQ JO02OD 59A 59A
23:29 EI6GF IO62RG 59A 59A
23:31 EI3KD IO51VJ 59A 59A

Log continues 11-05 at 00:53, available on the next MMONVHF AU log page from 11.05.
Nice AU, 65 QSO's total in 2 days.

I didn't write down QTF this time because the most of stations were coming very wide, from 320 to 45 degrees at the same time.

Tnx QSO to all de Zvonko, 9A6WW
DJ4TC, Peter - JO63PN
4x10El 750W
S51ZO JN86DR 789km 432MHz
23:01 OE5VRL JN78DK 574km CW 70grd
23:05 OE3JPC JN87EW 661km CW 70grd
23:07 S51ZO JN86DR 789km CW 70grd
Nice opening with strong signals
DL6BF, Heinz - JO32QI
4x8 el /600W
UA3PTW, 2046 km
19:28 G4ODA IO92WS 52
19:51 EW6FS KO35LB 40
19:52 GM4YXI IO87WK 35
20:02 LA3EQ JO28XJ 17
20:08 DL5LBQ JO44NL 61
20:15 UA2FL KO04FG 58
20:30 HB9DFG JN37SM 67
21:30 OK1HMP JO70EB 45
21:33 OK1PGS JN69RS 45
21:39 OK2SP JN99CS 47
21:40 OK1SC JO70OB 47
21:44 SM7KOJ JO66ND 47
21:45 HA1VQ JN87GJ 47
21:48G3LTF IO91GG 47
22:09 SO3Z JO82LJ 48
22:28 UA3PTW KO93BS 59 ODX
22:41 9A5R JN95MM 55
22:45 F6DRO JN03AJ 55
22:46 DL3NCP JN48QX 55
22:47 DF5DE JO40CX 55
22:48 I1DMP JN34XU 55
22:49 I3FGX JN55VI 55
22:50 HA6NY JN98WC 55
22:52 OM7CM JN98NR 55
22:53 G4AJC IO91HA 55
22:55 OK2YT JN88IW 55
22:56 HB9BHU JN37XG 55
22:57 DK7AW JO51ET 55
23:01 DL3RAH JN59RG 68
33:06 YO5AVN KN17WW 75
23:11 I2FAK JN45OB 75
23:12 OK1DUG JO60WP 75
22:16 IW5BHU JN54BC 75
23:20 I1JTQ JN35UB 75
23:22 DL8MFL JN58OA 75
23:25 DL1NAW JN59LD 75
23:27 HB9CYN JN36RW 75
23:30 DF2ZJ JN58LC 75
23:32 OK1DSZ JN69AT 75
23:48 OK1TEH JO70FD 75
00:02 G4DHF IO92UA 75
00:06 G4PIQ JO02OD 75
00:08 GM4PPT IO75SK 75
fantastic AU, best ever !
tnx all !!
G4RGK, Dave - IO91NO
FT847 +SSPA +21el F9FT
432 MHz QSOs
22:51 OK1TEH JO70UR 55a 55a 70 degs 1157
23:05 DL1KDA JO30EP 57a 57a 70 517
23:11 OE3JPC JN87EW 57a 57a 70 1300
23:24 S51ZO JN86DR 55a 57a 70 1356

Probably the best Au since March 1989
HA1VQ, Jozef - JN87GJ
K3_TR144H_PGA103/GSz31b_13 el YU1CF
G4DHF IO92UU 1340 km
2136 DL0BFA 58A 57A JO62PL 45
2145 DL6BF 56A 59A JO32QI 45
2150 DL1KDA 56A 55A JO30EP 45
2152 DL4WK 56A 55A JO63SQ 45
2157 OK1HMP 58A 57A JO70EB 45
2208 UA2FL 55A 59A KO04FQ 45
2210 UA2FZ 55A 55A KO04FR 45
2212 PC0A 55A 55A JO32JE 45
2215 EW3AA 58A 59A KO12TC 45
2229 OZ1FDH 58A 59A JO65CS 45
2234 SM6CEN 58A 57A JO67AJ 45
2249 SM7SPG 59A 57A JO66MD 45
2252 G0LBK 57A 55A JO03BD 345
2303 G4DHF 59A 59A IO92UU 30
2308 PA3BIY 59A 59A JO22HB 30
2311 DL9BDM 55A 55A JO33VF 30
2313 PA2CHR 59A 59A JO32DB 30
2315 DJ4TC 59A 55A JO63PN 30
2318 SP2FRI 55A 55A JO94MA 30
My first visual Aurora from JN87GJ !
After 5 minutes going to radio.
Tnx for all!

IV3NDC, Massimo - JN65RV
500W, BF981, 14 ele BV
G4LOH 1461 Km
21:48 PA0O JO33HG 20
21:54 DF0WD JO42FD 20
22:12 G4LOH IO70JC 330
22:22 EW3AA KO13TC 0
22:31 DL1RNW JO62HG 310
22:49 SO3Z JO82LJ 330
22:54 G0SYP IO83TK 320
22:57 PA0V JO33II 320
23:03 G4PIQ JO02OD 320
23:07 G7RAU IN79JX 320
23:13 G3WZT IO90UX 320
23:35 G4LOH IO70JC 310
Great Aurora event!
73, Massimo
FT847+PA300W ant 10eY
G7RAU - 1458km
21:34 DF0WD JO42FD QTF30
21:39 DF6BF JO32QI 25
21:44 DL0FA JO61PL 30
21:47 DL1KDA JO30EP 25
21:54 SP2BMX JO92DW 5 - 6m
22:11 EW3AA KO12TC 40
22:14 G3LTF IO91GQ 310
22:21 G3PIQ JO02OD 310
22:36 SM4AXY JO79LG 5 -6m
22:38 PC0A JO32JE 5 - 6m
22:41 YL3W KO36TT 5 - 6m
22:51 DL3LA JO51TK 10
22:55 G7RAU IN79JX 310
23:05 PA3BIY JO22HB 310
23:0,9 G4DHF IO92OU 320
23:12 G4RRA IO80BS 320
23:15 G0LBK JO03BD 320
23:19 G4LOH IO70JC 320 - SSB
23:23 G3WZT IO90UX 320
All QSOs are CW on 2m only 1 QSO SSB
connections to 6M are marked 6m. Many stn were heard.
on 2m - 9A1CAL, 9A5R, 9A5RJ, G4ITR, GM4PPT, EW6AF
Aurora was slightly above average. Ant at 6m was fixed.
Thank you all for the nice QSO. 73+GL! John OK1SC
OK2IT, Jiri - JN89DG
IC7100 + GS35B 800W / 10EL
21:52 dl1kda 55A jo30ep
21:59 ok1hmp 52a jo70ki
22:51 g7rau 57a
23:00 g4piq 57a
23:21 g0lbk 55a jo03bd
23:25 g4loh 55a io70jc

22:34 hrd ua2fl ko04fq
My north Horizont is obstructed by close-by hilltop (515ASL) while I sit at 500m asl and have about 50m to the hilltop. Need to raise ANT hi. Anyway, sppectacular Aurora, visually and Radio! I worked all I heard, but UA2FL where doppler seemed to be way to high for us to work).
OK7GU, Milan - JN69QR
G4ODA 993km - 70cm
21:04 OZ1FDH JO65cs 30 2m
21:05 SM7SPG JO66md 30 2m
21:30 PA0O JO33hg 30 2m
21:34 G0LBK JO03bd 30 2m
21:40 PC0A JO32je 30 4m
21:42 PC0A JO32je 25 6m
22:11 UA2FL KO04fq 35 2m
22:19 UA2FZ KO04fk 35 2m
23:18 G3XDY JO02ob 25 70cm
23:20 G4ODA IO92ws 25 70cm
WKD on 6m/4m/2m/70cm
QRV only for limited time
Low activity on 4m and 70cm
PA3BIY, Peter - JO22HB
Home made, 400 W, 2 x 12 ele
YO5AVN: 1445 km
Time Call Loc QRB
19:26 DL1KDA JO30 55a 53a 240+-
19:50 GM4YXI IO87WJ 59a 59a 734
21:41 OK1DSZ JN79AT 59a 59a 705
21:43 DL3LA JO51AK 55a 55a 379
21:44 F6CZY JN18LX 55a 55a 362
21:45 HB9DFG JN37SM 57a 55A 546
21:47 I1DMP JN34XU 59a 59a 838
21:48 DL3NCR JN48QX 55a 55a 480
21:54 OE5VRL JN78DK 55a 55a 796
22:00 F6DCD JN38RQ 53a 52a 425
22:39 HB9BSU JN37XG 59a 59a 584
22:42 YO5AVN KN17WW 57a 59a 1445
22:43 HA5OO JN97ON 59a 57a 1157
22:45 HA6NY JN98WC 57a 59a 1171
22:46 OM3WC JN88TI 55a 57a 1011
22:47 F6DRO JN03TJ 55a 55a 989
22:50 OK2YT JN88IW 55a 57a 921
22:54 HB9CYN JN36RX 55a 55a 601
22:56 F8BRL JN19EN 55a 55a 320
22:57 OK1PGS JN69RS 59a 59a 669
23:04 OK1SC JO70OB 55a 55a 771
23:06 DL1NAW JN59LD 59a 59a 552
23:07 OK1HMP JO70EB 57a 59a 716
23:09 HA1VQ JN87GJ 59a 59a 999
23:13 OK2IPW JN99CS 55a 55a 984
23:15 IZ3QFG JN65CA 55a 55a 960
23:22 YO5LD KN05CB 55a 57a 1381
Super signals! What a joy to see so much activity all across the 2 m band!
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
IC9700, 500W, 9el OWL
20:01 SM7SPG JO66MD
20:08 RK3AF KO75WO
20:24 UA2FL KO04FQ
22:09 DL6BF JO32QI
22:12 OK1TEH JO70FD
22:19 9A1UN JN65UG
22:23 HA5OO JN97OM
22:38 UA3PTW KO93BS
22:48 IV3NDC JO65RV
22:50 S51WX JN75OS
23:06 YO5LD KN05IS
23:17 9A5R JN95MM
23:20 9A2AE JN86HF
23:31 IV3GTH JN65RU
23:42 OM4CW JN88UN
sorry for my real poor RX due noise and long time without using CW.
full CW band on waterfall, some SSB AU signals as well, most of the time I was busy with family duties most of the time.
YO5LD, Dani - KN05IS
All QSOs in CW

2146 G4PIQ 53A 55A JO02OD
2209 EW3AA 57A 57A KO12TC
2212 G4ODA 52A 57A IO92WS
2215 PA2M 51A 55A JO21IP
2219 YO2NAA 599 55A KN05NS
2223 G3LTF 53A 57A IO91GG
2242 G4LOH 59A 59A IO70JC
2248 DL0BFA 57A 57A JO62PL
2250 G4DHF 59A 59A IO92UU
2252 PA0JMY 57A 59A JO22UM
2254 HA4ND 57N 55A JN97MJ
2305 SO3Z 58A 52A JO82LJ
2307 G4KWQ 52A 55A IO92AQ
2308 DL5ASG 52A 52A JO51HK
2311 DL4WK 53A 55A JO63SQ
2312 DJ4TC 52A 55A JO63PN
2314 ON4LDP 51A 57A JO10UN
2317 G4RRA 56A 59A IO80BS
2318 EU3AI 55A 59A KO22CE
2322 PA2CHR 53A 55A JO22XA
2324 PA3BIY 57A 55A JO22HB
2332 PA0O 51A 55A JO33HG
QTF on the 10th was mostly about 340 degr, didn't bother much. Very big QSB.
Nothing on radio, went outside, saw visual aurora in KN16, and when back to the PC I saw signals on the Remote software.