
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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03 | 24

24. Mar 2024

On March 23rd, Regio 13614 produced a major flare, which triggered a large CME. The crossing time of the CME was only 36 hours, and it hit the ACE satellite on the 24th at 14:07 UTC. Initially things looked very bright, as the IMF vector of the CME went south very strongly, but only for about 1 hour! For the remaining period the IMF vector turned to the north (very strong!) and remained there. Hence: No aurora anymore in central and southern Europe (apart of that 1 hour).


DF2ZC, Bernd - JO30RN
TS2000 + 2xLDMOS + MGF1302 + 4x18 ele M2 21 dBd
910 km F6DRO (JN03TJ)
1633 HB9DFG 55A 57A JN37SM 060 deg
1635 F6DRO 52A 54A JN03TJ 060 deg
The shock front was some hours early and sparked some nice Aurora here until it suddenly cut off around 1655 UTC.

I tried to find out the southernmost relection area which was at 60 deg from here and was lucky to work even F6DRO in Southern France. Most of the time I spent monitoring the band however, searching for some real DX but no RA or UR were audible here.

DXCCs copied were DL, OZ, SM, SP, OZ, OK, OM, HN9, F, G GM, often with S9A.
DL6BF, Heinz - JO32QI
4x8 el /600W
RO3X - 1804km
15:50 SM7SPG JO66MD 13
15:54 LA3BO JO59CD 18
16:07 G3WZT IO90UX 22
16:12 SP2BRI JO94MA 40
16:19 G7RAU IN79JX 37
16:27 RO3X KO73FU 41 ODX
16:28 I1JTQ JN35UB 45 NC !
16:37 EU6AF KO35LD 42
16:39 SM7RMI JO76LQ 41
16:51 DO1LU JO54KH 48
16:58 DL4WK JO63SQ 44
17:05 G4DHF IO92UU 35
17:10 SP1NQN JO84ML 36
17:13 SM7EOI JO86FP 27
Comment: good AU-opening !
HRD : I3MEK, LY2R, RA2FZ and others !
Big pwr stn txing, big QRM !!!
tnx all fer fb AU,... Heinz
DL8KX, Tommy - JO53CL
9 ele + 200W
RO3X, 1590km
16:05 HB9DFG JN37SM 030
16:08 SM6CEN JO67AJ 030
16:10 DK1IZ JO43RS 030
16:11 DK7XX JO53NM 030
16:13 G4KWQ IO92AQ 030
16:17 G0JDL JO02UL 030
16:19 RO3X KO73FU 060
16:23 DL3IAS JN49EJ 060
16:24 LA3PK JO59FT 060
16:27 LY2WR KO24FO 060
16:33 OM4CW JN88UN 040
16:38 ON4KHG JO10XO 030
16:42 DJ4TC JO63PN 030
16:49 DK3EE JO41GU 030
Short but very intense AU as long as the IMF pointed southwards.
Band was buzzing with signals. Also hrd HA, F and YL.
RO3X KO73FU is my new ODX, mni tnx!
OK2PMS, Jiri - JN89WW
FT-847, 350W, 10el. DK7ZB
16:22 SM7SPG JO66MD 350
16:23 LA3EQ JO28XJ 350
16:30 DL4WK JO63SQ 350
16:32 SM7EQL JO65NR 350
16:39 SM6CEN JO67AJ 350