
You need to LOGIN to send your report!

Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

Select Database entry
Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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08 | 27

08. Sept 2017

Sun spot 12673 produced the largets flare of this cycle on September the 6th: an X9.3 major flare! That's when we nearly hot the bottom of this (poor) cycle! This area produced many more X-flares over the past days, but this flare one was associated with a huge CME which hit Earth today, resulting in the best aurora in many years!!

9A5M, Marin - JN95GO
G4DHF ( IO92UU - 1584 km ),
G3LTF ( IO91GG - 1602 km ),
G4RRA ( IO80BS - 1750 km )
My first Au qso !!
DJ4TC, Peter - JO63PN
2m 750W 4x7 70cm 750W 4x10
US0GB KN67ua 1614km
13:06 LY2SA KO14UG 686 CW 144.09 59A 59A
13:09 ON4KHG JO10XO 716 CW 144.10 59A 59A
13:11 DF2ZC JO30RN 519 CW 144.09 55A 55A
13:17 LA3EQ JO28XJ 704 CW 432.06 55A 55A
13:50 ON4PS JO20KQ 656 CW 144.08 55A 55A
13:51 RO3X KO73FU 1387 CW 144.08 57A 59A
13:52 HA1FV JN87JJ 728 CW 144.08 55A 59A
13:53 OK2PM JN99AO 548 CW 144.08 57A 57A
13:55 DK3XT JN49FE 590 CW 144.08 55A 59A
13:58 OE1SOW JN88FF 633 CW 144.08 55A 55A
13:59 OE5KE JN78EG 593 CW 144.08 57A 57A
14:01 PE1GUR JO22TH 532 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:03 YL3IQ KO17OD 741 CW 144.08 55A 59A
14:04 OK2VWX JN89QQ 514 CW 144.08 59A 59A
14:06 PA3GDY JO21RX 555 CW 144.08 55A 57A
14:07 SM5KWU JO89IP 707 CW 144.08 59A 57A
14:08 EU3BD KO32BX 854 CW 144.08 59A 59A
14:10 LY1CT KO05OQ 561 CW 144.08 55A 59A
14:13 LY2TA KO15WC 706 CW 144.08 55A 59A
14:14 9A1UN JN65UG 922 CW 144.08 59A 59A
14:17 OK2EA JN99AB 599 CW 144.08 55A 59A
14:21 HA6VV/P JN97WV 781 CW 144.08 55A 59A
14:23 OM5LD JN98AH 671 CW 144.08 57A 59A
14:24 SM6BFE JO68DQ 573 CW 144.06 57A 59A
14:26 UR5LX KO70WK 1576 CW 144.08 59A 59A
14:28 US0GB KN67UA 1614 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:32 OK1MDK JN79TO 468 CW 144.08 55A 57A
14:36 UR8GZ KN66RT 1611 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:37 S51ZO JN86DR 789 CW 144.08 57A 57A
14:39 HA2SU JN97AB 797 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:41 OM3WC JN88TI 653 CW 144.08 59A 59A
14:46 LY5G KO05OQ 561 CW 144.08 57A 59A
14:47 UT4WT KO20EC 851 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:50 HA0HO KN07SU 859 CW 144.08 55A 55A
14:51 9A2TE JN85KK 939 CW 144.08 57A 57A
14:52 S51ZO JN86DR 789 CW 144.08 57A 59A
14:53 OM3CLS JN99FC 611 CW 144.08 57A 59A
14:57 SP2CNW JO93AI 315 CW 144.08 55A 59A
15:06 OK1TEH JO70FD 388 CW 432.05 55A 57A
15:09 PA2V JO22IM 585 CW 432.05 59A 57A
15:16 OK1SC JO70OB 411 CW 144.08 55A 57A
16:20 DL8YE JO32TC 413 CW 144.07 59A 55A
16:53 OK1TEH JO70FD 388 CW 144.08 57A 59A
16:55 DK2RO JO50MF 401 CW 144.08 55A 57A
16:56 DK5OX JN59MO 466 CW 144.08 55A 55A
Very nice opening. Always called cq qtf 55 grad. Thanks to all station who called me.Sorry for the station that did not reach me. Partial was strong qrm so that calling station could not be separated.
Very funny event
DK3XT, Bernie - JN49FE
12:56 G4KUX IO94bp 30
13:04 OZ1OY JO55hb 30
13:17 DL1RNW JO62hg 30
13:23 DL6YBF JO31ox 30
13:28 DL1SO JO53fu 30
13:38 DJ9YE JO43hv 30
13:48 G4SFY JO02rv 35
13:55 DJ4TC JO63pn 40
14:05 PA1T JO33pf 40
14:10 DH2OAA JO42fu 35
14:14 ON4KHG JO10xo 35
14:24 F6BEG JN25js 35
14:27 G4DHF IO92uu 35
14:32 G4RRA IO80bs 35
14:38 G3LTF IO91gg 35
14:40 PA3CWN JO33as 35
14:58 PA2M JO21ip 35
15:06 G4SWX JO02rf 35
Quite a rare event that Aurora reaches down to the 49th longitude and even further down. Some stations came in with amazingly strong sigs up to and above true 59a. The event lasted solid five hours from 12:50ut till 17:50ut, when I watched the CQs of G4DHF fading into noise ...
73 de Bernie dk3xt/ab7iy
DL1VPL, Thomas - JO61UA
12El. / 700W
13.17 LY2BJ KO25ER 45
13.27 LA3EQ JO28XJ 30
13.47 RO3X KO73FU 45
14.05 ON4KHG JO10XO 45
14.07 LY2SA KO14UG 45
14.11 LY2WR KO24FO 45
14.16 UR3EE KN88DC 60
14.19 LA0BY JO59FW 45
15.56 S50C JN76JG 30
16.01 9A1UN JN65TF 35
16.22 OK1TEH JO70FD 40
16.26 I3MEK JN55SJ 35
Tnx for all QSOs !
I have seen so many more stations !
The best QTF was to NE all the time. I got a (wide) Elevation maximum at El = 15 Deg. The Aurora must be nearly over us. Some interesting QSOs also to south, up to I3MEK ! Sri no visual observation was possible (wx).
73 !
F6DCD, Denis - JN38RQ
FT897D 300W 16jxx2
13:00 DL1RNW JO62HG 40 541km
13:02 DL1SO JO53FU 30 612km
13:18 DL3SWS JO53SG 15 585km
13:27 G4KUX IO94BP 30 924km
13:44 G0LTG IO81QJ 30 781km
13:47 G4DHF IO92UU 30 716km
13:51 G4ZTR JO01KW 30 592km
13:53 G4SFY JO02RV 30 631km
14:00 GM4GUF IO85EP 10 1081km
14:25 SF7WT JO65QQ 15 877km
14:28 G4RRA IO80BS 25 848km
14:34 G3ZXZ IO93CU 15 863km
14:42 DK5QN JO42FA 15 378km
15:55 SM7GVF JO77GA 355 1042km
16:07 GM0WDD IO85LV 350 1073km
16:23 GM4JJJ IO86GB 350 1105km
Vy nice and strong AU, all QSO's in CW. Hrd and called more times LY2WR /ko24fo 52a and MM0CEZ /io75xa 51a but not qso. Hrd some OZ calling DX or UA, + MM0GPZ & much others. On SSB GI4SNA was here with a nice sig.
73 de Denis F6DCD
IC9100 - PA - 17 Elts
SO3Z 1644km
13:58 GM4GUF IO85EP 30 813km
14:01 EI2KK IO65CA 30 774km
14:07 G4KUX IO94BP 30 723km
14:14 G3ZXZ IO93CU 30 641km
14:35 GI4OWA IO64IX 30 760km
14:37 M0AFJ IO92OB 30 491km
14:39 G4BEE IO83RQ 30 609km
14:40 G3XPU IO92HM 30 514km
14:44 M0BUL IO82NG 30 451km
15:04 SO3Z JO82WJ 30 1644km
15:06 DH8BQA JO73CE 30 1418km
16:04 GM0WDD IO85LV 25 844km
16:09 MM0GPZ IO75WS 25 825km
16:35 G0HVQ IO81UX 25 433km
16:36 G3UDA IO82OQ 25 497km
16:44 MW0RKD IO83JG 25 554km
16:50 G4DBN IO93NR 25 650km
16:52 GM0PJD IO85EP 25 813km
16:57 G0LTG IO81QJ 25 365km
18:23 G3WDG IO92RG 20 519km
Finally a good aurora opening here, always very exciting to do CW with auroral tone. Tnx all for QSO. 73's Seb
G0HVQ, Darrell - IO81UX
Icom7400 /Beko 1k / 9 ele
15:51 GM4JJJ IO86GB 20
15:58 F5DQK JN18GR 45
16:02 DL0SX JO44NL 45
16:04 F8IQS IN99RI 45
16:16 DL1BAK JO43SW 45
16:34 F8DBF IN78RI 45
16:41 GM0PJD IO85EP 45
16:45 PD0JHM JO22TI 45
16:47 MM0GYX IO87IP 45
16:51 PA3GDY JO21RX 45
16:56 F6APE IN97PI 70
16:58 F6DRO JN03TJ 70
17:01 F4EZJ JN05DK 70
17:06 OZ1BEF JO46OE 70
17:09 GM0PJD IO85EP 70
17:13 OM2VL JN87WV 70
17:18 F6DBI IN88IJ 70
17:19 F6EAS IN98LV 70
18:00 LY2WR KO24FO 45
Almost all QSOs CW. The memory of this aurora will last a long time, never have I worked so much 2m DX in a single day. Been on 2m 34 years and this is my best Aurora, OK the 1989 one (?) was better but this time I had the station, location and skill to make the most of it. What a fantastic event.
73 Darrell G0HVQ
G4DHF, David - IO92UU
TS-850, LT2S, 400W 4x9ele DHF design
OH7RJ KP33QK 1985Km
13:21 OZ1OY JO55HB 757Km
13:24 SM6NET JO68UB 1055Km
13:26 SM2CEW KP15CR 1903Km
13:30 OH1ND KP00XL 1595Km
13:32 EU3BDE KO32BX 1767Km
13:35 OH7RJ KP33QK 1985Km
13:36 E12KK IO65CA 548Km
13:38 DL5XJ JO54AE 701Km
13:40 DK2YCT JO32RG 529Km
13:41 DL3SWS JO53SG 794Km
13:42 LA6OJ JO38HH 747Km
13:45 LY2BJ KO25ER 1629Km
13:48 F6DCD JN38RQ 716Km
13:50 DL4AO JO42NX 633Km
13:51 DL5YM JO62XN 962Km
13:54 OH6KTL KP02OJ 1653Km
13:59 DF1HF JO43WJ 683Km
14:00 DK9TF JO31NF 540Km
14:01 DF1RL JO43MW 632Km
14:03 DJ5BV JO30KI 569Km
14:04 OZ9QV JO65CP 871Km
14:05 SM5DWF JP90JA 1414Km
14:09 DL7ULM JO62MS 898Km
14:12 UT4WT KO20EC 1732Km
14:13 DK6NJ JN59WL 929Km
14:15 HA1FV JN87JJ 1360Km
14:19 DL6WU JN49HT 707Km
14:21 DL5XU JO50DX 757Km
14:25 DK3NG JO43VC 677Km
14:27 DK2XT JN49FE 736Km
14:29 DJ6CA JN39XU 664Km
14:32 OM3TZZ JN88RJ 1346Km
14:33 HA6NQ JN98WA 1524Km
14:34 DF4AO JO42NX 633Km
14:37 YU1LA KN04FR 1763Km
14:39 OK1PM JN99AO 1327Km
14:41 F6BEG JN25JS 870Km
14:43 YU7XL JN95NT 1607Km
14:45 OK1IAS JO60EB 932Km
14:46 HA0LZ KN08TA 1640Km
14:48 OE3JPC JN87EW 1301Km
14:49 F5JNX JN37PV 771Km
14:52 F4EZJ JN05DK 826Km
14:55 DL5FDP JN49LP 737Km
14:58 DF9TF JN37TV 787Km
14:59 OK1SC JO70OB 1119Km
15:03 F5DQK JN18GR 500Km
15:06 LX1DB JN39CO 580Km
15:09 HB9DKM JN37SL 818Km
15:10 HB9DFG JN37SM 814Km
15:22 G4CKH JO02UK 143Km
15:24 DK2ZK/P JO43WJ 683Km
15:26 GM4TOE IO87RP 552Km
15:32 LY2WR KO24FO 1636Km
15:33 LY2FN KO14XV 1603Km
15:34 SM6CQU JO67EE 914Km
15:38 GM0WDD IO75LV 458Km
15:41 DF0WD JO42FD 599Km
15:43 F5DQK JN18GR 500Km
15:44 DD3SP JO72EN 990Km
15:47 DJ3AK JO52GJ 735Km
15:50 PE1GUR JO22TH 405Km
15:53 PA3GDY JO21RX 403Km
15:56 F6APE IN97PI 612Km
16:00 DK3NG JO43VC 677Km
16:03 EW6FS KO35LB 1794Km
16:05 EI4DQ IO51WU 545Km
16:08 GM4ILS IO87IP 566Km
16:10 DL1BAK JO43SW 665Km
16:11 S50C JN76JG 1310Km
16:12 YU1EV KN04CN 1759Km
16:13 S51ZO JN86DR 1370Km
16:14 OK1MDK JN79TO 1166Km
16:15 HA5UA JN97PL 1515Km
16:20 I3MEK JN55SJ 1195Km
16:21 9A2SB JN95GM 1590Km
16:22 OM3WC JN88TI 1359Km
16:23 F6DRO JN03TJ 1061Km
16:24 HA5OO JN97OM 1508Km
16:25 DK3AX JN59DV 806Km
16:26 DL3LA JO51TK 830Km
16:27 DJ4WT JN49EL 712Km
16:29 DF2UQ JN49IB 759Km
16:30 9A5M JN95GO 1584Km
16:32 IK4PMB JN54MM 1244Km
16:33 9A9C JN85LI 1505Km
16:35 DL3GD JN37MU 762Km
16:36 F6ACU JN39FC 631Km
16:39 DK5OX JN59MO 869Km
16:42 9A1UN JN65UG 1322Km
16:45 9A2G JN95GM 1590Km
16:45 DF1CT JN57FP 959Km
16:52 9A2RB JN85 1475Km
16:53 HA0HO KN07SU 1643Km
16:55 LX1NO JN39AO 571Km
17:01 IZ4BEH JN54VK 1288Km
17:03 9A2N JN85LI 1505Km
17:07 I1DMP JN34XU 1075Km
17:09 DL4KG JN48OU 812Km
17:19 DL2DN JN48MX 784Km
17:22 DF8KY JO30HL 546Km
17:26 OK1TEH JO70FD 1065Km
17:37 9A5CW LOST
2nd Phase
22:06 GM4JJJ IO86GB 412Km
This event was well-anticipated and so activity levels were very high from the start. I had changed to my homemade array of x4 9ele (4.6m) fishing pole yagi’s only the day before as I wanted to be more able to select the reflection areas so as to optimise the dx capabilities. During the event the reflection area covered the full 90 degrees from North to East. For OH, SM2 and EW, I was beaming 35 degrees and for I4, HA, 9A, UT and YU beamed 85 degrees. The QRM levels were very high, requiring frequent ‘QRZ’s’, which slowed the CW QSO rate. I know from stations after the even that I was being heard by many more to the south and east but it wasn’t either fair or practical to ask the middle distance stations to continually QRX. Events that extend so far south are rare and everyone was excited to hear such an extensive number of strong Au signals, which included such a large area of EU. When I finished at 17:40 the Au was still going strong and stayed so for around another hour. This event reminds me of the strong Au’s we had in the 80’s and was the best for me in many years.
73’s David
G4KUX, Nick - IO94BP
K3 + 4x8ele I0JXX + LDMOS PA
OH7RJ 1912Klm
1301 DL5DSM 55A 55A CW JO71EK 1140k 060
1315 HA2ML 59A 59A CW JN97CO 1596k 065
1320 OE3JPC 59A 59A CW JN87EW 1465k 065
1322 DJ2IA 55A 57A CW JO61WN 1102k 065
1324 HA6VV/P 55A 55A CW JN97WV 1679k 065
1326 LY5G 55A 59A CW KO05OQ 1463k 060
1335 DL7PV 55A 58A CW JO62NL 1017k 060
1337 DL7MB 57A 59A CW JO62QK 1034k 060
1342 HB9DFG 55A 55A CW JN37SM 1027k 065
1352 LY2BJ 59A 59a CW KO25ER 1660k 060
1355 DL5YM 55A 57A CW JO62XN 1067k 060
1357 SM2CEW 57A 59A CW KP15CR 1792k 030
1359 SO3AK 55A 55A CW JO82LM 1261k 030
1400 OH1ND 57A 57A CW KP00XL 1550k 030
1403 EW6FS 55A 55A CW KO35LB 1833k 030
1405 OH6KTL 55A 55A CW KP02OJ 1580k 030
1412 EU3BD 55A 59A CW KO32BX 1834k 030
1417 ES6DO 55A 57A CW KO27WX 1738k 030
1418 OH7RJ 55A 55A CW KP33QK 1912k 030
1420 SM2A 54A 55A CW KP04NP 1687k 030
1425 SM2JAE 54A 55A CW KP05NG 1723k 030
1437 SM4LMV 55A 59A CW JO79OC 1146k 030
1440 DJ8VC 55A 57A CW JO62TD 1061k 050
1445 9A1UN 55A 55A CW JN65UG 1519k 060
1535 SP1PEA 57A 57A CW JO84CE 1167k 060
1536 LY2FN 55A 57A CW KO14XV 1647k 050
1540 EU4AX 55A 57A CW KO13VP 1665k 050
1546 DL5WS 56A 55A CW JO61EJ 1016k 050
1548 SMONKZ 56A 57A CW JO99IQ 1356k 040
1550 EU3AI 55A 57A CW KO22CE 1739k 045
1552 EU3AA 55A 55A CW KO12TC 1704k 045
1553 DL7URH 56A 59A CW JO61EI 1018k 045
1554 SM4GGC 57A 59A CW JO69RK 1065k 040
1556 LY2WR 59A 59A CW KO24FO 1685k 040
1600 HB9DKM 54A 54A CW JN37SL 1031k 040
1602 OM3TZZ 53A 55A CW JN88RJ 1500k 050
1611 EW6FS 53A 53A CW KO35LB 1832k 050
1616 SP2CNW 53A 55A CW JO93AI 1305k 050
1620 OK1KOK 55A 58A CW JO80IB 1356k 050
1652 OM2VL 56A 55A CW JN87WV 1558k 050
1653 DL3RBH 55A 55A CW JN68IK 1219k 050
1704 SP1JNY 59A 59A CW JO73GL 1077k 045
1733 DH8BQA 56A 57A CW JO73CE 1062k 045
An extremely good event, One of the best in 35yrs at this QTH although I was probably abroad when others occurred in SS23.
Total QSO count was 87 but only the ones over 1000k are listed here, if requested I can list all.
G4SWX, John - JO02RF
TS20000 8877Linear 4 X I0JXX16
LZ2FO KN13KN 1825Km
16:32 HA5OO JN97om 1369Km QTF080
16:25 S51ZO JN86dr 1231Km QTF080
16:22 OK1MAC JN79pq 1008Km QTF085
16:20 S50C JN76jg 1172Km QTF085
16:18 OK1SC JO70ob 989Km QTF075
16:14 F5XU JN15mt 723Km QTF080
16:12 IK4PMB JN54mm 1110Km QTF 085
16:08 I3MEK JN55si 1055Km QTF 085
16:06 YU1EM KN04ft 1617Km QTF 085
16:02 YU1EV KN04cn 1618Km QTF 085
16:01 HB9DFG JN37sm 681Km QTF 085
15:59 OK1IAS JO60eb 800Km QTF 075
15:55 HA5UA JN97pl 1379Km QTF 075
15:54 DL9LBH JN59id 737Km QTF 075
15:49 F5DQK JN18gr 397Km QTF 075
15:46 SP6GZZ JO80fx 1044Km QTF 075
15:43 LY2FN KO14xv 1508Km QTF050
15:32 G8VHI IO92fm 204Km QTF045
15:12 IK3VZO JN55xa 1112Km QTF 085
14:55 LZ2FO KN13KN 1825Km QTF085
14:36 9A1UN JN65tf 1185Km QTF080
14:27 I1JTQ JN35ub 918Km QTF 075
A good event with lots of DX a long way to the South East to be worked. I deliberately kept the antennas as far South as the event permitted and chose not to work many of the stations on more Northerly headings. QRM levels were very high with many more local stations not understanding that there was real DX to be worked and continuing to call me during QSOs in progress. There are several PA stations now in my big black list!
Yaesu FT-991, GS35b and 8 el yagi by G4CQM
DL8YAU 819Km
12:56 GM4JJJ IO86GB 30
13:03 GM3WOJ IO77WS 30
13:08 GM4GUF IO85EP 30
13:32 M0CGL JO03BF 30
13:56 PA3GFY JO23SC 60
13:57 G1EZF IO93FT 60
14:04 G3YDY JO01FQ 60
14:05 ON4POO JOJO20DP 60
14:18 DF1JC JO31OM 60
14:30 G3VZV IO81XV 60
14:23 DL8YAU JO41HS 60
14:26 DC9YC JO31QK 60
14;27 PE1BIW JO32BT 60
15;37 G8DIR IO82MP 60
14:39 G4GFI IO91VH 60
14:42 PE1GUR JO22TH 60
14:47 EI4EY IO52QP 60
15:00 G8GXP IO93FQ 60
15:07 PA2DB JO22MD 60
15:46 GM4VVX IO87TA 30
15:47 GM6VXB IO97AQ 30
16:00 MM0GPZ IO75WS 30
16:02 PE1LWT JO22VA 60
16:05 PA1BVM JO21RO 60
16:22 LX1DB JN39CO 60
All QSOs on SSB - I cant do CW (very sad). I was heard by OE5OLL, OK1TEH and OZ1BEF but no QSOs - my RX must be poor.
HA1VQ, Jozsef Polgar - JN87GJ
K3 + TR144H 100W to 12 el DL6WU
SM7GVF JO77GA 1078 km
13:20 DL1RNW JO62GH 55 A 44 A QTF 30 617
13:32 SM7GVF JO77GA 57 A 55 A QTF 30 1078
13:35 DL1SO JO53FU 55 A 55 A QTF 30 836
14:04 DH8BQA JO73CE 58 A 55 A QTF 30 665
14:10 DL8YE JO32TC 58 A 54 A QTF 30 826
14:15 PA1T JO33JF 58 A 59 A QTF 30 947
14:21 PA3CWN JO33AH 58 A 55 A QTF 30 992
14:30 EW3AA KO12TC 55 A 55 A QTF 30 729
14:32 DL5EBS JO31NH 57 A 52 A QTF 30 808
14:39 DF2ZC JO30RN 59 A 57 A QTF 30 750
14:48 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 57 A 55 A QTF 30 817
14:55 DL6YBF JO31OX 57 A 57 A QTF 30 842
14:57 DF0MU JO32PC 59 A 59 A QTF 30 845
15:00 DL9MS JO54WC 59 A 59 A QTF 30 814
15:02 DH2OAA JO42TU 55 A 55 A QTF 30 781
Very good Aurora after 10 Years about again. Sorry i can QRV, because QRL, only between 13:20 to 15:05 and my PA had fault. But 15 QSO with only 100 Watts output. The best QTF was 30 degr. for me. All QSO on cw. Hrd mni station in SSB band, but with my only 100 Watts I thought better for cw. Hrd and called but no coming back: UA2FY, OZ1BEF, OM3CLS, SP6KEP on ssb, OZ1LPR, SP2QBQ and G4DHF. I hope for next we do not have to wait for ten years !
73 and tu for all ! Jozef/HA1VQ
HA5OO, Endre - JN97OM
IC-821H + GI7B 300W 13el.DJ9BV
16:23 G4DHF IO92UU 330
16:30 G4SWX JO02RF 330
16:48 DH8BQA JO73CE 330
Nice surprise, tnx AU QSO-s. 73!
HA6VV/P, Laci - JN97WV
TS-570D+conv. + PA, 4x11el. EF0211B
G4KUX - IO94BP - 1680
13:24 G4KUX 55A 55A IO94BP 1680
13:28 LY5G 55A 55A KO05OQ 871
13:30 SM7GVF 56A 56A JO77GS 1154
13:35 UA2FY 59A 57A KO04FS 766
13:42 LY2SA 59A 59A KO14UG 757
13:48 DL1RNW 59A 55A JO62GH 717
13:52 DH8BQA 59A 59A JO73CE 711
13:55 EU3BD 56A 59A KO32BX 717
13:57 DJ9MG 59A 55A JO52TC 752
14:03 OZ1BEF 59A 59A JO46OE 1173
14:07 RO3X 59A 59A KO73FU 1215
14:10 LY2FN 59A 59A KO14XV 828
14:21 DJ4TC 59A 59A JO63PN 781
14:23 PA1T 59A 59A JO33JF 1096
14:31 RA2FB 59A 59A KO05WB 809
14:36 DL1SO 56A 55A JO53FU 934
14:38 DL8YE 59A 56A JO32TC 991
14:39 DL5EBS 55A 52A JO31NH 993
14:42 DF2ZC 57A 57A JO30RN 948
14:51 SO3Z 57A 57A JO82LJ 542
15:02 DF0MU 59A 59A JO32PC 1012
15:08 DK2ZF/P 55A 55A JO43WJ 932
GM4VVX SSB IO78TA 1959 km
HB9DFG, Chris - JN37SM
FT-100, 500w, 1x 7el
G4KUX, 1028km
13:25 DL1SO JO53fo 707km 030°
13:30 DL1RNW JO62hg 641km 030°
13:41 G4KUX IO94bp 1028km 015°
13:47 DJ9YE JO43hv 713km 030°
13:52 DH8BQA JO73ce 787km 030°
13:59 DF2ZC JO30rn 359km 030°
14:07 DL8YE JO32tc 510km 030°
14:19 ON4KHG JO10xo 431km 030°
14:26 PA5MS JO21rq 487km 030°
14:30 DK2AR JO42uc 533km 030°
14:35 PA3CWN JO33ah 653km 030°
14:45 DK2ZF/P JO43wj 674km 030°
14:57 Dl4YM JO62xn 723km 030°
15:00 G4SFY JO02rv 737km 030°
15:03 DF0WD JO42fd 518km 030°
15:10 G4DHF IO92uu 813km 030°
16:00 G4SWX JO02rf 681km 030°
16:05 DL5XJ JO54ae 762km 030°
16:13 DL6YBF JO31ox 496km 030°
16:16 DL5EBS JO31nh 423km 030°
Wow, what an event, since AU has become very rare in HB9!
After those 20 QSOs I (unfortunately) had to leave for a nice
Open-Air-Concert with "Nena" in a local roman Amphi-
Theater (dont't laugh now, I grow up with 99 Air-Balloons,
too! ;-)
And guess, what's funny - when you make more AU-QSO in
HB9 than via E-Sporadic in a year!
Hope to catch you soon again via AU, it was such a pleasure!
Chris, HB9DFG
HB9DKM, Martin - JN37SL
IC275E 2x11el Flexa 500W
G4KUX 1032km
14:22 OK1MDK JN79to
14:25 DF0WD JO42fo
14:28 SP6GZZ JO80fx
14:32 DL5DSM JO71ek
14:34 DL5YM JO62xn
14:39 PA2M JO21ip
14:42 G4SFY JO02rv
14:57 DL6YBF JO31ox
15:02 G4SWX JO02rf
15:07 DF0MU JO32pc
15:09 G4DHF io92uu
15:55 DK2ZF/P JO43wj
16:00 G4KUX io94bp
16:30 ON4KHG JO10xd
16:35 G4RGK IO91ON
16:58 G3LTF IO91gg
Super Aurora, the best after many years . Aurora is very rare in HB9. It was great pleasure!
73`s Martin
IK4PMB, Anto - JN54MM
4 x 16 el 500W
G4DHF IO92UU 1242 Km
15.53 DF0MU JO32PC 30 887 Km
15.57 DL8YE JO32TC 30 879 Km
16.01 PA2M JO21IP 30 920 Km
16.02 ON4KHG JO10XO 30 859 Km
16.06 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 20 990 Km
16.10 G4SWX JO02RF 20 1109 Km
16.13 DJ9YE JO43HV 20 1056 Km
16.16 DJ9MG JO52TC 20 844 Km
16.18 DL6YBF JO31OX 20 876 Km
16.31 G4DHF IO92UU 20 1242 Km
I lost the first hour due to a tx problem, while the band was already open. Always a nice experience, last time it was 10 years ago.
LA0BY, Stefan - JO59FW
IC-706 + PA
EW3AA KO12TC 1191 km
14:06 LY2SA KO14LL 55A 59A 964 km
14:10 DJ2IA JO61WN 55A 59A 955 km
14:12 DL2RWM JO62RJ 53A 59A 859 km
14:14 DL3LAH JO61AE 52A 56A 978 km
14:15 RA2FB KO05WB 55A 57A 869 km
14:16 DK2AR JO42UC 55A 55A 872 km
14:18 LY5G KO05OQ 55A 59A 791 km
14:19 LY2NA KO15JC 57A 57A 909 km
14:20 DL1VPL JO61UA 59A 59A 1012 km
14:22 EW3AA KO12TC 56A 59A 1191 km
14:25 UA2FY KO04FS 59A 59A 829 km
14:30 SQ2EEQ JO94JC 55A 55A 820 km
14:35 SP2QBQ JO94FL 56A 59A 774 km
14:45 EU6AF KO35LA 52A 59A 1123 km
16:23 DL0SX JO44NL 59A 59A 612 km
16:48 SP1PEA JO84CE 57A 59A 727 km
16:51 LB8DC JP50XH 55A 57A 93 km
16:55 OK1KOK JO80IB 56A 59A 1167 km
16:56 SP6FXF JO70SV 55A 59A 1055 km
16:57 PA3CWN JO33AH 55A 57A 784 km
16:58 DK2ZF/p JO43WJ 59A 59A 728 km
17:01 SP8NR KO13VP 41A 55A 1068 km
17:16 DL5XJ JO54AE 55A 59A 640 km
17:18 DH8BQA JO73CE 55A 57A 785 km
17:30 DF0MU JO32PC 59A 59A 893 km
17:43 SP1JNY JO73GL 59A 59A 760 km
17:45 SP2CNW JO93AI 55A 59A 865 km
17:49 DL9MS JO54WC 59A 59A 654 km
17:51 DJ4TC JO63PN 59A 59A 729 km
17:53 DL8YE JO32TC 53A 59A 888 km
17:54 DL6YBF JO31OX 57A 57A 907 km
17:57 DH8AF JO32PC 59A 59A 893 km
Super Aurora, the best for many years. But I was QRV only for parts of the opening, due to family. Aurora must have been very widespread in N-S direction, because I could work at the same time as southern European stations had Aurora. QTF in the first part was around 60, in the second around 30-40 degrees.

73, Stefan
LZ2FO, Tseko - KN13KX
IC746 - abt 1.8 kw,2x13el, LNA
G4SWX-1826 km
14.09 DL5EBS 53A/52A JO31LH
14.19 DL6YBF 53A/55A JO31OX
14.21 DK5QN 55A/55A JO42FA
14.24 PA0JMV 55A/55A JO21PM
14.28 DL8YE 55A/55A JO32TC
14.30 DH8BQA 55A/52A JO73CE
14.47 DF0MU 55A/55A JO32PC
14.52 G4SWX 55A/55A JO02RF
15.08 DF0MU 55A/55A JO32PC
16.09 ON4KHG 55A/52A JO10XO
16.27 PA3BIY 55A/53A JO22HB
OE1SOW, Othmar - JN88FF
IC-7600 + TR144H + 4x9-el. LFA
13:59 DJ4TC JO63PN 10
14:19 DJ9YE JO43HV 10
14:23 DH6BQA JO61CE 30
14:51 DK2ZF/p JO43WJ 40
15:03 DK5YA JN49NX 40
All QSOs in CW, except DH6BQA in SSB, where I'm not 100% sure about the callsign, did not find any entry in the cluster....
Tnx to the sun ! :-)
OE3JPC, Johannes - JN87EW
70cm: 4x24el BVopt 7,7wl 1000W
14:05 OZ6OL JO65DJ 25az/5el
14:10 DL1RNW JO62HG 25az/5el
14:23 SP2MKO JO93CB 30az/15el
14:27 OK1TEH JO70FD 20az/20el
14:40 OZ9PZ JO46LC 17az/10el
These was the first aurora which was strong enough for some 70cm qsos from my latitude, Some of the signals where exremely broad and filled the whole filter bandwith or 2,4kHz and apart from that there was an overall doppler shift of up to 2 kHz.
OK1SC, Jan - JO70OB
TRX 100W to 10eY
RO3X KO73FU 1378
12:26 SM7GVF JO77GA 775
12:52 LY2SA KO14UG 644
12:56 DL1RNW JO62HG 304
12:58 LY2BJ KO02ER 465 - QTF30
13:04 DL1SO JO53FU 532 - 20
13:12 UA2FY KO04FS 632
13:18 LY2G KO05OQ 734
13:23 SM6BFE JO68DQ 977
13:46 RA2BF KO05WB 715
13:49 DJ9YE JO43HV 620
13:56 DF2ZC JO30RN 553
13:58 LY2SA KO14UG 744
14:04 DL2YBF JO31OX 598 - 45
14:12 RO3X KO73FU 1379 - 30
14:16 ON4KHG JO10XO 800 - 20
14:19 PA1T JO33JF 678
14:21 9A1UN JN65UG 544
14:23 DJ9YE JO43HV 620
14:27 SF7WT JO65QQ 637 - 380
14:29 DL5EBS JO31NH 586
14:31 DF0MU JO32PC 597
14:36 EW3AA KO12TC 629 - 40
14:40 PA2M JO21IP 757 - 30
14:47 DL1SO JO53FU 532
14:53 DL9MS JO54WC 503
15:00 G4DHF IO92UU 525
15:01 DF0WD JO42FD 1115
15:04 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 521
15:16 DJ4TC JO63PN 411
15:54 SP1MVG JO74JA 441 - 10
16:02 DH8BQA JO73CE 354 -30
16:05 S50C JN76JG 423 - 30
16:17 G4SWX JO02RF 987
16:25 G4RRA IO82XS 1221 - 320
Aurora was very good. Thank you all for a nice QSO
73+GL! Best regards Jan OK1SC
OK1ZHS, Jan - JO70EC
90 W at 5 el. DK7ZB 35 m agl, 220 m asl
LA3EQ JO28 1070 km
13:19 DF2ZC JO30RN 20-30 493 km
13:20 SM6BFE JO68DQ 20-30 964 km
13:36 LA3EQ JO28XJ 20-30 1070 km #
13:39 DL1RNW JO62HG 20-30 270 km
13:53 ON4PS JO20KQ 20-30 676 km
Nice AU. However, XYL gave me only 30 minutes :-D Hence, I was looking for new ones as quick as possible. I found LA3EQ as a new square. I heard many DLs, PAs etc.

Best regards, Jan OK1ZHS
OK2PM, Karel - JN99AO
FT736R + 200W
13.:18 LY2SA KO14UG
13:25 RA2FB KO05WB
13:35 SM6BFE JO68DQ
13.38 SM7GVF JO77GN
13:44 OZ5AGJ JO56DG
13:51 DF2ZC JO30RN
13:54 DJ4TC JO63PN
13:56 LY5G KO05OQ
13:58 DH8BQA JO73CE
14:03 DL1SO JO53FU
14:06 SM6NET JO68UD
14:08 LY2WR KO24FO
14:09 UA2FY KO24FS
14:13 LY2FN KO 14XV
14:18 PA1T JO33JF
14:21 DJ9YE JO43HV
14:29 EU6AF KO35LA
14:33 LY2NA KO15JC
14:40 G4DHF IO92UU
14:49 LY2BAW KO25KA
14:54 LA9BM JP48CN
15:11 DK2ZF/P JO42WJ
15:52 DL9MS JO54WC
FB AU opening, many thanks to all !
OK2VWX, Ivor - JN89QQ
FT897 -2x11el LFA-750W
G4RRA 1510Km
14:02 DF2ZC CW JO20RN 59a/57a-854 qtf 20-35
14:05 DJ4TC CW JO63PN 59a/59a-515km
14:08 SM6NET CW JO68UD 59a/57a-970
14:12 DL1SO CW JO53FU 59a/55a-664
14:15 EW4AA CW KO12TC 59a/59a-514
14:22 SP2QBQ SSB JO94FL 59a/59a-538
14:25 G4RRA CW IO80BS 59a/59a-1510 qtf 300
14:29 YU1LA CW KN04FR 55a/59a-598 qtf 35
14:31 LY2FN CW KO14XV 59a/59a-731
14:38 DF0MU CW JO32PC 59a/59a-755
14:48 DL9MS CW JO54WC 59a/59a-619
15:03 DJ9YE CW JO43HV 59a/59a-761
15:04 DL8YE CW JO32TC 59a/59a-734
OM3TZZ, Jaro - JN88RJ
FT1000+XVRT+300w+16el I0JXX
14:25 G4RRA IO80BS
14:30 G3LTF IO91GG
14:31 G4DHF IO92UU
14:34 G4SFY JO02RV
15:08 G4SWX JO02RF
16:02 G4KUX IO94BP
Nice surprise. All from QTF 330 deg.

Thanks for all QSOs.

73 de Jaro
OM3WC, Daniel - JN88TI
TM-255 + 450W + 7el. DK7ZB
14:09 DH8BQA JO73CE
14:17 SO3Z JO82LJ
14:24 ON4KHG JO10XO
114:27 PA1T JO33JF
14:31 DJ9YE JO43HV
14:34 DK5YA JN49NX
14:41 DJ4TC JO63PN
14:43 DF0MU JO32PC
14:47 SP2QBQ JO94FL
14:51 DF2ZC JO30RN
14:55 DL9MS JO54WC
15:06 DK2Z/P JO43WJ
15:19 DL8YE JO32TC
16:22 G4DHF IO92UU
QTF: 30
ON4KHG, Gaëtan - JO10XO
2x9el + 1kW
12:51 GM3WOJ IO77WS 59A 59A CW QTF 0° 953
13:00 G4KUX IO94BP 59A 59A CW QTF 30° 597
13:06 SM6DVG JO66GV 57A 57A CW QTF 40° 897
13:08 DK1GS JO54KH 59A 59A CW QTF 40° 624
13:10 DJ4TC JO63PN 59A 59A CW QTF 40° 717
13:12 EU3BD KO32BX 55A 59A CW QTF 40° 1540
13:15 EU6AF KO35LA 52A 59A CW QTF 35° 1613
13:56 LY2BJ KO25ER 55A 55A CW QTF 35° 1468
14:02 G4BEE IO83RQ 59A 59A CW QTF 35° 560
14:06 DL1VPL JO61UA 59A 59A CW QTF 65° 686
14:09 SO3AK JO82LJ 54A 54A CW QTF 45° 920
14:12 OE5KE JN78EG 55A 55A CW QTF 75° 796
14:13 OK1DIX JO70EB 59A 59A CW QTF 75° 741
14:16 DK3XT JN49FE 56A 59A CW QTF 70° 359
14:18 OK1SC JO70OB 55A 59A CW QTF 70° 800
14:20 HB9DFG JN37SM 59A 58A CW QTF 70° 431
14:22 OK2WO JN89IH 53A 58A CW QTF 70° 922
14:24 OM3WC JN88TI 55A 59A CW QTF 75° 1017
14:25 OK1MDK JN79TO 59A 59A CW QTF 75° 838
14:27 OZ9QV JO65CP 59A 59A CW QTF 40° 784
14:30 9A1UN JN65VG 55A 59A CW QTF 80° 941
14:34 OK7GU JN69QT 55A 59A CW QTF 75° 675
14:37 OK2YT JN88IW 51A 55A CW QTF 70° 933
14:39 OK1FHI JO70GS 52A 55A CW QTF 70° 745
14:42 OK1DSZ JN79AT 57A 59A CW QTF 70° 722
14:46 OM4EX JN98HR 51A 55A CW QTF 75° 1074
14:53 DF1RL JO43MW 57A 59A CW QTF 40° 507
14:55 GM4GUF IO85EP 59A 59A CW QTF 15° 754
15:05 OZ1OY JO55HB 59A 59A CW QTF 40° 667
15:06 G0TPH IO92IP 52A 55A CW QTF 40° 427
15:10 DL3LA JO51TX 53A 55A CW QTF 75° 554
15:54 SP1PEA JO84CE 55A 57A CW QTF 40° 920
15:55 OK1TEH JO70FD 57A 59A CW QTF 70° 745
15:59 EU4AX KO13VP 52A 57A CW QTF 42° 1390
16:02 DK7AW JO51ET 53A 55A CW QTF 42° 466
16:03 IK4PMB JN54MM 59A 57A CW QTF 85° 859
16:08 YU1EV KN04CN 52A 55A CW QTF 90° 1387
16:09 LZ2FO KN13KX 52A 55A CW QTF 90° 1599
16:16 G4AJC IO91VJ 52A 55A CW QTF 50° 304
16:18 SP3QDM JO82EF 54A 55A CW QTF 60° 878
16:19 SP3TYF JO82FH 53A 55A CW QTF 60° 885
16:21 OK1NG JO60VP 52A 55A CW QTF 60° 693
16:23 HA6NQ JN98WA 54A 56A CW QTF 65° 1186
16:29 HB9DKM JN37SL 53A 53A CW QTF 80° 434
16:31 I1RJP JN45BO 52A 53A CW QTF 80° 636
16:53 F6DRO JN03TJ 52A 52A CW QTF 75° 820
I was heard by OH1ND too and I heard many more stations. From here, the aurora was spanning from 0° to 90° QTF. Thanks to all who answered my CQ's.
PA3BIY, Peter - JO22HB
Home Made, 2 x 12 ele
LZ2FO, 1621 km
16:02 OK1MDK JN79TO 80
16:04 OE3JPC JN87EW 80
16:09 DK7AW JO51EQ 70
16:13 SP1PEA JO84CE 70
16:14 DL3LA JO51AK 70
16:28 LZ2FO KN13KX 85
I missed the best part of the opening, due to QRL, but it was nice to see the band full of strong CW signals with a hissing sound :-)! Let's hope this spot will still be active in the next revolution of the Sun!
PA3CWN, Oene - JO33AH
FT-991 400 W 7 ele
1008 KM OM5LD
13:13 DL6YBF 57A JO31 CW
13:18 OE3JPC 55A JN87 CW
13:20 SP3QDM 55A JO82 CW
13:23 DK2AR 57A JO31 CW
13:26 F6EAS 55A IN98 CW
13:33 DL1RNW 58A JO62 CW
13:41 SP6GZZ 57A JO80 CW
13:42 F6APE 55A IN97 CW
13:44 OK1MDK 55A JN79 CW
13:47 DL7MB 55A JO62 CW
13:49 OM5LD 55A JN98 CW
13:53 G3ZXZ 57A IO93 CW
13:55 PE1HWO 59A JO21 CW
14:16 GW8ASD 59A IO83 SSB
14:19 OK1DSZ 59A JN79 CW
14:25 HA1VQ 55A JN87 CW
14:27 HA6NQ 57A JN88 CW
14:32 SM4GGC 57A JO69 CW
14:33 DK3NG 57A JO43 CW
14:35 HB9DFG 59A JN37 CW
14:37 GM4TOE 57A IO87 CW
14:40 DK3XT 59A JN49 CW
14:44 OK1TEH 59A JO70 CW
14:46 F6EAS 57A IN98 CW
14:49 F5RQK 55A JN18 CW
14:51 OZ1OY 59A JO55 CW
14:53 DL2AAZ 59A JO52 CW
14:57 OE5KE 57A JN78 CW
14:59 DK6NJ 57A JN59 CW
15:16 GM3POI 59A IO88 CW 6m
15:29 G4KUX 59A IO94 CW
15:37 SM6BFE 59A JO68 CW
15:39 G3LTF 57A IO91 CW
15:40 G4RGK 55A IO91 CW
16:24 G3UDA 57A IO82 CW
16:26 G4AJC 57A IO91 CW
16:52 SM4IVE 59A JO79 CW
16:58 LA0BY 57A JO59 CW
What a nice AU this was. With QTF down to 90 degrees East, it was
possible working middle EU stations and that's been a long time ago.
Sometimes it was tough when having multiple callers, especially in SSB
It would have been a magnificient display outside when it had been clear and dark, but then wouldn't have made these qso's ;-)
PE1GUR, Ray - JO22TH
FT107M+FTV107R, Linear: 2xGI7B 300W ant: 6el.Quad.
12:07 GM3WOJ IO77WS SSB 10.
13:09 G8VHI IO92FM SSB 10.
13:17 DL6YBF JO31FM CW 40
13:23 DF2ZC JO30RN CW 40
13:40 G8GXP IO93FQ SSB 10
13:50 G4ZTR JO01KW CW 10
1400 DJ4TC JO64PN CW 20
14:06 DL1SO JO53FU CW 20
14:20 OZ7UV JO65DM SSB 20
14:43 GW8JLY IO81JM SSB 40
14:55 M0PNN IO82PS SSB 40
15:50 G4DHF IO91 CW 40
15:58 G4RRA IO81 CW 40
16:05 G3ZXZ IO93CU CW 45
16:13 G4SWX JO02 CW 45
16:15 DK0ZF/P JO43WP CW 45
17:55 MM0CEZ IO75XU CW 40
Amazing strong AU, heard with this setup Stations from SM, OK, HB, OE EW and even I! Unfortunatly they didn't gave CQ so I mist them all. Neverless its nice that Aurora is back, hopefully with much more nice openings.
RW3XL, Igor - KO84DM
SM7GVF - 1387 km
08.09.2017 12:24 144 RV3IG CW 59A 59A LO17FJ
08.09.2017 12:27 144 YL2FZ CW 59A 59A KO37QI
08.09.2017 12:28 144 YL3IQ CW 59A 59A KO17OD
08.09.2017 12:31 144 RN3F CW 59A 59A KO86RE
08.09.2017 12:34 144 LY2SA CW 59A 59A KO14UG
08.09.2017 12:35 144 SM7GVF CW 59A 55A JO77GA
08.09.2017 12:39 144 R5DC CW 59A 59A KO95AR
08.09.2017 12:40 144 EU6AF CW 59A 59A KO35LA
08.09.2017 12:40 144 UA1ANA CW 59A 59A KO69BW
08.09.2017 12:41 144 RA1ZC CW 59A 59A KO59CU
08.09.2017 12:50 144 ES5EP CW 59A 57A KO38NM
08.09.2017 12:51 144 RW3TJ CW 59A 59A LO16XG
08.09.2017 12:53 144 UA3YCX CW 59A 59A KO73EF
08.09.2017 12:55 144 ES6DO CW 59A 59A KO27WX
08.09.2017 12:56 144 EW8W CW 59A 59A KO42EL
08.09.2017 12:59 144 RA4A CW 59A 59A LO20QC
08.09.2017 13:01 144 R4YM CW 59A 57A LO36OD
08.09.2017 13:01 144 RW4HW CW 59A 59A LO43QM
08.09.2017 13:03 144 RW3WR CW 59A 59A KO71TW
08.09.2017 13:04 144 ES4BW CW 59A 59A KO39PJ
08.09.2017 13:06 144 RA3SI CW 59A 59A LO04PT
08.09.2017 13:07 144 RA1AC CW 59A 59A KO49VV
08.09.2017 13:10 144 UA3MBJ CW 59A 59A KO87QV
08.09.2017 13:12 144 R3RW CW 59A 59A LO03NG
08.09.2017 13:15 144 RO3X CW 59A 59A KO73FU
08.09.2017 13:21 144 UT2VR CW 59A 58A KN69PC
08.09.2017 13:22 144 UA3EKX CW 59A 59A KO82BX
08.09.2017 13:34 144 LY2FN CW 59A 59A KO14XV
08.09.2017 13:44 144 UA3XAC CW 59A 59A KO85HC
08.09.2017 13:44 144 UA4AQL CW 59A 59A LO20QB
08.09.2017 13:45 144 UR3EE CW 59A 59A KN88DC
08.09.2017 13:48 144 OH1ND CW 59A 57A KP00XL
08.09.2017 13:49 144 RX3DD CW 59A 59A KO96KE
08.09.2017 13:52 144 EW6DX CW 59A 59A KO45JL
08.09.2017 13:55 144 OH1MA CW 59A 59A KP10CH
08.09.2017 13:57 144 R3MW CW 59A 59A KO97VP
08.09.2017 14:00 144 UA4WFN CW 57A 57A LO66CK
08.09.2017 14:01 144 R2DW CW 59A 59A KO85XP
08.09.2017 14:04 144 R1QV CW 59A 59A KO98FV
08.09.2017 14:08 144 LY2WR CW 59A 59A KO24FO
08.09.2017 14:15 144 RW4NN CW 59A 56A LO48SR
08.09.2017 14:17 144 UA1AJY CW 59A 57A KO49VV
08.09.2017 14:21 144 EW6X CW 59A 59A KO45IM
08.09.2017 14:24 144 RW3SK CW 59A 59A KO94XU
08.09.2017 14:31 144 UA1WAN CW 59A 59A KO47HU
Super AU! Tnx to all for QSO's!
S51ZO, Joze - JN86DR
TS-850s+Javornik 1000W, 2x16el F9FT
G3LTF IO91GG 1385
08/09/2017 14:27 DF0MU JO32PC 59a 59a CW AU 882
08/09/2017 14:32 DL1SO JO53FU 59a 55a CW AU 893
08/09/2017 14:35 DL8YE JO32TC 57a 55a CW AU 865
08/09/2017 14:37 DJ4TC JO63PN 57a 57a CW AU 789
08/09/2017 14:39 DJ9MG JO52TC 59a 59a CW AU 686
08/09/2017 14:42 DF0MU JO32PC 59a 59a CW AU 882
08/09/2017 14:46 SP2QBQ JO94FL 59a 59a CW AU 875
08/09/2017 14:48 DL6YBF JO31OX 55A 55A CW AU 878
08/09/2017 14:53 DJ4TC JO63PN 59A 57A CW AU 789
08/09/2017 14:56 DK2ZF/P JO43WJ 59a 59a CW AU 870
08/09/2017 14:59 DF0WD JO42FD 57a 59a CW AU 826
08/09/2017 15:07 EW3AA KO12TC 59a 59 CW AU 798
08/09/2017 15:11 DH2OAA JO42TU 55a 57a CW AU 831
08/09/2017 15:47 DL9MS JO54WC 57a 59a CW AU 877
08/09/2017 15:51 DH8DQA JO73CE 55a 55a CW AU 733
08/09/2017 16:05 SP1MVG JO74JA 57a 57a CW AU 817
08/09/2017 16:09 DJ9YE JO43HV 58a 58a CW AU 964
08/09/2017 16:14 G4DHF IO92UU 58a 57a CW AU 1366
08/09/2017 16:25 G4SWX JO02PB 55a 55a CW AU 1233
08/09/2017 17:13 G3LTF IO91GG 55a 55a CW AU 1385

Ed.: "AUE" was changed into "AU"
SM4GGC, Stig - JO69RK
4x14el 1KW
13:13 RD3FD LO05UT 55a 57a CW 17
12:50 SP8UFT KO11JI 59a 59a CW 1072
12:51 DL5ME JO52SD 59a 55a CW 819
12:54 OZ1OY JO55SB 59a 59a CW 500
12:57 R3DX KO85OG 59a 59a CW 1488
13:01 EU3BD KO32BX 55a 59a CW 1059
13:04 RA2FB KO05WB 59a 59a CW 701
13:13 RD3FD LO05UT 55a 57a CW 1715
13:26 DL6YBF JO31OX 59a 59a CW 916
13:32 DL9OBD JO42QN 59a 59a SSB 805
13:37 EW6BX KO55CE 59a 59a CW 1107
13:42 OK1TEH JO70FD 55a 55a CW 1035
13:45 DJ2IA JO61WN 55a 55a CW 876
13:47 DL5YM JO62XN 59a 59a CW 765
13:51 RA3LX KO65RE 59a 59a CW 1284
13:55 SP6GZZ JO80FX 59a 59a CW 959
14:06 G4ZTR JO01XW 55a 55a CW 1099
14:12 G4RRA IO80BS 55a 55a CW 1456
14:29 DL3SWS JO53SG 59a 55a CW 696
14:33 PA3CWN JO33AH 55a 55a CW 819
14:51 EW6BA KO55BD 55a 55a CW 1105
14:52 LY3UE KO24OP 59a 59a CW 886
14:58 UA3YBW KO53TA 55a 55a CW 1323
15:13 DL5BBF JO42LT 59a 57a SSB 787
15:44 G3XBY JO02OB 55a 55a CW 1119
15:49 LA6OJ JO38HH 55a 57a CW 412
15:55 G4KUX IO94BP 59a 58a CW 1066
15:59 SP1PEA JO84CE 59a 59a CW 607
SO3Z, Andy - JO82LJ
IC-7100E, 500W, 14el OWL, LNA
RV3IG LO17 1711km
16:00 DK5EW SSB JN48MB 740km
15:47 ES6DO CW KO27WX 839km
15:05 F8DBF CW IN78RI 1583km
14:58 9A1UN CW JN65UG 827km
14:52 HA6VV/p CW JN97WV 542km
14:49 OE5KE CW JN78EG 494km
14:45 UR5LX CW KO70WK 1326km
14:43 OM5LD CW JN98AH 461km
14:28 UR3EE CW KN88DC 1450km
14:22 RV3IG CW LO17FJ 1711km
14:17 OM3WC CW JN88TI 452km
14:14 RD3FD CW LO05UT 1648km NEW # 481
13:48 OK1TEH CW JO70FD 305km
13:42 GM3WOJ SSB IO77WS 1461km
13:32 DF1HF CW JO43WJ 488km
13:28 R3DX CW KO85OG 1361km
Aurora between 270deg to about 70deg
HRD RW3XL, G4KUX, other UA3 stations lot of DL and some SP, SM, OZ, OK stations on CW.
I'm poor CW operator and I had lot of QRM and pileup.
Also local pileup in shack due clubday didn't help.
Noise from 110kV line also didn't help.

Night before - AU was realy strong SK4MPI were 59A between 320 to 65deg! But only SM7GVF on the band!