25. Oct 2016
Autumn is typical the best period for Aurora, as the coupling between de Sun and Earth's magnetic field is strongest. Hence relatively small disruptions may cause Aurora into central Europe. Thanks to Alex, RA4SD for providing some impression from the Aurora in his area. |
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Rig: FT-100, 50W, 9el Tonna+preamp@8M abv gndODX: SM4IVE 1168KMLog: 1721 SM4IVE JO79SD 0 |
Rig: TRX HM 350W + 10eY+LNA CF300ODX: OZ1BEF JO46OE 789kmLog: 13:48 SM6CEN 56A HRD JO67AJ QTF 05 Hrd only13:57 UA2FL 57A KO04FQ 55A QTF 30 14:00 OZ1BEF 59A JO46OE 55A QTF 10 14:14 DK2OY 55A HRD JO44WS QTF 00 Hrd only Comment: Aurora was been here weak. HRD cca 8 stns. Very much local QRM.Best regards 73! Jan |
Rig: FT-817nd, PA 300wt, HA8ET LNA, 9 el yagiODX: RA2FB, 1622 kmLog: 12:38 RA1AC KO49VV12:43 R3CT KO86QE 12:50 RV3IG LO17FJ 12:52 RM1A KO59BU 12:53 RA9FMT LO87BW 12:53 R1AY KP50BS 12:54 UA4WFN LO66CK 12:55 UA4NM LO48UP 12:57 ES6DO KO27WX 13:01 RA1ZC KO59CL 13:03 UA3MBJ KO87QV 13:04 RK9CC MO06PT 13:06 UA4NDX LO48TO 13:09 RA4PZ LO45MO 13:12 RW3VM LO16BF 13:16 RW3TJ LO16MB 13:19 RV9FF LO87CX 13:21 R9TA LO63TQ 13:21 UA9CFH MO07UA 13:27 RK3MWC KO97VQ 13:31 R9FC LO88DC 13:34 UA4UK LO14MA 13:36 RG3R LO03VK 13:39 UA3XAC KO85HC 13:40 RA3RF LO03WK 14:19 YL2FZ KO37QI 14:25 RA2FB KO05WB 14:35 RW4HW LO43QM 14:45 RN3F KO86RE Comment: My first AU from new QTH. Happy with many new calls in AU and new DXCC RA2FB, my new ODX! |