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Aurora is a phenomena which is most prevalent in the regions close to the so called "Aurora Belt". Depending on where you live in the world this belt may be southern Canada or the northern part of the Nordic countries. In these areas Aurora will occur a dozen times a year, even in the quiet periods of the Solar Cycle. If you live more to the south, like in Central Europe, years may pass with little or no Aurora openings.
 Finally, after a very long solar minimum, our neighbouring star has been showing activity since early 2010. Sunspots have been appearing again, but thus far there have been no major Aurora openings. However, we are interested to have infos about ANY Aurora opening occurring in the European area (other parts of the Northen and Southern hemisphere may be added later, depending on Ham and Solar activity). So if you make any Aurora QSOs on 2 metre or 70 cm, please post them into the aurora page using LOGIN, or send as a text file to and The results of QSOs will be plotted on a map of Europe, and/or posted as lists of worked stations.

In order to produce an intersection map of the position of the Aurora cloud(s), we need reports from both stations who have been involved in a QSO, including an accurate beam heading. Please use LOGIN (please register), and file your list of QSOs by clicking: "Send your report" and follow the guidelines. 
Example log entry by PA3BIY:
12:14 PA4EME JO20WX 45
12:17 HA5CRX JN97NM 85

If you are new to VHF DX, you might want to read this small introduction article about Aurora and its relation to the Sun. Other articles related to VHF propagation can be found on the FORUM page.

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Last update: 02. Jan 2025 at 16:42 UTC


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15. Mar 2012

The X-flares, and accompanying CMEs, did not produce significant Aurorae last week.The "small" M9 flare of March 13 did a better job! The Bz went quickly to the south for several hours after arrival of the CME at 13.10z, and produced a fine Aurora.

9A1CAL, Clubstation - JN86DM
500W + 4xF9FT
15:35 OZ1FDH JO56CS 8
17:25 G4DHF IO92UU 330
First AU in 9A in cycle 24 and after 9 years. HRD also: SP2QBQ QTF 15, OZ1BEF QTF 8, OZ5BD QTF 8, DJ5HG QTF 330, DK1CO QTF 340, DL6NAA QTF 340
DD0VF, Steffen - JO61TB
2x9 600W
EI4DQ 1504km
16:36 OZ5BD JO65ER 030
16:46 OZ6OL JO65DJ 030
17:08 LA0BY JO59FV 000
17:30 EI4DQ IO51WU 315
fb aurora with sigs up to 9+30, but I did not call everybody.
(hrd abt 25 diff. calls - HA1 also) Not a single beacon hrd.
Waiting for aurora to east...
DH6DAO, Reinhard - JO41CN
150W and 9ele tonna
17:40 oz5bd jo65er 020
17:58 sm7gvf jo77ga 350
DL8EBW, Guido - JO31NF
TS2000 500W 2x12el
16:46 GM4BYF IO85JV 5
16:49 G4DHF IO92UU 10
Nice to have my first AUR QSO since years again - fun!
DL8EBW, Guido - JO31NF
TS2000 500W 2x12el
16:46 GM4BYF IO85JV 5
16:49 G4DHF IO92UU 30
Nice to have my first AUR QSO since years again - fun!
EI4DQ, Tom - IO51WU
17:02 f6dwg/p jn19aj 40
17:04 f5dqk jn18gr 40
17:07 m0pnn io82ts 40
17:12 f6dkw jn08cs 40
17:16 f6fhp in94tr 40
17:20 f6dcd jn38rq 40
17:22 g0hgh io92ws 40
17:23 dl6bf jo32qi 40
17:25 dl6naa jo50vf 40
17:27 dl3ww jo60fl 40
17:30 dk9oy jo52ck 40
17:31 dd0vf jo61tb 40
17:33 g4rgk io91on 40
17:34 g3wzt io90ux 40
17:35 g0hvq io81ux 40
17:36 dg4cst jo70ds 40
17:41 g4fvp io94fm 40
17:44 g4vwi io92lq 40
17:47 dl4dwa jo61qh 40
17:51 dh2uak jo71fu 40
nice aurora, thanks to all who called me, sri if i missed somebody,did have some qrm at times from local neigbours car! called peter pa3biy a few times but could not get pass the wall of stns calling him, i kept my ant pointing at 40 deg this was best place for max signal for me, i made a few mp3 files of above stations which i will place on my webpages in few days,
73 tom de ei4dq
EU4AG, Andrey - KO13VQ
Ant: 9-el(2wl)., Pwr-50W
LA0BY JO59FW 1064km
15:03 SM4IVE jo79sd
15:13 OH1IM KP01ue
15:44 SM7GVF jo77ga
15:55 OZ1FDH JO65cs
16:38 LA0BY JO59FW
16:51 SM4GGC JO69rk
20:39 R1DM ko49wp
20:51 SM5KWU JO89IP
21:01 RA1AC KP50DB
Weaker than Aurora March 9
F6DCD, Denis - JN38RQ
200 W + 16el f9ft
1163 km
16:50 GM4BYF io85jv 0
16:58 SM7GVF jo77ga 0
17:02 G4DHF io92uu 35
17:20 EI4DQ io51wu 325
Hrd some other, g4swx vy loud & oz1hdf in pile-up
G0HVQ, Darrell - IO81UX
Icom 7400 100W 9 ele Vargarda
SM7GVF JO77GA 1219km
1700 GM4BYF IO85JV 440km
1706 SM7GVF JO77GA 1219km
1709 MM0CEZ IO75XU 446km
1736 EI4DQ IO52WU 400km
Also heard SM4IVE (CQing a long time and not hearing many callers), DK2OY, PA5WT, PA3BIY, ON4KHG and many Gs.

It has been a long, long time since I have heard an aurora on 2m. This was one of the best in nearly 30 years on 2m (new QTH 6 years ago with much better take-off to the north).

Darrell G0HVQ
G4SWX, John - JO02RF
TS2000 + QRP linear
18:06 SM7GVF JO77GA 330
17:58 SM4IVE JO79SD 00
17:49 SM4GGC JO69RK 00
17:40 OZ5BD JO65CH
17:36 PA4M JO22OA 055
17:34 F5PCV JO10IM 060
17:28 F5JNX JN37PV 060
17:27 OK2POI JN79BL 060
17:25 HA6NQ JN98WA
17:20 YL2GD KO37ML 030
17:17 GI4OWA IO74IX 030
17:13 DK5JM JO43QS 030
17:08 DF0MU JO32PC 030
17:03 DR1HN JO43XN 030
17:01 GM4ZNC IO75SP 030
16:58 OH5LK KP30ON 030
16:16 DL4KUG JO64PB
16:15 MM0CEZ IO75XU 00
15:57 G3JKX IO82SQ
15:56 DL6NAA JO50VF 045
15:54 DG5CST JO60DS
15:51 OZ1LO JO55VC 030
15:50 ON7EH JO20F 050
15:49 PA4VHF JO32JE 045
15:41 DH6JL JO31NI 045
15:37 GM4BYF IO85JV 030
15:35 SM4AIQ JO79BH
15:34 OZ1FDH JO65CS 025
15:15 SM4BDQ JP80FG 025
15:12 OZ6TY JO46NA 025
15:11 SM6CMU JO57XK 025
HA1VQ/P, Joska - JN87FI
K3 with MMC144/28 and 600 Watts to 12 el DL6WU
SM7GVF JO77GA 1082 km
15:24 SM7GVF JO77GA 10
15:38 OZ1FDH JO65CS 10
I went to Portabel QTH for tropo DX.
The tropo have End, but coming fine AURORA after a long pause.
The SM7GVF was good Beacon, while during the opening was audible.
I've heard also OK2 stn via AU and have half QSO with OZ1BEF.
I hope to quckly come to the following...
OK2PM, Karel - JN99AO
FT 736 + 200W, 9 elem.Yagi
15:57 SM7GVF JO77GA 10
hrd OZ5BD
PA3BIY, Peter - JO22HB
2 x 12 ele YU7EF, 400Watt, 100% home brew rig
16:30 SM4AIQ JO79bn 30
16:35 GM4BYF IO85hj 35
16:40 MM0CEZ IO76xu 30
16:45 SM4IVE JO79is 30
16:46 SM6CMU JO57xk 60
16:50 OH5LK KP30on 30
16:55 G4VWI IO92la 60
Nice aurora, and some old fashioned strong signals on the band!
PA4EME, Frank - JO20WX
FT847, 0.22 dB NF, QRO, 14 el LFA PLUS 2
18:23 SM7GVF JO77GA 0
18:13 SM4IVE JO79SM 0
When arriving from work the party was almost over. Heard several stations but only two in log.
PA4VHF, Dick - JO32JE
15:48 g4swx jo02rf 60
15:52 sp2ddv jo83ve 60
15:54 sp1mvg jo74ja 55
16:23 oz5bd jo65cs 50
16:26 oz1hdf jo55un 40
16:34 g4dhf io92uu 45
16:45 pa4ps jo33gh 40
17:54 sm4ive jo79sd 345
18:42 sm7gvf jo77ga 330
50MHz some rare qso's!
16:55 sp7exy ko00qv 60
17:04 s57tw jn75ex 80
17:09 ik2hdf jn45ea 80
17:09 yu6mm kn04hq heard me 52a!!
17:12 ha8ce kn06en 80
several DL's JN49/59 s57tw heard me for long time..I was calling CQ that time for a long period but no more stns although aurora was far south...for me first time to work S5/I via aurora since many years...wish it was 2m and not 6m, hi.........
PA5WT, Kees - JO22HG
400 W 16 el. yagi
SM4IVE 1024 km
17:19 SM4IVE JO79SD 0
17:30 G4DHF IO92UU 30
18:09 OZ1HBF JO55UN 330
SM4GGC, Stig - JO69RK
100 W 2x11 el
G4KWQ IO92AQ 1211 Km
15:32 RA1WZ KO47DT 50
15:36 UA2FL KO04FQ 50
15:46 SP2DDV JO83VE 50
15:50 RW1AY KO59CU 50
15:54 OH1IM KP01UE 50
15:55 DK2OY JO44WI 50
15:57 LY2CH KO15OV 50
16:00 YL2CZ KO06WX 50
16:10 DJ5HG JO53IU 50
16:18 LA3PK JO59KV 50
16:30 DL4KUG JO64PB 50
16:36 YL2GD KO37ML 50
16:42 DF1AN JO63SX 50
16:49 YL2LW KO26CW 50
16:50 EU4AG KO13VQ 50
16:53 YL2QW KO17OD 50
17:01 DK5JM JO43QS 50
17:08 DL6NAA JO50VF 50
17:11 R1DM KO49WP 50
17:26 SP1NQE JO84LL 50
17:50 G4SWX JO02RF 315
17:53 G4KWQ IO92AQ 315
17:55 DF0MU JO32PC 315
17:57 DL6YBF JO31OX 315
18:01 OZ5BD JO65ER 315
18:04 DF3WW JO30TL 315
18:10 SM6OPX JO58RG 315
18:17 DL8LAQ JO43XU 315
18:19 PA2CHR JO22DB 315
21:28 SM1CIO JO97HR 40